Marvels of Pond-life Part 3
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The beautiful Floscule--Mode of seeking for Tubicolor Rotifers--Mode of illuminating the Floscule--Difficulty of seeing the transparent tube--Protrusion of long hairs--Lobes--Gizzard--Hairy lobes of Floscule not rotatory organs--Gla.s.s troughs--Their construction and use--Movement of globules in lobes of Floscule--Chaetonotus larus--Its mode of swimming--Coleps hirtus--Devourer of dead Entomostraca--Dead Rotifer and Vibriones--Theories of fermentation and putrefaction--Euplotes and Stylonichia--Fecundity of Stylonichia.
Few living creatures deserve so well the appellation of "beautiful" as the _Floscularia ornata_, or Beautiful Floscule, although to contemplate a motionless and uncoloured portrait, one would imagine that it exhibited no graces of either colour or form. Mr. Gosse has, however, done it justice, and the drawing in his "Tenby" is executed with that rare combination of scientific accuracy and artistic skill, for which the productions of his pencil are renowned.
[Ill.u.s.tration: The Beautiful Floscule. A.--Partially protruded.
B.--Freely protruded, with three eggs. C.--Appearance of young.
D.--Floscule seventeen hours old. D'.--Jaws of Floscule, as figured by Mr. Gosse.]
Probably the sketches in several works of authority representing the long cilia as short bristles, are merely copies from old drawings, from objects imperfectly seen under indifferent microscopes, and before the refinements of illumination were understood. Be this as it may, any reader will be fortunate if on an April, or any other morning, he or she effects the capture of one of these exquisite objects, although the first impression may not equal previous expectations, as the delicacy of the organism is not disclosed by a mode of using the light which answers well enough for the common infusoria.
When the Floscules, or other tubicolar Rotifers are specially sought for, the best way is to proceed to a pond where slender-leaved water-plants grow, and to examine a few branches at a time in a phial of water with a pocket-lens. They are all large enough to be discerned, if present, in this manner, and as soon as one is found, others may be expected, either in the same or in adjacent parts of the pond, for they are gregarious in their habits. With many, however, the first finding of a Floscule will be an accident, as was the case last April, when a small piece of myriophyllum was placed in the live-box, and looked over to see what it might contain. The first glimpse revealed an egg-shaped object, of a brownish tint, stretching itself upon a stalk, and showing some symptoms of hairs or cilia at its head. This was enough to indicate the nature of the creature, and to show the necessity for a careful management of the light, which being adjusted obliquely, gave quite a new character to the scene. The dirty brown hue disappeared, and was replaced by brilliant colours; while the hairs, instead of appearing few and short, were found to be extremely numerous, very long, and glistening like delicate threads of spun gla.s.s.
Knowing that the Floscules live in transparent gelatinous tubes, such an object was carefully looked for, but in this instance, as is not uncommon, it was perfectly free from extraneous matter, and possessed nearly the same refractive power as the water, so that displaying it to advantage required some little trouble in the way of careful focusing, and many experiments as to the best angle at which the mirror should be turned to direct the light. When all was accomplished, it was seen that the Floscule had her abode in a clear transparent cylinder, like a thin confectioner's jar, which she did not touch except at the bottom, to which her foot was attached. Lying aside her in the bottle were three large eggs, and the slightest shock given to the table, induced her to draw back in evident alarm. Immediately afterwards she slowly protruded a dense bunch of the fine long hairs, which quivered in the light, and shone with a delicate bluish-green l.u.s.tre, here and there varied by opaline tints.
The hairs were thrust out in a ma.s.s, somewhat after the mode in which the old-fas.h.i.+oned telescope hearth-brooms were made to put forth their bristles. As soon as they were completely everted, together with the upper portion of the Floscule, six lobes gradually separated, causing the hairs to fall on all sides in a graceful shower, and when the process was complete, they remained perfectly motionless, in six hollow fan-shaped tufts, one being attached to each lobe. Some internal ciliary action, quite distinct from the hairs, and which has never been precisely understood, caused gentle currents to flow towards the mouth in the middle of the lobes, and from the motion of the gizzard, imperfectly seen through the integument, and from the rapid filling of the stomach with particles of all hues, it was plain that captivity had not destroyed the Floscule's appet.i.te, and that the drop of water in the live-box contained a good supply of food.
