Gardening For The Million Part 2

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Aponogeton.--_See_ "Aquatics."

Apples.--Apples delight in a moist, cool climate. All apples will not succeed on the same soil, some preferring clay, while others grow best in sandy loam or in well-drained peat. For a deep, good soil and a sheltered situation the standard form grafted on the Crab-apple is generally considered to be the most profitable. For shallow soils it is better to graft on to the Paradise stock, as its roots do not run down so low as the Crab. The ground, whether deep or shallow, should receive a good mulching in the autumn; that on the deep soil being dug in at the approach of spring, while that on the shallow soil should be removed in the spring to allow the ground to be lightly forked and sweetened, replacing the manure when the dry, hot weather sets in. The best time to perform the grafting is March, and it should be done on the whip-handle system, particulars of which will be found under "Grafting." Young trees may be planted in the autumn, as soon as the leaves have fallen. Budding is done in August, just in the same manner as roses. In spring head back to the bud; a vigorous shoot will then be produced, which can be trained as desired. Apples need very little pruning, it being merely necessary to remove branches growing in the wrong direction; but this should be done annually, while the branches are young--either at the end of July or in winter. If moss makes its appearance, it off and wash the branches with hot lime. The following sorts may be specially recommended:--For heavy soils, d.u.c.h.ess of Oldenburgh, equally suitable for cooking or dessert; Warner's King, one of the best for mid-season; and King of the Pippins, a handsome and early dessert apple. For light, warm soils, c.o.x's Orange Pippin or Bess Pool. The Devons.h.i.+re Quarrenden is a delicious apple, and will grow on any good soil. In orchards standards should stand 40 ft. apart each way, and dwarfs from 10 ft. to 15 ft.

Apricots.--Early in November is the most favourable time for planting Apricots. The soil--good, sound loam for preference--should be dug 3 ft. deep, and mixed with one-fourth its quant.i.ty of rotten leaves and one-fourth old plaster refuse. Place a substratum of bricks below each tree and tread the earth very firmly round the roots. They will not need any manure until they are fruiting, when a little may be applied in a weak liquid form, but a plentiful supply of water should be given during spring and summer months. The fan shape is undoubtedly the best way of training the branches, as it allows a ready means of tucking small yew branches between them to protect the buds from the cold.

They may be grown on their own roots by planting the stone, but a quicker way to obtain fruit is to bud them on to vigorous seedling plum trees. This should be done in August, inserting the bud on the north or north-west side of the stem and as near the ground as possible. To obtain prime fruit, thin the fruit-buds out to a distance of 6 in. one from the other. In the spring any leaf-buds not required for permanent shoots can be pinched back to three or four leaves to form spurs. The Apricot is subject to a sort of paralysis, the branches dying off suddenly. The only remedy for this seems to be to prevent premature vegetation. The following are good sorts: Moor Park, Grosse Peche, Royal St. Ambroise, Kaisha, Powell's Late, and Oullin's Early. In plantations they should stand 20 ft. apart.

Aquatics.--All aquatics grow best in wicker-baskets filled with earth.

Cover the surface of the earth with hay-bands twisted backwards and forwards and round the plant, and lace it down with tarred string, so as to keep the earth and plant from being washed out. The following make good plants:--White Water Lily (_Nymphaea Alba_) in deep water with muddy bottom; Yellow Water Lily (_Nuphar Lutea_); and Nuphar Advena, having yellow and red flowers; Hottonia Pal.u.s.tris, bearing flesh-coloured flowers, and Alismas, or Water Plantain, with white, and purple and white flowers. Water Forget-me-nots (_Myosotis Pal.u.s.tris_) flourish on the edges of ponds or rivers. The Water Hawthorn (_Aponogetou Distachyon_) does well in a warm, sheltered position, and may be grown in loam, plunged in a pan of water.

Calla Ethiopica bears pretty white flowers, so also does the before-mentioned Aponogeton Distachyon. The Flowering Rush (_Butomus Umbellatus_), produces fine heads of pink flowers. The Water Violet merely needs to be laid on the surface of the water; the roots float.

