Manual of the Enumeration Part 7
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[Sidenote: THE NUMBER 4]
=--n--=When man projected himself into a Physical Body (s.p.a.ce 4 on the Chart of the Luma.n.u.s), the Trinity was demonstrated on earth, that is, the Spirit (value 1), and Soul (value 4), and Body (value 1) total 6. Man could never have recognized the Creative G.o.d in His fullness, unless man first descended into the depths of a Physical Body (value 4), (s.p.a.ce 4 on the Chart of the Luma.n.u.s), which would not and could not vibrate to the G.o.d vibrations, although the G.o.d-vibration should vibrate through IT.
Thus man in the Spirit, and Soul, and Body trinity is able to get a comprehension of the Holy Trinity of the Father-Mother G.o.d (value 1) and the Creative Christ Consciousness (value 2) and the Spirit of G.o.d (value 3) (s.p.a.ces 1 and 2 and 3 on the Chart of the Luma.n.u.s). These are commonly, though erroneously, treated as a combined Trinity in the expression "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."
There should ALWAYS be a pause, at least to the extent of the word "and" between each two of the names. (1 Thess. 5:23. Heb.
=--nn--=Thus the Soul projects itself into this world to take on an EARTHLY Body, Earthly Intellect, Earthly Thoughts, Habits and Brain. It has use for all these and they are not evil. When it has cut its curve through this earth plane life as a part of its great curve through Eternity, it DROPS the body and Body Mind with all its Intellect, Ideas, Inventions, Hopes, Fears, Triumphs, and Joys, and goes ON as a Soul (Sub-Lumas Aries [Symbol: Aries] to Pisces [Symbol: Pisces] on the Chart of the Luma.n.u.s), still along the lines of its eternal circuit, adding the experiences of this plane to its GROWTH, but NOT changing its COURSE on account of the earth life.
=--p--=It does not go to a heaven or h.e.l.l, but on and on to new experiences and ideals, coming back into the earth plane when it gets ready, or when the earth plane has ADVANCED far enough to again receive it. Truly, 'Ye are G.o.ds' indeed! (Psa. 82:6. John 10:33, 34.)
=Positions of the Number 4=
=--q--4 as a Soul Path Number= means that you have chosen the path of the practical things of life, especially the things that will reach the greatest possible number of people. It is a path of some hards.h.i.+ps and labor, in the working out of the G.o.d plan within you, but it is also the path of great rewards and a steady even flowing life. If you use its powers, it is the square deal pathway, and you should choose the path that renders an honest service for an honest return.
=--r--4 as a Personality Number= shows practical honesty of character, reliability, and considerable tendency to hard, earnest work of a useful, practical type. This tendency to hard labor makes also a tendency to hard, harsh speech, often unintended. Do not let this dominate you. Be kind to the home folks, even if you are tired.
=--s--4 as a Predominant Name Number= shows that you will attract those around you who will look to you as a leader in a practical way, such as leader in a union, or small club or lodge, where you are likely to be given an office with practical duties. You will also attract to you those who love a home as a quiet place for the family, rather than a social center.
=--t--4 as a Destiny Number= shows that you are likely to make a large name for yourself, along the line of some practical invention, or the inauguration of a new system that saves labor, time or values to a great extent. It will also have a tendency to make you widely famous as a writer on certain technical subjects, especially some of the "how" types of books for some such trades as engineer, chemist, electrician, cabinetmaker, builder, architect, manager, merchant, teacher, business man or military ideals. At any of these trades you may make your mark and 4 as a Destiny Number makes it more likely that you will do so.
=--tt--4 as a Public Appearance Number.= This gives you a special talent for organizing small groups, and to get them to support you. It makes it easy for you to convince your public of your honesty and sincerity. You must take the part of a "good fellow"
a good mixer. You are naturally adapted to come before the general public, the common people. You should be especially careful to so school yourself that you will be able to "walk with kings, yet not lose the common touch."
