The Home Book of Verse Volume Ii Part 135

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I wish I were where Helen lies, Night and day on me she cries; O that I were where Helen lies, On fair Kirconnell lea!

Cursed be the heart that thought the thought, And cursed the hand that fired the shot, When in my arms burd Helen dropped, And died to succor me!

O think na ye my heart was sair, When my Love dropped and spak nae mair!

There did she swoon wi' meikle care, On fair Kirconnell lea.

As I went down the water side, None but my foe to be my guide, None but my foe to be my guide, On fair Kirconnell lea;

I lighted down my sword to draw, I hacked him in pieces sma', I hacked him in pieces sma', For her sake that died for me.

O Helen fair, beyond compare!

I'll mak a garland o' thy hair, Shall bind my heart for evermair, Until the day I dee!

O that I were where Helen lies Night and day on me she cries; Out of my bed she bids me rise, Says, Haste, and come to me!"

O Helen fair! O Helen chaste!

If I were with thee, I'd be blest, Where thou lies low and taks thy rest, On fair Kirconnell lea.

I wish my grave were growing green, A winding-sheet drawn owre my e'en, And I in Helen's arms lying, On fair Kirconnell lea.

I wish I were where Helen lies!

Night and day on me she cries; And I am weary of the skies, For her sake that died for me.



"w.i.l.l.y's rare, and w.i.l.l.y's fair, And w.i.l.l.y's wondrous bonny; And w.i.l.l.y hecht to marry me, Gin e'er he married ony.

"Yestreen I made my bed fu' braid, This night I'll make it narrow; Fpr a' the livelang winter night I lie twined of my marrow.

"Oh came you by yon water-side?

Pu'd you the rose or lily?

Or came you by yon meadow green?

Or saw you my sweet w.i.l.l.y?"

She sought him east, she sought him west, She sought him braid and narrow; Syne in the cleaving of a craig, She found him drowned in Yarrow.



"Annan Water's wading deep, And my Love Annie's wondrous bonny; And I am laith she should wet her feet, Because I love her best of ony."

He's loupen on his bonny gray, He rade the right gate and the ready; For all the storm he wadna stay, For seeking of his bonny lady.

And he has ridden o'er field and fell, Through moor, and moss, and many a mire; His spurs of steel were sair to bide, And from her four feet flew the fire.

"My bonny gray, now play your part!

If ye be the steed that wins my dearie, With corn and hay ye'll be fed for aye, And never spur shall make you wearie."

The gray was a mare, and a right gude mare; But when she wan the Annan Water, She could not have ridden the ford that night Had a thousand merks been wadded at her.

"O boatman, boatman, put off your boat, Put off your boat for golden money!"

But for all the gold in fair Scotland, He dared not take him through to Annie.

"Oh, I was sworn so late yestreen, Not by a single oath, but mony!

I'll cross the drumly stream tonight, Or never could I face my honey."

The side was stey, and the bottom deep, From bank to brae the water pouring; The bonny gray mare she swat for fear, For she heard the water-kelpy roaring.

He spurred her forth into the flood, I wot she swam both strong and steady; But the stream was broad, and her strength did fail, And he never saw his bonny lady!



My love he built me a bonnie bower, And clad it a' wi' lily flower; A brawer bower ye ne'er did see, Than my true-love he built for me.

There came a man, by middle day, He spied his sport, and went away; And brought the king that very night, Who brake my bower, and slew my knight.

He slew my knight, to me sae dear; He slew my knight, and poin'd his gear: My servants all for life did flee, And left me in extremitie.

I sewed his sheet, making my mane; I watched the corpse, mysel alane; I watched his body night and day; No living creature came that way.

I took his body on my back, And whiles I gaed, and whiles I sat; I digged a grave, and laid him in, And happed him with the sod sae green.

But think na ye my heart was sair, When I laid the moul' on his yellow hair?

O, think na ye my heart was wae, When I turned about, away to gae?

Nae living man I'll love again, Since that my lovely knight is slain; Wi' ae lock o' his yellow hair I'll chain my heart for evermair.


ASPATIA'S SONG From "The Maid's Tragedy"

Lay a garland on my hea.r.s.e Of the dismal yew; Maidens, willow branches bear; Say, I died true.

The Home Book of Verse Volume Ii Part 135

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