Introductory American History Part 11

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D. THE BEGINNINGS OF MODERN TIMES. The Discovery of America. (For use with chapters xiv to xxi inclusive.) (a) Histories of American Discoveries and Explorations. E.G. Bourne, Spain in America; Fiske, Discovery of America, 2 volumes; and Parkman, Pioneers of France in the New World.

(b) Short, easy biographies of famous explorers. (Da Gama, Columbus, Magellan, De Soto, Coronado, Cartier, Drake, and Raleigh.) Foote and Skinner, Explorers and Founders of America; W.F. Gordy, Stories of American Explorers; W.E. Griffis, The Romance of Discovery; Haaren and Poland, Famous Men of Modern Times; Higginson, Young Folks' Book of American Explorers; Jeannette B. Hodgdon, A First Course in American History, Book I; W.H. Johnson, The World's Discoverers, 2 volumes; Lawyer, The Story of Columbus and Magellan; Lummis, The Spanish Pioneers; Mara L. Pratt, America's Story for America's Children, Book 2; Gertrude V.D. Southworth, Builders of our Country, Book I; Rosa V. Winterburn, The Spanish in the Southwest.

(c) Stories of explorations as told by the explorers themselves.

Columbus' own account of his discovery of America is in Hart, Source Readers in American History, No. 1, pp. 4-7. Early accounts of John Cabot's discovery and of Drake's Voyage in Hart, Source Readers, No. 1, pp. 7-10, 23-25. The Death and Burial of De Soto as described by one of his followers, in Hart, Source Readers, pp. 16-19. The Old South Leaflets, No. 20, Coronado; Nos. 29 and 31, Columbus; No. 31, the Voyages to Vinland; No. 35, Cortes' Account of the City of Mexico; No. 36, The Death of De Soto; Nos. 37 and 115, the Voyages of the Cabots; No. 89, The Founding of St. Augustine; No. 92, The First Voyage to Roanoke; No. 102, Columbus' Account of Cuba; No. 116, Sir Francis Drake on the Coast of California; No. 118, Gilbert's Expedition; No. 119, Raleigh's Colony at Roanoke.

(d) The Stories of Indian Life in Spanish America, of Cortes, Coronado, and the Seven Cities of Cibola, and of the Missions. (See Rosa V. Winterburn, The Spanish in the Southwest.)


