The Boke of Noblesse Part 6
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[Sidenote: Karolus dux Britanniae captus est per E. iij^{m}.]
[Sidenote: Calicia capta est eodem tempore per Edwardum iij^{m}.]
[Sidenote: Calicia reddita est in ma.n.u.s Regis Edwardi iij.]
[Sidenote: Edwardus princeps cepit Johannem vocantem se Regem Franciae a^{o}, d'ni M^{o}ccc^{o}lvj^{o}.]
[Sidenote: Edwardus Rex Angliae iij^{us} retribuit xx.M^{l}.li. Edwardo principi filio suo.]
[Sidenote: Karolus filius Regis Johannis Fraunciae ac nominando se pro duce Normandiae captus est.]
[Sidenote: Edwardus princeps navim ascendit c.u.m Johanne nominando se pro rege Franciae et applicuerunt prope Dover iiij^{o}. die Maij, a^{o} d'ni M^{l}. &c.]
[Sidenote: De redempcione Johannis dicentis [se] Regem Franciae.]
[Sidenote: De bello de Nazar.]
[Sidenote: Chandos.]
[Sidenote: Beauchamp comes.]
[Sidenote: D'n's Hastyngys.]
[Sidenote: D'n's Nevyle.]
[Sidenote: D'n's Rays.]
[Sidenote: Rad's Hastyngys ch'l'r.]
[Sidenote: Tho's Felton.]
[Sidenote: Robertus Knolles.]
[Sidenote: Courteneyes. Tryvett.]
[Sidenote: Matheu Gournay.]
[Sidenote: Et quam plures alii milites hic nimis diu ad inscribendum.]
[Sidenote: Bertl's Clekyn, loc.u.m tenens adversae partis, captus est prisonarius.]
And also the said king kept Bretaine in gret subjeccion, had the victorie uppon Charles de Bloys duke of Breteine, and leid a siege in Breteine to a strong forteresse clepid Roche daryon, and kept be his true subjectis.
After many a.s.sautes and grete escarmisshes and a bataile manly foughten, the said duke was take, and havyng .vij. woundes was presentid to the said king Edward. And he also wanne Calix after, by a long and puissaunt sieges keping[107] by see and be londe; and they enfamyned couthe have no socoure of king Philip, and so for faute of vitaile yeldid Calix up to king Edwarde the .iiij. day of August in the yere of Crist M^l.ccc.xlvij. And also put Normandie gret part of it in subgeccion. And therto in his daies his eldist sonne Edward prince of Walis the .xix. day of Septembre the yere of Crist M^l.iij^c.lvj had a gret discomfiture afore the cite of Peyters uppon John calling hym King of Fraunce, where the said king was taken prisoner, and in whiche bataile was slaine the duke of Bourbon, the duke of Athenes, the lord Clermont, ser Geffrey Channy that bare the baner of the oriflamble, and also take withe king Johan ser Philip duc [le hardye[108]] of Bourgoine his yongist sonne, and for whois raunson and othres certaine lordes {14} king Edwarde rewarded the Prince xx.M^ sterlinges. Also taken that day ser Jaques de Bourbon erle of Pontieu [and] Charles his brother erle of Longville, the kingis cosins germains, ser John Meloun erle of Tancarvile, ser William Meleum archebisshop of Sens, the erle Dampmartyn, the erle Vendosme, the erle Vaudemont, the erle Salebruce, the erle Nanson, ser Arnolde of Doneham mareshalle of Fraunce, and many other knightis and gentiles to the nombre of M^l.vij^c. prisonneris, of whiche were taken and sleine .lij. knightis banerettis. And the kingis eldist sonne Charlis calling hym duc of Normandie, the duc of Orliauns the kingis brother, the duc of Anjou, the erle of Peiters that after was clepid [Johan[109]] the duc of Berrie, the erle of Flaundris, withe a few other lordis, withdrewe hem and escapid from the seide bataile. And sone after, the yere of Crist M^l.iij^c.lvij. the .xvj. day of Aprill the said prince Edward with king Johan tooke the see at Burdeux to Englond, and londed the .iiij. day of Maij and came to London the .xxiiij. day of Maij, the said king Edwarde his father meeting withe king Johan in the feelde, doing hym gret honoure and reverence. And after in the yere of Crist M^l.iij^c.lxvij the month of Maij the said king Johan was put to finaunce and raunson of thre millions of scutis of golde, that two of them be worth .j. n.o.ble, of whiche was paied s.e.x hondred thousand scutis be the said king Johan comyng to Calix, and in certein yeris after was obliged under gret seurtees, as it is declared in the articulis of the pease finalle made betwene both kingis, to be paied 400,000 till the said thre hondred M^l crones[110] were fullie paied, whiche as it is said was not parfourmed. And, after that, the said prince Edwarde and Harry that n.o.ble duke of Lancastre had the bataile of Nazar in Spaine withe king Peter ayenst the Henry callinge hym King of Spain, haveng lxiij M^l. fighting men in his host, and hym descomfit, voided the feelde, and many a n.o.ble knighte of Englonde and of Gascoigne and Guyen withe many othre wors.h.i.+pfulle gentiles quite hem righte manlie, and amongis {15} many goode men of chevalrie ser John Chandos avaunced hym chief in that bataile [havyng the avauntgard[111]], for he had in his retenu M^l.ij^c penons armed and x.M^l. horsmen; and ser William Beauchampe the erle of Warwik is sonne, lorde Hue Hastinges, lord Nevyle, lorde Rais a Breton lorde of Aubterre, withe many Gascoignes there also: ser Raufe Hastingis, ser Thomas Felton, ser Roberd Knolles, withe many other notable of the chevalrie of Inglonde, pa.s.sed the streit high monteyns of Pirone by Runcyvale in the contre of Pampilon, going from the cite of Burdeux into Spaine, and ser Hughe Courtney, ser Philip Courtnay, ser John Tryvet, [Matheu Gournay de comitatu Somerset[111]]. And there was take ser Barthilmew Clekyn the Frenshe kingis lieutenaunt for the werre prisoner, also the Mareshalle of Fraunce, the Besque, with many othre notable lordis.
