Foreigner - Explorer. Part 6
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"One hardly thinks Ramirez's intentions were to land. In this case, aiji-ma, the owners of the planet were out in s.p.a.ce and armed. And resented his intrusion."
"Bad habits will get one in trouble."
"One concurs, aiji-ma. In this-very likely they did."
"Why run such a risk, counting its previous failure?"
He had no clear answer, even for himself, on a human level. "Desire to throw off an oppressive authority, one might surmise. The Pilots' Guild is that. Desire for alternatives. Atevi, to his knowledge, had only mastered the steam engine. He thought, mistakenly, that contact would be easy-it had been easy, with atevi, before the s.h.i.+p left. It lent him false confidence. In seeking allies, he found an enemy-or made one, by error. He never had a chance to engage Jase in the contact-Jase was, at the time, quite junior. He was unprepared, and fled. This may have been a grave mistake."
"So. This fills in the shadows of the image, but only slightly. Ramirez was ambitious. Are we utterly surprised at his ambition?"
"We are not, aiji-ma. Not wholly. But he was desperate, perhaps, as desperate as ambitious-wholly dependent on the station for fuel. Everything he did found limits on fuel needs. I surmise they continually planned his missions and kept the s.h.i.+p on a tight rein precisely because they lacked confidence in the captains' man'chi. A powerful ally would have utterly upset the balance and given the s.h.i.+p alternatives, resources, everything at a stroke. And patience is not a s.h.i.+p virtue. He looked elsewhere than Alpha, continually niggling away at something he could do undetected. A second contact, with those he might deal with in secret, changing the s.h.i.+p's man'chi, establis.h.i.+ng himself as aiji, making his power firm before challenging his Guild."
"History has sharp teeth, Bren-paidhi. Both our species have found that true." Ilisidi took a placid sip of tea. "So. So. One always wondered what lay within Ramirez's energetic and open-handed approach to us."
"Not only to you, as now seems, aiji-ma. But you were by then used to humans."
"A truly reckless man. So we read him in his dealings. If the paidhi-aiji had not intervened-who knows what his contact with us would have been when he returned? A disaster. Clearly a disaster."
"He had prepared Jase to deal with outsiders. This time, Jase and Yolanda having had intense preparation, he did engage their services-having more foresight than his ancestors, on a year-long voyage toward that meeting. I respect him for that act of foresight, aiji-ma, but, yes, he was reckless. Utterly. And naive in his approach to outsiders. He should have consulted them when his contact with outsiders went wrong-although possibly the incident proceeded too rapidly to brief newcorners to the situation. One has no idea."
"He was reckless. He offended strangers. He brought ruin on his Guild. And what shall we do with this knowledge, Bren-paidhi?"
"Little else we can do, now, aiji-ma, but go to the station and hope to find what Ramirez left in no worse condition than it was."
"And if there are worse conditions?"
"Jase-aiji tells me we have resources to pull off to a nearby refuge, one where Gin-aiji and her robots can work, though it would be chancy and slow. One suspects Sabin-aiji has had that contingency very much in mind. I confess I have increasing misgivings about the planning for this venture."
"Which we have left in human hands."
"I have requested more information on Ramirez's past actions, aiji-ma. Jase is attempting to learn, and he takes our view. But Sabin forecasts a s.h.i.+p-move tomorrow. The last last s.h.i.+p-move, so they think, before our destination. We are forced toward this event, precipitately so." s.h.i.+p-move, so they think, before our destination. We are forced toward this event, precipitately so."
"Inconvenience," Ilisidi said with a grimace. "Uncomfortable, these transitions. One wearies of them. And far too much to hope that these remote station-folk at our destination dine better than we."
"One greatly doubts it, aiji-ma." His misgivings on Sabin's misdirection of his request were heard. Not discussed. Not discussable, since there was nothing, in the dowager's opinion, to be done, except to note the fact against Sabin. Therefore she changed the subject. "One doubts we will find much comfort there."
"We equally doubt that Reunion has entertaining sights to see. We have extensively seen seen a station." a station."
Be brave, she was telling him. Steady on course. Be calm.
"I fear we could never promise the aiji-dowager grand entertainments there."
