Pastoral Poetry & Pastoral Drama Part 37
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Appendix II
Any attempt at an adequate bibliography of pastoral literature would require s.p.a.ce far greater than that at present at my disposal. In the case of all the more important works considered in the foregoing inquiry, I have been careful to mention the edition from which my quotations are taken whenever this was not the original. Nor do I propose to mention in this place every book or article which I have consulted in the course of my study. Where some particular authority has been followed on some particular point the reference has been given in the form of a footnote.
There are, however, two of books which require special mention.
The first of these consists of those works to which I have had cause constantly to refer, and which I have therefore quoted by abbreviated t.i.tles; and second, of certain works which I have constantly consulted and followed, but to which I have had no occasion to make specific reference in the notes. A list of the works coming under one or other of these heads will give a very fair survey of the critical literature of the subject, and may therefore not only be convenient to readers of my work, but may prove useful as a guide to any who may wish to make an independent study.
I have, of course, derived much help from the critical apparatus accompanying many of the texts cited, but these I have not, as a rule, thought it necessary to recapitulate here. Where, however, I have used critical matter in editions other than those quoted for the text, they have been duly recorded. Ordinary works of reference need no specific notice.
A. General.
(a) Works on General Literature. These chiefly refer to Italian and English literature.
(i) _Italian._ J. A. Symonds. _Renaissance in Italy. Vols. IV and V.
Italian Literature._ To the whole of this work, but especially to the section dealing with literature and to that on the Catholic reaction mentioned below (B. vi), my indebtedness is far more than any specific acknowledgement can express. My references are to the new edition (7 vols., London, 1897-8), which has the advantages of being obtainable, and of having a full though not very accurate index to the whole work, but which is unfortunately very carelessly printed.
B. Weise and E. Percopo. _Geschichte der italienischen Litteratur von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart._ Leipzig und Wien, 1899. I have often found this of considerable use as summarizing the latest work on the subject. It is, however, not invariably accurate, and the literary appreciations, whether original or borrowed, are seldom enlightening. Had the s.p.a.ce occupied by these been devoted to giving references to special works, the value of the book would have been enormously increased.
A. D'Ancona and O. Bacci. _Manuale della letteratura italiana._ 5 vols.
Firenze, 1897-1900. I have fonnd the biographical and bibliographical notes to this collection of the greatest use.
(ii) _English._ W. J. Courthope. _A History of English Poetry._ 5 vols, published. London, 1895-1905. Vols, ii and iii contain accounts of English poets of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
A. W. Ward. _A History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne._ New and revised edition. 3 vols. London, 1899.
F. G. Fleay. _A Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama._ 2 vols.
London, 1891.
() General Works on Pastoral. Of these some refer chiefly to pastoral poetry, some mainly to the English drama.
(i) _Poetry._ E. W. Gosse. _An Essay on English Pastoral Poetry._ A. B.
Grosart, _Rider on Mr. Gosse's Essay._ In Grosart's edition of Spenser, vol. iii, 1882, pp. ix-lxxi.
H. O. Sommer. _Erster Versuch uber die englische Hirtendichtung._ Marburg, 1888. A useful sketch of the eclogue in English literature from 1510 to 1805, though superficial and not always accurate.
Katharina Windscheid. _Die englische Hirtendichtung von._1579-1625. Halle, 1895. This contains a good deal of original investigation, and I have found it of considerable use. In questions of literary judgement, however, the author is not always happy.
C. H. Herford. _Spenser. Shepheards Calender, edited with introduction and notes._ London, 1897. The Introduction contains an admirable sketch of pastoral poetry in general.
E. K. Chambers. _English Pastorals, with an introduction._ London, 1895. A collection of lyrics, eclogues, and scenes, with a useful introduction.
(ii) _English Drama._ Homer Smith. _Pastoral Influence in the English Drama._ Publications of the Modern Language a.s.sociation of America, vol.
xii (1897), pp. 355-460. This has been constantly cited in my notes. As the first serious attempt to investigate the English pastoral drama it deserves credit; but in detail it is often inaccurate, while I generally disagree with the author on all matters on which divergence of opinion is possible.
