Mother's Remedies Part 105

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Externally, used for.--Fresh herb bruised and laid over the abdomen, to allay sick stomach and diarrhea of children.

Part used.--The whole herb.

Gather.--Early autumn.

Flowers (when).--July to September.

Grows (where).--Native of England, cultivated here and grows wild in wet places.

Prepared (how).--Essence, oil; infusion made by adding one ounce of herb to a quart of boiling water and steep.

Disease, Dose, etc.--One to two ounces of infusion at a dose. The best form is the essence or oil. Dose of the essence five to ten drops; of oil one to five drops. It should be used carefully.


PLANTAIN. Plantago Major.

Externally, used for.--It is better used externally; the bruised leaves are good for poisonous wounds, bites of snakes, spiders and insects, ulcers, sore eyelids, salt rheum, erysipelas, poisoning from ivy and other skin affections.

Part used.--Roots and tops.

Flowers (when).--From May to October.

Grows (where).--Well known and grows in rich moist places.

Prepared (how).--Tincture, infusion, bruised leaves for external use.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Some claim the infusion is good for snake bites or the expressed juice can be used. This, to my mind, is doubtful and I would advise the usual remedies first. The tincture is good for some kinds of toothache, in one to two drop doses. The bruised leaves or the tea may be used for other diseases mentioned as poultice or wash.

PLEURISY ROOT. b.u.t.terfly Weed. Wind Root. Tuber Root. Orange Swallow Wort.

Asclepias Tuberosa.

Internally, used for.--Pleurisy, pneumonia, catarrh, acute rheumatism, diarrhea, dysentery, sweating and expectorant, falling womb.

Part used.--Root.


Flowers (when).--July and August.

Grows (where).--In gravelly and sandy soils.

Prepared (how).--Infusion, one ounce to a pint of boiling water and let steep. Tincture; buy powder.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose of powder, ten to thirty grains three times a day in womb diseases. For falling womb use one ounce pleurisy root and one-half ounce unicorn root (true), mix powder and give in twenty to thirty grain doses three times daily; and an injection of the same, in infusion, may be given once a day. For pleurisy, etc., in first stage give the warm infusion to promote sweating. Dose,--Four teaspoonfuls every half hour, until sweating is produced. Following is good for diarrhea and dysentery: Tincture pleurisy root two ounces, brandy one ounce, syrup of raspberry three ounces. Half to one teaspoonful everyone or two hours.

POKE. Garget. Coak.u.m. Pingeon Berry. Phytolacca Decandra.

Internally, used for.--Chronic rheumatism, syphilis, sore throat, sore, inflamed b.r.e.a.s.t.s, scrofula.

Externally, used for--For fat people. Caked b.r.e.a.s.t.s, felons and tumors.


Part used.--Root, leaves and berries.

Gather.--Root late in November, cut in thin transverse slices and dry with moderate heat. Berries, when ripe.

Flowers (when).--July to September.

Grows (where).--Native of United States along fences in newly cleared spots, in cultivated fields, roadsides, etc.

Prepared (how).--Juice of plant. Powdered root, poultice, fomentation.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--One to five grains of powdered root as an alterative in chronic blood diseases, syphilis, etc. Juice of plant, half teaspoonful three times a day, for same diseases can be used. For caked b.r.e.a.s.t.s one to three drops of the tincture every one to three hours, at same time applying the root (roasted in ashes until soft) mashed and applied as a poultice; good also for a felon or can apply a hot fomentation of the leaves instead.

p.r.i.c.kLY ASH. Toothache Tree. Xanthoxylum Fraxineum.

Internally, used for.--Chronic rheumatism, syphilis, skin affections, dysmenorrhea.

Externally, used for.--Decoction used as a wash or gargle in sore throat.

Part used.--Bark and berries.

Gather.--Autumn or earlier in some climates.

Flowers (when).--April and May.

Grows (where).--United States in woods, thickets and moist shady places.

Prepared (how).--Tincture. Powder. Decoction of root one ounce to a pint of water and boil.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose,--half ounce every four to five hours. Tincture of the berries is also used for nervous diseases, dysmenorrhea, etc., in ten to thirty drops every two to four hours. Good also in blood diseases, four times a day. Powder for same troubles in doses of five to ten grains four times a day.

PRINCE'S PINE. Wintergreen. Ground Holly. Pipsissewa. Rheumatism Weed.

Chimaphila Umbellata.

Internally, used for.--Kidney and bladder troubles, chronic rheumatism, syphilis, scrofula, gout, gleet.

Part used.--Whole plant.

Mother's Remedies Part 105

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