Sometimes the particles swallowed were too small to be discerned, although their aggregate effect was visible; but often a monad or larger object was ingulfed, but without any ciliary action being visible to account for the journey they were evidently compelled to perform. The long hairs took no part whatever in the foraging process, and as they do not either provide victuals or minister to locomotion, they are clearly not, as was supposed by early observers, representatives of the "wheels," which the ordinary Rotifers present. Neither can the cylindrical jar or bottle be justly deemed to occupy the position of the lorica, or carapace which we have before described. The general structure of the creature and the nature of its gizzard distinctly marked it out as a member of the family we call "Rotifers," but the absence of anything like "wheels" proves that those organs are not essential characteristics of this cla.s.s.
Noticeable currents are not always produced when the mouth of this Floscule is fully expanded. On one occasion, one having five lobes was discovered standing at such an angle in a gla.s.s trough that the aperture could be looked down into. The position rendered it impossible to use a higher power than about two hundred linear, but with this, and the employment of carmine, nothing like a vortex was seen during a whole evening, although a less power was sufficient to show the ciliary whirlpools made by small specimens of _Epistylis_ and _Vaginicola_, which were in the small vessel. The density of the integument was unfavorable to viewing the action of the gizzard, but it could be indistinctly perceived. The contractions and subsequent expansions of the cup, formed by the upper part of the creature, may be one way in which its food is drawn in, but there is no doubt it can produce currents when it thinks proper. Sometimes animalcules in the vicinity of Floscules whirl about as if under the influence of such currents. Some may be seen to enter the s.p.a.ce between the lobes, swim about inside, and then get out again, while every now and then one will be sucked in too far for retreat.
Above the gizzard in the Horned Floscule,[10] I have seen an appearance as if a membrane or curtain was waving to and fro, while another was kept in a fixed perpendicular position. Mr. Gosse, speaking of this genus, observes "that the whole of the upper part of the body is lined with a sensitive, contractile, partially opaque membrane, which a little below the disk recedes from the walls of the body, and forms a diaphragm, with a highly contractile and versatile central orifice. At some distance lower down another diaphragm occurs, and the ample chamber thus enclosed forms a kind of _crop_, or receptacle for the captured prey."
[10] The Horned Floscules (_F. cornuta_) which I have found, and which bred in a gla.s.s jar, were not so large as those described by Mr. Dobie, as quoted in 'Pritchard's Infusoria.' Mr. Dobie's specimens were 1--40"
when extended; mine about half that size, five-lobed, and with a long slender proboscis, standing in a wavy line outside one lobe. Mr. Dobie also describes an _F. campanulata_, with five flattened lobes. The 'Micrographic Dictionary' p.r.o.nounces these two species "doubtfully distinct." I have three or four times met with a variety of _F. ornata_, in which one lobe was much enlarged and flattened, but they had no proboscis. In what I take for _F. cornuta_, the horn or proboscis has sometimes been a conspicuous object, and at others so fine and transparent as to be only visible in certain lights.
"From the ventral side of the ample crop that precedes the stomach, there springs in _F. ornata_ a perpendicular membrane or veil, partly extending across the cavity. This is free, except at the vertical edge, by which it is attached to the side of the chamber, and being ample and of great delicacy, it continually floats and waves from side to side. At the bottom of this _veil_, but on the dorsal side, are placed the jaws, consisting of a pair of curved, unjointed, but free _mallei_, with a membranous process beneath each."