Acropolis, Africa, explored, Aldine Press, Alexander the Great, Alexandria, founded, end of trade route, Alfred, King, Alps, Hannibal crosses, Alva, in Netherlands, America, discovered by Columbus, origin of name, Amphitheater, at Rome, Arles, Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Apollo, Aqueducts, Roman, Aztec, Arabic numerals, Arabs, see Mohammedans, Arches, Roman, triumphal, Gothic, in Renaissance, Architecture, Greek, Roman, early Church, Mediaeval, Renaissance, Aristocracy, origin of, Armada (ar-ma'da), expedition of, Arms, Athenian, Gallic, Mediaeval, Aztec, Arthur, King, Astrolabe, Athens, Augustus, Emperor, Azores, Aztecs, Bahama Islands, Balboa (balbo'a), Basilicas, Bayeux tapestry (ba-yu), Beggars of the Sea, Black Sea, Bologna (bo-lon'ya), University of, Boniface, Books, Greek, carried to Italy, see printing, Borromeo (bor-ro-me'o), Boxing, Greek, Britain, name changed to England, Byzantium (bi-zan's.h.i.+-um), founded, named Constantinople, Cabot, John, Cabot, Sebastian, Caesar, Julius, Calvin, John, Cambridge, University of, Canary Islands, Cannae, battle of, Canterbury, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, Caroline, Fort, settlement, destroyed, Carthaginians, Cartier, Jacques (kar'tya), Castles, Cathedrals, Caudine Forks, Caxton, William, Census, Roman, Charles V of Germany (Charles I of Spain), Charybdis (ka-rib'dis), China, Christianity, Cibola, see Seven Cities Cincinnatus, Clergy, Coligny (ko'len'ye), Colonies, Greek, Roman, Spanish, French, English, Colorado, Canyon of, Colosseum, Columbus, Christopher. discoveries of, Compa.s.s, origin of, Constantine, Constantinople, founded, renamed, educated men of, taken by Turks, Consuls, at Rome, Corinth, Corinthian pillars, Coronado, Francisco, Cortes, Hernando, conquest of Mexico, Courts, Greek, English, Crusades, Cuba, c.u.mae, Danes, see Northmen, Normans, Dare, Virginia, Delphi, Demosthenes (de-mos'the-nez), De Soto, Fernando, Diaz, Bartholomew, Discus thrower, Doric pillars, Drake, Sir Francis, adventures in America, voyage around world, attack on Spain, Duke, origin of word, Dutch, war for independence, East, The, defined, search for sea routes, Education, Greek, Roman, Mediaeval, Egyptians, Elizabeth, Queen, England, first known, inhabited by Britons, conquered by Romans, name, christianized, Danes in, in Middle Ages, aids Dutch, navy, war with Spain, English explorations and colonies, English language, origin, Erasmus, Eric the Red, Espanola (es-pan-yo'la) Euclid, Fairs, Mediaeval, Ferdinand, King, Florida, origin of name, exploration, St. Augustine in, France, see Gauls, name, Danes in, in Middle Ages, sailors of, colonies in America, Francis I, King, French language, Friar Marcos, Friday, origin of name, Frieze, Frobisher, Martin, Gama, Vasco da, Games, Greek, Roman, Gauls, Genoa, Germany, language, early, name, early emigrants from, missionaries to, Gilbert, Humphrey, Girgenti (jer-jen'te), temple at, Gladiators, Gothic architecture, Goths, Government, at Athens, at Rome, in England, Gracchi, Tiberius and Caius, Great Charter, Greece, language of, early history, manner of living in, colonies, rivals, conquered by Rome, and the Renaissance, Greenland, Gregory, Pope, Guam, Guilds, Gutenberg. John,(goo'ten-berk), Gymnasium, Greek, Hannibal, Hawkins, John, Hayti, see Espanola, Henry, Prince, the Navigator, Henry II, of England, Henry VIII, of England, Hercules, Hermann, Hermes, Herodotus (herod'otus), Homer, Horatius, House of Commons, House of Lords, Houses, Greek, Roman, Aztec, in Cibola, Huguenots (hu'ge-nots), origin of, in America, and Dutch, Iceland, Incas, India, Indians, origin of name, of Mexico, of Peru, as slaves, missions to, and De Soto, in Cibola, in Quivira, at Roanoke, Indies, Ionic pillars, Isabella, Queen of Spain, Isabella, town in Espanola, Italy, Greeks in, Romans masters of, farmers in, Goths invade, Mediaeval, Renaissance in, j.a.pan, Jerusalem, Jews, John, King of England, Jury, origin of, Justice, Greek, English, Justinian, Karlsefni (karl'sef-ne) Knights, Las Casas (ca'sas), Latin, words, literature, learned by the Gauls, in Middle Ages, in Renaissance, Law, Roman, English, Leif Ericson, London, Loyola, Ignatius (lo-yo'la) Luther, Martin, Madeira Islands (madei'ra), Magellan, Magellan, Strait of, Magna Charta, Marathon, Marco Polo, Ma.r.s.eilles (mar-salz), Mary, Queen of England, Menendez, Pedro (ma-nen'dath) Mexico, conquest of, Michel Angelo (mi'kel-an'je-lo), Middle Ages, defined, close, Miltiades (mil-ti'a-dez) Missionaries, Missions, Spanish, Mississippi River, discovery of, Modern Times, defined, Mohammedans, Moluccas, Monasteries, Mongol Tartars, Montezuma, King of Aztecs, Montreal, Moors, Mosaics, Naples, Navy, English, in battle against the Armada, Netherlands, revolt of, New Testament, Greek, first printed, n.o.bles, Norman architecture, Norman Conquest, Normans, Northmen, Notre Dame (no'tr'dam) in Paris, Odin, Olympia, Olympic games, Ordeals, Oxford, University of, Pacific Ocean, Paestum (pes'tum), Paintings, Greek, Panama, Pantheon (Pan'theon), Papyrus (pa-pi'rus), Paris, Parliament, English, origin of, Parthenon (par'thenon), Patagonia, Patricians, Paul, the Apostle, Peasants, Pediment, Persia, Peru, conquest of, Petrarch (pe'trark), Pheidippides (fi-dip'e-dez), Philip II, Philippines, Phoenicia, Pizarro, Francisco (pi-zar'ro), conquest of Peru, Plataeans, Plato, Plebeians, Pompeii (pom-pa'ye), Pompey, Ponce de Leon (pon'tha da la-on), Pope, the Bishop of Rome, Porticoes, Portugal, sailors of, and the New World, Potato, found by Magellan, Pottery, Greek, Aztec, Zuni, Printing, invented, Ptolemy (tol'e-mi), Pyrrhus (pir'us), Quebec, Quivira, Raleigh, Sir Walter, Renaissance (ren'e-sans), Richard, the Lionhearted, Roads, Roman, Roanoke, Roman Empire, size, origin, Roman type, Romans, language, see Latin, early, contact with Greeks, wars in Italy, early manner of living, war with Carthage, conquer Gaul and Britain, Empire of, civilization of, Christianized, empire ruined, literature of, influence, Romanesque architecture, Romulus, Salamis, Samnites, San Salvador, St. Augustine, Sardinia, Saxons, Sculpture, Greek, Scylla (sil'a), Senators, at Rome, Seven Cities of Cibola, Shakespeare, s.h.i.+ps, Greek, early English, Venetian, of Columbus, of English navy, Sicily, Sidney, Sir Philip, Simon de Montfort, Slaves, Greek, Roman, Indians as, Negroes as, Slave-trade, Spanish, English, Socrates (sok'ra-tez), Spain, early settlements in, Romans capture, name, Arabs in, Columbus and, claim to New World, colonies of, war with Netherlands, war with England, Sparta, Spice Islands, Spice trade, Stadium, Statues, Greek, Temples, Greek, Theater, Greek, early Roman, later, Thebes, Themistocles (the-mis'to-klez), Thermopylae (ther-mop'i-le), Theseum (these'um), Thor, Thursday, origin of name, "Tin Islands," Towns, in Middle Ages, Trade, Mediaeval, Trade-winds, Trebia, battle of, Trial by battle, Tribune, Roman, Trireme, Troy, Turks, "Twelve Tables," Tyre, Ulfilas, Ulysses, Universities, Venice, Venus of Melos, Vercingetorix (vercinget'orix), Vespucius, Americus, Veto, at Rome, Vikings, Vinland, Virginia, origin of name, colony in, Watling Island, Wednesday, origin of name, West Indies, White, John, William the Conqueror, William of Orange, Wodan, Women, Roman, Words, Writing, art of, Xerxes (zurk'zez), Zuni,

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