Mother's Remedies Part 107

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SAGE. Garden sage. Salvia Officinalis.

Internally, used for.--To stop sweating in consumption, used cold; and used warm to sweat. Gargle in sore throat, colds, coughs, etc., alone or combined with sumach berries or vinegar, or honey or alum.

Part used.--The leaves.

Gather.--In early autumn;

Flowers (when).--In June.

Grows (where).--Cultivated.


Prepared (how).--As an infusion cold or hot; half ounce of leaves to a pint of boiling water.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose, an ounce or two. To produce perspiration give warm. To check perspiration give cold, in smaller doses and oftener. For sore mouth, sore throat, tonsilitis and quinsy, use hot infusion strong as a gargle.

SCOURING RUSH. Horse Tail. Shave Gra.s.s. Equisetum Hyemale.

Internally, used for.--Dropsy, suppression of the urine, blood in the urine, gravel, gonorrhea and gleet.

Part used.--The stalk.

Gather.--Matures in June and July,

Grows (where).--In wet grounds in river banks, hillsides, and borders of woods in United States.

Prepared (how).--Infusion, one ounce to the pint of water.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--For above diseases drink in half ounce doses every two hours.

Sa.s.sAFRAS. Laurus Sa.s.safras.

Internally, used for.--Syphilis, scrofula, skin eruptions, bland drink after poisoning,

Part used.--The bark of the root.

Gather.--In autumn.

Flowers (when).--April and May.

Grows (where).--Common.

Prepared (how).--Infusion of the bark, one ounce to a pint of water; as a mucilage made by using two parts of the pith to one hundred of water. Do not boil.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose of infusion, one to two ounces. Oil, five to ten drops on sugar for menstrual pain, and in painful urination. The mucilage is good for chest disorders, bowels, kidneys and for inflammation after poisoning, as a bland demulcent drink.

SENECA SNAKE ROOT. Mountain Flag. Milk Wort. Seneka or Senega. Polyagla Senega.

Internally, used for.--Second stage of bronchitis in aged people, bronchial asthma, coughs.

Part used.--The root.

Gather.--In autumn.

Flowers (when).--June to August.

Grows (where).--In United States in woods and on hillsides.

Prepared (how).--Powdered root. For decoction use one ounce of the dried root to a pint of boiling water and let boil. You can buy the syrup and fluid extract.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Dose of the decoction, half to one ounce three or four times a day. Dose of the syrup, one to two teaspoonfuls.

Dose of the extract, ten to twenty drops. This remedy is frequently used with other remedies for bronchitis and cough.


SHEEP SORREL. Rumex Acetosa.

Internally, used for.--Scurvy.

Externally, used for.--Good for wens, boils, tumor, ulcers.

Part used.--Plant.


Grows (where).--Well known plant.

Prepared (how).--Decoction; poultice made of roasted leaves.

Diseases, Dose, etc.--Decoction, freely drank for scurvy. Poultices should be applied to above troubles.

SKUNK CABBAGE. Swamp Cabbage. Meadow Cabbage. Polecat Weed. Fetid h.e.l.lebore. Dracontium. Ictodes Foetida.

Internally, used for.--Asthma, whooping cough, nervousness, hysteria, convulsions of pregnancy.

Part used.--Root. Gather.--In autumn or early spring and dried carefully.

Mother's Remedies Part 107

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