The Aboriginal Population Of Alameda And Contra Costa Counties, California Part 6

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Arroyo de la Cuesta, Fr. Felipe

MS Lecciones de Indios. Bancroft Library, No. C-C 63a.

This doc.u.ment is one of several handwritten ma.n.u.scripts left by Arroyo de la Cuesta.

Beeler, M. S.

1955. Saclan. Internat. Jour. Amer. Ling., 21: 201-209.

Bolton, Herbert E.

1926. Historical Memoirs of New California, by Fray Francisco Palou, O.F.M. 4 vols. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, California.

1927. Fray Juan Crespi, Missionary Explorer on the Pacific Coast, 1769-1774. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, California.

Crespi's Diary of the f.a.ges Expedition is translated by Bolton on pp. 277-303.

1930. Anza's California Expeditions. 5 vols, Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, California.

Vol. III contains Bolton's translation of the Anza diary of the second Anza Expedition (pp. 1-200) and Font's short diary (pp. 201-307).

Canizares, Jose de

1775. Letter to Ayala, September 7, 1775, San Francisco. Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Papeles de Estado 20 (Mexico).

Microfilm in the Bancroft Library, Berkeley. Roll II, Reel 3M715, pp. 24-32 inclusive.

MS Map, 1775: Piano del Puerto de San Francisco, registrado por el Paquebote de S.M. San Carlos al mando el Theniente de Fragata de la Real Armada Don Juan Manuel de Ayala en este ano de 1775.

Photostatic copy in Bancroft Library, Berkeley, of a ma.n.u.script map on file at the Library of Congress. Said by Henry J. Wagner (1937, II: 342) to have been drawn by Canizares.

MS Map, 1776: Plano del Puerto de San Francisco. Photostatic copy in Bancroft Library, Berkeley. Original in Ministry of War, Madrid: 9a-2a-2-27. See Wagner, 1937, II: 345.

MS Map, 1781: Plan del Gran Puerto de San Francisco descubierto y demarcado por el alferez graduado de Fragata de la Real Armada, D^{n} Jose de Canizares, primer Piloto del Departamento de San Blas.... y gravido por Manuel Villavicencio An. de 1781.

Photostatic copy in Bancroft Library, Berkeley. See Wagner, 1937, II: 347.

Cook, S. F.

1955. The Aboriginal Population of the San Joaquin Valley, California. UC-AR 16: 31-80.

1956. The Aboriginal Population of the North Coast of California.

UC-AR 16: 81-130.

Cutter, Donald C.

MS Spanish Exploration of California's Central Valley. Ph. D.

diss. (1950), University of California. Two copies on file in the University Library, Berkeley. 275 pp.

Danti, Fr. Antonio

MS Diario de un Reconocimiento de la Alameda--1795. (Bancroft's t.i.tle.) Bancroft Trans., Santa Barbara Arch., Exped. y Cam., IV: 192-199. Bancroft Library, Berkeley.

A letter, dated December 2, 1795, addressed to P. Fr. Fermin Francisco Lasuen.

Kroeber, A. L.

1925. Handbook of the Indians of California. BAE-B 78.

Mahr, A. C.

1932. The Visit of the "Rurik" to San Francisco in 1816. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif.

Peralta, Luis

MS Diary, June 30, 1805, San Francisco. Bancroft Trans., Prov.

St. Pap., XIX: 33-34. Bancroft Library, Berkeley.

Pinart, Alphonse

n.d. Transcripts of Mission records. C-C66, Bancroft Library, Berkeley.

Transcripts of the personal names and rancheria names of neophytes in certain missions made by, or at the order of, Pinart from the originals in the respective missions.

The date of the transcription was approximately 1880.

The transcripts are in poor handwriting, frequently difficult to decipher. There is no a.s.surance that all pertinent material was copied. Because of the arrangement of the names the tribal affiliation of the converts is not always clear.

Priestley, Herbert I.

1937. A Historical, Political and Natural Description of California, by Pedro f.a.ges, Soldier of Spain. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, Calif.

Sal, Hermenegildo

MS Informe qu el Ten^{te} Don Hermeneg^{do} Sal hace al Sor coron^{l}y Gov^{or} D^{n} Diego de Borica de los parajes q^{e} se han reconocido en la Alameda conforme a lo prevenido por S. S. en Sup^{or} orden de 9 del presente mes, acompanado del R. P. F. Antonio Danti, ministro de la mision de San Francisco. November 30, 1795. Bancroft Trans., Santa Barbara Arch., Inf. y Corr., 2: 24-35. Bancroft Library, Berkeley.

Schenck, W. E.

The Aboriginal Population Of Alameda And Contra Costa Counties, California Part 6

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