For shallow water Menyanthus Trifoliata (Three-leaved Buckbean) and Typha Latifolia (Broad-leaved Cat's Tail) are suitable. Weeping Willows grow readily from cuttings of ripened shoots, planted in moist soil in autumn. Spiraea does well in moist situations, near water.

Aquatics are propagated by seed sown under water: many will allow of root-division. Tender Aquatics are removed in winter to warm-water tanks.

Aquilegia (_Columbine_).--Very ornamental and easily-grown hardy perennials. Sow seed in March in sandy soil, under gla.s.s, and transplant when strong enough. Common garden soil suits them. The roots may be divided in spring or autumn. The flowers are produced from May to July. Height, 2 ft.

Arabis Alpina (_Rock Cress, or Snow in Summer_).--Pure white hardy perennial, which is valuable for spring bedding. Not particular to soil, and easily raised from seed sown from March to June, placed under a frame, and transplanted in the autumn, or it may be propagated by slips, but more surely by rootlets taken after the plants have done flowering. Plant 3 in. apart. Height, 6 in.

Aralia (_Fatsia j.a.ponica_).--Fine foliage plants, very suitable for a shady situation in a living-room. They may be raised from seed sown in autumn in a gentle heat, in well-drained pots of light sandy soil.

Keep the mould moist, and when the plants are large enough to handle, pot them off singly in thumb pots, using rich, light, sandy soil. Do not pot too firmly. Keep them moist, but do not over water, especially in winter, and re-pot as the plants increase in size. Be careful not to let the sun s.h.i.+ne on them at any time, as this would cause the leaves to lose their fresh colour.

Aralia Sieboldi (_Fig Palm_).--This shrub is an evergreen, and is generally given stove culture, though it proves quite hardy in the open, where its large deep-green leaves acquire a beauty surpa.s.sing those grown indoors. Slips of half-ripened wood taken at a joint in July may be struck in heat and for the first year grown on in the greenhouse. The young plants should be hardened off and planted out in May in a sunny situation. It should be grown in well-drained sandy loam. Is increased also by off-sets, and blooms (if at all) in July.

Height, 3 ft.

Aralia Sinensis. _See_ "Dimorphantus."

Araucaria Imbricata (_The Monkey Puzzle, or Chilian Pine_).--This strikingly handsome conifer is very suitable for a forecourt or for a single specimen on gra.s.s. Young plants are sometimes grown in the conservatory and in the borders of shrubberies, as well as in the centres of beds. It requires a good stiff sandy loam, which must be well drained, and plenty of room for root action should be allowed.

Young plants are obtained from seed sown in good mellow soil. Water sparingly, especially during the winter.

Arbor Vitae. _See_ "Thuya."

Arbutus (_Strawberry Tree_).--Elegant evergreen shrubs with dark foliage of great beauty during October and November, when they produce an abundance of pearly-white flowers, and the fruit of the previous year is ripe. A. Unedo is particularly charming. They flourish in the open in sandy loam. The dwarfs are increased by layers, the rest by seeds or by budding on each other.

Arctostaphylos.--These evergreen shrubs need the same treatment as Arbutos. A. Uva-ursi, or Creeping Arbutos, is a pretty prostrate evergreen, which flowers in May, and is only 3 in. high.

Arctotis.--A showy and interesting half-hardy annual. Raise the seed in a frame in March, and transplant in May. It succeeds best in a mixture of loam and peat. It flowers in June. Height, 1 ft.

Arctotis Grandis.--A very handsome, half-hardy annual producing large daisy-like flowers on long wiry stems, the upper part being white and the base yellow and lilac, while the reverse of the petals are of a light lilac. The seed should be sown early in spring on a slight hot-bed, and the plants potted off, when sufficiently strong, using a rich, light mould. They may be transferred to the border as soon as all fear of frost is over. Height, 2-1/2 ft.

Ardisia j.a.ponica.--An evergreen shrub which delights in a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings will strike if planted in sand under gla.s.s with a little bottom heat. It flowers in July. Height, 6 ft.

