Mother's Remedies Part 137

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2. Falling of the Womb, a Fine Herb Combination for.--"Peach leaves, mullein leaves and hops made into a tea, and a pint used twice a day as an injection often cures when other remedies fail." We all know that this combination of herbs is healing and especially in female trouble. The hops, especially, are very soothing to the affected parts.

3. Falling of the Womb, a Physician's. Treatment.--"Knee-chest position.

Get down on the knees and put chest and chin to the floor. Retain this position about three minutes several times a day." This is a splendid thing to do, and is recommended by all physicians.


4. Falling of the Womb, a Never Failing Remedy for.--"Ague root (Aletris Farinosa) is a valuable agent to prevent tendency to miscarriage and falling of the womb. It is especially useful for the purpose of restoring the activity of the generative organs giving them vigor and healthy action. Dose of the tincture is from six to ten drops three times a day and of the powdered root five to eight grains." This is an old tried remedy, and is frequently used by physicians alone or in combination with other remedies.

5. Falling of the Womb, White Oak Bark for.--"A mild infusion of white oak bark, or of alum or tannin, used in quant.i.ties of a pint, as a douche, will often give immediate relief."

LEUCORRHEA. (The Whites).--This is an over-secretion from the glands that pour out their contents into the v.a.g.i.n.a or the cervical ca.n.a.l of the womb.

Causes.--It is dependent upon many causes. Tear of the neck of the womb (cervix), displacements, inflammation of the womb and v.a.g.i.n.a, a run-down condition of the system from any cause. The character of the discharge varies.

From a Torn Cervix, the discharge is thick and mucus-like in character.

In Inflammation of the Ca.n.a.l of the Cervix.--A thick mucus discharge also comes from this trouble.

Inflammation of the Body of the Womb.--The discharge is thin and watery.

If the Inflammation is Caused by Gonorrhea the discharge would partake of the pus-like variety.

Symptoms.--Local: is of course mainly the discharge or the irritation often produced by it, especially if it is thin. It then irritates the parts. The patient will be run down. It will be hard to do anything, frequently the patient is very nervous and irritable.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Leucorrhea, Slippery Elm for.--"The immediate cause of leucorrhea is either congestion or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the v.a.g.i.n.a or womb, or both. It is not a disease, but a symptom of some or uterine disorder; hence, general or specific tonics may be needed but appropriate injection as auxiliary treatment will very much a.s.sist in cure. The patient should bathe frequently and freely expose herself to the suns.h.i.+ne, and have good ventilation in the house. If the pa.s.sage is very tender and irritable, an infusion, or tea, of slippery elm bark is very soothing and may be used freely with a syringe. Whatever injection is employed, should be preceded by the free use of castile soap and warm water to thoroughly cleanse the parts."

Always lie down after an injection.


2. Leucorrhea, Glycerin for.--"One part glycerin to six parts water is a very soothing lotion when there is much tenderness, pain or heat in the v.a.g.i.n.a. A teaspoonful of tartaric acid in a pint of warm water is a specific, in some cases, acting like magic. Whatever lotion is employed, always use it warm. After cleansing with soap suds, the medicated lotion of not less than two ounces should be injected."

3. Leucorrhea, Common Tea for.--"A very simple remedy that every woman has in the home is a decoction of common tea; used as an injection twice daily is very beneficial." The tea has an astringent action and the tannin contained in the tea leaves is very effective. This remedy is a harmless one, and every woman suffering with this disagreeable disease should give this remedy a trial.

4. Leucorrhea, Witch-hazel for.--"Cleanse the parts well with clear warm water, then inject two quarts of warm water in which has been dropped a tablespoonful of witch-hazel." This is a very good remedy and sure to give relief.

5. Leucorrhea, White Oak Bark for.--"White oak bark one ounce, water one pint. This makes a very good injection and will be found very effective,"

6. Leucorrhea, a Good Herb Remedy for.--"Inject into the v.a.g.i.n.a with a female syringe, a tea of bistort or beth root, and cranesbill, night and morning and take the following night and morning in winegla.s.sful doses.

White Pond Lily Root. 2 ounces Unicorn Root 2 ounces Wahoo Root 1 ounce Golden Seal 1 ounce Cinnamon 1 ounce

Add three pints of water, simmer to one quart, pour boiling hot upon one ounce of grated nutmeg, one-half ounce ginger, powdered, one half pound of granulated sugar. Exercise in the open air and nouris.h.i.+ng food are indispensable."

7. Leucorrhea, Common Vinegar for.--"Two tablespoonfuls vinegar in two quarts of water (warm or hot), used as a douche at bedtime, until cured,"

This will cure some mild cases and has an astringent action.