Whiche bataile of Nazar was in the yere of Crist M^l.iij^c.lxvj. the thrid day of Aprille.
How King Henry the v. conquerid [Normandy and Fraunce[111]].
[Sidenote: De Henrico quinto.]
[Sidenote: Nota quomodo Rex Henricus V^{te}. obtinuit Harefleet.]
[Sidenote: De extrema defensione ville Harflue contra potestatem Franciae et de fame ibidem.]
[Sidenote: Nota, qualiter per civitates et mare obtinuit.]
[Sidenote: Bellum supermare et le[gh] carrikes.]
[Sidenote: Nota de bello apud Agincourt.]
[Sidenote: Henricus Rex duxit in uxorem filiam Regis Fraunciae.]
And sithe now late the n.o.ble prince[112] Henry the v^{te}. how in his daies, withyn the s.p.a.ce of .vij. yere and .xv. daies, thoroughe sieges lieng, [[113] wan the towne of Harflete bethyn .xl. days, made Thomas Beauford then erle Dorset hys oncle capteyn of yt. And the seyd erle made ser John Fastolfe chevaler his lieutenaunt wyth M^l.v^c soudeours, and the baron of Carew, wyth .x.x.xiij. knyghtys, contynuelly defended the seyd toune ayenst the myghty power of Fraunce by the s.p.a.ce of one yere and half aftyr the seyd prince Herry. v^{te}. departed from Hareflue. And the seyd towne was beseged by the Frenshe partye by lond and also by see, wyth a grete navye of carekys, galeyes, and shyppis off Spayne, tille that yn the meene tyme Johan duc of Bedfor(d), the erle of Marche your moste n.o.ble antecessour, accompanyed wyth many other n.o.bles, wyth a puissaunt armee of shypps, fought wyth the carrekys and shypps lyeng at Seyn hede before Hareflue, were {16} taken and many one sleyn and drowned; and so vyttailled Harflue yn grete famyn, that a wreched cowys hede was solde for vj s. viij d. sterling, and the tong for xl d., and dyed of Englysh soudeours mo then v^c. yn defaut of sustenaunce. And the second voyage after wythynne the tyme before seyd Johan erle of Hontyndon was made cheif admyralle of a new armee to rescue Harflue, beseged of the new wyth a grete navy of shyppys and carekys of the Frenshe partye, [which] were foughten wyth and ovyrcom throw myghty fyghtyng; and of the new vitailled Hareflue, the seyd erle Dorset then beyng yn England at the Emperour comyng hedre, called Sygemondus. I briefly t.i.tle thys incident to th'entent not to be foryete how suche tweyn myghety batailles were foughten uppon the see bethyn one yere and half, and how the seyd toune of Hareflue was deffended and kept ayenst the puyssaunt power of Fraunce beseged as yt were by the seyd tyme; and as for wache and ward yn the wynter nyghtys I herd the seyd ser Johan Fastolfe sey that every man kepyng the scout wache had a masty hound at a lyes, to berke and warne yff ony adverse partye were commyng to the or to aproche the towne for to scale yt. And the seyd prince Herry v^{the},[114]] albeit that it consumed gretlie his peple, and also by batailes yeveng, conquerid [the towne of Harflete[114]], and wanne bothe the saide Duchie of Normandie first and after the Roiaume of Fraunce, conquerid and broughte in subjeccion and wanne be his gret manhode, withe the n.o.ble power of his lordis and helpe of his comonys, and so overleid the myghtie roialle power of Fraunce be the seide sieges lieng, first in his first viage at Harflete, and in the second viage he made manly besegid Cane, the cite of Rone, Falleise, Argenten, Maunt, Vernonsurseyne, Melun, Meulx, Enbrie, and at many other castellis, forteressis, citeis, and townes to long to rehers. Also had gret batailes on the see ayenst many grete carekkis and gret s.h.i.+ppes that beseiged Hareflue after it was Englisshe.
