Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 23
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3. (Waller.) Chloride of lime (in fine powder), 1 part; soft soap, 2 parts; soft water, q. s. to make a liniment.
_Obs._ The above are cleanly and excellent applications in itch, scald head, herpes, lepra, foul ulcers, &c.
=Liniment of Chlo"roform.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM CHLOROFORMI, B. P. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Chloroform, 1; liniment of camphor, 1; mix. The oil in the camphor liniment prevents the evaporation of the chloroform. Stimulating on application to a tender skin.
2. Chloroform, 1 fl. dr.; almond oil, 7 fl. dr.; mix in a phial, and agitate it until the two unite.
3. (Tuson.) Chloroform, 1 fl. dr.; soap liniment, 2 fl. oz.; as the last.
Used as an application in neuralgic pains, rheumatism, &c.
=Liniment of Cod-liver Oil.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM OLEI MORRHUae, L. O. JACORIS ASELLI, L. _Prep._ (Dr Brach.) Cod-liver oil, 2 fl. oz.; liquor of ammonia, 1 fl. oz.; mix. Resolvent, dispersive; applied to glandular tumours, scrofulous enlargements, &c.
=Liniment of Cro'ton Oil.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM CROTONIS (B. P., Ph. D.), L.
OLEI CROTONIS, L. O. TIGLII, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Croton oil, 1; oil of cajeput, 3-1/2; rectified spirit, 3-1/2; mix.
2. (Ph. D.) Croton oil, 1 fl. oz.; oil of turpentine, 7 fl. oz.; mix by agitation.
3. (J. Allen.) Croton oil and liquor of, of each, 1 fl. dr.; agitate until mixed, then add of rose water, 2 fl. oz.
4 (Pereira.) Croton oil, 1 part; olive oil, 5 parts.
_Obs._ The above are used as counter-irritants; in rheumatism, neuralgia, bronchial and pulmonary affections, &c. When rubbed on the skin, redness, and a pustular eruption ensue, and in general the bowels are acted on.
=Liniment, Diuretic.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM DIURETIc.u.m, L. _Prep._ 1. (Dr Calini.) Squills (in fine powder), 1 dr.; gastric juice of a calf, 2 oz.; mix.
2. (Dr Christison.) Soap liniment, tincture of foxglove, and tincture of squills, equal parts. In dropsies; rubbed over the abdomen or loins twice or thrice a day.
=Liniment, Emol'lient.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM ALb.u.m, L. EMOLLIENS, L. _Prep._ From camphor, 1 dr.; Peruvian balsam, 1/2 dr.; oil of almonds, 1 fl. oz.; dissolve by heat, add of glycerin, 1/2 fl. oz., agitate well, and, when cold, further add of oil of nutmeg, 15 drops. Excellent for chapped hands, lips, nipples, &c.
=Liniment of Foxglove.= (Dr Royle.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM DIGITALIS. _Prep._ Infusion of digitalis, 2 fl. oz.; water of ammonia, 2 fl. dr.; oil of poppy seed, 4 fl. dr.; mix. To be rubbed on the abdomen 3 or 4 times a day.
=Liniment of Gar'lic.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM ALII, L. _Prep._ From juice of garlic, 2 parts; olive oil, 3 parts; mix. In hooping-cough, infantile convulsions, &c.
=Liniment of Gin'ger.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM ZINGIBERIS, L. _Prep._ (Dr Turnbull.) Ginger, 1 part; rectified spirit, 2 parts; make a tincture or essence. For short-sightedness. A few drops are occasionally rubbed on the forehead for 8 or 10 minutes at a time. How this tincture came to be called a liniment we are at a loss to determine.
=Liniment of Glycerin.= (Mr Startin.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM GLYCERINI. _Prep._ Soap liniment, 3 oz.; glycerin, 1 oz.; extract of belladonna, 1 oz.; mix.
For gouty, rheumatic, and neuralgic pains. A little veratrine is sometimes added.
