Ossian in Germany Part 11

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Der Neue Teutsche Merkur. Weimar. ii, p. 257: Similar notice. Also a notice of Malcolm Laing's Dissertation appended to his History of Scotland, 2 vols., London, 1800.

Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen. Gotha. p. 840: Notice of poems by Ossian and other Celtic bards in the original in the possession of one Macnab.

Bragur. Herausgegeben von F. D. Grater. Vol. 6, ii, pp. 23153: Altteutsche Bardenliteratur. Von Grater.

An appeal to search for the songs of the German bards, wherein frequent allusions are made to the poems of Ossian.

@1801.@ The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. 4 vols. A new Edition. [With 4 cuts.] Vienna.

Macpherson's notes are given at the end of each volume. Vol. 4 contains Macpherson's Dissertations on the Aera and on the Poems of Ossian, as well as Dr. Blair's Critical Dissertation.

Ossian's Gedichte. Rhythmisch ubersetzt von J. G. Rhode. 3 Theile. Prag.

Reprint of the first edition of 1800, _q. v._

Comala. Ein dramatisches Gedicht von Ossian, ubersetzt von J. F. Ludwig.


Blank verse translation of Comala (Heinsius, BucherLexikon, has Camilla), mostly in iambic measure. The translation is preceded by a poem consisting of three eightline stanzas An Ossian's Geist, an appeal by the poet for a.s.sistance from the bard. pp. 2631: Notes.

REVIEW: Leipziger Jahrbuch der neuesten Literatur, 1801, i, p. 515.

Erholungen. Herausgegeben von W. G. Becker. Leipzig. iv, pp. 17396: Berrathon, Ossians letzter Gesang. Von Gustav Scholz.

Rhythmic prose translation of Berrathon, with notes (pp. 1916). pp.

1936: Poetic translation of Minvana's Lament over Ryno, contained in Macpherson's notes to Berrathon.

Oster Taschenbuch von Weimar, auf das Jahr 1801. Herausgegeben von Seckendorf. Weimar, pp. 26377: Der Tod Oskars. Aus dem ersten Gesang von Ossians Temora: Von S.

Rhythmic prose translation by Karl Siegmund Freiherr von Seckendorff, 174485, of Temora, Bk. i, p. 308, l. 7p. 311, l. 30.

Cp. _sub_ Music, _infra_, p. 64.

REVIEWS: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 62, ii, pp. 53941 (1801).

Briefe an ein Frauenzimmer ..., herausgegeben von G. Merkel. Vol. 2.

Berlin, 1801. pp. 4913.

Blumen. Von Ludwig Theoboul Kosegarten. Berlin. pp. 3776: Tura, ein Gesang des Ossian.-pp. 1378: Fragment.-pp. 13971: Finan und Lorma.

Ein Gesang des Ossian.-pp. 20912: Des Barden Abschied. Fragment.-pp.

21324: Umad und sein Hund. Episode eines grosseren Gesanges.

Translations from the Sean Dana (cf. Gallische Alterthumer, 1781) by Gotthard Ludwig Kosegarten, 17581818. Cp. Works, 1812, and Thomas Garnett's Reise, 1802. The first and third are prose translations, the second and fourth are in blank trochaic pentameters, and the last is a prose translation with occasional pa.s.sages in trochaic pentameters.

_Ibid._, pp. 1819: Ekloge.

Translated in rhythmic prose from a poem by John Logan (or Michael Bruce), the spirit of which is intensely Ossianic. This translation appeared first in the Bergisches Taschenbuch, 1800, pp. 1959, under the t.i.tle Salgar und Mora.

REVIEW: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 76, i, pp. 823 (1803).

Bergisches Taschenbuch zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung, auf das Jahr 1801. Dusseldorf. pp. 26882: Finmara, eine alte celtische Reliquie. Von Frhr. von Harold, Generalmajor.

A rhythmic prose imitation of Macpherson's Ossian. Cp. _ibid._, 1800 and 1802. It is ent.i.tled Finmara, not Timara, as Nicolai, 1877, p.

157, nor Fimara, as Gurlitt, April 9, 1802, p. 9.

REVIEW: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 58, ii, pp. 5367 (1801).

Flora. Neunter Jahrgang. Tubingen. iii, pp. 3942: Celtische Gedichte.

Nach dem Franzoschen. pp. 3940: Comanna. pp. 4042: Der Barde.