The Beautiful Floscule could always be made to repeat the process of retreating into her den, and coming out again to spread her elegant plumes before our eyes, by giving the table a smart knock, and her colours and structure were well exhibited by the dark-ground illumination, which has been explained in a previous page.
An object like this should be watched at intervals for hours and even days, especially if the eggs are nearly ready to give up their infantile contents. This was the case with the specimen described, and after a few hours a young Floscule escaped, looking very much like a clumsy little grub. After a few awkward wriggles the new-born baby became more quiet, and on looking at it again at the expiration of seventeen hours, it had developed into the shape of a miniature plum-pudding, with five or six tiny lobes expanding their tufts of slender hair. Unfortunately its further proceedings were not seen, or it would have been interesting to note the growth of the foot, and the formation of the gelatinous tube, which is probably thrown off in rings.
To view the details of the structure of a Floscule, it must be placed in a live-box or compressorium, and if specimens are scarce, they should not be allowed to remain in the limited quant.i.ty of water those contrivances hold, after the observations are concluded, but should be carefully removed, and placed in a little vial, such as h.o.m.oeopathists use for their medicine. By such means an individual may be kept alive for many days. It is also interesting to place a little branch of the plant occupied by Floscules or similar creatures, in a gla.s.s trough, where they may be made quite at home, and their proceedings agreeably watched by a one-inch or two-thirds power. These troughs,[11] which can be obtained of the optician, should be of plate gla.s.s, about three inches long, nearly the same height, and about half an inch wide. If narrower, or much taller, they will not stand, which is a great inconvenience. The pieces of gla.s.s are stuck together with marine glue, and a very simple contrivance enables the plants or other objects to be pressed near the front, and thus brought into better view. A strip of gla.s.s, rather narrower than the width of the trough, is dropped into it, and allowed to fall to the bottom. Then a piece of gla.s.s rather shorter than the trough, and rather higher than its front side, is placed so as to slope from the front of the bottom towards the back at the top. The piece of gla.s.s first dropped in keeps it in the right position, and the trough is thus made into a V-shaped vessel, wide at the top and gradually narrowing. Any object then placed in it will fall till it fits some part of the V, where it will remain for observation. A small wedge of cork enables the moveable piece of gla.s.s to be thrown forwards, until it a.s.sumes any angle, or is brought parallel to the front of the trough.
[11] The shallow cells with thin sliding covers devised by Mr. Curteis (of Baker's), are still more convenient when no pressure is required, and the objects are small. When not under the microscope they can be kept full of water by immersion in a tumbler.
A power of five or six hundred diameters generally enables a movement of small globules to be seen at the extremity of the lobes of the Floscule, and the gizzard may be made plain by dissolving the rest of the creature in a drop of solution of caustic potash. It also becomes more visible as the supply of food falls short. Mr. Gosse describes the body as "lined with a yellowish vascular membrane," and young specimens exhibit two red eyes, which may or may not be found in adults. When these eyes of Rotifers are not readily conspicuous, they must be sought for by opaque illumination, or by the dark-ground method which, especially with the parabola, is successful in bringing them out.
Naturalists, and possibly the specimens also, do not always agree in the number of lobes a.s.signed to the "Beautiful Floscule," and although it is easy enough to count them in _some_ positions, the observer may have to exercise a good deal of patience before he is certain whether they are five or six. For a long evening only five could be discerned in the specimen now described, but the next night six were apparent without difficulty or doubt. The hairs also will not appear anything like their true length or number, unless the object-gla.s.s is good, and great care is taken not to obscure them by a blaze of ill-directed light.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Chaetonotus larus (swimming).]
After the Floscules had been sufficiently admired and put aside, for observations to be repeated on future occasions, a Rotifer attracted attention by his merry-andrew pranks, throwing himself in all directions by means of two long and extremely mobile toes attached to his tail-foot. Then came a creature swimming like an otter, thrusting his head about on all sides, and looking much more intelligent than most of his compeers of the pond. Looked at vertically, he was somewhat slipper-shaped, the rounded heel forming his head, then narrowing to a waist, and expanding towards the other end, which projected in a fork.
