An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, Concerning the Discovery of America Part 1
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An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, Concerning the Discovery of America, by Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, about the Year, 1170.
by John Williams.
The following Observations are with Diffidence given to the Public; because the Subject is rather obscure and uncertain. However, it is presumed that there are stronger Reasons for admitting the Truth of Prince Madog's landing on the American, than for the contrary. There are many Relations in History, which have obtained Credit, that appear to me, not so well supported as this Tradition.
We find allusions to it in the Writings of Ancient British Bards, who were dead before Columbus sailed on his first Western Voyage.
We are told, also, by credible Authors, that some plain traces of Christianity, such as it was in the Days of Madog, were found in America, when the Spaniards landed there. No Nation, in Europe, hath ever pretended to have visited America before Behaim, Columbus, or Americus Vespucius, but the Welsh: it is therefore almost, if not quite certain, that if its religious Notions and Customs were derived from Europe, it must have been from the Ancient Britons. The Words in common use on different parts of the Continent, which are very near, or undeniably Welsh, in both sound and sense, could not happen by chance, and they could not be derived from any Europeans but from the Ancient Britons.
The inhabitants of some parts, it is said had a Book among them, upon which they set a great Value, though they could not read it.
This Book seems to have been a Welsh Bible, because it was found in the Hands of a people who spoke Welsh; and because Mr. Jones could read and understand it.
This Circ.u.mstance is of great Weight in the debate. For whether this Book was a Welsh Bible or not, it actually proves that the Natives of that Country where the Book was found, had been on that Continent many Ages, and could not be the descendants of a Colony planted there after the discovery of Columbus in 1492. No written Language or Alphabetical Characters can be totally forgotten by any people, within the s.p.a.ce of 160, or 170 Years, which was the period that intervened between the discovery of Columbus and Mr.
Jones's visit.
It will be shewn in this short Treatise that there is not the least reason to think that the whole was a Story invented to be the ground of a claim to a first Discovery. For before Columbus returned from his first Western Voyage, no Nation in Europe had any idea of a Western Continent except the Ancient Britons; among whom there seems to have been some Tradition that Prince Madog, many Years before the 15th Century, had landed on some western; but that these were the American, was a Discovery of later Ages.
Mr. Owen Jones, and Mr. William Owen, the Editors of David ab Gwilym's Poems, lately published, to whom I am obliged for several Observations, have favored me with the following account of a very late date.
In a letter, dated Octob. 1st, 1788, a Friend of theirs, a Native of Wales, who lives on the Banks of the Ohio, informed them that he had been several times among Indians who spoke Welsh; and that there was at the time when he wrote, a person in Virginia from the back settlements who had been among a Tribe of Welsh Indians, whose situation he laid down on the River Misouris, or Misouri, about 400 Miles above its junction with the Mississipi; that is between 40 and 50 degrees North Lat.i.tude; This Tribe seems to have been that which Captain Stewart saw, and which is also mentioned in Mr. Beatty's Journal.
This Tribe seems to have little or no connection with other Indians: the latter are of a deep Copper Colour, but the former, in general have fair Complexions.
That Prince Madog's Adventures, are _certainly_, true, I do not positively say; but from various circ.u.mstances, hereafter considered, they appear so to me. However, should the Evidence produced be thought insufficient to prove them real Facts it will prove that some Welsh people had landed on the American long before Columbus; and as we have no account of any other, it may naturally be concluded, that they are descended from Prince Madog's Colony.
The Traditions concerning this Welsh Prince have engaged my attention, more or less, above 30 Years; and these Sheets were intended for the Press, had the late misunderstanding with Spain never happened.
This Subject, as far as I can learn hath never been particularly examined, though mentioned by various Writers. I have, therefore, ventured to declare my Opinion, and the reasons by which it is supported, in hopes that some more able and judicious Antiquary will take it into Consideration.
To preserve Connection and perspicuity, the Reader will find some Facts and Remarks more than once mentioned. I hope that it will be excused, as it appeared to me unavoidable.
I beg the Gentlemen to whom I am obliged for much Information to accept my grateful Acknowledgments.
Every Author cited in this Treatise hath been consulted, excepting Francis Lopez de Gomara, Postell. Comp. Cosmo. and the 7th and 8th Decades of Peter Martyr, to which I could have no access.
Sydenham,--Feb. 1st, 1791.
