The Storm Part 3

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Thus I have laid before you as short Account as I could of the preceding Disposition of the Year, particularly as to wet and warmth, because I am of opinion that these had a great Influence in the late Storm; not only in causing a Repletion of Vapours in the Atmosphere, but also in raising such Nitro-sulphureous or other heterogeneous matter, which when mix'd together might make a sort of Explosion (like fired Gun-powder) in the Atmosphere. And from this Explosion I judge those Corruscations or Flashes in the Storm to have proceeded, which most People as well as my self observed, and which some took for Lightning. But these things I leave to better Judgments, such as that very ingenious Member of our Society, who hath undertaken the Province of the late Tempest; to whom, if you please, you may impart these Papers; Mr. _Halley_ you know I mean.

From Preliminaries it is time to proceed nearer to the Tempest it self. And the foregoing Day, _viz. Thursday, Nov._ 25. I think deserveth regard. In the Morning of that day was a little Rain, the Winds high in the Afternoon: S.b.E. and S. In the Evening there was Lightning; and between 9 and 10 of the Clock at Night, a violent, but short Storm of Wind, and much Rain at _Upminster_; and of Hail in some other Places, which did some Damage: There fell in that Storm 1,65 _l._ of Rain. The next Morning, which was _Friday, Novem._ 26. the Wind was S.S.W. and high all Day, and so continued till I was in Bed and asleep. About 12 that Night, the Storm awaken'd me, which gradually encreas'd till near 3 that Morning; and from thence till near 7 it continued in the greatest excess: and then began slowly to abate, and the _Mercury_ to rise swiftly. The Barometer I found at 12 h. P.M. at 28,72, where it continued till about 6 the next Morning, or 6, and then hastily rose; so that it was gotten to 82 about 8 of the Clock, as in the Table.

How the Wind sat during the late Storm I cannot positively say, it being excessively dark all the while, and my Vane blown down also, when I could have seen: But by Information from Millers, and others that were forc'd to venture abroad; and by my own guess, I imagin it to have blown about S.W. by S. or nearer to the S. in the beginning, and to veer about towards the West towards the End of the Storm, as far as W.S.W.

The degrees of the Wind's Strength being not measurable (that I know of, though talk'd of) but by guess, I thus determine, with respect to other Storms. On _Feb._ 7. 1698/9. was a terrible Storm that did much damage. This I number 10 degrees; the Wind then W.N.W. _vid.

Ph. Tr. No._ 262. Another remarkable Storm was _Feb._ 3. 1701/2. at which time was the greatest descent of the ? ever known: This I number 9 degrees. But this last of _November_, I number at least 15 degrees.

As to the _Stations_ of the _Barometer_, you have Mr. _Towneley_'s and mine in the following Table to be seen at one View.

A Table shewing the Height of the _Mercury_ in the Barometer, at _Townely_ and _Upminster_, before, in, and after the Storm

+----------------------------------------------------------+ _Townely._ _Upminster._ +-------+-------+-------------+-------+------+-------------+ Day Hour Height of ? Day Hour Height of ? +-------+-------+-------------+-------+------+-------------+ Novr. 7 28 98 Novr. 8 29 50 25 3 64 25 12 39 9 61 9 14 +-------+-------+-------------+-------+------+-------------+ 26 7 80 8 33 3 70 26 12 28 9 10 9? 47 12 28 72 +-------+-------+-------------+-------+------+-------------+ 27 7 50 7 82 3 81 27 12 29 31 9 95 9 42 +-------+-------+-------------+-------+------+-------------+ 28 7 29 34 8 65 3 62 28 12 83 9 84 9 30 07 +-------+-------+-------------+-------+------+-------------+ 29 7 88 29 8 25 +-------+-------+-------------+-------+------+-------------+

As to _November_ 17_th_ (whereon Mr. _Towneley_ mentions a violent Storm in _Oxfords.h.i.+re_) it was a Stormy Afternoon here at _Upminster_, accompanied with Rain, but not violent, nor ? very low. _November 11th_ and _12th_ had both higher Winds and more Rain; and the ? was those Days lower than even in the last Storm of _November_ 26_th_.

Thus, Sir, I have given you the truest Account I can, of what I thought most to deserve Observation, both before, and in the late Storm. I could have added some other particulars, but that I fear I have already made my Letter long, and am tedious. I shall therefore only add, that I have Accounts of the Violence of the Storm at _Norwich_, _Beccles_, _Sudbury_, _Colchester_, _Rochford_, and several other intermediate places; but I need not tell Particulars, because I question not but you have better Informations.

_Thus far Mr._ Derham_'s Letter_.

