Marvels of Pond-life Part 2
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Polyps may be obtained at all times of the year by bringing home duckweed, conferva, and other water-plants from the ponds. Some hauls may be unsuccessful, but if one pond is not propitious others should be tried. The plants should be put in a capacious vessel of water, and placed in the light, where, if polyps be present, they will show themselves within twenty-four hours, either attached to the sides of the gla.s.s, or hanging from the plants, or suspended head downwards from the upper film of the water. They are elegant objects, and may be kept without difficulty for some weeks. After being confined in a small quant.i.ty of water for purposes of examination, they should be carefully replaced in the larger vessel, and may thus be used again and again without suffering any injury. A low power--a three or two-inch gla.s.s--or a one-inch, reduced by employing the erector--is the most convenient for examining the whole creature, but higher powers are necessary to make out its minute structure. They should be viewed with direct and oblique light, as transparent and also as opaque objects. In the latter case the "Lieberkuhn," or polished silver speculum, is convenient, and if the microscope is not furnished with Lister's dark wells, a small piece of black paper may be stuck behind the object, by simply wetting it with the tongue.[4]
[4] The side silver reflector is useful for illuminating such objects.
Although the polyps are remarkable for the simplicity of their organization, they do not the less exhibit the wonderful nature of animal life. Their bodies are composed of the substance, called _sarcode_, in which is imbedded a colouring matter resembling that in the leaves of plants; every part possesses irritability and contractility, and they are very sensitive to the stimulus of light. The outer layer of their bodies is harder than the inner layer. These layers are severally called _ectoderm_ and _endoderm_. They may be cut and grafted like trees, and if turned inside out, the new inside digests and a.s.similates as well as the old. Whether any form of consciousness can belong to creatures which have no distinct nervous system is open to doubt, but it would seem probable from their movements that food and light afford them something like a pleasurable sensation in a very humble degree. If we were sufficiently acquainted with the secrets of molecular combination we might discover that the various functions of these simple organisms were discharged by different _particles_, although it is only in higher creatures that muscular particles are aggregated into muscles, or nerve particles into nerves.
Having examined the general appearance and proceedings of the hydra, let us cut off a tentacle, or take a small specimen and gently crush it by pressing down the cover of the live box, and place the object so prepared under a power of about three hundred linear. If we then illuminate it with a moderate quant.i.ty of oblique light, we shall discover round the edge of the tentacle a number of small cells or capsules, from some of which a very slender wire or thread will be emitted.[5] These are the stinging organs of the polyp, and resemble those which Mr. Gosse has so ably elucidated in the sea anemones. Some writers have endeavoured to show that they are not stinging organs at all, but so large an amount of evidence to the contrary is acc.u.mulated in Mr. Gosse's 'Actinologia Britannica,' that no reasonable doubt remains. The stinging capsules of the polyp are shown in the annexed sketch, and also the way in which they are employed, for it fortunately happened that on exposing one of the hydras to pressure in the live box, a small worm (_Anguillula_) escaped, which had been pierced with the minute weapons which are supposed to convey a poison into the wound. The authors of the 'Micrographic Dictionary' think that the p.r.o.ngs of the forks, which will be seen to point upwards in the sketch,[6] are springs, and occupy a reversed position in the capsule cells, and that their function is to throw out the threads. However this may be, the polyps, and similarly endowed creatures, have the power of darting out their poison threads with considerable force, and Mr. Gosse found that the anemone was able to pierce a thick piece of human skin.
[5] See page 34, C and D.
[6] See page 38.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Anguillula pierced by stinging organs of the _Hydra viridis_.]
The same excellent observer attributes the emission of the anemone poison threads, which he considers hollow, to the injection of a fluid.
In their quiescent state, he thinks they are drawn in, like the finger of a glove, and are forced out as the liquid enters their slender tubes.
Possibly the polyp stinging organs may have the same structure.
Notwithstanding their dangerous weapons, polyps are often infested with a parasite, the _Trichodina pediculus_, as shown in Fig. E, page 49, and it must happen that either this visitation is not disagreeable, or that the Trichodina is not influenced by the poison.
As the plants in the bottles decayed, some of the animalcules died off and others appeared. In one bottle, containing decaying chara, _Paramecia_ abounded. The _Paramecia_, of which there are various species, have always been favourite objects with microscopists. The Germans call them "slipper animalcules," and they vary in size from 1--96"[7] to 1--1150". They are flat rounded-oblong creatures, with a distinct integument or skin, "through which numerous vibratile cilia pa.s.s in regular rows."[8] They are furnished with a distinct mouth, and adult specimens exhibit star-shaped contractile vesicles in great perfection.