"Ah, well." The dowager adjusted her laprobe. "We have seen very curious things on our voyage, all the same. Whatever the outcome, we have learned the names of two hundred stars and seen one eat another-Grigi-ji will be envious."
"That he will, aiji-ma." The Astronomer Emeritus would have given his aged life to be on this voyage-but health and duties and the pleas of his students had, the dowager had said, dissuaded him.
"Do you suppose Sabin-aiji plots revenge on this household?"
Back to the Sabin matter. Back to questions of reliability of human authority in charge of this s.h.i.+p-a logical question, since she'd served Sabin poison at her dinner-party, letting Sabin choose it, to be sure: baji-naji. And in that chaotic revolution, she'd made sure that Sabin would not not dictate to atevi where they spent the voyage, and dictate to atevi where they spent the voyage, and not not restrict atevi movements or communications on a s.h.i.+p on which her grandson might have designs of owners.h.i.+p-if atevi had one species-wide bad habit, it was that tendency to take for themselves anything they could lay hands on, if there was no preventative civilized agreement... and s.h.i.+p-humans had never quite established their willingness to defend their own s.h.i.+p. restrict atevi movements or communications on a s.h.i.+p on which her grandson might have designs of owners.h.i.+p-if atevi had one species-wide bad habit, it was that tendency to take for themselves anything they could lay hands on, if there was no preventative civilized agreement... and s.h.i.+p-humans had never quite established their willingness to defend their own s.h.i.+p.
Now the dowager asked, having been informed about Sa-bin's ignoring his request for information-has Sabin a lingering intention of revenge?
And he had to say, with far too little information-"One doubts it would be related to that, aiji-ma. She seems to take the matter of the dinner as a known hazard hazard in dealing with foreigners." in dealing with foreigners."
"And her opinion of the situation?"
"By her history, she might decide to favor the Pilots' Guild for certain reasons, in some attempt against Ogun's authority, on our return to our world. But as regards the incident of the dinner-with this one particular woman, I believe a decision to act against atevi would be a policy decision, no personal vendetta. Humans Humans find this woman difficult to predict. It is a trap to find some of her actions atevi-like and reasonable." find this woman difficult to predict. It is a trap to find some of her actions atevi-like and reasonable."
It was wry humor. Ilisidi was wryly amused. But took the information behind those lively eyes and stored it.
"A grudge is not efficient," Bren added. "And very few of Sabin's acts carry inefficient ornament."
"One finds it very tempting to think one understands this."
"A trap, very certainly a trap. I remind myself daily not to view her as, say, a miniature Tatiseigi."
That did amuse Ilisidi. The aiji's wife's uncle, Cajeiri's former guardian, possibly Ilisidi's lover, was a notorious stickler for tradition, often offended in this era of fast food and faster transport-and a notorious partic.i.p.ant in various schemes.
"Ah," Ilisidi said, "but Tatiseigi would have invited us all to dinner."
True. And made them sweat every minute of it, likely doing nothing at all.
He was amused in turn, "And do you think she may yet invite us?" Ilisidi asked.
