Gardening For The Million Part 1
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Gardening for the Million.
by Alfred Pink.
It is with the object of stimulating the cultivation of gardens still more beautiful than those generally to be met with that the present volume has been written. It has not been thought necessary to repeat in each case the times when the seeds of the various flowers and plants are to be sown. A careful attention to the remarks made under the headings of "Annuals," "Biennials," "Perennials," and "Seed-Sowing" will supply all the information needed. That the work may prove useful to those at least who supervise their own gardens is the sincere wish of the author.
Aaron's Rod.--_See_ "Solidago."
Abelia.--Very ornamental evergreen shrubs, bearing tubular, funnel-shaped flowers. They succeed in any ordinary soil if the situation is warm and sheltered, and are readily raised by cuttings.
Height, 3 ft. to 4 ft.
Abies _(Spruce Firs)_.--Among these ornamental conifers mention may be made of the beautiful j.a.panese Spruce Ajanensis, which grows freely in most soils and has dual-coloured leaves--dark green on the upper surface and silvery white underneath; this makes a grand single specimen anywhere. The White Spruce (_Abies Alba Glauca_) is a rapid grower, but while it is small makes a lovely show in the border; it prefers a moist situation. Of the slow-growing and dwarf varieties Gregorii is a favourite. The Caerulea, or Blue Spruce, is also very beautiful. Clanbrasiliana is a good lawn shrub, never exceeding 4 ft.
in height. The Pigmy Spruce (_A. Pygmea_) is the smallest of all firs, only attaining the height of 1 ft. Any of these may be increased by cuttings.
Abronia.--Handsome half-hardy annual trailers. Grow in sandy peat and multiply by root division. Flowers in April. Height, 4 in. to 6 in.
Abutilon.--Evergreen greenhouse shrubs of great beauty and easy cultivation. May be raised from seed, or by cuttings of young shoots placed in spring or summer in sand under gla.s.s, or with a bottom heat.
Cut the old plants back in January, and when new shoots appear re-pot the plants. Height, 5 ft. to 8 ft.
Acacia.--Winter and spring flowering greenhouse shrubs with charming flowers and graceful foliage. May be grown from seed, which should be soaked in warm water for twenty-four hours, or they may be propagated by layers, cuttings placed in heat, or suckers. They like a rich sandy loam soil. Height, 2 ft. to 3 ft.
Acaena.--These shrubby plants are herbaceous and mostly hardy, of a creeping nature, fast growers, and suitable for dry banks or rough stony places. They flourish best in sandy loam and peat, and may be increased by cuttings placed under gla.s.s. The flowers, which are green, are produced in May. The height of the various kinds varies from 3 in. to 2 ft.
Acantholimon Glumaceum _(p.r.i.c.kly Thrift)_.--This is a frame evergreen perennial, thriving in any light, rich soil. It can be increased by dividing the roots. In May it puts forth its rose-coloured flowers.
Height, 3 in.
Acanthus.--A coa.r.s.e, yet stately hardy perennial, which has large ornamental foliage, and flowers in August. It is not particular as to soil or situation, but free s.p.a.ce should be given it. Will grow from seed sown from March to midsummer, or in August or September in a sheltered situation. Will also bear dividing. Height, 3 ft.
Acer (_Maple_).--Very vigorous plants, suitable when young for pots, and afterwards for the shrubbery. The A. Negundo Variegata has silvery variegated leaves, which contrast effectively with dark foliage, Campestre Colchic.u.m Rubrum, with its bright crimson palmate leaves, is very ornamental, as is also Negundo Californic.u.m Aurem, with its golden-yellow foliage. The Maple grows best in a sandy loam. It may be increased by cuttings planted in a shaded situation, or by layers, but the choice varieties are best raised from seed sown as soon as it is ripe.
Achillea Ptarmica (_Sneezewort_).--A pure white hardy perennial which blooms in August. The dried leaves, powdered, produce sneezing.
Any soil. Best increased by rooted off-sets. Flowers from July to September. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Achimenes.--Fine plants, suitable for the greenhouse, sitting-room, or hanging baskets. Plant six tubers in a 5-in. pot, with their growing ends inclining to the centre and the roots to the edge of the pot, and cover them an inch deep with a compost of peat, loam, and leaf-mould, or a light, sandy soil. Keep them well supplied with liquid manure while in a growing state. Height, 6 in. to 2-1/2 ft.
Aconite (_Monk's-Hood or Wolf's-Bane_).--Very pretty and very hardy, and succeeds under the shade of trees; but being very poisonous should not be grown where there are children. Increased by division or by seeds. Flowers June to July. Height, 4 ft. (_See also_ "Winter Aconites.")
Acorus (_Sweet Flag)._--A hardy bog plant, having an abundance of light-coloured evergreen foliage. It will grow in any wet soil.
Height, 2 ft.