[7] The usual mode of giving dimensions is by fractions thus expressed: 1--96" means one ninety-sixth of an inch.
[8] 'Micrographic Dictionary.'
The swarm of specimens before us belong to one species, _Paramecium aurelia_, the _Chrysalis animalcule_, and they crowd every portion of the little water-drop we have taken up, and examined with a power of about one hundred linear. When they are sufficiently quiet a power of about four hundred may be used with advantage, and Pritchard recommends adding a little indigo and carmine to the water, in order to see the cilia more clearly, or rather to render their action more plain. The cilia are disposed lengthwise, and Ehrenberg counted in some rows sixty or seventy of them, making an aggregate of three thousand six hundred and forty organs of motion in one small animated speck. This number seems large, but although we have never performed the feat of counting them, we should have expected it to prove much greater. Unlike most animalcules they are susceptible of being preserved by drying upon gla.s.s, and we subjoin a figure from Pritchard, of one thus treated, in which the star-shaped vesicles are clearly seen. These curious organs communicate with other vessels, and, as we have previously stated, are probably connected with respiration and excretion.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Paramecium aurelia. A dried specimen showing the vesicles.--_Pritchard._]
The genus _Paramecium_ is now confined to those creatures which exhibit rows of longitudinal cilia of uniform length, which are dest.i.tute of hooks, styles, or other organs of motion than the cilia, which have a lateral mouth, and no eye-spots. One mode of increase is by division, which may be easily observed; another is through the formation of true eggs as traced by Balbiani.
Another of the treasures from the pond was a species of _Trachelius_, or long-necked ciliated animalcule, which kept darting in and out of a slimy den, attached to the leaf of a water-plant. The body was stout and fish-shaped, the tail blunt, and the neck furnished with long conspicuous cilia, which enabled the advancing and retreating movements to be made with great rapidity. The motions of this creature exhibit more appearance of purpose and design than is common with animalcules, but in proportion as these observations are prolonged, the student will be impressed with the difficulty of a.s.suming that anything like a reasoning faculty and volition, is proved by movements that bear some resemblance to those of higher animals, whose cerebral capacities are beyond a doubt. It is, however, almost impossible to witness motions which are neither constant nor periodic, without fancying them to be dictated by some sort of intelligence. We must, nevertheless, be cautious, lest we allow ourselves to be deceived by reasoning so seductive, as the vital operations of the lowest organisms may be merely ill.u.s.trations of blind obedience to stimuli, in which category we must reckon food, and until we arrive at forms of being which clearly possess a ganglionic system, we have no certainty that a real will exists, even of the simplest kind; and perhaps we must go still higher before we ought to believe in its presence.
Ehrenberg was much struck with the restless character of many infusoria--whether he looked at them by day or by night, they were never still. In fact their motions are like the involuntary actions which take place in the human frame; and if attached to their bodies we observe cilia that never sleep, the living membrane of some of our own organs, the nose, for example, is similarly ciliated, and keeps up a perpetual though unconscious work.
Paramecia--Effects of Sunlight--Pterodina patina--Curious tail--Use of a Compressorium--Internal structure of Pterodina--Metopidia--Trichodina pediculus--Cothurnia--Salpina--Its three-sided box--Protrusion of its gizzard mouth.
The _Paramecia_, noticed in the last chapter, have increased and multiplied their kind without any fear lest the due adjustment between population and food should fail to be preserved. A small drop of the sc.u.m from the surface of the water in their bottle is an astounding sight. They move hither and thither in countless numbers, seldom jostling, although thick as herrings in a tub, and in many portions of the field the process of self-fissure, or multiplication by division, is going on without any symptoms of discomfort on the part of the parent creature. This is an interesting sight, but we will not linger over it, for the sun is s.h.i.+ning, and there is enough warmth in the air to make it probable that the ponds will be more prolific than in the cold winter months. Suns.h.i.+ne is a great thing for the microscopic hunter; it brings swarms of creatures to the surface, and the Rotifers are especially fond of its genial beams. Even if we imitate it by a bright lamp, we shall attract crowds of live dancing specks to the illuminated side of a bottle, and may thus easily effect their capture by the dipping-tube.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Pterodina patina.]
