Manual of the Enumeration Part 8

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____________________________________________________________________ BODY ___________________________________________________________ ________ 6 7 8 9 SPIRIT ________________ ______________ ___________ _______________ ________ F G H I SOUL First G.o.d's Highest Immaculate ________________ ______________ ___________ _______________ ________ O P Q R MIND Omnipotent Perpetual Quadratic Righteousness ________________ ______________ ___________ _______________ ________ X Y Z & BODY Cross or Mark Youthfulness Zenith Plus ________________ ______________ ___________ _______________ ________ BODY ___________________________________________________________ ________

=NUMEROLOGICAL TABLE OF THE ENUMERATION NO. 2= =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE MORAL LUMA]

=(The 5 s.p.a.ce)=

[Ill.u.s.tration: 5]

=--m--=t.i.tle, MORALITY. This word has a value of 41. 4 and 1 are 5. Having now traversed the green age of your innocence in the 4 s.p.a.ce, for three periods of time (3x4 are 12) you come out into the wonder year of 13 (1 and 3 are 4) and then in your 14th year (usually) (14 totals to 5) you enter the 5 s.p.a.ce, the Rosy Pink dawn of the new discovery, LIFE. It is your first realization of s.e.x, of Morality. You here begin to decide what you will do with these new Powers as seen in the letters under the 5, the E, N, and W, meaning EAST, NORTH and WEST. East for Wisdom; North for Spirituality; and West for Power. The color of the Moral Luma or 5 s.p.a.ce is Rose Pink.

[Ill.u.s.tration: CHART OF THE LUMa.n.u.s]

=--n--=Conversion of the body and body mind (s.p.a.ce 5, Chart of the Luma.n.u.s), can never be a fact. Any prayers of the conscious mind can never be answered, except as the conscious mind shall ACTIVELY bring to pa.s.s the thing wanted, through the Subconscious contact with the G.o.d within, (s.p.a.ce 7 on the Chart of the Luma.n.u.s), or through the application of the Second Principle, Choice, to the Animal Plane. The most the body can do is to follow after the Subconscious mind and be a servant to it. For "in the flesh dwelleth no good thing," so much so that even Christ rebuked the young man who looked upon the Master's =body= and then called Him good. (Rom. 7:18 to 25. Matt. 19: 16, 17.)

=--nn--=The Soul or Lord has cut a certain curve of Life to be followed out, by the Sub-Conscious mind, on this earth plane (s.p.a.ces 5 to 9 on the Chart of the Luma.n.u.s). The more nearly we consciously learn and follow that curve in this earth life, the more harmoniously and happily we will live in this life.


The planet of 5 is Mercury [Symbol: Mercury], the Sign of 5 is Leo [Symbol: Leo].

=--p--=A conspicuous 5 in your name or birthdate inclines you to be versatile, changeable, moveable, clever, pa.s.sionate, kindly and humorous. Faults to be avoided are lack of stability, sudden speech without thought and a sort of occasional silliness.

In your name E makes you love the mental and philosophic things; things of the Soul; N tends to bring out the sharply intellectual, in the Mind Plane; W brings out the desire to promote the body at the expense of the mind.

=Positions of the Number 5=

=--q--5 as a Soul Path Number= indicates a tendency to live a life of close balance on this earth plane, close to the edges of temptation. It shows that you are constantly making a choice of pathways in your earth life, the choice of the good or the so-called evil. It shows a restless tendency, a seeking, a constant following after every bright idea, to see if this be good or evil, high or low.

=--r--5 as a Personality Number= shows tendency toward applied Psychology, business efficiency and such subjects. It shows deep thought at times, but more frequently a superficial gathering in of the idea at a glance and acting on it impulsively. Splendid memory of faces, numbers and especially pages and references in books is often shown here, giving all the appearance of deep learning. This is further enhanced by your ability in languages, sciences and learning generally, where the outward show is made by remembering the superficial facts well enough to quote from many angles, without too much real thinking.