It did not blow so hard till Twelve a Clock at Night, but that most Families went to Bed; though many of them not without some Concern at the terrible Wind, which then blew: But about One, or at least by Two a Clock, 'tis suppos'd, few People, that were capable of any Sense of Danger, were so hardy as to lie in Bed. And the Fury of the Tempest encreased to such a Degree, that as the Editor of this Account being in _London_, and conversing with the People the next Days, understood, most People expected the Fall of their Houses.

And yet in this general Apprehension, no body durst quit their tottering Habitations; for whatever the Danger was within doors, 'twas worse without; the Bricks, Tiles, and Stones, from the Tops of the Houses, flew with such force, and so thick in the Streets, that no one thought fit to venture out, tho' their Houses were near demolish'd within.

The Author of this Relation was in a well-built brick House in the skirts of the City; and a Stack of Chimneys falling in upon the next Houses, gave the House such a Shock, that they thought it was just coming down upon their Heads: but opening the Door to attempt an Escape into a Garden, the Danger was so apparent, that they all thought fit to surrender to the Disposal of Almighty Providence, and expect their Graves in the Ruins of the House, rather than to meet most certain Destruction in the open Garden: for unless they cou'd have gone above two hundred Yards from any Building, there had been no Security, for the Force of the Wind blew the Tiles point-blank, tho' their weight inclines them downward: and in several very broad Streets, we saw the Windows broken by the flying of Tile-sherds from the other side: and where there was room for them to fly, the Author of this has seen Tiles blown from a House above thirty or forty Yards, and stuck from five to eight Inches into the solid Earth. Pieces of Timber, Iron, and Sheets of Lead, have from higher Buildings been blown much farther; as in the Particulars hereafter will appear.

It is the receiv'd Opinion of abundance of People, that they felt, during the impetuous fury of the Wind, several Movements of the Earth; and we have several Letters which affirm it: But as an Earthquake must have been so general, that every body must have discern'd it; and as the People were in their Houses when they imagin'd they felt it, the Shaking and Terror of which might deceive their Imagination, and impose upon their Judgment; I shall not venture to affirm it was so: And being resolv'd to use so much Caution in this Relation as to transmit nothing to Posterity without authentick Vouchers, and such Testimony as no reasonable Man will dispute; so if any Relation come in our way, which may afford us a Probability, tho' it may be related for the sake of its Strangeness or Novelty, it shall nevertheless come in the Company of all its Uncertainties, and the Reader left to judge of its Truth: for this Account had not been undertaken, but with design to undeceive the World in false Relations, and to give an Account back'd with such Authorities, as that the Credit of it shou'd admit of no Disputes.

For this reason I cannot venture to affirm that there was any such thing as an Earthquake; but the Concern and Consternation of all People was so great, that I cannot wonder at their imagining several things which were not, any more than their enlarging on things that were, since nothing is more frequent, than for Fear to double every Object, and impose upon the Understanding, strong Apprehensions being apt very often to perswade us of the Reality of such things which we have no other reasons to shew for the probability of, than what are grounded in those Fears which prevail at that juncture.

Others thought they heard it thunder. 'Tis confess'd, the Wind by its unusual Violence made such a noise in the Air as had a resemblance to Thunder; and 'twas observ'd, the roaring had a Voice as much louder than usual, as the Fury of the Wind was greater than was ever known: the Noise had also something in it more formidable; it sounded aloft, and roar'd not very much unlike remote Thunder.

And yet tho' I cannot remember to have heard it thunder, or that I saw any Lightning, or heard of any that did in or near _London_; yet in the Counties the Air was seen full of Meteors and vaporous Fires: and in some places both Thundrings and unusual Flashes of Lightning, to the great terror of the Inhabitants.

And yet I cannot but observe here, how fearless such People as are addicted to Wickedness, are both of G.o.d's Judgments and uncommon Prodigies; which is visible in this Particular, That a Gang of hardned Rogues a.s.saulted a Family at _Poplar_, in the very Height of the Storm, broke into the House, and robb'd them: it is observable, that the People cryed Thieves, and after that cryed Fire, in hopes to raise the Neighbourhood, and to get some a.s.sistance; but such is the Power of Self-Preservation, and such was the Fear, the Minds of the People were possess'd with, that no Body would venture out to the a.s.sistance of the distressed Family, who were rifled and plundered in the middle of all the Extremity of the Tempest.

It would admit of a large Comment here, and perhaps not very unprofitable, to examine from what sad Defect in Principle it must be that Men can be so dest.i.tute of all manner of Regard to invisible and superiour Power, to be acting one of the vilest Parts of a Villain, while infinite Power was threatning the whole World with Disolation, and Mult.i.tudes of People expected the Last Day was at Hand.