8. Leucorrhea, an Easily Prepared Remedy for.--"Red oak bark tea used with syringe; follow with hot water." Steep the red oak bark and make a tea of it, using about two or three teaspoonfuls of the bark to a pint of hot water. This acts as an astringent and the red oak bark contains a good deal of tannin which is very beneficial in cases of this kind.

9. Leucorrhea, Home-Made Suppositories for.--"Take a small piece of medicated cotton, and saturate in pure glycerin and insert in the v.a.g.i.n.a at night, after a warm salt injection has been taken to thoroughly cleanse the parts." So many women of today are careless about taking injections, at least once or twice a week. Many of these diseases could be avoided in the beginning by women being more cleanly. This saturated cotton acts as a suppository absorbing the mattery secretion and in that way relieves the congestion.


10. Leucorrhea, a Good Home Remedy for.--"Cleanse the parts affected with warm water with a little castile or ivory soap in it, by means of an injection. Then inject a full syringe of the mixture, made by dropping a tablespoonful of extract of witch-hazel (Pond's is best) into warm water; repeat each night until cured." The injection of soap and water is one of the essential things to do for leucorrhea, as it cleanses the parts thoroughly and the witch-hazel is very soothing and healing.

11. Leucorrhea, a New York Doctor's Remedy for.--"Fluid extract of Oregon grape root (sometimes called mild grape) mixed with a simple syrup and given in teaspoonful doses, three times a day, is recommended by Dr. W. W.

Myers, as a curative for leucorrhea."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT.--First is to do away, if possible, with local disease, like inflammations, tear of the cervix, etc. The general system should be built up with tonics. The same treatment as for anemia and chlorosis will be usual for this trouble. Refer to those diseases.

Local.--The v.a.g.i.n.a should be kept as clean as possible with the hot water injections. To the hot water many simple remedies can be added with much benefit.

1. One ounce of white oak bark in a pint of boiling water makes a good injection for this trouble. Before any medicine is used the v.a.g.i.n.a should always be washed out by an injection of warm water. Then follow with the indicated injection and retain it as long as possible.

2. Tannic acid and glycerin, equal parts, one ounce to two quarts of warm water, is a good injection.

3. Lloyd's Golden Seal is splendid, used in the proportion of four teaspoonsful to a pint of warm water.

4. This combination gives good service:--

Sulphate of Zinc 1 dram Sulphate of Alum 1 dram Glycerin 6 ounces

Put a tablespoonful to each quart of warm water and use as injection.

It is well to remember the injections must be given in large quant.i.ties, and used in a fountain syringe. A gallon can be used at one time.

5. Witch-hazel in warm water makes an excellent injection in many cases.

It can be used in the proportion of one-fifth water of witch-hazel to four-fifths of warm water.

6. Many other simple remedies may be named, Cranesbill is one. cones are now made for leucorrhea. These are used about every third night and a thorough injection taken the next day. There are many varieties, most of them are good and can be bought at any drug store.


MENOPAUSE. (Change of Life). The active menstrual life lasts on an average for thirty years and ends between forty and fifty years of age. The courts have recognized the age of fifty-three years as the limit that a woman can become pregnant.

The onset of the change of life, may be sudden or gradual. The organs shrink and waste. The womb shrinks and part of its muscular tissue disappears and its walls become thin, soft and relaxed. The ovaries become small and harder. The v.a.g.i.n.a shortens and also becomes narrower. Sudden mental shock, wasting disease or change of climate, may cause a sudden appearance of the change of life.

Symptoms.--Many women hardly notice any change, as it comes on gradually.

Other women have all kinds of bodily and mental symptoms, and some are afraid of becoming insane. The heart palpitates readily, feelings of heat and cold, flushes of heat of the face, followed by sudden sweating. Rush of blood to the head so quickly sometimes as to make the patient lose temporary consciousness. The spirits are very much depressed, sleeplessness is common in some women.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Change of Life, a Useful Herb Remedy for.-- "Motherwort is one of the most useful herbs to relieve obstructed menstrual flow. There is no better herb for cleansing the womb and removing obstructions in the female at change of life. Dose: A winegla.s.sful of the decoction three times a day."

2. Change of Life, excessive Flowing. An Old Tried Remedy for.--"One ounce of nutmeg, grated, one pint Jamaica rum. Mix well and shake before taking.

Dose :--One teaspoonful three times a day as long as necessary." I tried this remedy upon the advice of a physician at the time of "change of life"

and was very soon relieved, so I heartily recommend it.

3. Change of Life. Good Advice From an Experienced Mother.--"The first and most important point to consider is the general health of the patient. If the general health can be sustained there will be no danger attending this critical period of life. Therefore whatever form of disease may manifest itself the one object should be to seek a remedy in time. Take special pains to preserve general good health and take care not to overwork, take plenty of outdoor exercise and keep up a regular action of the bowels.

Purify the blood with tonics if necessary."

Mother's Remedies Part 137

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