Pastoral Poetry & Pastoral Drama Part 38

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Francesco Torraca. _Gl' imitatori stranieri di Jacopo Sannazaro. Seconda edizione accresciuta._ Roma, 1882. A study which I have found very useful both in relation to Spanish and French pastoralism.

(iv) French (Chap. I, sect. viii). L. Pet.i.t de Julleville. _Histoire de la Langue et de la Litterature francaise._ 8 vols. Paris, 1896-1899.

(v) English Poetry (Chap. II). J. G. Underhill. _Spanish Literature in the England of the Tudors._ New York (Columbia University Studies in Literature), 1899. A valuable study, particularly in connexion with Montemayor, with useful bibliography.

A. W. Pollard. _The Castell of Labour, translated from the French of Pierre Gringore by Alexander Barclay._ Edinburgh (Roxburghe Club), 1905.

Whatever can be said for Barclay as a poet is admirably said in the Introduction to this work.

F. W. Moorman. _William, Browne. His Britannia's Pastorals and the pastoral poetry of the Elizabethan age._ Stra.s.sburg (Quellen und Forschungen), 1897.

Walter Raleigh. _The English Novel. Second edition._ London, 1895. To this brilliant study, and in particular to the treatment of Euphuism and Arcadianism, I am deeply indebted.

J. J. Jusserand. _The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare, translated from the French by Elisabeth Lee. Revised and enlarged by the author._ London, 1890.

K. Brunhuber. _Sir Philip Sidneys Arcadia und ihre Nachlaufer._ Nurnberg, 1903. Though not always accurate, the first part, dealing chiefly with the sources, possesses original value; the same cannot be said of the second, dealing with the dramatizations, which is superficial.

(vi) Italian Drama (Chap. III). J. L. Klein. _Geschichte des Dramas. Vol.

V. Das italienische Drama. Zweiter Band._ Leipzig, 1867.

Wilhelm Creizenach. _Geschichte des neueren Dramas. Zweiter Band.

Renaissance und Reformation. Erster Theil._ Halle, 1901.

Alessandro D'Ancona. _Origini del teatro italiano._ 2 vols. Torino, 1891.

Very much enlarged from the original edition, 2 vols., Firenze, 1877.

Curzio Mazzi. _La Congrega dei Rozzi di Siena nel secolo XVI._ 2 vols.

Firenze, 1882.

Vittorio Rossi. _Battista Guarini ed il Pastor Fido. Studio biografico-critico con doc.u.menti inediti._ Torino, 1886.

Giosue Carducci. _Su l'Aminta di T., saggi tre. Con una pastorale inedita di G. B. Giraldi Cinthio._ Firenze, 1899.

J. A. Symonds. _Renaissance in Italy. Vols. VI and VII. The Catholic Reaction._ (See above, A. a. i.) Chapters VII and XI contain admirable criticisms of the pastoral work of and Guarini.

(vii) English Masques (Chap. VII). Rudolf Brotanek. _Die englischen Maskenspiele._ Wien und Leipzig (Wiener Beitrage), 1902.

David Ma.s.son. _The Poetical Works of John Milton, edited with memoir, introduction, notes, and an essay on Milton's English and versification._ 3 vols. London, 1890.

M. W. Sampson. _The Lyric and Dramatic Poems of John Milton, edited, with an introduction and notes._ New York, 1901.


[In cases where a name occurs several times, the main reference or references, if any, are distinguished by bold-face type.]

Abbot, Sir Maurice, _Lord Mayor_ Abbruzzese, A.

_Abuses Stript and Whipt_ _Accademia tusculana_, Thomas Achilles Tatius _Actaeon and Diana_ adan de le Hale, _or_ le Bochu Addiaccio, academy at Prato Admiral, Lord (Charles, Lord Howard) _Adone_ _Adrasta_ Aeneas Silvius, _see_ Pius II.

_Aeneid_ _Aethiopica_ _Affectionate Shepherd_ Aff, Ireneo _Ages_ _Agincourt_ _Alba_ Alberti, Leo Battista _Albion's England_ _Alb.u.mazar_ _Alceo_ _Alchemist_ _Alcon_ Alcuin Aldus Manutius, the elder Aldus Manutius, the younger Alexander VI, _Pope_ Alexander, Sir William (Earl of Stirling) _Alexis_ Allacci, Leone _Allegro_ Almerici, Tiburio Alva, Duke of _Amadis of Gaul_ _Amaranta_ _Amarilli_ _Ambra_ (Lorenzo de' Medici) _Ambra_ (Poliziano) Ambrogini, Angelo, _see_ Poliziano.

_Ameto_ _Aminta_ _Aminta_ (, English translations: Fraunce Reynolds Dancer Oldmixon, du Bois, Ayre, Stoekdale, Leigh Hunt, anon.