All round him were long cilia, which were conspicuous near the head, and a fine line indicated the pa.s.sage from his mouth to the stomach, which seemed full of granular matter. Presently he took to crawling, or rather running, over a thread of conferva, and then his back was elegantly arched, and his cilia stood erect like the quills of a porcupine. This was the _Chaetonotus larus_.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Chaetonotus larus (crawling).]
In Pritchard's "Infusoria," the views of those writers are followed who rank this animal amongst the Rotifers, and place it in the family _Icthidina_. To help out this theory, the cilia upon the ventral surface are imagined to form a "band-like rotary organ;" but in truth they bear no resemblance whatever to the so-called wheels of the ordinary Rotifers, nor is there anything like the gizzard which true Rotifers present. Ehrenberg treated it as a Rotifer, and Dujardin placed it among the Infusoria, in a particular cla.s.s, comprehending symmetrical organisms. The 'Microscopic Dictionary' remarks that its "structure requires further investigation,"[12] and while the learned decide all the intricate questions of its zoological rank, the ordinary observer will be pleased to watch its singular aspect and lively motions. Its size, according to the 'Micrographic Dictionary,' varies from 1--710" to 1--220", and while its general proceeding may be watched with an inch or two-thirds object-gla.s.s, and the second eye-piece, a power of five hundred linear (obtained by a quarter or a fifth) is required to make out the details of its structure. If placed in a live-box with threads of conferva, and a little decayed vegetation, it may be observed to group about among them, and shake them like a dog.
[12] See a valuable paper by Mr. Gosse, "History of the Hairy-backed Animalcules," 'Intellectual Observer,' vol. v, p. 387, in which the known species are described and reasons given for following Vogt and ranging them with the Turbellarian worms.
We have said that water-fleas were among the inhabitants of a bottle filled at the pond, and as they go the way of all flesh, it is common to find some odd-looking animalcules ready to devour their mortal remains.
These are creatures shaped like beer-barrels, upon short legs, and which swim with a tubby rolling gait. Looking at one of these little tubs lengthwise, a number of lines are seen, as though the edge of each stave projected a little above the general level, and transverse markings are also apparent, which may be compared to hoops. This is the _Coleps hirtus_, which differs from the usual type of Infusoria, by being symmetrical, that is, divisible into two equal and similar halves. The dimensions of this species vary from 1--570 to 1--430, and its colour varies from white to brown. It has been observed to increase by transverse self-division, and has two orifices, one at each end, for receiving food and ejecting the remains. It often requires some little trouble to get a good view of the cilia, which are arranged in transverse and longitudinal rows. A power of one hundred and fifty linear is convenient for viewing it in motion, but when quiet under pressure, one of five or six hundred may be used with advantage.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Coleps hirtus.]
Among the rubbish at the bottom of the bottle, in which the coleps was found, was a minute dead Rotifer, the flesh of which was fast disappearing, but upon being examined with a power of nine hundred and sixty diameters, it was observed to swarm with extremely minute _vibriones_, the largest only appearing under that immense magnification like chains of bluish-green globules, not bigger than the heads of minikin pins, while the smallest were known by a worm-like wriggling, although their structure could not be defined. These _vibriones_ are probably members of the vegetable world, and they always appear when animal matter undergoes putrefaction.
M. Pasteur has brought forward elaborate experiments to show that the development of the yeast plant is an act correlative to alcoholic fermentation, and in like manner the growth of _vibriones_ may stand in correlation to putrefactive decomposition.
[Ill.u.s.tration: A, Euplotes (patella); B, side view of ditto; C, stylonichia.]
Ehrenberg considered them animals, and fancied he detected in them a plurality of stomachs; but the vegetable theory is the more probable, at any rate of the species under our notice, which is often seen, though not always so minute.