"Her customs are by no means atevi, aiji-ma. But this is how I read her. Ramirez deceived the crew in his pursuing alien contact. He kept that secret from his Guild. And from the moment he saw the station in ruins, he knew he had to persuade his crew to leave the ruined station behind, or embroil himself in the rebuilding and defense of the station, which would, I believe, have been a mistake-binding the s.h.i.+p to a hazardous location, and not using the a.s.sets he had-notably Jase and Yolanda. He lied quickly and efficiently. One suspects he grieved not at all for the Guild-but he had to refuel, and he lied to Guild authority, telling them that he was going to our world to find out if there were useful resources there. Perhaps he even offered them the chance to board, and they refused. One suspects so. And failing the Guild's delivering themselves to his authority, he maintained his deception of his own crew and left, with or without his Guild's permission. And of course once he reached our world, it became necessary to deal with atevi instead, and to take nearly ten years making Alpha Station viable. Then..." On this point he was far from certain. "Then he did something curious, given all the rest. He refueled this s.h.i.+p, as his health failed, and in dying, told Jase the truth about survivors at Reunion. He also managed to talk where someone could overhear: whether that was intentional or not, it certainly put the heat under the pot, as the proverb runs." All of this latter history Ilisidi knew as well as he, but he was aiming the arrow of logic at a particular point and the dowager listened with remarkable patience. "So the crew, once they heard, demanded to go back, and of course, the s.h.i.+p being fueled, the surviving captains found it expedient to concede to this voyage-Sabin protested being the captain in charge, but Ogun-aiji ordered her to go-logical, since he communicates far more easily with the planet, and Sabin-aiji is far more skilled with the s.h.i.+p. Sabin-aiji undertakes this mission under protest... she finds herself poisoned before the s.h.i.+p leaves dock, and accedes to the arrangement that atevi will go where they like-as human crew can't, on this s.h.i.+p. Understand, aiji-ma, that very, very many who work aboard have never set foot in the control center-persons whose jobs run ordinary operations, maintenance, cooking, cleaning-lately, opening and provisioning the three decks of the s.h.i.+p that can take the population of the s.p.a.ce station and feed and house it, as if we shall indeed find survivors-which Sabin now avows she very much doubts. Yet all this work proceeds."
"Keeping the populace quiet."
"Indeed, aiji-ma. A very few at top who know everything, and a great many common folk who have to trust their aijiin to make good decisions... and who may waver in their man'chi if previous lies become evident. Therein the s.h.i.+p's authority has operated in some fear of discovery. And Jase has uncovered one lie. One suspects there are others."
"The crew's patience is fragile. Their expectations come closer and closer to the moment of truth. Jase now knows the image they were shown belowdecks was completely, deliberately falsified. If they see the same sight as we come in, they will know they were deceived. And that will lead them to question Ramirez, whom they hold as their great aiji. If that reputation cracks-indeed there will be a crisis of man'chi-partly grounded in the fact that Sabin already distrusts the crew. She affects to choose her isolation from those of her man'chi-not as mad as it sounds, for a human, aiji-ma, even a sign of strength-but a fragile strength, once the crew becomes disaffected and rebellious. And that could happen: the old Guild is very generally blamed even by the crew for past bad decisions, and crew has abandoned that Guild, blaming it for whatever dangerous situation exists. In their view, innocent persons could have been rescued from the station immediately if the Guild hadn't ordered Ramirez to the contrary."
"This, you say, is the popular rumor. Is it, however, true?"
"We have no idea. We suspect even Sabin lacks information-she avows that Ramirez created Jase and Yolanda to deal with aliens he hoped would give him a means to defy the Guild. One listened to Sabin say so-and remembers at the same time that Sabin herself may have stronger man'chi toward the Guild than any of the other captains, living or dead. Jase, on the other hand, lacking other information, believed he and Yolanda were created to deal with the Mospheiran colony. But the plain truth is, we have no knowledge what Ramirez promised the Guild before he left for our world. He may have lied to everyone, top to bottom."
"Ah, what a lovely nest of contrary intent."
"s.h.i.+p's records might clarify this. Jase persists in trying to obtain them-but the s.h.i.+p-move will give us no time to deal with anything we learn at our best advantage, even if he can get the records from Sabin. And they may not be relevant when we get there. This s.h.i.+p has been away from Reunion for a decade. Anything could have happened there."
"Certain things have happened on this s.h.i.+p, have they not? We will not, as a start, recognize the authority of this Guild to be above our own."
Could one ever doubt the dowager's resolve? And that was was the order of the universe he served-the point at which he and Jase might diverge, the point at which he had to be what he was-and Jase had to; and that was the way things would be. the order of the universe he served-the point at which he and Jase might diverge, the point at which he had to be what he was-and Jase had to; and that was the way things would be.
"I know Gin-aiji will very strongly join you, aiji-ma. The Guild comes to us begging resources, after having mismanaged human affairs for several hundred years, and Mospheira has relations with the s.h.i.+p-aijiin, but not not with the Guild at Reunion. Have no doubt that the Presidenta of Mospheira will stand behind you. Conceivably the crew of this s.h.i.+p might stand behind you, in any falling-out with their aijiin-though I would never predict that." with the Guild at Reunion. Have no doubt that the Presidenta of Mospheira will stand behind you. Conceivably the crew of this s.h.i.+p might stand behind you, in any falling-out with their aijiin-though I would never predict that."