_Aminta bagnato_ _Aminta difeso_ _Amintae Gaudia_ _Amphrissa_ _Amore cortese_ _Amore fuggitivo_ _Amores_ (Ovid) _Amorosi sospiri_ _Amorous War_ _Amyntas_ (Randolph) _Amyntas_ (Watson) Amyot, Jacques Anacreon Ancona, Alessandro D'

_Andria_ _Andromana_ Angeli, Nicol degli _Anglia_ Anne of Denmark Annunzio, Gabriele d'

_Anthology_ (Greek) Antona-Traversi, Camillo Antonius _Apollo and Daphne_ _Apologia contre l'autor del Verato_ _Apology for Poetry_ Apuleius Aquilano, Serafino Arber, Edward _Arcades_ Arcadia, Academy of the _Arcadia_ (Sannazzaro) _Arcadia_ (s.h.i.+rley) _Arcadia_ (Sidney) _Arcadia_ (Vega, drama) _Arcadia_ (Vega, romance) _Arcadia in Brenta_ _Arcadia Reformed_ _Arcadian Lovers_ _Arcadian Princess_ _Arcadian Virgin_ Archer, Edward _Archivio storico per le provincie napolitane_ _Aretusa_ _Argalus and Parthenia_ (Glapthorne) _Argalus and Parthenia_ (Quarles) Argenti, Agostino _Arimene_ Ariosto, Lodovico _Arisbas_ Aristotle Arnold, Matthew _Arraignment of Paris_ Arsocchi, Francesco _Art of English Poesy_ _As You Like It_ _Asolani_ _a.s.setta_ _Astree_ _Astrological Discourse_ _Astrophel_ _Astrophel and Stella_ _Atalanta_ Atchelow, Thomas _Athenae Oxonienses_ _Athlette_ Aubrey, John _Auca.s.sin et Nicolette_ Ausonius _Auto pastoril castelhano_ Averara, Niccol Ayre, William

B., I. D.

_Babylonica_ _Bacchus and Ariadne_ Bacci, Orazio Baglione family Balbuenas, Bernardo de Baldi, Bernardino Baldini, Vittorio Baldinucci, Filippo Baldovini, Frances...o...b..llad Society Bandello, Matteo Bang, W.

Barclay, Alexander Barclay, John Bariola, Felice Barksted, William Barnes, Barnabe Barnfield, Richard Baron, Robert Bartoli, Adolfo Bartoli, Clementi, William Bastiano di Francesco (linaiuolo) Bathurst, Theodore Baylie, Richard Beaumont, Francis _Beautiful Shepherdess of Arcadia_ _Beca di Dicomano_ Beccari, Agostino Bede Beeching, H. C.

Belcari, Feo Beling, Richard Bell, Beaupre Bellarmino, Roberto, _Cardinal_ Bellay, Joachim du Belleau, Remi _Bellessa, the Shepherd's Queen_ Bellincione, Bernardo Bembo, Pietro Bendidio, Lucrezia Beni, Paolo Benivieni, Girolamo Bentivogli, Annibale Benvoglienti, Uberto _Bergerie_ (Belleau) _Bergerie de Juliette_ Berni, Frances...o...b..rtini, Romolo _Biographia Dramatica_ Bion Blake, William Blosio, _see_ Pallai delia Sabina, Biagio.

Boccaccio, Giovanni Bodoni, Giambattista Boethius Boiardo, Matteo Maria Bois, P. B. Du Boleyn, Anne Bonarelli della Rovere, Guidubaldo Bond, R. W.

Bonfadino, Giovanbattista Boni, Giovanni de Bonifacia, Carmosina Boninsegni, Fiorino Bonnivard, Francois de _Bonny Hynd_ _Bonny May_ Bono de Monteferrato, Manfrido Borgia, Lucrezia Boscan Almogaver, Juan Botticelli, Alessandro Brabine, Thomas Brackley, Viscount, _see_ Egerton Braga, Teofilo Braida, Bartolommeo Brandt, Sebastian.

Brathwaite, Richard Breton, Nicholas Bridgewater, Earl of, _see_ Egerton.

_Brief Discourse about Baptism_ _Britannia's Pastorals_ Brome, Richard Brooke, Dr.

Brooke, Christopher Brooke, Samuel Brookes, Mr.

_Broom of Cowdenknows_ Brotanek, Rudolf Browne, William Brunhuber, K.

Bruni, Lionardo Bryskett, Lodovic Buc, Sir George Buchanan Buck, George, _Gent._ _Bucolica Quirinalium_ _Bucolicorum Autores x.x.xVIII_ _Bucolics_ (Vergil) Bulifon, Antonio Bullen, A. H.

Buonarroti, Michelangelo, the younger _Burd Helen_ Byse, f.a.n.n.y

C., H.

Caccia, G. A., _see_ Cazza, G. A.

_Caccia col falcone_ _Caccia d' amore_ Calderon de la Barca, Pedro _Calendar of Shepherds_ _Calisto_ Callimachus Calmo, Andrea Calpurnius Calvin, Jean Campori, G.