At this time two interesting animalcules were very plentiful--the _Euplotes patella_, and _Stylonichia_, both remarkable as exhibiting an advance in organization, which approximates them to the higher animals.
In addition to cilia they possess _styles_, which take the place of the limbs of more elaborately-constructed creatures, and give a variety to their means of locomotion. The _Euplotes_ is furnished with an oval carapace covering the upper surface, which in different individuals, and probably at different ages, exhibits slightly varied markings round its margin, which in the specimen drawn above consisted of dots. They can run, climb, or swim, and exemplify a singular habit which several of the infusoria possess, that of moving for a little time in one direction, and then suddenly, and without any apparent cause, reversing it. If the reader is fond of learned appellations, he can call this _diastrophy_, but we do not know that he will be any the wiser for it.
The Stylonichia are oval animalcules, surrounded by cilia, and having moreover a collection of styles, both straight and curved, the latter called _uncini_, or little hooks. They swim steadily on, and then dart back, but not so far as they have advanced, and may be seen to keep up this fidgety motion by the hour together. Pritchard tells us Ehrenberg found that a single animalcule lived nine days; during the first twenty-four hours it was developed by transverse self-division into three animals; these in twenty-four hours formed two each in the same manner, so that by self-division only (without ova), these animalcules increased three or four-fold in twenty-four hours, and _may thus produce a million_ from a single _animalcule in ten days_. Such are the amazing powers of reproduction conferred upon these humble creatures, powers which are fully employed when the surrounding circ.u.mstances are favorable, and which, in the aggregate, change the condition of large of matter, and bring within the circle of life millions upon millions of particles every minute of the day.
Floscularia cornuta--Euchlanis triquetra--Melicerta ringens--its powers as brickmaker, architect, and mason--Mode of viewing the Melicerta--Use of gla.s.s-cell--Habits of Melicerta--Curious Att.i.tudes--Leave their tubes at death--Carchesium--Epistylis--Their elegant tree forms--A Parasitic Epistylis like the "Old Man of the Sea"--Halteria and its Leaps--Aspidisca Lynceus.
May, the first of summer months, and of old famous for floral games, which found their latest patrons in the chimney-sweeps of London, is a good time for the microscopist among the ponds, for the increase of warmth and heat favours both animal and vegetable life, and so we found as we carried home some tops of myriophyllum, and soon discovered a colony of tubicolor rotifers among the tiny branches. They proved to be Floscules, generally resembling the _F. ornata_, described in a previous page, but having a long slender proboscis hanging like a loose ringlet down one side. The cilia or hairs were not so long as in the Beautiful Floscules we had before obtained, nor was their manner of opening so elegant; but they were, nevertheless, objects of great interest, and were probably specimens of the _Floscularia cornuta_. A swimming rotifer in a carapace somewhat fiddle-shaped, with one eye in its forehead, and a two-p.r.o.nged tail sticking out behind (the _Euchlanis triquetra_), also served to occupy attention; but a further search among the myriophyllum revealed more treasures of the tube-dwelling kind. These were specimens of that highly curious Rotifer, the _Melicerta ringens_, who, not content with dwelling, like the Floscules, in a gelatinous bottle, is at once brickmaker, mason, and architect, and fabricates as pretty a tower as it is easy to conceive. The creature itself stands upon a retractile foot-stalk, and thrusts out above its battlements a large head, with four leaf-like expansions surrounded by cilia. Between the lower lobes, or leaves, the gizzard is seen grinding away, and above it is an organ, not always displayed, and of which Mr. Gosse was fortunate enough to discover the use. This eminent naturalist likens it to the circular ventilator sometimes inserted in windows, and he found it was the machine for making the yellow ornamental bricks of which the tower is composed. Pellet by pellet, or brick by brick, does the Melicerta build her house, which widens gradually from the foundation to the summit, and every layer is placed with admirable regularity.