Arenaria Balearica (_Sand Wort_).--A hardy evergreen trailing plant of easy culture, provided it is favoured with a sandy soil. Its cus.h.i.+ons of white flowers are produced in July, and it may be increased by seed or division. Height, 3 in. It is a beautiful plant for moist, shady rock-work.

Argemone.--Interesting hardy annuals, succeeding well in any common garden soil. Are increased by suckers or by seed sown in spring.

Height, 6 in. to 3 ft.

Aristolochia Sipho (_Dutchman's Pipe_).--This hardy, deciduous climber grows best in peat and sandy loam with the addition of a little dung.

It may be raised from cuttings placed in sand under gla.s.s. Height, 30 ft.

Armeria (_Thrift_).--Handsome hardy perennials for rock-work or pots.

They require an open, rich, sandy soil. Bloom June to September.

Height, 1-1/2 ft.

Arnebia.--Ornamental hardy annuals, closely allied to the Anchusa.

The seeds are sown in the open in spring, and flowers are produced in July. Height, 2 ft. There is also a dwarf hardy perennial variety (_A.

Echioides_) known as the Prophet's Flower, growing about 1 ft. high, and flowering early in summer. It needs no special treatment.

Artemisia Annua.--Pretty hardy annuals, the silvery leaves of the plant being very effective on rock-work. Sow the seed in spring where it is to flower. Height, 6 ft.

Artemisia Arborea. _See_ "Southernwood."

Artemisia Villarsii.--A hardy perennial whose graceful sprays of finely-cut silvery foliage are very useful for mixing with cut flowers. It may be grown from seed on any soil, and the roots bear dividing; flowers from June to August. Height, 2 ft.

Artichokes.--The Jerusalem variety will flourish in light sandy soil where few other things will grow. Plant the tubers in March, 6 in.

deep and 12 in. apart in rows 3 ft. asunder, and raise and store them in November. The Globe variety is increased by off-sets taken in March. Set them in deeply manured ground in threes, at least 2 ft.

apart and 4 ft. from row to row. Keep them well watered, and the ground between them loose. They bear best when two or three years old.

Arum Lilies.--In warm districts these beautiful plants may be grown in damp places out of doors, with a south aspect and a background of shrubs, though, not being thoroughly hardy, it is safer to grow them in pots. They may be raised from seed in boxes of leaf-mould and sand, covering them with gla.s.s, and keeping them well watered. As soon as they can be handled, transplant them into small pots, and pot on as they increase in size. They may also be increased by the small shoots that form round the base of the corms, using a compost of loam, leaf-mould, and sand, with a little crushed charcoal. In June transplant them in the open to ripen their corms, and in August put them carefully into 6-in. pots filled with the above-mentioned compost. They need at all times a good amount of moisture, especially at such times as they are removed from one soil to another. At the same time, it is necessary to procure good drainage. It is well to feed them every other day with weak liquid manure. A temperature of 55 degrees throughout the winter is quite sufficient. When grown in the open, the bulbs should be placed 3 in. below the soil, with a little silver sand beneath each, and not be disturbed oftener than once in four years. Three or four may stand a foot apart. Stake neatly the flower stems. They flower from September to June.

Arums.--Remarkably handsome plants with fine foliage and curious inflorescence more or less enclosed in a hooded spathe, which is generally richly coloured and marked. They are hardy, easily grown in any soil (a good sandy one is preferable), and flower in July. Height, 1-1/2 ft. (_See also_ "Calla.")

Asarum Europaeum.--This curious hardy perennial will grow in almost any soil, and may be increased by taking off portions of the root early in autumn, placing them in small pots till the beginning of spring, then planting them out. It produces its purple flowers in May.

Height, 9 in.

Asclepias (_Swallow-Wort_).--Showy hardy perennials which require plenty of room to develop. They may be grown from seed sown in August or April, or can be increased by division of the root. A very light soil is needed, and plenty of suns.h.i.+ne. Flowers are produced in July.

Height, 1 ft. to 2-1/2 ft.

