A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Part 20
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Mr. RANDOLPH:--I must now insist upon having my resolution, offered yesterday, considered. Congress is about adjourning, and, if we do not close our labors to-day, we cannot have our propositions acted upon under the rules of the Senate and House of Representatives. They can be kept out on the objection of any member. I do not wish to debate the resolution, and I hope the debate will not be continued in the general manner it was yesterday.
Mr. FIELD:--There seems to be a disposition to stop debate now, after nearly the whole time has been occupied by the other side. Yesterday the whole session was occupied by a general discussion of this question. It is my right to debate it as generally as other gentlemen have done. I shall avail myself of that right. I may not speak thirty minutes, but I will not submit to the imposition of a different rule upon me, if I can avoid it, from that which has been imposed upon others. The first question is on striking out the last clause of the resolution. On that I have nothing to say except that I ask for a vote by States.
A vote by States was then taken, and resulted as follows:
AYES.--Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Ma.s.sachusetts, Maryland, New York, New Hamps.h.i.+re, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Vermont--12.
NOES.--Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Virginia--8.
Mr. CLAY:--I move to lay the whole subject upon the table. It is useless to attempt to stop discussion in this way.
Mr. CHASE:--I call for a vote by States.
The motion of Mr. CLAY prevailed by the following vote.
AYES.--Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Ma.s.sachusetts. New York, Vermont, Virginia, and New Hamps.h.i.+re--10.
NOES.--Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Tennessee--9.
Mr. McCURDY:--There is really but one question that ought to engage the attention of this Conference. All others may be settled in half an hour. This question is a great one, and a.s.sumes a variety of forms. I wish to vote upon it understandingly, and I want some information from the committee which has had it in charge.
I ask that committee whether they are not proposing a change in the Const.i.tution, which, if adopted, will operate as a direct and effectual protection of slavery in all the territories of the United States? This appears to me to be the true question for our consideration. I wish to know what meaning is attached by its friends to one part of the proposed article.
It states that "the _status_ of persons owing service or labor as it now exists shall not be changed by law," &c.; and again, "that the rights arising out of said relations shall be subject to judicial cognizance in the Federal courts according to the _common law_." The _status_, then, shall not be changed. By that term I suppose condition is intended. I understand that perfectly. There shall be no law to change the condition, to _impair_ the rights of the slaveholder; but shall there be no law to _protect_ these rights? Now, what is intended by this? Why not make this provision plain, and not leave it open to any question of construction? The ghost of the old trouble rises here, and will not down at the bidding of any man. I believe under this article the inst.i.tution of slavery is to be protected by a most ingenious contrivance. The _common law_, administered according to the pro-slavery view, is to be called in for its protection.
Now I ask the chairman of the committee reporting these propositions what he means by the _common law_? The common law, as we understand it, is the law of freedom--not of slavery. But I do not here propose to discuss that question. I wish to know how the truth really is. How does the committee, how do the friends of this proposition understand it?
By the _common law_ a slave is still a man: a person, and not a personal chattel. He may owe service, as a child to its parent, an apprentice to his master, but he is still a _person_ owing service. He is all the time recognized as a _man_. As such he may own and hold property, take it by inheritance and dispose of it at pleasure, by will or by contract. All these rights, all the principles on which they are founded, are in direct antagonism to slavery. The argument may be carried much farther, but this is far enough for my purpose. By the slave law, all this is reversed. The master owns the _body_ of the slave, may sell or otherwise dispose of him, may make him the subject of inheritance. The slave loses all the attributes of a person, and becomes property as much as the horse or the ox that feeds at his master's crib. These, in a condition of slavery are the rights of the master over the slave. These rights the common law, under this proposition, is to recognize, protect, and enforce. I believe I am not mistaken in this. What other construction can you give the article? It is a distinct proposal to engraft slavery upon the common law: to declare in the Const.i.tution that slavery is recognized and protected by the common law.