Your best and most profitable public appearances will be before the common or working as a leader and teacher.
=--u--Warning To Number 4.= Easy for strong 4 person to overestimate his own importance and to conclude that because he really is an earnest worker, that he is the ONLY one. When 4 obtains too much authority, he is likely to be a type of bully and conceited person. Do your work every day, looking to advancement, but do not let envy master you, if you are one of the very splendid type known as the 4 person.
=The Fourth Principle of Creation=
=--v--=The FOURTH Principle of Creation is COHESION. COHESION, properly exerted, always leads to STRENGTH.
=--w--=COHESION always affects your strength in physical health, in mind, in money matters and in your uses of Soul Force, according to where and how you apply the principle of COHESION.
In the First Chapter of Genesis we read that on the FOURTH Day the Principle of COHESION was applied, by the placing of the stars and the lights in the Firmament. We learn that they were placed there, on the FOURTH day for FOUR reasons: for SIGNS, for seasons, for days and for years. This is recorded in the FOURTEENTH verse. FOUR is the number of struggle and of strength exerted. COHESION, as we said, leads to STRENGTH.
=--x--=In this life the Enumerator learns HOW to gain strength by making his plans hang together around one idea, in other words by exerting the Principle of COHESION, the binding together. The Enumerator knows that no man liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself, therefore the real strength of any plan is in working WITH those who will effect that plan. To bind together by the bonds of love and of mutual interest, which is the strongest COHESION.
=CANCER= [Symbol: Cancer] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 4=
[Ill.u.s.tration: Symbol: Cancer]
=--a--=The Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] Sub-Luma influences those born from June 21st to July 21st inclusive, in all years. The best occupations for one born in the datest of this Sub-Luma will be found along the lines of Teaching, generally common school or similar work; Preaching and the Ministry; Lawyers; Lecturing; Debating; Managing of Hotels, Restaurants and Groceries; Trading; Commerce; Accountancy; Music; Nursing; Hairdressing; Manufacturing mechanical or machinery appliances; studying Philosophy of mystic or occult types. Cancer [Symbol: Cancer]
people frequently succeed quite well as School Presidents and Managers.
=--c--=The most satisfactory mating for the Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] Sub-Luma will be with the Sub-Lumas of Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio], Pisces [Symbol: Pisces], Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn], or Virgo [Symbol: Virgo]. It is well if the Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] type do not marry at all, if they can thus abide.
=ASTRAL CLa.s.sIFICATION= Planet--the Moon= [Symbol: Moon]
=--d--=The Moon's [Symbol: Moon] influence is to form, nourish and sustain, and it pertains to the personality. The domestic and home-loving side of your nature is strong, and you are drawn towards family and parents. Your imagination is well developed, and plays a large part in your life. Feeling and sensation are strong in you. You are likely to change and fluctuate in your moods from day to day, and to lack energy and persistence. You have the ability to become practical and to deal with affairs as you find them in a capable manner. You could adapt yourself to a variety of subjects according to your training; for domestic life, business, practical science and applied art all apply to those who are born under the influence of the Moon [Symbol: Moon]. You are careful and prudent, and inclined to economy and foresight in all things, and are practical and capable when you do not let your imagination or your feelings run away with you.
=Personal Cla.s.sification=
Preferable Jewel Emerald, Ruby, White Onyx Colors Best to Wear and Use Green and Silver Most Advantageous Day Monday Biblical--Belongs to the Tribe of Levi in Israel among the Faithful, the Priesthood. Should support the people spiritually and be cared for by the people materially.
Bible References (Gen. 49:5, 7. Deut. 33:8-11, inc.)
=--f--=Your desires and appet.i.te comes from the vibration of the Moon [Symbol: Moon], which is your ruling Planet, and when the great struggle between your will power and your desire begins this planet will restrain you from some influence upon your senses, in the way of right or wrong. You are orderly and methodical in your habits, and you know that "Order is heaven's first law." You will probably be happy and no one shall take your happiness away from you, if you only keep it within the limits of your home and the sanctuary of your heart. Besides a few solid friends.h.i.+ps, you will have very treacherous friends, one in particular whose odious conduct towards you will almost wreck your life.
