Mother's Remedies Part 106

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Gather.--In autumn or late summer.

Flowers (when).--June and July.

Grows (where).--United States, etc., under the shade of woods and prefers a loose sandy soil enriched by decaying leaves.

Prepared (how).--Decoction and tincture; put a pound of the dried herb into a quart of water and three quarts of spirits; let stand for twelve days, and then turn off the liquid. This makes a tincture. To make decoction use one ounce of plant to a pint of boiling water and boil.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Take one to two ounces of the decoction three or four times a day; fluid extract can be bought, dose fifteen drops four times daily. Dose of tincture, one-half to one teaspoonful.


PUMPKIN. Cucurbita Pepo.

Internally, used for.--For tape worm and for urinary troubles, suppressed or retained urine.

Gather.--When ripe.

Grows (where).--Common.

Prepared (how).--A tea can be made of the seeds, or an oil gathered from them.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--A tea strong or weak as the age and case demand, may be given freely and is very effective. Do not bruise the seeds, as the virtue resides in the covering. An oil can be gathered from the seeds and is good for same purpose. Dose.--Six to twelve drops several times daily or three drops every two hours. For Tape worm, see article on another page. If it is best to take it as an emulsion get druggist to make it.

Taken at night with fasting. In the morning take dose of salts. Watermelon seed tea is also good for kidney trouble.

QUEEN OF THE MEADOW. Purple Boneset. Gravel Root. Trumpet Weed. Joe-Pye Weed. Eupatorium Purpureum.

Internally, used for.--Gravel stone in the bladder, kidney or stone colic, or other urinary troubles.

Part used.--The herb.


Flowers (when).--August to November.

Grows (where).--In wet places in United States.

Prepared (how).--Fluid extract; or an infusion, one ounce of the dried leaves or plant in a quart of boiling water and steep.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Half teacupful of the infusion may be taken every hour or two as hot as possible. This is a splendid remedy. Drug stores keep the fluid extract, which can be bought and given in doses of fifteen to thirty drops every three or four hours. Some claim it relieves the pain in the kidney stone colic; the Indians used it for that purpose.


QUEEN'S ROOT. Queen's Delight. Yaw Root. c.o.c.k-up-Hat. Stillingia Sylvatica.

Internally, used for.--Secondary syphilis, scrofula, chronic skin diseases.

Part used.--The root.


Flowers (when).--April to July.

Grows (where).--In United States, etc.

Prepared (how).--An infusion of the fresh root, or use the tincture or fluid extract. One ounce of root to pint of water for infusion.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose of infusion one to two ounces. Tincture; dose, twenty to sixty drops. Extract; dose, ten to thirty drops; smaller doses given every two or three hours; larger dose three or four times daily.

This is a good remedy. It can be given with other remedies like poke root, sarsaparilla, etc.

RED CLOVER. Trifolium Pratense.

Internally, used for.--Blood diseases and is often used with other remedies; good drank warm in whooping cough.

Externally, used for.--Ulcers.

Part used.--Blossoms.

Gather.--When fresh.

Flowers (when).--Throughout summer.

Grows (where).--Common.

Prepared (how).--In infusion and salve.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Use blossoms to make tea and drink freely; tea boiled down thick makes a good salve for ill-conditioned looking sores.

ROCK ROSE. Frost wort. Frost Plant. Cistus Canadensis.

Internally, used for.--Scrofula and blood diseases.

Part used.--The herb.

Gather.--In autumn early.

Flowers (when).--From May to July.

Grows (where).--In United States in dry sandy soil.

Prepared (how).--Infusion. Fluid extract. Decoction, use four ounces of the dried leaves to one quart of boiling water and boil.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose of infusion or decoction, one ounce three times a day. Fluid extract is the best form, can be bought and given in doses of half to one teaspoonful three or four times a day. The following combination is good one for secondary syphilis: Rock rose, turkey corn, Queen's root, equal parts; either the infusion, decoction or fluid extract.

Mother's Remedies Part 106

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