Now, the North has always protested against this. She will never consent to it. She understands all the consequences as well as you. No doubt it would be a great point gained for you, to have the Const.i.tution recognize the inst.i.tution of slavery as part of the common law. For then slavery goes wherever the common law goes. Its rights under this provision are not confined to the territories. Once established, these may be enforced in a free State just as well. It is the old proposition over again, which has come before the American people so many times under so many different guises. It makes slavery national, freedom sectional. If this is so, if such is the construction which it is intended this section shall receive, why not state it openly? why leave it as a question of construction?
This construction involves other considerations. This new kind of common law is to be subst.i.tuted for the old. The latter has been understood for centuries almost. Its principles have been discussed and settled. It is a system founded by experience, and adapted to the wants of the people subject to it. Its very name implies that it was not created by legislative authority. A strange common law indeed that would be which is _created by the Const.i.tution_.
But this is not all. Other principles of the common law are subject to change. They are adapted to the advance of civilization, to the wants of communities. Change is the universal law of nature. This new kind of common law is alone to be perpetual.
It is not my purpose to enter into a general discussion of the subject. This point struck me as important, as needing elucidation. If I am wrong in this construction, the committee will correct me.
Mr. EWING:--The proposition contained in the first article of the proposed amendment, is copied from the CRITTENDEN resolutions in substance. It is true that the language is somewhat changed, but the legal effect is identical in both the propositions. The term "_status_" &c., as there used is not applicable to all the territory of the United States. It only extends to that portion of the territory south of 36 30'. It crushes out liberty nowhere. It changes nothing--no rights whatever. Again, whatever may be the _status_ of the person in the State from which he comes, _that_ is preserved in the territory, and that alone. It is precisely similar to the case of a contract to which the _lex loci_ gives the construction, and the _lex fori_ its execution.
I like the common law. I have made it my study. I like the use of this term here. It was a good system when not as perfect as it is now. The common law of England even tolerated slavery until it was abolished.
The colliers of the North of England were once, to all intents and purposes, as much slaves as any negro on the Southern plantations, except in the matter of separation of families. I can refer you to a precedent on this subject, which you will find in a book of no very high authority. I mean the novel, _Red Gauntlet_.
The general principle applicable here is this: Whenever you establish the right--no matter how, if you _establish_ it--the common law a.s.serts the remedy. There is no crus.h.i.+ng out about it. The simple proposition is this: Slavery exists already in that little worthless territory we own below the proposed line. Will we agree that it shall remain there just as it is now, so long as the territorial condition continues? That is all. There is no mystery or question of construction about it.
Mr. FIELD:--The questions now before the Conference I suppose arise upon the report presented by the majority of the committee, and upon the motion to subst.i.tute for that report the propositions of the minority of the same committee.
I propose to add to this report the three following propositions; and I will read them for the information of the Conference.
I. "Each State has the sole and exclusive right, according to its own judgment, to order and direct its domestic inst.i.tutions, and to determine for itself what shall be the relation to each other of all persons residing or being within its limits.
II. "Congress shall provide by law for securing to the citizens of each State the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States.
III. "The union of the States under the Const.i.tution is indissoluble; and no State can secede from the Union, or nullify an act of Congress, or absolve its citizens from their paramount obligations of obedience to the Const.i.tution and laws of the United States."
These additions would render the majority report much more acceptable to the northern people than it is in its present shape, though even then, I am bound to declare, I could not support it. I prefer the subst.i.tute. In what I have now to say, I shall not confine myself to a discussion of these propositions, but availing myself of the lat.i.tude of debate hitherto allowed to gentlemen who have addressed the Conference in favor of the report of the majority of the committee, I shall endeavor to bring to the notice of this body, more fully than I have yet done, my views upon the general question presented for our consideration.
For myself, I state at the outset that I am indisposed to the adoption, at the present time, of any amendment of the Const.i.tution.