[Sidenote: FOURTH HOUSE]
=--g--=This indicates two marriages for you, and it denotes some kind of misfortune in connection with your first union, but your second marriage will be a very happy one; by your work and personal merit, you will be able to acquire considerable wealth, but you will be kept poor by imprudent alliances or reckless speculations. Your friends will be many and really devoted, and you may have a person who comes from a high standard and position in life, who will contribute to your final triumph over your difficulties. You are somewhat pessimistic and inclined to alter your views to reach your goal more rapidly. You have a strictly moral nature; your dealings, shrewd, dreamy and mystical.
=--h--=You have good determination and power, but your difficulty is to focus this force to a definite end. You are attractive, clever, and very magnetic, a good talker and conversationalist.
You are firm, yet gentle; have a good eye to the main chance, and will make much money. You have a good head for detail of all kinds, yet at the same time, you are capable of carrying out big enterprises. Usually you are a little too close in money matters, and should learn to give gracefully on occasion, and be a little more frank and open in your dealings with others. You are diligent, observing and clever, probably calm, and rather calculating. Learn to trust your intuitions more and place reliance in the guidance of your affectional nature. You are naturally pa.s.sionate, rather than affectionate. The strong point in your nature, is your determination, and this trait you may use to bolster up all the others. You are brilliant, and always appear to the best advantage. You are kindly and gentle to a marked degree and your friends find it difficult--unless the friend is a Virgo [Symbol: Virgo]--to upbraid you for your conduct, even while they look with some anxiety at your small errors. You are likely to have a fairly easy time in spite of everything.
=Relativity of Cancer= [Symbol: Cancer] =and Number 4=
=--j--=Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], the fourth Sub-Luma, indirectly relates to s.p.a.ce 4, the Body Luma. Cancer is the HEAD WATER SIGN, and the Human Body is NINE-TENTHS WATER.
=Fourth House or Cycle--Cancer= [Symbol: Cancer] =Influence=
Age Next Birthday, 10-22-34-46-58-70-82-94
[Ill.u.s.tration: Symbol: Cancer]
=--k--Fourth House:= Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] influence; Spirit focusing through the Moon [Symbol: Moon] the planet of life forces, s.e.x, personality. The Fourth House relates to old age, inheritance, and legacies that are likely to appear; the father of the family and news concerning him, or relatives on the father's side. Possibly of a good position gained through some kind of family scandal or trouble. Fairly good commercial and trading years.
=--l--=The Fourth House is chiefly concerned with the personal or domestic environment, residence, and family conditions. This will cause you to feel vibrations that you were not conscious of before. You may be apt to be somewhat depending upon the help of others at this time. These years indicate a time when the attachments of the opposite s.e.x are likely to go wrong and affairs of the heart become upset, or deranged. Disappointments, especially in connection with domestic affairs, are indicated and also disputes with superiors and acquaintances, with separations and estrangements. It is, in fact, a year when many things go wrongly. But viewed from a higher standpoint, this is a good influence, for it quickens the personality and calls out all its strength to battle with the changing conditions. For the changes, although apparently disastrous, are eventually for good.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Chart of the Luma.n.u.s]
_________________________________________________________________ SPIRIT SOUL MIND ________ ________________________________ _______________ _______ SPIRIT 1 2 3 4 5 ________ __________ ________ ____________ _______________ _______ A B C D E SOUL Almighty Bearer Christ Demonstration East ________ __________ ________ ____________ _______________ _______ J K L M N MIND Judge King's Luminosity Material North ________ __________ ________ ____________ _______________ _______ S T U V W BODY Supreme t.i.thes Unknowable Vitality West ________ __________ ________ ____________ _______________ _______ SPIRIT SOUL MIND ________ ________________________________ _______________ _______
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