Asparagus.--Sow in March or April, in rich light soil, allowing the plants to remain in the seed-beds until the following spring; then transplant into beds thoroughly prepared by trenching the ground 3 ft.

deep, and mixing about a foot thick of well-rotted manure and a good proportion of broken bones and salt with the soil. The plants should stand 2 ft. apart. In dry weather water liberally with liquid manure, and fork in a good supply of manure every autumn. Give protection in winter. The plants should not be cut for use until they become strong and throw up fine gra.s.s, and cutting should not be continued late in the season. April is a good time for making new beds. The roots should be planted as soon as possible after they are lifted, as exposure to the air is very injurious to them.

Asparagus Plumosus Na.n.u.s is a greenhouse variety, bearing fern-like foliage. The seeds should be sown in slight heat early in spring.

Asparagus Sprengeri.--This delightful greenhouse climber is seen to best advantage when suspended in a hanging basket, but it also makes an attractive plant when grown on upright sticks, or on trellis-work.

It is useful for cut purposes, lasting a long time in this state, and is fast taking the place of ferns, its light and elegant foliage making it a general favourite. It should be grown in rich, light mould, and may be propagated by seed or division. The roots should not be kept too wet, especially in cold weather.

Asperula (_Woodruff_).--A. Azurea Setosa is a pretty, light-blue hardy annual, which is usually sown in the open in autumn for early flowering; if sown in the spring it will bloom in June or July. A.

Odorata is a hardy perennial, merely needing ordinary treatment. It is serviceable for perfuming clothes, etc. Asperulas thrive in a moist soil, and grow well under the shade of trees. Height, 1 ft.

Asphalte Paths.--Sift coa.r.s.e gravel so as to remove the dusty portion, and mix it with boiling tar in the proportion of 25 gallons to each load. Spread it evenly, cover the surface with a layer of spar,, or coa.r.s.e sand, and roll it in before the tar sets.

Asphodelus.--Bold hardy herbaceous plants; fine for borders; will grow in common soil, and flower between May and August. Increased by young plants taken from the roots. Height, 2-1/2 ft. to 4 ft.

Aspidistra.--This greenhouse herbaceous perennial is a drawing-room palm, and is interesting from the fact that it produces its flowers beneath the surface of the soil. It thrives in any fairly good mould, but to grow it to perfection it should be accommodated with three parts loam, one part leaf-mould, and one part sand. It will do in any position, but is best shaded from the midday sun. It may be increased by suckers, or by dividing the roots in April, May, or June. Supply the plant freely with water, especially when root-bound. When dusty, the leaves should be sponged with tepid milk and water--a teacup of the former to a gallon of the latter. This imparts a gloss to the leaves. A poor sandy soil is more suitable for the variegated kind, as this renders the variegation more constant. Height, 1 ft. to 2 ft.

Asters.--This splendid cla.s.s of half-hardy annuals has been vastly improved by both French and German cultivators. Speaking generally, the flowers of the French section resemble the chrysanthemum, and those of the German the paeony. They all delight in a very rich, light soil, and need plenty of room from the commencement of their growth.

The first sowing may be made in February or March, on a gentle hotbed, followed by others at about fourteen days' interval. The seeds are best sown in shallow drills and lightly covered with soil, then pressed down by a board. p.r.i.c.k out the seedlings 2 in. apart, and plant them out about the middle of May in a deeply-manured bed. If plant food be given it must be forked in lightly, as the Aster is very shallow-rooting, and it should be discontinued when the buds appear.

For exhibition purposes remove the middle bud, mulch the ground with some good rotten soil from an old turf heap, and occasionally give a little manure water.

Astilbe.--Ornamental, hardy herbaceous perennials, with large handsome foliage, and dense plumes of flowers, requiring a peaty soil for their successful cultivation. They may be grown from seed sown in July or August, or may be increased by division. They flower at the end of July. The varieties vary in height, some growing as tall as 6 ft.

Astragalus Alpinus.--A hardy perennial bearing bluish-purple flowers.

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