Several Women in the City of _London_ who were in Travail, or who fell into Travail by the Fright of the Storm, were oblig'd to run the risque of being delivered with such Help as they had; and Midwives found their own Lives in such Danger, that few of them thought themselves oblig'd to shew any Concern for the Lives of others.

Fire was the only Mischief that did not happen to make the Night compleatly dreadful; and yet that was not so every where, for in _Norfolk_ the Town of ---- was almost ruin'd by a furious Fire, which burnt with such Vehemence, and was so fann'd by the Tempest, that the Inhabitants had no Power to concern themselves in the extinguis.h.i.+ng it; the Wind blew the Flames, together with the Ruines, so about, that there was no standing near it; for if the People came to Windward they were in Danger to be blown into the Flames; and if to Leeward the Flames were so blown up in their Faces, they could not bear to come near it.

If this Disaster had happen'd in _London_, it must have been very fatal; for as no regular Application could have been made for the extinguis.h.i.+ng it, so the very People in Danger would have had no Opportunity to have sav'd their Goods, and hardly their Lives: for though a Man will run any Risque to avoid being burnt, yet it must have been next to a Miracle, if any Person so oblig'd to escape from the Flames had escap'd being knock'd on the Head in the Streets; for the Bricks and Tiles flew about like small Shot; and 'twas a miserable Sight, in the Morning after the Storm, to see the Streets covered with Tyle-sherds, and Heaps of Rubbish, from the Tops of the Houses, lying almost at every Door.

From Two of the Clock the Storm continued, and encreased till Five in the Morning; and from Five, to half an Hour after Six, it blew with the greatest Violence: the Fury of it was so exceeding great for that particular Hour and half, that if it had not abated as it did, nothing could have stood its Violence much longer.

In this last Part of the Time the greatest Part of the Damage was done: Several s.h.i.+ps that rode it out till now, gave up all; for no Anchor could hold. Even the s.h.i.+ps in the River of _Thames_ were all blown away from their Moorings, and from _Execution-Dock_ to _Lime-House Hole_ there was but our s.h.i.+ps that rid it out, the rest were driven down into the _Bite_, as the Sailors call it, from _Bell-Wharf_ to _Lime-House_; where they were huddeld together and drove on Sh.o.r.e, Heads and Sterns, one upon another, in such a manner, as any one would have thought it had been impossible: and the Damage done on that Account was incredible.

Together with the Violence of the Wind, the Darkness of the Night added to the Terror of it; and as it was just New Moon, the Spring Tides being then up at about Four a Clock, made the Vessels, which were a-float in the River, drive the farther up upon the Sh.o.r.e: of all which, in the Process of this Story, we shall find very strange Instances.

The Points from whence the Wind blew, are variously reported from various Hands: 'Tis certain, it blew all the Day before at S.W. and I thought it continued so till about Two a Clock; when, as near as I could judge by the Impressions it made on the House, for we durst not look out, it veer'd to the S.S.W. then to the W. and about Six a Clock to W. by N. and still the more Northward it s.h.i.+fted, the harder it blew, till it s.h.i.+fted again Southerly about Seven a Clock; and as it did so, it gradually abated.

About Eight a Clock in the Morning it ceased so much, that our Fears were also abated, and People began to peep out of Doors; but 'tis impossible to express the Concern that appear'd in every Place: the Distraction and Fury of the Night was visible in the Faces of the People, and every Body's first Work was to visit and enquire after Friends and Relations. The next Day or Two was almost entirely spent in the Curiosity of the People, in viewing the Havock the Storm had made, which was so universal in _London_, and especially in the Out-Parts, that nothing can be said sufficient to describe it.

Another unhappy Circ.u.mstance with which this Disaster was join'd, was a prodigious Tide, which happen'd the next Day but one, and was occasion'd by the Fury of the Winds: which is also a Demonstration, that the Winds veer'd for Part of the Time to the Northward: and as it is observable, and known by all that understand our Sea Affairs, that a North West Wind makes the Highest Tide, so this blowing to the Northward, and that with such unusual Violence, brought up the Sea raging in such a manner, that in some Parts of _England_ 'twas incredible, the Water rising Six or Eight Foot higher than it was ever known to do in the Memory of Man; by which s.h.i.+ps were fleeted up upon the firm Land several Rods off from the Banks, and an incredible Number of Cattle and People drown'd; as in the Pursuit of this Story will appear.

It was a special Providence that so directed the Waters, that in the River of _Thames_, the Tide, though it rise higher than usual, yet it did not so prodigiously exceed; but the Height of them as it was, prov'd very prejudicial to abundance of People whose Cellars and Ware-houses were near the River; and had the Water risen a Foot higher, all the Marshes and Levels on both sides the River had been over-flowed, and a great part of the Cattle drowned.