=--s--5 as a Predominant Name Number= shows a tendency to attract people of learning around you, to enter into many debates and ideals of a much finer type than you find it practical at all to live up to. It shows the tendency to attract experimenters around you, people who will plunge with you to any depth, simply to see whether you can come up again. The difficult but necessary thing for you is to establish a set line of action based upon calm judgment and common sense and not be led off into gay and glorious ways that lead but to bitter disappointment and regrets.


=--t--5 as a Destiny Number= shows that your soul has determined to try out all manner of temptations. So strong is the influence that about all you can do about it is to "pray that your flight be not in the winter," that is, that you will not have to make your decisions as to which way to go when in the MIDST of a temptation, but that you will have foresight and forewarning enough to know just what to do and DO it that way. You thus vibrate to the Destiny of ups and downs, and will do best in something that involves much travel, variety and change. You crave the chance to bring forth with originality and novelty.

You will therefore find a pleasant destiny if you follow some such occupation as writer, teacher of Psychology, humorist, entertainer or linguist.

=--tt--5 as a Public Appearance Number.= Versatility of appearance is seen here. You would make a good actor or teacher along specialized lines. You would do well in appearing as a humorist or eccentric speaker. Your public appearance will be much helped by a fair knowledge of languages and a good p.r.o.nunciation of words. You should get a good dictionary and keep it handy. Increase your vocabulary by having a regular habit of referring to the dictionary each time you are in doubt about the p.r.o.nunciation, meaning or spelling of any word. Jot them down on a slip of paper till you can get to your dictionary.

=--u--Warning To Number 5.= Your entire struggle and downfall is in your own hands! If you do not make the brilliant success you should it will be because of your own self-indulgence, extremes in action or abuse of your opportunities and the breaking of friends.h.i.+ps that would have helped you. Live at your highest powers, or you will sink to the lowest depths! There is practically no middle road.

=The Fifth Principle of Creation=

=--v--=The Fifth Principle of Creation is DISCARD or Rejection.

DISCARD, properly exerted, always leads to HONOR.

=--w--=DISCARD always affects your health, your mind, your money matters, your perception of the higher Soul vibrations, in accordance with the way and manner that you use the principle of DISCARD.

=--x--=In the first chapter of Genesis we read that on the FIFTH Day the great whales and creatures of the sea were created. These were the first creatures who could be conscious of the Principle of DISCARD, when came the need to DISCARD their young; to DISCARD their enemies and those who should be detrimental to them. The greater their CONSCIOUS perception of the principle of DISCARD, the greater has been their HONOR among the animals, the more intelligence they have shown.

=--y--=In this life the Enumerator learns that some things must be discarded if he is to attain a position of HONOR. We DISCARD indulgences of some kinds to attain to honors in the physical or athletic fields; we DISCARD fiction and trashy ideas, oftentimes, if we would gain HONOR in scholars.h.i.+p; that is, on the Mind Plane; we DISCARD foolish expenditures if we would gain HONOR in money matters; we DISCARD wild theories if we would gain HONOR in the wisdom of the Psychic plane; we DISCARD slavery to any of the lower planes, if we would gain ascendancy on the Spirit Plane.

=LEO= [Symbol: Leo]= SUB-LUMA--Sign No. =5

[Ill.u.s.tration: Symbol: Leo]

=--a--=The Leo [Symbol: Leo] Sub-Luma influences those born from July 22nd to August 22nd inclusive, in all years. The best occupations for people born the dates of this Sub-Luma will be found along the following lines: Government and Politics; the Ministry; heads of large Manufacturing or Selling Corporations (Henry Ford is a Leo [Symbol: Leo] person). Leo [Symbol: Leo]

people make good but sometimes over-indulgent parents; Students of the Occult; frequently Philosophers of an independent or radical type; Artists, Musicians, and often public lecturers and teachers.


