Mother's Remedies Part 136
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MENORRHAGIA.--Too much bleeding at the monthly periods. If it occurs between the monthly periods it is called Metrorrhagia, womb-bleeding at any time, especially between the periods.
Causes.--These may be const.i.tutional or local, the latter being the most important.
Local Causes.--These are inflammation of the womb, displacements of the womb, malignant disease of the womb, fibroid tumors and disease of the ovaries.
Symptoms.--Sudden or gradual increase in the amount of blood lost at the monthly periods. Then secondary anemia, weakness and run-down feeling.
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT. 1. Profuse Menstruation, an Easily Prepared Herb Remedy for.--
"Cranesbill Root 1 ounce White Poplar Bark 2 ounces Bistort Root 1 ounce Golden Seal 1 ounce Geranium 1/2 ounce Cloves 1/2 ounce Ginger 1/2 ounce Ground Sugar 1/2 pound
Mix. This compound is excellent for complaints of weak females, such as leucorrhea, bearing-down, or profuse menstruation, etc. Dose: One teaspoonful of the powder, in a half cup of boiling water three times a day. Drink the clear liquid only." Any woman suffering with, female trouble will find the above combination very beneficial.
2. In young girls and women who are not married, thirty drops of the fluid extract of Ergot three times a day. This medicine will cause the womb to contract. Hot douches can be given to married women. If the bleeding is severe it may be necessary to pack the v.a.g.i.n.a with sterile gauze. Ergotin ten to twenty drops, may be needed, given hypodermically. If it is due to const.i.tutional causes, like anemia, a played-out feeling, paleness.
weakness, etc., a tonic treatment is needed.
3. Blaud's pills will do well. This is the formula:
Dried sulphate of iron 2 drams Carbonate of potash 2 drams Syrup enough to make a ma.s.s
Mix and make forty-eight pills. Take one to three, three times a day after meals.
4. If the appet.i.te is poor, bitter tonics such as gentian, qua.s.sia, cinchona, or nux vomica are needed.
Compound Tincture Cinchona 2 ounces Compound Tincture Gentian 2 ounces
Mix. Take one teaspoonful before meals, in a little water.
5. Tincture of nux vomica in doses of two to three drops after meals is a good stomach and bowel tonic.
6. Golden seal root made into a tea is good in some cases, especially if the tongue is much coated.
7. Oil of Erigeron or flea-bane is good for oozing bleeding. Dose: Three to five drops in a capsule every four hours.
8. Oil of cinnamon in one dose of one-half dram is good where flea-bane oil cannot be used or obtained; usual dose, one to five drops. An infusion can be made of the cinnamon bark and drank freely.
9. Cranesbill (Geranium maculata). The fluid extract is splendid when diluted three or four times with boiled water, used locally for bleeding from the womb, or as an injection for the same; or an infusion can be made of the plant and injected into the v.a.g.i.n.a. The local cause mentioned should be treated. The displacement should be corrected.
DYSMENORRHEA or Difficult Menstruation.--This term means difficult and painful monthly periods. The pain may occur before, during or after the periods.
Causes.--It may be caused by a narrow cervical ca.n.a.l, the ca.n.a.l from the inner womb to the v.a.g.i.n.a. This is often very narrow and almost closed.
Again it is produced by the womb being turned back and bent on the ca.n.a.l, thus partially closing it. This causes the blood to be retained in the womb and then the womb contracts to expel the blood, pains being the natural result. Diseases of the womb and ovaries also cause it. Sometimes the membrane of the womb is cast off in the form of shreds or even a cast of the inner womb.
Symptoms.--The flow may be scanty, moderate or profuse, often clotted. The pain varies. It may be slight before the flow, or the first day or two, or it may be severe, agonizing and continuous for one or two days, or during the whole period and sometimes for some days after there may be pains.
MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Painful Menstruation, a Good Tonic for.--"This may be relieved by sitting over the steam of a strong decoction of tansy, wormwood, and yarrow, and fomenting the abdomen with the same. Then take the following in winegla.s.sful doses:--One ounce each of ground pine, southern wood, tansy, catnip and germander, simmering in two quarts of water down to three pints and pour boiling hot on one ounce of pennyroyal herb, strain when cold and take as per dose above."
2. Painful Menstruation, a Home Remedy for.--"Let the patient take an active cathartic; then when put to bed let a half cup of hop tea be given; and a douche of one quart of hot water into which ten drops of laudanum have been dropped, be injected." A cathartic is not necessary in all cases. If the bowels have been moving freely do not take one. The douche will give great relief providing the woman can take one while menstruating. Some women can and some cannot.
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT.--If the womb is displaced it should be corrected.