That the original Inhabitants of America were descended from our common Parents, Adam and Eve, will admit of no doubt. In Form, Figure, and in the powers of the mind, we are the same. The only difference between the Europeans and Americans was, that the former were in a civilized state, the other uncivilized. By whom, how, and when that vast Continent was first peopled, are questions which have employed the thoughts and pens of learned Men for several Centuries. _Hornius_ in his _De Originibus Americanis_, and Dr.
_William Robertson_ in his _History of America_, with great probability, were of opinion that they were descended from the Jews, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, and Scythians; and that the Chinese, Swedes, Norwegians, the Welsh and the Spaniards, sent Colonies thither in later ages.[a]
[Footnote a: De Originibus Americanis, Lib. I. Cap. 2. Dr. Robertson's _History of America_, Vol. II. Page 28, Edit. 1788.]
That America was originally peopled by some of the above Nations seems most probable from the resemblance between the Inhabitants and Animals of the northern Regions of America, and the Inhabitants and Animals of the northern Regions of Europe and Asia. If any are desirous of knowing the sentiments of different Writers on this Subject, let them consult the above Authors. In the discusion of this point I am not concerned; my only design being to examine which of the _European_ nations, since the eleventh Century discovered the Western Continent.
When we reflect upon the populousness of America when discovered, as supposed, in the 12th Century, we must be convinced that it was known in very early times, many Centuries before any European landed on the Coasts.
The Spaniards claim the Honor of this Discovery.
Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa in Italy, by the encouragement and a.s.sistance of Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain, discovered the West Indian Islands, and some parts of the Continent of South America, about the year 1492, or 1493 of Christ; and other parts of it were discovered by Americus Vespucci (Vespucius) about the year 1497, from whom the whole took its name; but neither of them seems to have been the first European that visited America.
Dr. Gregory Sharp says that Behaim or Martin of Bohemia was there about the year 1460.[b]
[Footnote b: Translation of Baron Holbergh's _Introduction to Universal History_, p. 211. note. Edit. 1758. De Murr says that Behem or Behaim, was a native of Nuremberg in Germany, acquainted with Columbus, but had no right to dispute with him the discovery of America.
a.n.a.lytical Review Vol. II. p. 602.]
The Spaniards pretend not to any discovery prior to those of Columbus, Americus, and Behaim.
That the Spaniards have no right to that Continent, as first Discoverers, appears to me, very evident; for when they landed there, they found among the Inhabitants some traces of European languages and manners.
From the Testimonies of Travellers and Historians, there are strong reasons to believe that the Ancient Britons landed on that Continent nearly 300 years before Behaim or Columbus, so that if a first discovery gives a right of possession, the whole Continent belongs to the Ancient Britons. But, in truth, conquest is only oppression and Inhumanity. If different nations could be brought to live together in peace, and honestly and amicably carry on Trade, it would be highly advantageous to the World; but conquest, such as that of Mexico by Cortez, and of Perun and Chili by Pizarro and Almagro, in nature and in reason, can give no just right to territory. In such cases, conquest is only another name for Injustice, Barbarity, and Murder.
We have, as far as I can now remember, but one instance, upon record, of an amicable coalition of interests between public bodies; I mean that of William Penn, the excellent and justly celebrated Quaker, with the Inhabitants of the Country, now, after his Name called Pensylvania, a little before the Revolution in 1668. The peace of that Colony has been less disturbed than that of any other.
The Indians have been very quiet: He deals fairly and openly with them, and his descendants, as far as I can learn, have always done the same. The consequence is that though he died in the Fleet Prison, his posterity now enjoy a Princely Fortune.[c]
[Footnote c: European settlements in America. Vol. II. p. 195.
&c. Edit. 1758. I know not how much they are affected by the late revolution in America.]
But to enter upon my Subject.
I known not how it comes to pa.s.s, but of late years most of our Historians seem to be over fastidious. They object to, and call in question many facts which have been credited for Centuries, and which upon the whole are supported by very respectable authorities.
In reading History, I make in a strict rule to give every Writer a fair and candid perusal. While I reject old Women's Fables, monkish Tales, Absurdities, and pretended Miracles, I am disposed to receive as Truth, that which seems natural, reasonable, and well supported by evidence. Agreeably to this rule, I shall now consider the accounts we have of the Discovery of America by the Ancient Britons.
