Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 22
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=Liniment of Am'ber-oil.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM SUCCINI, L. _Prep._ 1. From olive oil, 3 parts; oils of amber and cloves, of each 1 part. Resembles 'ROCHE'S EMBROCATION,'
2. (Opiated; LINIMENTUM SUCCINI OPIATUM, L.) From rectified oil of amber and tincture of opium, of each 2 fl. oz.; lard, 1 oz. Anodyne, antispasmodic, and stimulant. A once popular remedy in cramp, stiff joints, &c.
=Liniment of Ammo"nia.= _Syn._ AMMONIACAL LINIMENT, VOLATILE L., OIL AND HARTSHORN; LINIMENTUM AMMONIae (B. P., Ph. L. E. & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B.
P.) Solution of ammonia, 1; olive oil, 3; mix.
2. (Ph. L. & E.) Liquor of ammonia (sp. gr. 960), 1 fl. oz.; olive oil, 2 fl. oz.; shake them together until they are mixed.
3. (Ph. D.) To the last add of olive oil, 1 fl. oz. Stimulant and rubefacient. Used in rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sore throat, spasms, bruises, &c. When the skin is irritable more oil should be added, or it should be diluted with a little water.
CAMPHORATA, L.)--_a._ (Hosp. F.) Olive oil, 3 oz.; camphor, 1/2 oz.; dissolve by a gentle heat, and when cold, add of liquor of ammonia, 1 fl.
_b._ Soap liniment, 2 oz.; olive oil and liquor of ammonia, of each 2 dr.
As the last; more especially for sprains, bruises, chilblains, &c.
5. (Compound; Dr GRANVILLE'S COUNTER-IRRITANT OR ANTIDYNOUS LOTION; LINIMENTUM AMMONIae COMPOSITUM, L.--Ph. E.)--_a._ (STRONGER.) From liquor of ammonia (sp. gr. 880), 5 fl. oz.; tincture of camphor, 2 fl. oz.; spirit of rosemary, 1 fl. oz.; mix. It should be kept in a well-stoppered bottle and in a cool situation.
_b._ (WEAKER.) Solution of ammonia (880), 5 fl. oz.; tincture of camphor, 3 fl. oz.; spirit of rosemary, 2 fl. oz.
_Obs._ The above formulae are nearly identical with the original ones of Dr Granville; the difference being in his ordering liquor of ammonia of the sp. gr. 872, instead of 880. They are counter-irritant, rubefacient, vesicant, and cauterising, according to the mode and length of their application. The milder lotion is sufficiently powerful to produce considerable rubefaction and irritation in from 1 to 5 or 6 minutes; vesication, in 8 or 10 minutes; and cauterisation, in 4 or 5 minutes longer. For the latter purpose the stronger lotion is generally employed. According to Dr Granville, these lotions are prompt and powerful remedies in rheumatism, lumbago, cramp, neuralgia, sprains, swollen and painful joints, headache, sore throat, and numerous other affections in which the use of a powerful counter-irritant has been recommended. They are ordered to be applied by means of a piece of linen, 6 or 7 times folded, or a piece of thick, coa.r.s.e flannel wetted with the lotion, the whole being covered with a thick towel, and firmly pressed against the part with the hand. The stronger lotion is only intended to be employed in apoplexy, and to produce cauterisation. See COUNTER-IRRITANTS.
6. (From SESQUICARBONATE OF AMMONIA;--LINIMENTUM AMMONIae SESQUICARBONATIS--Ph. L.) Solution of sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 1 fl.
oz.; olive oil, 3 fl. oz.; shake them together until mixed. This preparation resembles ordinary liniment of ammonia in its general properties, but it is much less active, owing to the alkali being carbonated. It is the 'oil and hartshorn' and the 'volatile liniment' of the shops.
7. (WITH TURPENTINE.) (Dr Copland.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM AMMONIae c.u.m TEREBINTHINA. _Prep._ Liniment of ammonia, 1-1/4 fl. oz.; oil of turpentine, 1/2 fl. oz.; mix.
=Liniment, Antispasmod'ic.= _Syn_. LINIMENTUM ANTISPASMODIc.u.m, L. CAJEPUTI COMPOSITUM, L. _Prep._ (Hufeland.) Oils of cajeput and mint, of each 1 part; tincture of opium, 3 parts; compound camphor liniment, 24 parts.
Anodyne, stimulant, and rubefacient.
=Liniment, Arceus's.= Compound elemi ointment.
=Liniment of Arnica.= _Syn._ ARNICA OPODELDOC, LINIMENTUM ARNICae. _Prep._ Dissolve by heat Castile soap, 4 parts, and camphor, 1 part, in rectified spirit, 10 parts. Add tincture of arnica, 5 parts.
=Liniment of Belladon'na.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM BELLADONNae, B. P. L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Prepared the same as LINIMENTUM ACONITII. A fluid ounce is equal to a solid ounce. Prescribed with equal parts of soap liniment, or compound camphor liniment, and is an excellent topical application for neuralgic pain.
2. Extract of belladonna, 1 dr.; oil of almonds, 2 oz.; lime water, 4 fl.
oz. In eczema, and some other cutaneous affections, to allay irritation, &c.
3. (Cutan. Hosp.) Extract of belladonna, 4 dr.; glycerine, 1 oz.; soap liniment, 6 oz. As the last.
4. (Guy's Hosp.) Extract of belladonna 1 oz.; soap liniment, 8 fl. oz.
5. (Phbus.) Extract of belladonna, 40 gr.; rectified ether, 1 dr.; cherry-laurel water, 2 fl. oz. As a friction to the abdomen in lead colic.