Any disease of the womb or ovaries should be treated. If the ca.n.a.l is too much closed, gradual and careful dilation between the periods, will often remove this cause in time. The bowels should be kept regular at all times.
1. For the attack.--Never take opium or alcohol for it in any form; it is so easy to form the habit and a doctor who gives it is simply dodging effective general and local treatment between the periods. If it is due to taking cold, or from any local cause, the following treatment is good: The patient should take a hot sitz bath, being well covered by a blanket, while in the tub and afterwards, and should immediately get into bed as soon as the b.u.t.tocks are dried and remain there well covered. A turpentine stupe is now to be used, prepared as follows: Place a tin cup containing the turpentine in a vessel containing hot water. This will keep the turpentine warm. Dip a piece of flannel into very hot water and wring it out in a twisted towel, and after it is perfectly dry and no dripping, dip it into the hot turpentine and wring it out again to free it from too much of the drug. Apply the cloth while hot and allow it to remain until it causes discomfort. Then withdraw it or it will blister the skin if left on too long. Fomentations wrung out of teas like hop, pennyroyal, smart-weed, etc., applied and kept warm often do much good. At the same time pennyroyal tea can be drank freely. A five-cent package can be bought at any drug store. Hot lemonade will help also. The object is to produce relaxation of the tissues through the local applications and tea drinking.
If there is constipation, the bowels should be moved freely with epsom salts, half ounce dose, in the morning before breakfast. If there is much pain a belladonna suppository, one-half grain of the extract, can be inserted into the r.e.c.t.u.m.
2. If the patient's nervous system is run down the "Rest Cure" will be of benefit, and medicines to strengthen the nerves. Exercise, outdoor life, horseback riding are of great benefit in toning the system.
3. Fluid extract of blue cohosh is a good medicine in this disease, especially if there is some rheumatism during the interval. One or two drops every hour will be enough.
4. Tincture of Pulsatilla in doses of three drops every hour is good for the pain, especially in blonde girls and women.
5. Tincture of Cocculus I have found to be of great benefit. Put five drops of a good pure tincture into a gla.s.s half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every ten to fifteen minutes until relieved. This I give in cases I am called to and have not the time then to find out what the real cause may be.
DISPLACEMENTS.--Turning back or retro-displacements. This includes retro- version and retro-flexion. Retro-version means turning back, in plain terms. Retro-flexion means bending back, bending of the body of the womb, or the neck, backward. Retro-flexion is more common than retro-version.
Causes.--Some are congenital, that is, from birth, and a few are the result of some injury, falls or blows. It is more often found in child-bearing women, and this may be due to the fact that the womb has not returned to its normal size and weight, and therefore there is more weight for the ligaments to hold up. The ligaments often relax and do not support the womb as thoroughly as before.
Symptoms.--Backache, a sense of weight in the lower abdomen, difficult menstruation, leucorrhea, sterility, or repeated abortion and constipation. The constipation is often due to the womb lying on the r.e.c.t.u.m.
Treatment.--This is to replace the womb and keep it in position. Supports of various kinds are used to keep the womb in position after it has been replaced, They must fit thoroughly and give no pain or any discomfort whatever. They are called supports or pessaries. If they are fitted properly they do much good. They should be removed often (every month) and not allowed to grow fast or cause sores in the v.a.g.i.n.a. There are the ring support and the stem variety and others. The stem variety can be taken out and replaced by wearer at any time. They are made to buckle around the abdomen. They are bungling but effective. The ring kind should be introduced by a competent person who should see that it is of correct size and shape, and worn with comfort. Sometimes these supports fail to cure when adhesions and other diseases exist; it may be impossible to wear them.
Operations.--One operation is to break up the adhesions, the body of the womb brought forward and sewn (sutured) to the abdominal wall. Another operation is to shorten the round ligaments in the inguinal (groin) ca.n.a.l.
These are the usual operations, and they are quite successful.
FALLING OR PROLAPSE OF THE WOMB.--The womb may come down and remain in the v.a.g.i.n.a (incomplete falling). When the womb escapes at the v.u.l.v.a it is called a complete falling (prolapse or procidentia).
For the Incomplete Kind.--Replace the womb and wear a support for months.
For the Complete Falling.--Replace the womb. The patient should remain in bed with daily, hot, prolonged injections of water for a few weeks. The injection daily of white oak bark tea, of the strength of one ounce of the bark to a pint of hot water, is often of great benefit.
If these measures fail to cure, an operation may be necessary.
MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Falling of the Womb. Unicorn Root for.--"Make a strong tea of unicorn root, and take a half teaspoonful three times a day, This is an excellent remedy for falling of the womb," This is very easily prepared and not bad to take, and in addition to this use an injection of witch-hazel or golden seal.
Mother's Remedies Part 136
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