Though the Storm abated with the rising of the Sun, it still blew exceeding hard; so hard, that no Boats durst stir out on the River, but on extraordinary Occasions: and about Three a Clock in the Afternoon, the next Day being _Sat.u.r.day_, it increas'd again, and we were in a fresh Consternation, lest it should return with the same Violence. At Four it blew an extreme Storm, with Sudden Gusts as violent as any time of the Night; but as it came with a great black Cloud, and some Thunder, it brought a hasty Shower of Rain which allay'd the Storm: so that in a quarter of an Hour it went off, and only continued blowing as before.

This sort of Weather held all _Sabbath-Day_ and _Monday_, till on _Tuesday_ Afternoon it encreased again; and all _Tuesday_ Night it blew with such Fury, that many Families were afraid to go to Bed: And had not the former terrible Night harden'd the People to all things less than it self, this Night would have pa.s.s'd for a Storm fit to have been noted in our Almanacks. Several Stacks of Chimneys that stood out the great Storm, were blown down in this; several s.h.i.+ps which escap'd in the great Storm, perish'd this Night; and several People who had repair'd their Houses, had them untiled again. Not but that I may allow those Chimneys that fell now might have been disabled before.

At this Rate it held blowing till _Wednesday_ about One a Clock in the Afternoon, which was that Day Seven-night on which it began; so that it might be called one continued Storm from _Wednesday_ Noon to _Wednesday_ Noon: in all which time, there was not one Interval of Time in which a Sailor would not have acknowledged it blew a Storm; and in that time two such terrible Nights as I have describ'd.

And this I particularly noted as to Time, _Wednesday, Nov._ the 24_th_ was a calm fine Day as at that time of Year shall be seen; till above Four a Clock, when it began to be Cloudy, and the Wind rose of a sudden, and in half an Hours Time it blew a Storm. _Wednesday, Dec._ the 2_d._ it was very tempestuous all the Morning; at One a Clock the Wind abated, the Sky clear'd, and by Four a Clock there was not a Breath of Wind.

Thus ended the Greatest and the Longest Storm that ever the World saw.

The Effects of this terrible Providence are the Subject of the ensuing Chapter; and I close this with a Pastoral Poem sent us among the Accounts of the Storm from a very ingenious Author, and desir'd to be publish'd in this Account.

_A PASTORAL, Occasion'd by the Late Violent Storm_

_Damon, Melibaeus._


_Walking alone by pleasant Isis side Where the two Streams their wanton course divide, And gently forward in soft Murmurs glide; Pensive and sad I_ Melibaeus _meet, And thus the melancholy Shepherd greet.

Kind Swain, what Cloud dares overcast your brow, Bright as the Skies o're happy_ Nile _till now!

Does_ Chloe _prove unkind, or some new Fair?_


_No_ Damon, _mine's a publick, n.o.bler, Care; Such in which you and all the World must share. 10 One Friend may mollifie another's Grief, But publick Loss admits of no relief._


_I guess your Cause: O you that use to sing Of Beauty's Charms and the Delights of Spring; Now change your Note, and let your Lute rehea.r.s.e The dismal Tale in melancholy Verse._


_Prepare then, lovely Swain; prepare to hear, The worst Report that ever reach'd your Ear.

My_ Bower _you know, hard by yon shady Grove, A fit Recess for_ Damon_'s pensive Love: 20 As there dissolv'd I in sweet Slumbers lay, Tir'd with the Toils of the precedent Day, The bl.u.s.t'ring Winds disturb my kind Repose, Till frightned with the threatning Blasts, I rose.

But O, what havock did the Day disclose!

Those charming Willows which on_ Cherwel_'s banks Flourish'd, and thriv'd, and grew in evener ranks Than those which follow'd the Divine Command Of_ Orpheus _Lyre, or sweet_ Amphion_'s Hand, By hundreds fall, while hardly twenty stand. 30 The stately Oaks which reach'd the azure Sky, And kiss'd the very Clouds, now prostrate lie.

Long a huge Pine did with the Winds contend; This way, and that, his reeling Trunk they bend, Till forc'd at last to yield, with hideous Sound He falls, and all the Country feels the Wound.

Nor was the G.o.d of Winds content with these; Such humble Victims can't his Wrath appease: The Rivers swell, not like the happy_ Nile, _To fatten, dew, and fructifie our_ Isle: 40 _But like the_ Deluge, _by great Jove design'd To drown the Universe, and scourge Mankind.

In vain the frighted Cattel climb so high, In vain for Refuge to the Hills they fly; The Waters know no Limits but the Sky.

So now the bleating Flock exchange in vain, For barren Clifts, their dewy fertil Plain: In vain, their fatal Destiny to shun, From_ Severn_'s Banks to higher Grounds they run.

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