I cannot, in Giraldus, find any thing upon the subject. He flourished about the time when this supposed discovery was made; that is, during the reigns of Henry the IId. Richard the 1st. and John Kings of England.[d]
[Footnote d: Giraldus Cambrensis, or Silvester Giraldus, was of a n.o.ble Flemish Family, born near Tenby in Pembroks.h.i.+re, South Wales, 1145. He was Secretary to King Henry, and Tudor to King John. He was Arch Deacon of St. David's and of Brecon, which seem to have been his highest ecclesiastical preferments. He is represented to have been a busy, meddling and troublesome man, which was the reason, as it is supposed, why he never rose to higher Dignities in the Church. He was buried at St. David's about 70 years of age.
Jones's Musical Relicks of the Welsh Bards, and the Life of Giraldus drawn up by Leland and Bale from his writings, which is prefixed to his Itinerary.
Purchas's Pilgrimage p. 779. Edit. 1626.]
When Prince Madog, the supposed first European discoverer of America sailed, Giraldus was about 25 years of age, and probably abroad for education. He therefore might have no intelligence of transactions which took place in a distant, and, to him, little known part of the World; for it does not appear that he ever was in North Wales, until he accompained Arch-Bishop Baldwin thither in the year 1188, when he went to convert the Britons to the Romish Faith, and to persuade them to engage in a Crusade.--Besides, being a Fleming by descent, and so nearly connected with the English Court, he could have very little correspondence with the Britons, who were far from being easy under the Dominion of the usurping Saxons, Normans, and especially the Flemings, who had lately invaded and possessed a part of their Country.
The first account that I can find of the discovery of America by the Britons is in an History of Wales written by Caradoc of Llancarvan, Glamorgans.h.i.+re, in the British Language, translated into English by Humphry Llwyd, and published by Dr. David Powel, in the year 1584. It was re-printed in 1697, under the inspection of W. Wynne, A. M. Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. There was another edition lately published.
This narrative bears the strongest Semblance of Truth, for it is plain, natural, and simple. It says, that on the death of Owen Gwynedd, Prince of North Wales, about the year 1169, several of his Children contended for his Dominions; that Madog, one of his Sons, preceiving his Native Country engaged, or on the eve of being engaged, in a Civil War, thought it best to try his Fortune in some foreign Climes. Leaving North Wales in a very unsettled state, he sailed with a few s.h.i.+ps which he had fitted up and mann'd for that purpose to the westward, leaving Ireland to the north. He came at length to an unknown Country where most things appeared to him new and uncustomary, and the manners of the Natives far different from what he had seen in Europe. Madog having viewed the fertility and pleasantness of the Country, left the most part of those he had taken with him behind, (Sir Thomas Herbert says that the number he left behind was 120) and returned to north Wales. Upon his arrival, he described to his Friends what a fair and extensive land he had met with, void of any Inhabitants, whilst they employed themselves, and all their skill to supplant one another, for only a ragged portion of Rocks and Mountains. Acordingly, having prevailed with considerable Numbers to accompany him to that Country, he sailed back with Ten s.h.i.+ps and bid adieu to his Native Land.[e]
[Footnote e: When our Author says that the Country was void of Inhabitants, he can mean only that it was thinly peopled, for he had just said that Madog saw most things there, new and uncustomary, very different from what he had seen in Europe: Of consequence the Country was inhabited before he landed there. (See Hornius's Observations below). Let it be observed that the account above given of Madog's Emigration appears to have been written, by Humphry Llwyd, the Translator of Caradoc, for he is said to have continued the History to the Death of Prince Llewelyn in 1270.
See the Preface to Caradoc's History.]
It is very certain that this account of Madog's Emigration was not written by Caradoc, for his History comes no lower than the year 1157; and he seems to have died about the time when this Event took place. However, it is said by Humphry Llwyd, the Translator of Caradoc into English, that this part of the History was compiled from Collections made from time to time, and kept in the Abbies of Conway in Carnarvons.h.i.+re North Wales, and Strat Flur. (Strata Florida, Cardigans.h.i.+re, South Wales.) The most remarkable occurencies in the Princ.i.p.ality, being registered in these Abbies, were generally compared together every third year, when the Beirdd or Bards, belonging to these two Houses, went their ordinary Visitations, which were called Clera. This custom prevailed till the year 1270, a little before the death of Llewelyn the last Prince of Wales, and who was killed near Built in Brecknocks.h.i.+re.
An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, Concerning the Discovery of America Part 1
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