A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Part 21
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Mr. MOREHEAD:--Not to save the Union?
Mr. FIELD:--No, sir, no! That is my comprehensive answer.
Mr. MOREHEAD:--Then you will let the Union slide.
Mr. FIELD:--No, never! I would let slavery slide, and save the Union.
Greater things than this have been done. This year has seen slavery abolished in all the Russias.
Mr. ROMAN:--Do you think it better to have the free and slave States separated, and to have the Union dissolved?
Mr. FIELD:--I would sacrifice all I have; lay down my life for the Union. But I will not give these guarantees to slavery. If the Union cannot be preserved without them, it cannot long be preserved with them. Let me ask you, if you will recommend to the people of the southern States, in case these guarantees are conceded, to accept them, and abide by their obligations to the Union? You answer, Yes! Do you suppose you can induce the seceded States to return? You answer: We do not know! What will you yourselves do if, after all, they refuse? Your answer is, "_We will go with them!_"
We are to understand, then, that this is the language of the slave States, which have not seceded, toward the free States: "If you will support our amendments, we will try to induce the seceded States to return to the Union. We rather think we can induce them to return; but if we cannot, then we will go with them."
What is to be done by the Government of the United States while you are trying this experiment? The seceded States are organizing a Government with all its departments. They are levying taxes, raising military forces, and engaging in commerce with foreign nations, in plain violation of the provisions of the Const.i.tution. If this condition of affairs lasts six months longer, France and England will recognize theirs as a Government _de facto_. Do you suppose we will submit to this, that we can submit to it?
I speak only for myself. I undertake to commit no one but myself; but I here a.s.sert, that an administration which fails to a.s.sert by force its authority over the whole country will be a disgrace to the nation.
There is no middle ground; we must keep this country unbroken, or we give it up to ruin!
We are told that one State has an hundred thousand men ready for the field, and that if we do not a.s.sent to these propositions she will fight us. If I believed this to be true, I would not consent to treat on any terms.
From the ports of these seceded States have sailed all the fillibustering expeditions which have heretofore disgraced this land.
There, have those enterprises been conceived and fitted out. Their new government will enter upon a new career of conquest unless prevented.
Even if these propositions of amendment are received and submitted to the people, I see nothing but war in the future, unless those States are quickly brought back to their allegiance.
I do not propose to use harsh language. I will not stigmatize this Convention as a political body, or a.s.sert that this is a movement toward a revolution counter to a political revolution just accomplished by the elections. Nor will I speak of personal liberty bills, or of northern State legislation, about which so much complaint has been made. If I went into those questions, much might be said on both sides. We might ask you whether you had not thrown stones at us?
Did not the Governor of Louisiana, in his message to the Legislature of his State, recommend special legislation against the supporters of Mr. LINCOLN? Is there not on the statute books of Maryland a law which prohibits a "black Republican" from holding certain offices in that State?
Mr. JOHNSON:--There was a police bill before the Legislature of Maryland, in which some provision of that kind was inserted by one who wished to defeat it. Its friends were compelled to accept the provision in order to save the bill. The courts at once held the provision unconst.i.tutional. All that is so.
Mr. FIELD:--I am answered. It is admitted that the Legislature of that ancient State did place upon her statute book an act pa.s.sed with all the forms of law, containing a provision so insulting to millions of American citizens.
Mr. HOWARD:--Will Mr. FIELD permit me a single question? I ask it for information, and because I am unable to answer it myself. I therefore rely upon his superior judgment and better means of knowledge. It appears to me that Ma.s.sachusetts, Maine, and New York have gone much farther. The charge is a serious one. Maryland has never refused to submit to the decisions of the proper judicial tribunals. The Const.i.tution has provided for the erection of a tribunal which should finally decide all questions of const.i.tutional law. That tribunal has decided that the people of the slave States have a legal right to go into the territories with their property. The gentleman from New York tells us he is in favor of free territory, and his people are also.
Now, I wish to ask, where in the Const.i.tution he finds the right to appeal from the decision of the Supreme Court to the popular voice? In what clause of the Const.i.tution is this power lodged? Where does he find this right of appeal to the people, a right which he insists the North will not give up?
Mr. FIELD:--I am happy to answer the question of the gentleman from Maryland, and I reply that when once the Supreme Court has decided a question, I know of no way in which the decision can be reversed, except through an amendment of the Const.i.tution. I have the greatest respect for the authority of the Supreme Court. I would take up arms, if necessary, to execute its decisions. I say that States, as well as persons, should respect and conform to its judgments, and I would say they must. But I am bound in candor to add, that in my view the Supreme Court has never adjudged the point to which the gentlemen refers; it gave opinions, but no decision.