To change the organic law of thirty millions of people is a measure of the greatest importance. Such a measure should never be undertaken in any case, or under any circ.u.mstances, without great deliberation and the highest moral certainty that the country will be benefited by the change. In this case, as yet, there has been no deliberation; certainly not so far as the delegates from New York are concerned. The resolutions of Virginia were pa.s.sed on the 19th of January. New York (her Legislature being in session) appointed her delegates on the 5th of February. We came here on the 8th. Our delegation was not full for a week. The amendments proposed were submitted on the 15th. It is now the 20th of the month. We are urged to act at once without further deliberation or delay.
To found an empire, or to make a const.i.tution for a people, on which so much of their happiness depends, requires the sublimest effort of the human intellect, the greatest impartiality in weighing opposing interests, the utmost calmness in judgment, the highest prudence in decision. It is proposed that we shall proceed to amend in essential particulars a Const.i.tution which, since its adoption by the people of this country, has answered all its needs; with a haste which to my mind is unnecessary, not to say indecent.
Have any defects been discovered in this Const.i.tution? I have listened most attentively to hear those defects mentioned, if any such have been found to exist. I have heard none. No change in the Judicial Department is suggested. The exercise of judicial powers under the Const.i.tution has been satisfactory enough to the South. The Judicial Department is to be left untouched, as I think it should be. You propose no change in the form of the Executive or Legislative Departments. These you leave as they were before. What you do propose is, to place certain limitations upon the Legislative power, to prohibit legislation upon certain important subjects, to give new guarantees to slavery, and this, as you admit, before any person has been injured, before any right has been infringed.
There is high authority which ought to be satisfactory to you, that of the President of the United States, now in office, for the statement that Congress never undertook to pa.s.s an unconst.i.tutional law affecting the interests of slavery except the Missouri Compromise.
Well, you have repealed that. You have also every a.s.surance that can be given, that the administration about coming into power proposes no interference with your inst.i.tutions within State limits. Can you not be satisfied with that? No. You propose these amendments in advance.
You insist upon them, and you declare that you must and will have them or certain consequences must follow. But, gentlemen of the South, what reasons do you give for entering upon this hasty, this precipitate action? You say it is the prevailing sense of insecurity, the anxiety, the apprehension you feel lest something unlawful, something unconst.i.tutional, may be done. Yet the gentleman from Virginia (Mr.
SEDDON) tells us that Virginia is able to protect all who reside within her limits, and that she will do so at all hazards. Why not tell us the truth outright? It is not action under the Const.i.tution or in Congress that you would prevent. What is it, then? You are determined to prevent the agitation of the subject. Let us understand each other. You have called us here to prevent future discussion of the subject of slavery. It is _that_ you fear--it is _that_ you would avoid--discussion in Congress--in the State Legislatures--in the newspapers--in popular a.s.semblies.
But will the plan you propose, the course you have marked out, accomplish your purpose? Will it stop discussion? Will it lessen it in the slightest degree? Can you not profit by the experience of the past? Can you prevent an agitation of this subject, or any other, by any const.i.tutional provisions? No! Look at the details of your scheme.
You propose through the Const.i.tution to require payment for fugitive slaves: to make the North pay for them. You are thus throwing a lighted firebrand not only into Congress, but into every State Legislature, into every county, city, and village in the land.
This one proposition to pay for fugitive slaves, will prove a subject for almost irrepressible agitation. You say to the State Legislatures, you shall not obstruct the rendition of fugitives from service, but you may legislate in aid of their rendition, thereby implying that the latter kind of legislation will be their duty. You thus provide a new subject of discussion and agitation for all these Legislatures. In the Border States especially, such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, you will find this agitation fiercer than any you have hitherto witnessed; of which you complain so much. You will add to the flame until it becomes a consuming fire.
You propose to stop the discussion of these questions by the press. Do you really believe that in this age of the world you can accomplish that? You know little of history if such is your belief. Free speech is stronger than const.i.tutions or dynasties. You might as well put your hands over the crater of a burning volcano, and seek thus to extinguish its flames, as to attempt to stop discussion by such an amendment of the Const.i.tution. Stop discussion of the great questions affecting the policy, strength, and prosperity of the Government! You cannot do it! You ought not to attempt to do it!