Josephine Laidler. _A History of Pastoral Drama in England until 1700._ Englische Studien, July, 1905, x.x.xv (2). pp. 193-259. This appeared while my work vas pa.s.sing through the press, and though I have read it carefully, I think that the reference to Mahaffy's not very accurate account of Arcadia (see p. 51, note) is the total extent of my indebtedness. The article adds little to Homer Smith's work for the period with which we are concerned, while it is at the same time both incomplete and inaccurate.
A. H. Thorndike. _The Pastoral Element in the English Drama before 1605._ Modern Language Notes, vol. xiv. cols. 228-246 (1899). A careful and interesting article, which I also only read while my book was in the press. Though it did not contain much that was new, I was particularly glad to find myself in agreement with the author as regards the importance of the pre-Italian tradition in English pastoral.
(?) I ought also to mention: J. C. Dunlop. _History of Prose Fiction. A new edition by H. Wilson.._2 vols. London, 1888. The fact that this work consists chiefly of summaries of plots and stories makes it of great value for tracing sources.
B. Special.
(i) Cla.s.sical (Chap. I, sect. ii). J. A. Symonds. _Studies of the Greek Poets. Third edition._ 2 vols. London, 1893. Chap. XXI deals with 'The Idyllists.'
Andrew Lang. _Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus rendered info English Prose, with an introductory essay._ London, 1889. The introduction contains a very interesting account of the conditions of Alexandrian poetry.
Joseph Jacobs. _Daphnis and Chloe: the Elizabethan version from Amyot's Translation by Angel Day._ London, 1890. The introduction contains an account of Longus and his translators.
(ii) Medieval and Humanistic (Chap. I, sect. iv). F. Macr-Leone. _La Bucolica latina nella letteratura italiana del secolo XIV, con una introduzione sulla bucolica latina nel medioevo._ Parte I (all published).
Torino, 1889.
P. H. Wicksteed and E. G. Gardner. _Dante and Giovanni del Virgilio, including a critical edition of the text of Dante's 'Eclogae Latinae' and of the poelic remains of Giovanni del Virgilio._ Westminster, 1902.
Attilio Hortis, _Scritti inediti di Francesco Petrarca pubblicati ed ill.u.s.trati.._Trieste, 1874.
Luigi Ruberto. _Le Egloghe del Petrarca._ Il Propugnatore, xi (2). p.
244, xii (1). p. 83, (2). p. 153. Bologna, 1878-9.
Attilio Hortis. _Studl sulle opere latine del Boccaccio con particolare riguardo alla storia delia erudizione nel medio evo e alle letterature straniere._ Trieste, 1879.
Marcus Landau. _Giovanni Boccaccio, sua vita e sue opere. Traduzione di Camillo Antona-Traversi approvata e ampliata dall' autore._ Napoli, 1881.
Greatly enlarged from the original German edition. Stuttgart, 1877.
[Bucolic Collections.] (a) _Eclogae Vergilii. Calphurnii. Nemesiani.
Frcisci. Pe. Ioannis Boc. Ioanbap Ma. Pomponii Gaurici.._Florentiae.
Philippus de Giunta. 1504. Decimo quinto. Calendas Octobris. Contains the _editio princeps._of Boccaccio's eclogues.
() _En habes Lector Bucolicorum Autores x.x.xVIII. quot quot uidelicet a Vergilij aetate ad nostra usque tempora, eo poematis genere usos, sedul inquirentes nancisci in praesentia licuit: farrago quidem Eclogarum CLVI.
mira c.u.m elegantia tum uarietate referta, nuncque primum in studiosorum iuuenum gratiam atque usum collecta._ Basel. Ioannes Oporinus. 1546. Mense Martio.
[Sannazzaro.] I may note here, what I was unaware of when writing my account of Sannazzaro's Latin poems, that the _Salices._was translated into English under the t.i.tle of _The Osiers._ by Beaupre Bell, about 1724.
The MS. is in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge; see M. R. James'
Catalogue of the Western MSS., ii. p. 102.
(iii) Spanish (Chap. I, sect. vii). George Ticknor. _History of Spanish Literature. Sixth American edition._ 3 vols. Cambridge (Ma.s.s.), 1888.
J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, _A History of Spanish Literature._ London, 1898.
H. A. Rennert. _The Spanish Pastoral Romances._ Publications of the Modern Language a.s.sociation of America, vol. vii (3). pp. 1-119, (1892). An elaborate study, which, however, I only discovered when my work was in the press.
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