I was about to state, when I was first interrupted, that the majority report altogether omits those guarantees, which, if the Const.i.tution is to be amended, ought to be there before any others that have been suggested. I mean those which will secure protection in the South to the citizens of the free States, and those which will protect the Union against future attempts at secession; guarantees which are contained in the propositions that I have submitted as proper to be added to the report of the majority.
But, sir, I must insist, that if amendments to the Const.i.tution are required at all, it is better that they should be proposed and considered in a General Convention. Although I do not regard this Conference as exactly unconst.i.tutional, it is certainly a bad precedent. It is a body nominally composed of representatives of the States, and is called to urge upon Congress propositions of amendment to the Const.i.tution. Its recommendations will have something of force in them; it will undoubtedly be claimed for them in Congress that they possess such force. I do not like to see an irregular body sitting by the side of a legislative body and attempting to influence its action.
Again, all the States are not here. Oregon and California--the great Pacific dominions with all their wealth and power, present and prospective--have not been consulted at all. Will it be replied that all the States can vote upon the amendments? That is a very different thing from proposing them. California and Oregon may have interests of their own to protect, propositions of their own to make. Is it right for us to act without consulting them? I will go for a convention, because I believe it is the best way to avoid civil war.
Mr. WICKLIFFE:--If a General Convention is held, what amendments will you propose?
Mr. FIELD:--I have already said that I have none to propose. I am satisfied with the Const.i.tution as it is.
Mr. WICKLIFFE:--Then, for G.o.d's sake, let us have no General Convention.
Mr. FIELD:--I think the gentleman's observation is not logical. He wants amendments, I do not. But I say if we are to have them, let us have them through a General Convention.
And I say farther, that this is the quickest way to secure them. If a General Convention is to be called, let it be held at once, just as soon as possible. If gentlemen from eight of the States in this Conference represent truly the public sentiment of their people, as I will a.s.sume they do, there is no other alternative. We must have either the arbitrament of reason or the arbitrament of the sword. The gloomy future alone can tell whether the latter is to be the one adopted. I greatly fear it is. The conviction presses upon me in my waking and my sleeping hours. Only last night I dreamed of marching armies and news from the seat of war. [A laugh from the Kentucky and Virginia benches.]
The gentlemen laugh. I thought they, too, had fears of war. I thought their threats and prophecies were sincere. G.o.d grant that I may not hereafter have to say, "I had a dream that was not all a dream."
Sir, I have but little more to trouble you with. In what I have said I trust there has been no expression that will be taken in ill part. I have spoken what I sincerely felt. If there has been an unkind word in my remarks I did not intend it, and am sorry for having uttered it.
For my own State and for the North I have only to say that they are devoted to the Union. We have been reminded of HAMILTON'S opinion, that the States are stronger than the Union, and that when the collision comes the Union must fall. This is a mistake. In the North the love for the Union is the strongest of political affections. New York will stand by the flag of the country while there is a star left in its folds. If the Union should be reduced to thirteen States--if it should be reduced to three States--if all should fall away but herself, she will stand alone to bear and uphold that honored flag, and recover the Union of which it is the pledge and symbol. G.o.d grant that time may never come, but that New York may stand side by side with Kentucky and Virginia to the end. That we may all stand by the Union, negotiate for it, fight for it, if the necessity comes, is my wish, my hope, my prayer. The Const.i.tution made for us by WAs.h.i.+NGTON, FRANKLIN, MADISON, and HAMILTON, and the wise and patriotic men who labored with them, is good enough for us. We stand for the country, for the Union, for the Const.i.tution.
I found yesterday upon my table a pamphlet bearing the t.i.tle of "The Governing Race." It contains a sublime pa.s.sage from LONGFELLOW'S poem of "The s.h.i.+p," which, as it closes the pamphlet, shall also close my observations:
"Thou, too, sail on, O s.h.i.+p of State!
Sail on, O UNION, strong and great!
Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fate!
We know what Master laid thy keel, What Workmen wrought thy ribs of steel, Who made each mast, and sail, and rope, What anvils rang, what hammers beat, In what a forge and what a heat Were shaped the anchors of thy hope!
Fear not each sudden sound and shock, 'Tis of the wave and not the rock; 'Tis but the flapping of the sail, And not a rent made by the gale!
In spite of rock and tempest's roar, In spite of false lights on the sh.o.r.e, Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea!
Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, Our faith triumphant o'er our fears, Are all with thee,--are all with thee."