I wish to speak kindly upon this subject. I entertain no unfriendly feelings toward any section. But while you are thus complaining of us in the free States, because we agitate and discuss the question of slavery, are you not, in a great degree, responsible for this agitation yourselves? Do you not discuss it, and agitate it? Do you not make slavery the subject of your speeches in the South, and in the presence of your slaves? Do you not make charges against us, which in your cooler moments you know to be unfounded? Do you not charge us in the hearing of your slaves with the design of interfering with slavery in the States, with a design to free them if we succeed?
You have done all this and more, and if discontent, anxiety, and mistrust exist among your people, let me say that such discussion has contributed more to produce them, than all the agitation of the slavery question at the North. But your amendments are not pointed at your discussions. That kind of agitation may go on as before. It is only the discussion on the other side you would repress!
If the condition of affairs among you is as you represent it, have you no duties to perform; is there nothing for you to do? Should you not tell your people what we have a.s.sured you upon every proper occasion, that the Republican Party has always repudiated all intention of interfering with slavery, or any other Southern inst.i.tution within the States? This you all know. Have you told your people this? If you would explain it to them now, would they not be quieted? Do not reply that they _believe_ we have such a purpose. Who is responsible for that belief? Have you not continually a.s.serted before your people, notwithstanding every a.s.surance we could give you to the contrary, that we are determined to interfere with your rights? It is thus the responsibility rests with you.
Although such is my conviction, supported, as I think, by all the evidence, I am still for peace. Show me now any proposition that will secure peace, and I will go for it if I can. We came here to take each other by the hand, to compare views, explain, consult. We meet you in the most reasonable spirit. Any thing that honorable men _may_ do, we _will_ do.
We will go back to 1845 when you admitted Texas; back to the Missouri Compromise of 1820. You certainly can complain of nothing previous to that time. If, since then, there has been any law of Congress pa.s.sed which is unjust toward you, which infringes upon your rights, which operates unfairly upon your interests, we will join you in securing its repeal. We will go farther. If you will point out any act of the Republican Party which has given you just cause for apprehension, we will give you all security against it. We will do any thing but amend the fundamental law of Government. Before we do that we must be convinced of its necessity.
When you propose essential changes in the Const.i.tution you must expect that they will be subjected to a critical examination; if not here, certainly elsewhere. I object to those proposed by the majority of the committee--
1st. For what they _do_ contain.
2nd. For what they _do not_ contain.
I do not propose to criticize the language used in your propositions of amendment. That would be trifling. I think the language very infelicitous, and if I supposed those propositions were to become part of the Const.i.tution, I should think many verbal changes indispensable.
But I pa.s.s by all that, and come at once to the substance.
I object to the propositions, sir, because they would put into the Const.i.tution new expressions relating to slavery, which were sedulously kept out of it by the framers of that instrument; left out of it, not accidentally, but because, as MADISON said, they did not wish posterity to know from the Const.i.tution that the inst.i.tution existed.
But I object further, because the propositions contain guarantees for slavery which our fathers did not and would not give. In 1787 the convention was held at Philadelphia to establish our form of Government. WAs.h.i.+NGTON was its presiding officer, whose name was in itself a bond of union. It was soon after the close of a long and b.l.o.o.d.y war. Shoulder to shoulder--through winter snows and beneath summer suns--through such sufferings and sacrifices as the world had scarcely ever witnessed--the people of these States, under Providence, had fought and achieved their independence. Fresh from the field, their hearts full of patriotism, determined to perpetuate the liberties they had achieved, the people sent their delegates into the convention to frame a Const.i.tution which would preserve to their posterity the blessings they had won.
These delegates, under the presidence of WAs.h.i.+NGTON, aided by the counsels of MADISON and FRANKLIN, considered the very questions with which we are now dealing, and they refused to put into the Const.i.tution which they were making, such guarantees to slavery as you now ask from their descendants. That is my interpretation of their action. Either these guarantees are in the Const.i.tution, or they are not. If they are there, let them remain there. If they are not there, I can conceive of no possible state of circ.u.mstances under which I would consent to admit them.
A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Part 20
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