This year the March suns.h.i.+ne was not lost, for on the third of that month I obtained a bottleful of conferva from a pond about a mile from my house, and lying at the foot of the Highgate hills. Water-fleas were immediately discovered in abundance, together with some minute worms, and a ferocious-looking larva covered with scales; but what attracted most attention was a Rotifer, like a transparent animated soup-plate, from near the middle of which depended a tail, which swayed from side to side, as the creature swam along. The head exhibited two little red eyes; two tufts of cilia rowed the living disk through the water, and the gizzard worked with a rapid snapping motion, that left no doubt the ciliary whirlpools had brought home no slender stores of invisible food.
Sometimes the end of the tail acted as a sucker, and fixed the animal tightly to the gla.s.s, when the wheels were protruded, and the body swayed to and fro. Then the sucker action ceased, and as the creature swam away, a tuft of cilia was thrust out from the extremity of the tail. A power of one hundred linear was sufficient to enable the general nature of this beautiful object to be observed, but to bring out the details, much greater amplification was required, and this would be useless if the little fidget could not be kept still.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Pterodina patina--gizzard.]
The size of the creature, whose name we may as well mention was _Pterodina patina_, rendered this practicable, but required some care.
The longest diameter of the body, which was not quite round, was about 1--120", so that it was visible to the naked eye, and as a good many were swimming together, one could be captured without much difficulty, and transferred with a very small drop of water to the live-box. Then the cover had to be put on so as to squeeze the animal just enough to keep it still without doing it any damage, or completely stopping its motions. This was a troublesome task, and often a little overpressure prevented its success.
Some observers always use in these cases an instrument called a _compressorium_, by which the amount of pressure is regulated by a lever or a fine screw; but whether the student possess one or not, he should learn to accomplish the same result by dexterously manipulating a well-made live-box. We will suppose the _Pterodina_ successfully caged, and a power of about one hundred and fifty linear brought to bear upon her, for our specimen is of the "female persuasion." This will suffice to demonstrate the disposition and relation of the several parts, after which one of from four hundred to five hundred linear may be used with great advantage, though in this case the illumination must be carefully adjusted, and its intensity and obliquity frequently changed, until the best effect is obtained.
We find, on thus viewing the Pterodina, that it is a complex, highly organized creature, having its body protected by a _carapace_, like the sh.e.l.l of a tortoise, but as flexible as a sheet of white gelatine paper, which it resembles in appearance. Round the margin of this carapace are a number of little bosses or dots, which vary in different individuals.
The cilia are not disposed, as at first appeared, in two separate and distinct disks, but are continuous, as in the annexed sketch. Down each side are two long muscular bands, distinctly _striated_, and when they contract, the ciliary apparatus is drawn in. As this contraction takes place, two apparently elastic bands, to which the ciliary lobes are attached, are bent downwards, till they look like the C springs behind a gentleman's carriage; and they regain their former position of slight curvature, when the cilia are again thrust out.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Pterodina patina--tail-foot.]
The gizzard is three-lobed, and curiously grasped by forked expansions of the handles of the hammers. The tail, or tail-foot, can be withdrawn or thrust out at the will of the creature; and when in a good position for observation, a slight additional pressure will keep it so for examination. Delicate muscular longitudinal bands, forked towards the end of their course, supply the means of performing some of its motions, and one, or perhaps two, spiral threads extend through the upper half of its length, and either act as muscles, or as elastic springs for its extension. The intestines and other viscera are clearly exhibited, and a strong ciliary action conducts the food to the gizzard-mouth.
To return to the tail. One spiral fibre is easily discovered; but I have often, and at an interval of months, seen the appearance of two, and am in some doubt whether this was a deception, arising from the compression employed, or was a genuine indication.
[Ill.u.s.tration: A. Metopidia ac.u.minata, as drawn by Mr. Gosse. B.
Specimen as seen and described in text. _c._ Mouth or gizzard.]
Where this Rotifer occurs I have usually found it plentiful, but unfortunately could obtain no constant supplies after I had determined to make a special study of the remarkable tail, which is much more complicated than I have described. The _Pterodina_ lived for some time in captivity, and for a week or two I could obtain them from my gla.s.s tank. They were likewise to be found for some weeks in the same part of the pond, but not all over it, until one day not a single specimen could be discovered, notwithstanding a persevering search nor was I afterwards able to get any from that pond during the remainder of the year.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Trichodina pediculus.]