_Canace_ Canello, Ugo Angelo _Canterbury Tales_ _Canzoniere_ (Petrarca) Camoens, Luis de Caperano, Alessandro _Capitolo pastorale_ (Machiavelli) Cardona, Antonia Carducci, Giosue _Careless Shepherdess_ Carew, Thomas _Caride_ Carlton, Sir Dudley Carlo emanuele, _Duke of Savoy_ _Carmen bucolic.u.m_ (Endelechius) Caro, Annibale Carretto, Galeotto Del _Carte du Tendre_ Casalio, Giambattista Ca.s.sio da Narni Castalio Castelletti, Cristoforo Castelvetri, Giacopo Castiglione, Balda.s.sarre _Castle of Labour_ Catharine of Austria Catherine of Siena, _Saint_ Catullus Cava.s.sico, Bartolommeo Cavendish, George Cazza, Giovanni Agostino _Cecaria_ Cecco di Mileto _Cefalo_ _Cefalo y Pocris_ _Celos aun del aire matan_ _Cent Nouvelles nouvelles_ Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Cesana, Gasparo Chaloner, Thomas Chamberlain, John Chambers, E. K.

Chandos, Lord Chapman, George Chariton Charles I Charles II Chateillon, Sebastien Chaucer, Geoffrey _Chester mysteries_ Chettle, Henry Chetwood, W. R.

Child, F. J.

_Child Waters_ _Chloridia_ _Chloris_ _Chloris and Ergasto_ _Cicro_ _Cid_ _Cintia_ Ciotti, Giovanbattista Claudio of Savoy _Clio_ _Clorys and Orgasto_ Ciacco dell'Anguillaja _Citizen and Uplondishman_ Clement VI, _Pope_ Coello, Antonio _Coelum Britannic.u.m_ Coleridge, S. T.

_Colin Clout's come home again_ Colisano, Count of Colleoni, Bartolommeo Collier, J. P.

Colonna, Giovanni, _Cardinal_ (at Avignon) Colonna, Giovanni, _Cardinal_ (at Rome) _Columbia University Studies in Literature_ Compani, A.

_Compendio della poesia tragicomica_ _Complete Angler_ _Comus_ _Conflictus veris et hiemis_ Conington, John Constable, Henry Contarini, Francisco _Converted Robber_ _Copa_ _Coplas de Mingo Revulgo_ Corazzini, Francesco Corneille, Pierre _Cornhill Magazine_ Corrado, Gregorio Correggio, Niccol da _Cortegiano_ Count Palatine (Frederick V, Elector Palatine) Courthope, W. J.

_Coventry mysteries_ _Cowdenknows,_ see _Broom of Cowdenknows._ Cowley, Abraham c.o.x, Robert c.o.xeter, Thomas Creizenach, Wilhelm Cresci, Pietro Crescimbeni, G. M.

Croce, B.

Crusca, Accademia della Cuchetti, Giovanni Donato _Cuestion de amor_ Cunningham, Peter _Cupid and Psyche_ _Cupid's Revenge_ _Cyclops_ _Cynthia_ (Barnfield) _Cynthia_ (Dyer)

D., D.

D., E.

Dancer, John Daniel, Samuel Dante Alighieri _Danza di Venere_ _Daphnada_ _Daphne_ _Daphnis and Chloe_ ??f??? ????st?fa???

Davenant, Sir William Davies, Sir John Davison, Francis Day, Angel Day, John _Decameron_ _Defense de la langue francaise_ _Defence of Poesy_ _Defence of Rime_ Deighton, Kenneth Dekker, Thomas Delaval, Lady Elizabeth _Delia_ Denny, Sir William Denham, Sir John Denores, Giasone, _see_ Nores, Giasone de.

_Deorum Dona_ _De Remedio Amoris_ Derby, Countess Dowager of Dering, Sir E.

_Descensus Astraeae_ Devons.h.i.+re, Duke of _De Vulgari Eloquio_ _Dialogo di tre ciechi_ _Dialogue at Wilton_ _Dialogue in Praise of Astrea_ _Dialogues and Dramas_ _Diana_ _Diane_ Diane de Poitiers d.i.c.kenson, John _Dictionary of National Biography_ _Dido_ Digby, Sir Kenelm Digby, Lady Venetia Dionisio, Alessandro Dionisio, Scipione _Discorso intorno alla commedia_ _Discourse of English Poetry_ _Discourse on Pastoral_ _Discoveries_ _Dispraise of a Courtly Life_ _Divina Commedia_ _Dodsley's Old Plays_ Dodus Dolce, Lodovico _Donald of the Isles_ Donati, Alesso Donne, John _Don Quixote_ _Dorastus and Fawnia_ Dorset, Earl of Dossi, Dosso Dove, John Drake, Sir Francis Drayton, Michael _Driadeo d'amore_ Drummond, Jean Drummond, William Dryden, John Du Bartas, Seigneur (Guillaume de Sall.u.s.te) _Due pellegrini_ Dunlop, J. C.

Dulfo, Floriano Dyce, Alexander Dyer, Sir Edward Dymocke, Mr.

Dymocke, Charles Dymocke, Sir Edward Dymocke, John

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