=Liniment, Green.= (Dr Campbell.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM VIRIDE. Camphor, 1 oz.; olive oil, 6 oz.; extract of hemlock, 1 oz.; spirit of ammonia, 2 oz.
=Liniment of h.e.l.lebore.= (Dornbleuth.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM h.e.l.lEBORI.
_Prep._ Soft soap, 4 oz.; h.e.l.lebore powder, 2 oz.; hot water, q. s.
=Liniment, Hunga"rian.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM HUNGARIc.u.m, L. _Prep._ (Soubeiran.) Powdered cantharides and sliced garlic, of each 1 dr.; camphor, bruised mustard seed, and black pepper, of each 4 dr.; strong vinegar, 6 fl. oz.; rectified spirit, 12 fl. oz.; macerate a week, and filter. An excellent rubefacient and counter-irritant.
=Liniment of Hydrochlo"ric Acid.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM MURIATIc.u.m, L. ACIDI MURIATICI, L. A. HYDROCHLORICI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Hosp. F.) Olive oil, 2 oz.; white wax, 2 dr.; dissolve by a gentle heat, add of balsam of Peru, 1 dr.; hydrochloric acid, 2 dr.; mix well. An excellent application to chilblains before they break.
2. (W. Cooley.) Olive oil, 1/4 pint; white spermaceti (pure) and camphor, of each 1/2 oz.; mix with heat, add of hydrochloric acid, 1/2 fl. oz., and proceed as before. Equal to the last, and cheaper. This was extensively employed among the seamen of the Royal Navy by Mr Cooley with uniform success.
=Liniment of I'odide of Potas'sium.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM IODURETUM GELATINOSUM, L. GELeE POUR LE GOITRE, Fr. _Prep._ (Foy.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 4 dr.; proof spirit, 2 oz.; dissolve, and add the liquid to a solution of curd soap, 6 dr., in proof spirit, 2 oz., both being at the time gently warmed; lastly, aromatise with rose or neroli, pour it into wide-mouthed bottles, and keep them closely corked. In goitre, &c.
=Liniment of Iodide of Sulphur.= (Prof. E. Wilson.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM SULPHURIS IODIDI. _Prep._ Iodide of sulphur, 30 gr.; olive oil, 1 fl. dr.; triturate together.
=Liniment of I'odine.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM IODI (B. P.); IODURETTED LINIMENT; LINIMENTUM IODINII, L. IODURETUM, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Iodine, 5; iodide of pota.s.sium, 2; camphor, 1; rectified spirit, 40; dissolve.
2. (Cutan. Hosp.) Compound tincture of iodine and laudanum, equal parts.
3. (Dr Copland.) Soap liniment, 1 oz.; iodine, 8 to 10 gr.
4. (Guibourt.) Iodide of pota.s.sium, 1 dr.; water, 1 fl. dr.; dissolve, and add to it white soap (in shavings) and oil of almonds, of each 10 dr., previously melted together. Some perfume may be added. In scrofula, glandular enlargements, rheumatism, &c.
=Liniment of Ipecacuanha.= (Dr Neligan.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM IPECACUANHae.
_Prep._ Ipecacuanha in fine powder, 4 dr.; lard, 2 dr.; olive oil, 1-1/2 fl. oz.
=Liniment of Juniper.= (Dr Sully.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM JUNIPERI. _Prep._ Oil of juniper, 1-1/2 oz.; lard, 2 oz.; oil of aniseed, 6 drops. For scald-head.
=Liniment of Labdanum.= (Quincy.) _Syn._ LINIMENTUM LABDANI; LINIMENTUM CRINISCANI. _Prep._ Labdanum, 6 dr.; bear's grease, 2 oz.; honey, 1/2 oz.; powdered southernwood, 3 dr.; oil of nutmeg, 1 dr.; balsam of Peru, 2 dr.; mix. To restore the hair.