"Have you explained this state of affairs to Gin-aiji? Or to Jase?"
"I came straight to you, aiji-ma."
"Prudence, aiji-ma. Among humans, keeping one's subordinates in the dark is sometimes a matter of common sense and security-as long as one fails to mention it openly, Gin will take it for secret."
"A very tangled skein."
"For Gin's pride, if nothing else. She knows Sabin holds her in complete disregard. It's a sore point with her, but fails to provoke her."
"Sabin does not highly regard Mospheirans in general," the dowager observed.
"Sabin still views Mospheirans as rebels from s.h.i.+p authority, aiji-ma. She respects Tabini-aiji and she respects you, aiji-ma. If she wanted something from the planet, I'm sure she'd go straight to the aiji and negotiate without even thinking that the Presidenta of Mospheira-or Gin-might be able and willing to give her what she needed. Sabin doesn't want them here-far more than she suspects atevi intentions, she suspects Mospheirans. Ramirez's reasons for avoiding Alpha and courting outsiders were not only his."
"Curious," Ilsidi said. "Very curious thinking."
"Our ancestors were extremely hostile to their Guild."
"One sees a certain grounds for suspecting a hidden man'chi, paidhi-ji."
"Old feuds die harder than old loyalties, aiji-ma. Even Sabin might not realize how strong the old opinions are in her. And one worries, too, about att.i.tudes among the population we mean to rescue. Who knows what the Guild told them-or what the truth is? They They may have been told Ramirez refused to pick them up. I find it entirely possible he did refuse, in favor of first establis.h.i.+ng his own authority at Alpha-which even Jase may not suspect. Mospheirans would not take that behavior well, if that were the case. Let alone the crew's opinion." may have been told Ramirez refused to pick them up. I find it entirely possible he did refuse, in favor of first establis.h.i.+ng his own authority at Alpha-which even Jase may not suspect. Mospheirans would not take that behavior well, if that were the case. Let alone the crew's opinion."
"Certainly a tangled mess, aiji-ma. I advise only keeping the lid on that pot."
"Never examine a stew too closely. It offends the cook. Consult your clever islanders. If Gin-aiji says anything useful, advise us."
He gave a wry smile. "I shall, nand' dowager." Half-frozen in the temperature the dowager favored, he took it for leave to go.
"Don't coddle that boy," she snapped.
"Yes, aiji-ma." He reached the door, slipped out. Servants, waiting all this time, breaths frosting in the chill, conducted him back through the labyrinth to the foyer.
Banichi and Jago had pa.s.sed the brief interval at tea with Cenedi-doubtless the eccentricities of the s.h.i.+p-aijiin had been the topic of the hour. And likely the dent in the hall had been a small issue. Last week it had been a spring-gun, and a sailing-plane launched from a slingshot prior to that.
"I need to speak with Gin, nadiin-ji," he told them, once they stood in the warmth of the main corridor. I'll call her I'll call her, he'd almost said, meaning the intercom. He'd been an hour upstairs and that unacceptable notion just leapt out. He thought instead about going to her office, but that venue was not as secure, and if he was going to violate Sabin's clearly expressed wishes for secrecy, he wanted not to risk spreading the news to Gin's team. "Suggest to her staff she would be welcome in a social call."
"Asicho hears," Jago said.
"One will advise Narani," Banichi added.
Done, then. His arrangements moved with many more parts, but well-oiled, efficient. A dinner event of adequate size and service would happen if Ginny Kroger's staff and his managed to communicate. He could imagine it. Yo! Gin! It's the atevi Yo! Gin! It's the atevi, gracelessly shouted to Gin's office, would get a cheerful Mospheiran answer: Sure I'll come. What time Sure I'll come. What time?
Mospheirans viewed themselves as fussily formal. viewed themselves as fussily formal.