=--b--=The most satisfactory mating would be with a Sub-Luma of Aries [Symbol: Aries], Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius], Gemini [Symbol: Gemini], Libra [Symbol: Libra], and sometimes Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius].

=ASTRAL CLa.s.sIFICATION= Planet--the Sun= [Symbol: Sun]

=--c--=Its influence is to give vitality and fire to the whole nature, physically and mentally. It contributes toward dignity, self-reliance, and strength of will, giving ambition and a desire to achieve worthy results in action. You will wish to be at the head of affairs in your own particular sphere, and you will not find it congenial to occupy subordinate positions. You are able to organize and manage affairs and people, and you do not shrink from responsibility. You are kind-hearted and generous, admiring what is n.o.ble and scorning what is mean or base. The social and affectional side of your nature is well developed, and you can easily attract to yourself friends and companions. You like comfort, pleasure and luxury and you must not let desire rule you. You deal best with officers and authority, people in high places, bankers and philanthropists.

[Sidenote: LEO [Symbol: Leo] SUB-LUMA]

=Personal Cla.s.sification=

=--d--=Preferable Jewel Ruby Colors best to use and wear Orange, Red, Purple Most Advantageous Day Sunday Biblical Belongs to the Tribe of Judah, the Tribe of Christ in Israel. The High Priest type.

Bible References Gen. 49:8-12, inc. Deut. 33:7.

=--e--=The Sun [Symbol: Sun] is Ruler, and the Lord of the Heavens on these dates, and it stands as the symbol of vitality and activity of your mind, intellect, love and feeling. And by studying the great creation of the Solar System, in the Seven Principles and their application to the five planes (pages 68 to 77), you will be in a position where you can co-operate with your G.o.d, and create your own environment. There is a certain time in your life, when you seem lifted up on the wings of Fate, which is the truth. You are your own Fate, your own Destiny, as each soul is attracted to its appointed place, and each has its own mission to fulfill. You are given a time for pleasure, a time to rise, a time to fall, and a time to die. Which proves that astrology does exist in fact. All persons born under this Sign of the Zodiac are naturally endowed with strong determination, intuition and purpose, and if you will only persistently hold on and not give up, you are sure to be successful. You like change of scene and occupation, and will spend hours of your time in learning new things and working out new principles. Which is all good for you, when not carried to extremes. You are sympathetic, and tender-hearted, and often generous to a fault.

=--f--=You must avoid pride, and not allow yourself to become over-confident, though success will surely come by this influence in the Future, for this is a fortunate and more progressive portion of your life, and it gives you many opportunities to expand your inherited characteristics. With few exceptions, all persons born under the constellation of these planets have in their hearts, a pure and true love for mankind. And the motto that should hang in your room, is the Golden Rule, for you have it in your power to do many great and good things in this world; it has given you a natural tendency toward the beautiful and artistic, as some of the greatest scholars and students in the world come out of this sign. A Leo [Symbol: Leo] person will nearly always be found at the head of some great humane movement.

You would become very successful in the study of Metaphysics or Occult science. As it would strengthen your will power, and enlighten your mind, and give you the knowledge and wisdom, which would enable you to reach out and grasp the so-called secret powers and forces. The Sun [Symbol: Sun], placed in the sign of Leo [Symbol: Leo] at your birth, promises much success in life, through your own personal magnetism and power to adapt yourself to circ.u.mstances. For a business or profession you would excel in acting, or in an occupation that ministers to the Joy and Pleasures of others. You were born on a fortunate date, and it is up to you, to make good.

=Relativity of Leo= [Symbol: Leo] =and Number 5=

=--g--=Leo [Symbol: Leo], the fifth Sub-Luma, indirectly relates to the 5 s.p.a.ce, the Moral Luma. The s.e.x instinct will destroy anyone as a Lion might, if allowed control. Yet it is the great Creative Force.

Manual of the Enumeration Part 8

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