Acroclinium.--Daisy-like everlastings. Half-hardy annuals suitable for cutting during summer, and for winter bouquets. Sow in pots in February or March, cover lightly with fine soil, plunge the pot in gentle heat, place a square of gla.s.s on the top, and gradually harden off. Seed may also be sown in the open during May or in autumn for early flowering. Height, 1 ft.
Acrophyllum Verticillatum.--A greenhouse evergreen shrub. It will grow in any soil, and may be increased by cuttings of half-ripened wood.
March is its flowering season. Height, 3 ft.
Acrotis.--These are mostly hardy herbaceous plants from South Africa.
The soil should consist of two parts loam and one part leaf-mould, and the situation should be dry and sunny. Seed may be sown early in March in gentle heat, and the plants grown on in a cold frame till May, when they may be planted out a foot apart. They will flower at midsummer.
Winter in a warm greenhouse. Height, 2 ft. Some few are of a creeping nature.
Actaea Spicata (_Bane Berry_).--A hardy herbaceous perennial which delights in a shady position, and will even grow under trees. It is increased by division of the roots, or it may readily be raised from seed in ordinary soil. May is its flowering month. Height, 3 ft.
Actinella Grandiflora.--A showy herbaceous plant, bearing large orange-coloured flowers in July. It is not particular as to soil, and is increased by dividing the roots. Height, 1 ft.
Actinomeris Squarrosa.--This hardy and ornamental herbaceous plant bears heads of bright yellow flowers, resembling small sunflowers, from June to August. It thrives in any loamy soil, and is easily increased by dividing the root. Height, 4 ft.
Adam's Needle.--_See_ "Yucca."
Adenandra Fragrans.--An evergreen shrub suitable for the greenhouse.
It thrives best in a mixture of sandy peat and turfy loam. Cuttings of the young branches stuck in sand will strike. It flowers in June.
Height, 3 ft.
Adenophora Lilifolia.--Pretty hardy perennials suitable for the border. Produce drooping pale blue flowers on branching spikes in July. Any soil suits them. They may be grown from seed, but will not allow being divided at the root. Height, 1 ft.
Adlumia Cirrhosa.--Interesting hardy climbers. Will grow in any soil, and are readily increased by seeds sown in a damp situation. Require the support of stakes. Bloom in August. Height, 15 ft.
Adonis Flos.--Showy crimson summer flowers, requiring only the simplest treatment of hardy annuals. Sow in March or April in the open border. Height, 1 ft.
Adonis Pyrenaica.--A rare but charming Pyrenean perennial species, with thick ornamental foliage, and producing large golden-yellow flowers from May to July. It needs no special treatment. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Adonis Vernalis.--A favourite hardy perennial, which grows freely from seed in any garden soil. It may also be increased by dividing the roots. Height, 1 ft.
aethionema Cordifolium.--This little Alpine plant is a hardy evergreen that is very suitable for rock-work, as it will grow in any soil. Its rose-hued flowers are produced in June. It may be propagated by seeds or cuttings. Height, 3 in.
Agapanthus (_African Lily_).--This is a n.o.ble plant, which succeeds well in the open if placed in a rich, deep, moist loam in a sunny situation or in partial shade. In pots it requires a strong loamy soil with plenty of manure. Throughout the summer the pots should stand in pans of water. Re-pot in March. Give it plenty of pot room, say a 9-in. pot for each plant. In winter protect from severe frost, and give but very little water. The flowers are both lovely and showy, being produced during August in great bunches on stems 3 ft. high. The plant is nearly hardy. Several growing together in a large tub produce a fine effect. It is increased by dividing the root while in a dormant state.
Ageratum.--Effective half-hardy annual bedding plants, thriving best in a light, rich soil. Seed should be sown in heat in February or March. Cuttings root freely under gla.s.s. Height, 1-1/2 ft. There is a dwarf variety suitable for ribbon borders and edgings. Height, 6 in.
Agricultural Seeds.--Required per statute acre.
Carrot 5 to 6 lb. Cabbage (to transplant) 1" Cabbage (to drill) 2 to 3" Kohl Rabi (to drill) 2 to 3" Lucerne 16 to 20" Mangold Wurtzel 5 to 7" Mustard (Broadcast) 10 to 20" Rape or Cole 4 to 6" Rye Gra.s.s, Italian 3 bus. Rye Gra.s.s, Perennial 2" Sainfoin 4" Tares, or Vetches 3" Turnip, Swedish 3 lb. Turnip, Common 2 to 3" Trifolium 16 to 20"
Agrostemma.--A hardy annual that is very pretty when in flower; suitable for borders. Flourishes in any soil, and is easily raised from seed sown in spring. Blooms in June and July. There are also perennial varieties: these are increased by division of the root.
Height, 1 ft. to 3 ft.
Agrostis.--A very elegant and graceful species of Bent-Gra.s.s. It is a hardy annual, and is largely used for bouquets. Sow the seed in March.
Height, 1 ft. to 1-1/2 ft.
Ajuga Reptans.--A hardy herbaceous perennial, suitable for the front of borders. It will grow in any soil, and may be propagated by seeds or division. May is its flowering season. Height, 6 in.
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