=Liniment of Lead.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM PLUMBI, L. _Prep._ (Gaozey.) Acetate of lead, 40 gr.; soft water, 12 fl. oz.; olive oil, 6 oz.; mix, and agitate well. Astringent and refrigerant. Useful in excoriations, especially when accompanied with inflammation.
=Liniment of Lime.= _Syn._ LINIMENT FOR BURNS, CARRON OIL; LINIMENTUM CALCIS (Ph. L. E. & D.), L. AQUae CALCIS, OLEUM LINI c.u.m CALCIS, L. _Prep._ 1. From olive oil (linseed oil--Ph. E.) and lime water, equal parts, shaken together until they are mixed. Very useful in burns and scalds.
2. (Compound; LINIMENTUM CALCIS COMPOSITUM, L.)--_a._ (Camphorated--W.
Cooley.) Camphor liniment and lime water, equal parts.
_b._ (Opiated--W. Cooley.) Lime water and camphor liniment, of each 1 oz.; extract of opium, 5 gr.; mix. Both are used as anodynes to allay pain and irritation in severe burns, chilblains, &c., for which purpose they are excellent. All the above liniments with lime water should be used as soon as possible after being prepared, as the ingredients separate by keeping.
=Liniment of Mercury.= _Syn._ MERCURIAL LINIMENT; LINIMENTUM HYDRARGYRI (B. P., Ph. L.), LIN. H. COMPOSITUM (Ph. L. 1836), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Ointment of mercury, 1; solution of ammonia, 1; liniment of camphor, 1.
Melt the ointment in the liniment, add the ammonia, and shake them together.
2. (Ph. L.) Camphor, 1 oz.; spirit of wine, 1 fl. dr.; sprinkle the latter on the former, powder, add of lard and mercurial ointment (stronger), of each 4 oz.; rub them well together, then gradually add of liquor of ammonia, 4 fl. oz.; and mix well. Stimulant and discutient. It resembles mercurial ointment in its effects; but though milder in its operation, it more quickly produces salivation.
=Liniment of Mor'phia.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM MORPHIae, L. _Prep._ (W. Cooley.) Pure morphia, 3 gr.; put it into a warm mortar, add very gradually, of oil of almonds (warm), 1 fl. oz., and triturate until the morphia is dissolved, then add of camphor liniment, 1 oz. An excellent topical anodyne and antispasmodic, which often allays pain when other means have failed.
=Liniment of Mus'tard.= _Syn._ LINIMENTUM SINAPIS, L. _Prep._ 1. Flour of mustard (best), 1 oz.; water, tepid, 2 fl. oz.; mix, and add of glycerin, liquor of ammonia, and olive oil, of each 1 fl. oz.
2. (Beral.) Carbonate of ammonia (in fine powder), 1 part; camphor (in powder), 2 parts; oil of lavender, 4 parts; tincture of mustard, 6 parts; mix, dissolve by agitation, add of simple liniment (warm), 56 parts, and again agitate until the whole is perfectly incorporated.
3. Black mustard seed (ground in pepper-mill or otherwise well bruised), 1/4 lb.; oil of turpentine, 1 pint; digest, express the liquid, filter, and dissolve it in camphor, 1/2 lb. Stimulant and rubefacient. A popular and useful remedy in rheumatic pains, lumbago, colic, chilblains, &c. The last is a close imitation of Whitehead's 'Essence of Mustard.'
4. (LIN. OLEI VOLATILIS SINAPIS.)--_a._ From volatile oil of black mustard seed, 1/2 dr.; oil of almonds, 1 fl. oz. As a rubefacient.
_b._ From volatile oil, 1 part; alcohol (sp. gr. 815), 1 to 2 parts. As a vesicant.
=Liniment of Mustard (Compound).= LINIMENTUM SINAPIS COMPOSITUM (B. P.).
Oil of mustard, 1 dr.; ethereal extract of mezereon, 40 gr.; camphor, 2 dr.; castor oil, 5 dr.; rectified spirit, 32 dr.; dissolve.
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