And had a gret discomfiture at the bataile of Agincourt in the yere of Crist M^l.iiij^cxv. {17} at his first viage, where many dukes, erlis, lordis, and knightis were slaine and take prisoneris that bene in remembraunce at this day of men yet livyng. And after allied hym to the Frenshe king Charlis .vj.^{te} is doughter, because of whiche alliaunce gret part of the roiaume of Fraunce were yolden unto hym his obeisaunce.
And now also in the said n.o.ble conquest hathe be kepte undre the obediaunce of Englisshe nacion from the begynnyng of the said late conquest by .x.x.xv.
yeris be continued and kept by roialle power, as first be the n.o.ble and famous prince Johan duke of Bedforde, regent and governoure of the roiaume of Fraunce by .xiij. yeris, with the eide and power of the n.o.ble lordis of this lande, bothe youre said royaume of Fraunce and duchie of Normandie was kept and the ennemies kept ferre of in gret subjeccion.
[Sidenote: Joh'es dux Bedforde.]
How that in Johan duke of Bedforde tyme be his lieutenaunt erle of Salisburie had the victorie at the batelle of Cravant.
[Sidenote: Bellum de Cravant.]
[Sidenote: Thomas Montagu comes Sarum.]
[Sidenote: Will's Pole comes Suff'.]
[Sidenote: Dominus Willughby.]
[Sidenote: Vindicatio mortis ducis Clarenciae.]
[Sidenote: Secunda vice punicio mortis ducis Clarenciae.]
In profe wherof how and in the first yere of the reigne of king Harry the sixt, at whiche tyme his seide uncle toke uppon hym the charge and the name of Regent of the roiaume of Fraunce, that had the victorie at the bateile of Cravant, where as at that tyme Thomas Montagu the n.o.ble erle of Salisburie, the erle of Suffolke, the marchalle of Bourgoine, the lord Willoughebie, withe a gret power of Phelip the duke of Bourgoine is host, holding the partie of the said Johan regent of Fraunce, duc of Bedford, withe the eide and help of the trew subgettis of this lande, had the overhande of the ennemies a.s.sembled to the nombre of .ix. M^l. Frenshemen and Scottis at the said bataile of Cravant in the duchie of Bourgoine, where there were slayne of the ennemies to the nombre of .iiij. M^l., beside .ij. M^l. prisonneris take, of whiche gret part of them were Scottis, the erle Bougham being chief capitein over them;[115] which late before were the cause of the male-infortuned journey at Bougee, where the famous {18} and victorious knight Thomas duc of Claraunce, youre nere cousyn, for the right of Fraunce, withe a smale company of his side, withe the Scottis to a grete nombre there a.s.sembled among hem in the feelde, was slayn, withe many a n.o.ble lorde, baron, knightis, squyers of Englond, that never so gret an overthrow of lordes and n.o.ble bloode was seene in no mannys daies as it was then. Aboute the nombre of .ij^c. l. cote-armes slaine and take prisoneris as yt was seyd, be the saide Scottis holding withe youre adverse party of Fraunce, whiche G.o.d of his infinite goodenes sone after at the saide batelle [of] Cravant, and after at the bateile of Vernell, was sent a chastis.e.m.e.nt upon the saide Scottis for theire cruelltie vengeable and mortelle dethe of the said victorious prince, duke of Claraunce, and of other of his n.o.ble lordis and knightis.
How Johan duke of Bedforde had yn his owne parsone the batelle of Vernelle.
[Sidenote: 1423.]
[Sidenote: Batelle of Cravant.]
[Sidenote: Batelle of Vernoyle.]
[Sidenote: 1424.]
Also in the said daies, sone after the saide batelle of Cravant, in the yere of Crist M^l.iiij^c.xxiij., the .iij. yere of King Harry the s.e.xt, the .xvij. day of August, the said Johan duke of Bedford had a gret discomfiture and the victorie upon your adversaries of Fraunce and of Scottis at the batelle of Vernelle in Perche, where as Johan cleping hym duc of Alaunson, lieutenaunt for the Frenshe partie, was take prisoner that day, and the said erle Bougham of Scotlonde, marchalle of Fraunce, whiche was cause of that n.o.ble prince Thomas duke of Claraunce dethe, was in the said bataile overthrow and sleyne, and the erle Douglas made duc of Tourayne, aswelle as his sonne and heire that was in the feelde at Shrewisburie ayenst king Henry the .iiij^{the}, and another tyme being ayenst the said Johan duc of Bedford at Homeldonhille in Scotlond, was also slaine at the said batelle, withe many other grete lordis of the Frenshe partie slayne and taken prisoneris at the said bataile. {19}
How that the grettir part of the counte of Mayne, the cite of Mauns, withe many other castellis, were yolden.
[Sidenote: Mayn.]
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