Mr. WHITE:--I shall not occupy much of the time of the Conference. All the speeches that have been made, and all the declamation that has been uttered on this floor, have not made a single convert. Last of all would I wish to follow the gentleman who has just taken his seat.
He proposes to postpone action, a.s.serts that we are acting without consideration, in haste, and without due deliberation. I look upon this subject from a different point of view. I believe the motive of Pennsylvania in first responding to the invitation of Virginia was to induce the States to meet here in council, and remove that peril which now threatens our common country.
Pennsylvania had another reason. She is a border State; she has a deeper and more vital interest in the present unhappy differences than New York or the North. If there is to be war; civil, unnatural war, whose country is to be devastated, whose fields laid waste and trampled down? They are those of the border States--of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, and possibly New Jersey. These are the States that are to suffer. Gentlemen from New York and the North East, in the bosom of their families, their towns and cities not in the least danger, may be as impa.s.sive as the granite rocks that bind their sh.o.r.es. We have a deeper, a more vital interest; therefore we feel and speak. When Pennsylvania received the invitation of Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and other States had seceded. Dangers were acc.u.mulating. Then it was that the old conservative Keystone State threw herself into the breach. She sent her delegation here to save the country and not to change the Const.i.tution--not to alter it, but to explain it and to give our Southern sisters the guarantees they once did not ask and did not need. We believed that the great majority of the people of the Southern States were Union loving men, who choose to sail under the flag of the Union, rather than under any piratical and treasonable banner. We knew there were rebels within those States, as there is a faction at the North composed of men as much rebels as they are. We knew, also, that there was a large body of men at the South, who, though loyal at heart, were in a state of great anxiety and apprehension, and who might be stirred up by demagogues, through appeals to their State pride and other influences, to take a stand against the Union.
The Republicans denied that they wished to interfere in any manner with the inst.i.tution of slavery. We have come here to give the slave States a declaratory exposition of our views. We have come bearing the olive branch. We are met by the South in a spirit of conciliation. The delegates tell us that they hope to be able to bring back their erring sister States into the fold of the Union, if they can go to them bearing satisfactory guarantees from us. Pennsylvania is willing that we should give them that opportunity. We have lived in harmony with them: we wish to live in peace with them. If the seceded States will not come back, if the other Southern States cannot bring them back, then, are we in any worse position? No, sir! we are not. We desire to place ourselves right before the world. Then, if some States will not stay in the Union, on their heads be the responsibility. Then, if any wrong has been done, if any right has been violated, Pennsylvania will not be responsible. We shall have done our duty, on them will the responsibility rest. They must answer for it before the world and before the judgment-seat.
What will be the consequence of postponing action on this subject? We are strengthening the position of the seceded States. We
"Keep the word of promise to the ear, And break it to the hope."
Every rebel will rejoice at our inaction.
The continuance of Virginia in the Union depends upon the action of a convention now in session in Richmond. If we send her commissioners home to say to that convention, "The North will wait two years and then consider your propositions," what will the convention say to that? The seceded States have at this moment commissioners at Richmond entreating Virginia to join their Confederacy, and to detach herself from the free States. If we fail to act, who can fail to foresee the consequences? Maryland is about calling a convention. She, too, will act, and she will go where her a.s.sociations and her interests carry her.
From this you can infer some of the reasons why Pennsylvania has sent her commissioners here. Her object was not delay. Her wish was for action--speedy action. She wishes to do all she can to accelerate action. She wishes to have some plan laid before the country at once--something fair to all sections--and then, with, the alternatives before them, let the people decide. She wishes to pour oil on the troubled waters.
We are told by our friend from New York, that the amendments are badly drawn. If so, let him help us to correct them. No one can do it better. Surely there is talent enough in this Conference to remedy such defects as are suggested by him.
Gentlemen say they do not wish to convert free territory into slave territory. Neither do I. We are not doing that. All the territory south of the line proposed is slave territory already. The adoption of these propositions does not extend slavery at all.
The first advantage the Republican party ever obtained in Pennsylvania, was on account of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, followed by the decision of the Supreme Court, declaring that the normal condition of the territory was a condition of slavery, and on that ground holding the Missouri Compromise unconst.i.tutional. Such being the state of the matter, do we lose any thing by the prohibition of slavery north of 36 30'? No! All that vast territory north of the line will be dedicated to freedom. The South asks that faith shall be kept; that slavery in the territory south of the line shall not be interfered with. This is the only material averment in the declaration.
The second article contains a modification of the Const.i.tution which was not intended. This I understand it is proper to amend.
Another proposition is to put a barrier into the Const.i.tution, which will prevent the acquisition of territory in future by joint resolution. To this I am sure the gentleman from New York will not object.
A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Part 21
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