In order to obtain the materials for her brickmaking the Melicerta must have the power of modifying the direction of the ciliary currents, so as to throw a stream of small particles into the mould, which is a muscular organ, and capable of secreting a waterproof cement, by which they are fastened together. The result is, not to produce anything like the tubes made by the caddis-worms out of grains of sand, but entirely to change the appearance of the materials employed. All large particles are rejected, and only those retained which will form a h.o.m.ogeneous pulp with the viscid secretion; and when the process is complete the head of the creature is bent down, and the pellet deposited in its appropriate place. Each pellet appears originally to possess a more or less conical figure, but when they are squeezed together to make a compact wall they all tend to a hexagonal form, by which they are able to touch at all points, and any holes or interstices are avoided.
According to Professor Williamson the young Melicerta commences her house by secreting "a thin hyaline cylinder," and the first row of pellets are deposited, not at the base as would be expected, but in a ring about the middle of the tube. "At first new additions are made to both extremities of the enlarging ring; but the jerking constrictions of the animal at length force the caudal end of the cylinder down upon the leaf, to which it becomes securely cemented by the same viscous secretion as causes the little spheres to cohere."
Round the margins of the lobes or expansions may be seen delicate threads towards which others radiate; these are thought by Mr. Gosse to be portions of a nervous system, and two calcars or feelers serve as organs of relation. The young Melicertas are likewise furnished with a pair of eyes, which are probably rudimentary, and disappear as they grow up.
The Melicerta tubes, being large enough to be visible to the naked eye, are easily crushed in the live-box, and to avoid this, they are conveniently viewed in a shallow gla.s.s cell, covered up as before described. By occasionally changing the water one may be kept for days in the same cell, and will reward the pains by frequently exposing its flower-like head. Usually the horns or feelers come out first, and then a lump of flesh. After this, if all seems right, the wheels appear, and make a fine whirlpool, as may be readily seen by the use of a little indigo or carmine.
The Melicerta is, however, an awkward object to undertake to show to our friends, for as they knock at the door she is apt to turn sulky, and when once in this mood it is impossible to say when her fair form will reappear. At times the head is wagged about in all directions with considerable vehemence, playing singular antics, and distorting her lobes so as to exhibit a Punch and Judy profile. When these creatures die they leave their tubes, which are often found empty in the ponds they frequent. The Melicertas are conveniently viewed with a power of from sixty to one hundred linear, and a colony of them may be kept alive for some weeks in a gla.s.s jar or tank.
Among the remainder of my tiny captives were two beautiful members of the Vorticella family, _Epistylis_ and _Carchesium_. The reader will remember that in the Vorticella previously described, the bells stood upon stalks that were very flexible, and retractile by means of a muscle running down their length. The _Epistylis_ is, as its name imports, the dweller on a _pillar_. The stem is stiff, or only slightly flexible, and has no apparatus by which it can be drawn down. The specimen mentioned stood like a palm-tree, and the large oval bells drooped elegantly on all sides, as its portrait will show. At times they nodded with a rapid jerk.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Epistylis.]
The _Carchesium_ differs from the common _Vorticella_, by branching like a tree, but the stems are all retractile, although the trunk seldom exercises the power. A group of these creatures presents a spectacle of extraordinary beauty--it looks like a tree from fairy-land, in which every leaf has a sentient life. In general structure the bells of the _Epistylis_ and the _Carchesium_ resemble the common _Vorticella_, and like them may be seen with a power of about one hundred linear for general effect, and with a higher one for the examination of special points. Pritchard notices three species of _Carchesium_, and eighteen of _Epistylis_;[13] some of which it is to be hoped will turn out to be only varieties.
[13] An interesting _Epistylis_, called _Digitalis_, from its bells resembling fox-glove flowers in shape, occurs as a parasite upon the _Cyclops quadricornis_, a very common entomostracan in fresh-water ponds. At this moment I have a beautiful specimen, branching like a bushy tree, and attached to the tail of a _Cyclops_, who can scarcely move under his burden, which is like Sinbad's "Old Man of the Sea."
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