Two imitations of Ossian, translated in prose by Johann Friedrich Butenschon, 17641842.

Intelligenzblatt der Allg. Lit.Zeitung. No. 92, pp. 73942: Notice of the death of Dr. Hugh Blair (cf. 1785), with references to his Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian.

_Ibid._, No. 123, p. 985: Notice of French translations.

_Ibid._, No. 158, p. 1275: Notice of Spanish translation (Montengon).

Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen, p. 96, and Der Neue Teutsche Merkur, Weimar, i, pp. 1523: Notices of the Gaelic originals to be published by the Highland Society.

Michael's Denis Literarischer Nachla.s.s. Herausgegeben von Joseph Friedrich Freyherrn von Retzer. 2 vols. Wien, 18012. Vol. 1, pp. 948: Das Orakel der Deutschen.

Appeared originally in Gemmingen's Magazin fur Wissenschaften und Litteratur, 1785, _q. v._

@1802.@ Handbuch der englischen Sprache und Literatur, oder Auswahl interessanter chronologisch geordneter Stucke aus den kla.s.sischen englischen Prosaisten und Dichtern. Nebst Nachrichten von den Verfa.s.sern und ihren Werken. von H. Nolte und L. Ideler. Poetischer Theil. Neue Auflage. Berlin. pp. 499503: Macpherson. pp. 5034: Morna. pp. 5056: Comal und Galvina. pp. 50613: The Songs of Selma.

Morna is an extract from Fingal, Bk. i, p. 219, l. 12p. 220, l. 28, Comal and Galvina from Fingal, Bk. ii, p. 234, l. 9p. 235, end.-The authors are J. W. H. Nolte and Christian Ludwig Ideler (17661846). The first edition does not contain the extracts from Ossian. 3d ed. 1811, 4th ed. 1832, _q. v._

REVIEW: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 77, i, pp. 2124 (1803).

Ankundigung einiger AbschiedsReden durch Christ. Wilhelm Ahlwardt.

Voran Ossians Karthon, metrisch ubersetzt; ein Versuch. Oldenburg.

A hexameter translation of Carthon by Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt, 17601830. Cf. Translation, 1811.

REVIEWS: Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1863, i, pp. 2156.

Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen, 1802, pp. 9101.

Gottfried August Burger's vermischte Schriften. Herausgegeben von Karl Reinhard. Zweiter Theil. Gottingen. (Vol. 4) pp. 175240: Proben einer ubersetzung von Ossian's Gedichten.

Pp. 177204: KarrikThura. Ein Gedicht. (Cf. Deutsches Museum, 1779). pp. 20514: Komala. Ein dramatisches Gedicht (Aus der Handschrift). pp. 21540: KathLoda. Ein Gedicht (Aus der Handschrift). All three specimens are in rhythmic prose. In Reinhard's edition of the Sammtliche Werke, they are found on pp.

95144, Vol. 4, Hamburg, 1816, and on pp. 10760, Vol. 5, Berlin, 1823. For reprints and other editions, cf. Goedeke's Grundriss, 2d ed., Vol. 4, p. 392.-For August Wilhelm von Schlegel's opinion of Ossian as expressed in connection with a notice of Burger's Proben, cf. Schlegel's Sammtliche Werke, ed. Bocking, Vol. 8, Leipzig, 1846, pp. 1345, and cp. Friedrich Schlegels Briefe an seinen Bruder August Wilhelm, herausgegeben von Dr. Oskar F. Walzel, Berlin, 1890, p. 466.

Caledonia. Von der Verfa.s.serin der Sommerstunden. 4 vols. Hamburg, 18024.

The author is Emilie von Berlepsch (Harmes), 17571830. The first two volumes (1802) contain frequent allusions to Ossianic scenery, _e. g._, Vol. 2, pp. 189, 2336, etc., references to his poems with several extracts in her own translation, etc. Vol. 2, pp. 190202: Translation of DarThula, p. 286, l. 2p. 289, l. 4; pp. 2514: Fingal, Bk. iii, p. 244, l. 19end; pp. 2546: The Songs of Selma, p. 214, ll. 210; pp. 25661; Berrathon, p. 380, l. 20p. 382, end, in extracts; p. 263: The War of InisThona, p. 203, ll. 15; pp.

2669: Carthon, p. 163, l. 32p. 164, end. The translations are made in "einem metrisch freien doch cadencirten Parallelismus." Cf. Vol.

3, 1803.

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