They walked back to his apartment, where he shed the coat in favor of a dressing-robe. He was able to sit down and take notes, while invitations to Gin percolated through the vents, and while Banichi and Jago consulted Asicho in the security station, catching up on any untoward bit of business that might have gone on-the dent seemed the notable item on five-deck. He made a file, meanwhile, out of the upstairs conference, neatly indexed for points of particular interest, robotically translated, down to the point where the mindless machine couldn't tell the difference between like words and where his staff couldn't be expected to figure the meaning.
Noon pa.s.sed. He skipped lunch. Jago brought him the transcript of the verbal exchanges upstairs, and he traded them Jase's tape.
"There's not too much to translate here," he said, "but index it carefully, nadi-ji."
"Yes," Jago said, and added, just as the door opened. "One believes that will be Gin-nadi and one of her staff."
"Excellent," he said. They hadn't disturbed him with the report, but the mission was accomplished. And as Narani showed Ginny into his makes.h.i.+ft study, Jago deftly picked off the aide and requested him, in pa.s.sable Mosphei', to come for a separate, far less informative briefing.
"It's all right," Ginny a.s.sured her aide, who had to be used by now to the concept that when lords talked, aides made themselves invisible.
"Tea, Rani-ji," Bren requested. "Do sit, Gin. I take it you've heard a bit from my staff."
"At least the topic and the source." Ginny settled-sixtyish, no different than he'd first met her: thin, gray, with an inbuilt frown that hadn't been an instantly endearing feature when they'd first met. Nor had the habit of challenging him. He'd come to treasure that bluntness, and her. "I take it the senior captain isn't supposed to know we're talking."
"She knows she won't prevent us talking. But it is sensitive."
"Our problem or hers?"
"Both. I think in this we ought to accommodate her. If this does get out at the wrong moment, it could cause problems." Narani provided the tea, aromatic, safe for humans, tinged with fruit and spice. "Thank you, Rani-ji. We'll manage."
"Nandi." Narani politely withdrew-not the microphones that a.s.sured everything would be available for reference, but withdrew, at least, his visible presence. Ginny a.s.suredly knew they were bugged, and came here without objection: it was just procedure, and she came.
And came, not infrequently, for the company the stuffy Mospheiran notion of hierarchy didn't give her within her small technical staff. Back on Mospheira, or in Shejidan, one held short, sharp meetings. Onboard s.h.i.+p, with far less diversion-meetings lasted, especially in the atevi section. Lasted through the afternoon, if need be. With tea and refreshments.
"So?" Ginny asked him, and he told her in great detail.
"Lied to the crew, too," Ginny said with a shake of her head.
"Lied to the Guild, lied to Jase-lied to everybody. Not surprising."
"On Ramirez's side, there was some reason. It was a useful lie. And one Ramirez could have predicted would give him maximum maneuvering room with us. But still-"
"But still. But still. But still." Ginny, the guest, lifted her cup for a refill. They'd gone through one pot and were on their second. "You know, you always wonder what things would be like if there weren't these diversions into deception. Unvarnished truth never seems the s.h.i.+p's first recourse. The expectation that the crew would be rational. The expectation one's allies might just realize that s.h.i.+p command hasn't told the whole truth on any major point in the last three hundred years... I mean, don't they figure we'd figure, sooner or later? That crew would?"
Bren poured the bottom of the pot for himself. "I think they figure we'll figure they'll be lying and they'd only confuse everyone if they told the truth."
"Point," Ginny agreed. "But from the absolute start. From the very start of them going in, Ramirez, faking that image. d.a.m.n him. Chasing aliens, for G.o.d's sake. And he's the good good guy." guy."
"We a.s.sume he was on the side of the angels. Jase a.s.sumes he was. These days, Jase isn't any more sure of that than we are."
"h.e.l.l on Jase, stuck up there with Sabin-b.i.t.c.h for company. You think he can get those other records?"
"We're moving s.h.i.+p tomorrow. He's sticking close to Sabin. He says he'll try." Jase didn't know a thing about ops, or rather, knew as much as he'd been able to pick up by hearing, but he'd never so much as been on the bridge for a look around before being named captain by the aforesaid Ramirez. "I won one thing. I've asked-insisted-both the paidhiin should be on the bridge at arrival in system."
"And Sabin said?"
"Oh, she's not totally in favor. But she agreed."
"Good G.o.d."
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