Several other Rotifers, with and without carapaces, were among the same ma.s.s of confervae, among them a _Metopidia_, with a firm sh.e.l.l, a forked jointed tail, and a projection in front which worked like a pickaxe among the decaying weed. There were likewise specimens of the long-necked animalcules (Trachelii), groups of Vorticella, some specimens of Volvox, and a small _Trichodina pediculus_, which, when magnified two hundred and sixty linear, was about the size of a sixpence and equally round. The edge was beautifully fringed with a circle of cilia; in an inner circle was a row of locomotive organs, and the centre exhibited vacuoles constantly opening and shutting. This creature, as before explained, is often found as a parasite upon the polyps. On one occasion a glimpse was caught of a Rotifer similar in shape to the common wheel animalcule, but with a yellow inside. Possibly it was the object so beautifully delineated by Mr. Gosse, in his "Tenby," and described as the "Yellow Philodine," but this must remain in doubt, as it managed to escape before it could be secured.
[Ill.u.s.tration: A. Cothurnia imberbis--('Micrograph. Dict.') B and C. The specimens described in text. The figures give the _linear_ magnification.]
By the 18th of the month the Vorticellids were much more plentiful, and their changes easily watched; many left their stalks while under the microscope, after which some rushed about like animated and demented hats, others twirled round like tee-to-tums, while others took a rest before commencing their wild career. But the common Vorticellae were not the only or the most interesting representations of their charming order, for upon some threads of conferva were descried several elegant crystal vases standing upon short foot-stalks, and containing little creatures that jumped up and down like "Jack in the box." These were so minute, that a power of four hundred and thirty linear was advantageously brought to bear upon them. When elongated their bodies were somewhat pear-shaped, but more slender, and variegated with vacuoles and particles of food. The mouths resembled those of Vorticellae, and put forth circles of vibrating cilia. They were easily alarmed, when the cilia were retracted, and down they sank to the bottom of their vases, quickly to rise again. In one bottle there were two living in friendly juxtaposition. This was not a case of matrimonial felicity, nor of Siamese twins, but of _fission_, or reproduction by division. The original inhabitant of the tube finding himself too fat, or impelled by causes we do not understand, quietly divided himself in two, and as the house was big enough, no enlargement was required. How many stout puffy gentlemen must envy this process; how convenient to have two thin lively specimens of humanity made out of one too obese for locomotion. Man is, however, sometimes the victim of his superior organization, and no process of "fission" can make the l.u.s.ty lean.[9]
[9] Balbiani in his 'Recherches sur les Phenomenes s.e.xuels des Infusoires,' speaks of the Vorticellids as the only Infusoria dividing longitudinally. In other species such appearances arise from conjunction.
The bottles in which these creatures live, in happy ignorance that they are called by so crackjaw a name as _Cothurnia imberbis_, were described as _Carapaces_ by Ehrenberg, but they bear no resemblance to the sh.e.l.l of a turtle or crab. They are thrown off by the animals who preserve no other connection with them than the attachment at the bottom.
The Micrographic Dictionary describes the family Ophrydina as corresponding to Vorticellina with a carapace. Stein places them with Vorticellids, &c., amongst his Peritricha, which are characterised by a spiral wreath of cilia round the mouth.
Towards the end of the month a great number of black pear-shaped bodies (Stentor niger), visible to the naked eye, were conspicuous in some water from the Kentish Town ponds. Upon examination they were found to be filled with granules that were red by reflected, and purple by transmitted light. Each one had a spiral wreath of cilia, with a mouth situated like those of the stentors, hereafter to be described, but none of them became stationary, and in a few days they all disappeared. Stein divides Ehrenberg's Stentor igneus from S. niger; the creature described seems to have agreed with Stein's _igneus_, which he describes as having blood-red lilac, cinnabar, or brown-red pigment particles, and as much smaller than his S. niger. In the same water were specimens of that singular Rotifer, the _Salpina_, about 1--150" long, and furnished with a _lorica_, or carapace, resembling a three-sided gla.s.s box, closed below, and slightly open along the back. At the top of this box were four, and at the bottom three, points or horns, and the creature had one eye and a forked tail. Keeping him company was another little Rotifer, named after its appearance, _Monocerca rattus_, the 'One-tailed Rat.'
This little animal had green matter in its stomach, which was in constant commotion. I ought to have observed that the Salpina repeatedly thrust out its gizzard, and used it as an external mouth. In the annexed sketch the Salpina is seen in a position that displays the dorsal opening of the carapace. Its three-cornered shape is only shown by a side view.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Salpina redunca.]
Here we close a brief account of what March winds brought in their train. The next chapter will show the good fortune that attended April showers.
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