_Obs._ The above are reputed excellent stimulants, anodynes, antispasmodics, and resolvents, in various diseases, as rheumatism, neuralgia, painful affections of the skin and joints, tumours, &c. &c.
=Liniment of Belladonna and Chloroform.= (Mr Squire.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM BELLADONNae ET CHLOROFORMI. _Prep._ Belladonna liniment, 7 fl. dr.; belladonna chloroform (made by percolating the root with chloroform) 1 fl.
dr.; sprinkled on piline and applied to the loins, excellent in lumbago.
=Liniment of Borax.= (Swediaur). _Syn._ LINIMENTUM BORACIS. _Prep._ Borax, 2 dr.; tincture of myrrh, 1 oz., distilled water, 1 oz.; honey of roses, 2 oz. Mix.
=Liniment of Caj'eput Oil.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM OLEI CAJEPUTI, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Dr Copland.) Compound camphor liniment and soap liniment, of each 1-1/2 fl. oz.; oil of cajeput, 1 fl. oz.
2. (Dr Williams.) Oil of cajeput, 1/2 fl. dr.; castor oil, 1 fl. dr.; olive oil, 4-1/2 fl. dr. A warm, antispasmodic, diffusible stimulant and rubefacient; in spasmodic asthma, colic, chronic rheumatism, spasms, chest affections, &c. See ANTISPASMODIC L. (_above_).
=Linimentum Calcis.= (B. P.) Solution of lime, 1; olive oil, 1; mix. The best liniment for burns and scalds.
=Liniment of Cam'phor.= _Syn._ CAMPHORATED OIL, CAMPHOR EMBROCATION; LINIMENTUM CAMPHORae (B. P., Ph. L. E. & D.), OLEUM CAMPHORATUM, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Camphor, 1; olive oil, 4; dissolve.
2. (Ph. L. & E.) Camphor, 1 oz.; olive oil, 4 fl. oz.; gently heat the oil, add the camphor (cut small), and agitate until dissolved. The Dublin College orders only 1/2 the above camphor. Stimulant, anodyne, and resolvent; in sprains, bruises, rheumatic pains, glandular enlargements, &c.
3. (Compound; LINIMENTUM CAMPHORae COMPOSITUM--B. P., Ph. L. & D.)--_a._ (B. P.) Camphor, 5; English oil of lavender, 1/4; strong solution of ammonia, 10; rectified spirit, 20. Dissolve the oil and camphor in the spirit and gradually add the ammonia.
_b._ (Ph. L.) Camphor, 2-1/2 oz.; oil of lavender, 1 fl. dr.; rectified spirit, 17 fl. oz.; dissolve, then add of stronger liquor of ammonia, 3 fl. oz., and shake them together until they are mixed.
_c._ (Ph. L. 1836.) Liquor of ammonia, 7-1/2 fl. oz.; spirit of lavender, 1 pint; distil off 1 pint, and dissolve in it camphor, 2-1/2 oz. The formula of the Ph. D. 1826 was nearly similar.
_d._ (Wholesale.) Camphor (clean), 21 oz.; English oil of lavender, 3-3/4 oz.; liquor of ammonia, 2-3/4 lbs.; rectified spirit, 7 pints; mix, close the vessel, and agitate occasionally, until the camphor is dissolved.
Powerfully stimulant and rubefacient. It closely resembles, and is now almost universally sold for, Ward's 'Essence for the Headache.'
_e._ (Ethereal.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM CAMPHORae ETHEREUM. _Prep._ Camphor, 1 dr.; ether, 1 dr.; oil of vipers, 2 dr. Mix.
=Liniment of Canthar'ides.= _Syn._ LINIMENT OF SPANISH FLIES; LINIMENTUM LYTTae, LIN. CANTHARIDIS (Ph. D. & U. S.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Dr Collier.) Tincture of cantharides and soap liniment, equal parts.
2. (Ph. D.) Cantharides (in fine powder), 3 oz.; olive oil, 12 fl. oz.; digest for 3 hours over a waterbath, and strain through flannel, with expression.
3. (Ph. U. S.) Spanish flies, 1 oz.; oil of turpentine, 8 fl. oz.; proceed as last. The above are irritant and rubefacient; but should be used cautiously, lest they produce strangury.
=Liniment of Capsic.u.m.= 1. (Dr Copland.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM CAPSICI.
_Prep._ Compound camphor liniment, 1 fl. oz.; volatile liniment, 1 fl.
oz.; tincture of capsic.u.m, 3 fl. oz.; mix.
2. (Dr Turnbull.), 1 oz.; rectified spirit, 3 fl. oz. Macerate 7 days, and strain for use.
=Liniment of Colchic.u.m.= (Ear Infirmary.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM COLCHICI.
_Prep._ Soap liniment, 1 fl. oz.; wine of colchic.u.m seed, 1/2 fl. oz.; mix.
=Liniment of Colocynth.= (Heim). _Syn._ LINIMENTUM COLOCYNTHIDIS. _Prep._ Tincture of colocynth, 1/2 fl. oz.; castor oil, 1-1/2 oz.
=Liniment of Chlo"ride of Lime.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM CALCIS CHLORINATae, L.
_Prep._ 1. Chloride of lime, 1 dr.; water (added gradually), 3 fl. oz.; triturate together in a gla.s.s mortar for 10 minutes, pour off the liquid portion, and add of oil of almonds 2 fl. oz.
2. (Kopp.) Solution of chloride of lime (ordinary), 1 part; olive oil, 2 parts.
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