Pastoral Poetry & Pastoral Drama Part 39

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_Earl Lithgow_ _Earl Richard_ Early English Text Society Ebsworth, J. W.

_Ecatommiti_ _Ecloga di amicizia_ _Ecloga di justizia_ _Ecloga duarum sanctimonialium_ _Ecloga Theoduli_ _eclogas_ (Encina) _eclogue au Roi_ (Marot) _eclogue Gratulatory_ (Peele) _eclogue, ou Chant pastoral_(I. D. B.) _eclogues sacrees_ (Belleau) Edward IV, _King of England_ Edward V, _King of England_ Edward VI, _King of England_ Egerton, Lady Alice Egerton, John (first Earl of Bridgewater) Egerton, John (third Viscount Brackley and second Earl of Bridgewater) Egerton, Sir Thomas (Baron Ellesmere and first Viscount Brackley) Egerton, Thomas (son of John, first Earl of Bridgewater) _Egle_ Elizabeth, _Queen of England_ Elizabeth, _d.u.c.h.ess of Urbino, see_ Gonzaga, Elizabeta.

_Elpine_ Encina, Juan del Encinas, Pedro de Endelechius, Severus Sanctus _England's Helicon_ _England's Mourning Garment_ _England's Parna.s.sus_ _Englische Studien_ _English Grammar_ (Jonson) _English Miscellany_ Enrique IV, _King of Spain_ _Entertainment at Althorp_ _Entertainment at Elvetham_ _Entertainment at Kenilworth_ _Entertainment at Richmond_ Epicuro de' Marsi _Epithalamium_ (Spenser) Erasmus, Desiderius _Erbusto_ ???t?pa??????

Erythraeus, Ja.n.u.s Nicius Ess.e.x, Earl of Este, House of (Estensi) Este, Alfonso d' (Alfonso I), _Duke of Ferrara_ Este, Alfonso d' (Alfonso II), _Duke of Ferrara_ Este, Ercole d' (Ercole I), _Duke of Ferrara_ Este, Ercole d'(Ercole II), _Duke of Ferrara_ Este, Francesco d'

Este, Ippolito d', _Cardinal_ Este, Laura Eustoccia d'

Este, Leonora d'

Este, Lucrezia d' (wife of Annibale Bentivogli) Este, Lucrezia d' (daughter of Ercole II) Este, Luigi d', _Cardinal_ (son of Ercole II) Este, Renata d' (wife of Ercole II, and daughter of Louis XII of France) _Euphormus_ Euripides

_Faery Queen_ Fairfax, Edward _Fairy Pastoral_ _Faithful Shepherdess_ Falkland, Viscount _Fancy's Theatre_ Fanfani, P.

Fanshawe, Sir Richard _Faunus_ _Faustus, Dr_.

_Feast of Adonis_ Ferdinand I, _King of Naples_ Ferrario, Giulio Ferraby, George FF. Anglo-Britannus (_pseud._) _Fiammella_ _Fickle Shepherdess_ _Fida Armilla_ _Fida ninfa_ _Fida pastora_ _Fidus Pastor_ Field, Nathan _Fig for Momus_ _Figlia di Iorio_ _Figliuoli di Aminta e Silvia e di Mirtillo ed Amarilli_ Figueroa, Cristobal Suarez de Figueroa, Francisco de _Filena_ Fileno Addiacciato _Filide_ Filleul, Nicolas _Filli di Sciro_ _Filli di Sciro_ (Bonarelli), English translations: Sidnam Talbot [Latin] _(Scyros)_ _Finta Fiammetta_ Firenzuola, Agnolo _Fischerin_ _Fisherman's Tale_ Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James _Five Plays in One_ Flamini, F.

Fleay, F. G.

Fleming, Abraham Fletcher, Giles, the elder Fletcher, John Fletcher, Phineas _Florimene_ _Flower of Fidelity_ Folengo, Teofilo Fontanini, Giusto Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de _Forbonius and Prisceria_ Forde, Thomas Fortini, Pietro Francois I, _King of France_.

Frati, L.

Fratti, Giovanni Fraunce, Abraham Frederick of Aragon, _King of Naples_ Frezzi, Frederigo _Frutti d'amore_ Furness, H. H.

G., T.

_Galatea_ (Cervantes) _Galatea_ (Lollio) _Galizia_ _Gallathea_ _Gammer Gurton's Needle_ Garcia de Toledo Garcilaso de la Vega Gardner, E. G.

Gascoigne, George _Gaudeamus!_ Gauricus, Pomponius _Gentle Shepherd_ _Georgics_ _Gerusalemme liberata_ _Gesta Romanorum_ Gifford, William Ginguene, P. L.

_Giornale storico della letteratura italiana_ _Giostra_ Giovanni del Virgilio Giraldi _Cintio_, Giovanni Battista Giunta, Filippo di Glapthorne, Henry _Glasgow Peggie_ _G.o.d's Revenge against Murder_ Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Goffe, Thomas _Golden Age_ (Graham) _Golden Age_ (Heywood) _Golden Fleece_ Golding, Arthur Gollancz, Israel Gomersall, Robert Gonzaga, Cesare Gonzaga, Elisabetta (wife of Guidubaldo II of Urbino) Gonzaga, Francesco Gonzaga, Gianvincenzo, _Cardinal_ Gonzaga, Isabella Gonzaga, Scipione Gonzaga, Vincenzo Goodere, Anne Goodwin, Gordon Googe, Barnabe Gosse, E. W.

Gosson, Stephen Gower, Lady Gower, John Gozze, Gauges de Graham, Kenneth _Grateful Servant_ Gravina, Gian Vincenzo _Great Plantagenet_ Greene, Robert Gregory XI, _Pope_ Greville, Dorothy Greville, Fulke (Lord Brooke) Grimaldi, Bartolommeo Ceva, _Duke of Telese_ Grimani, Marin, _Doge_ Gringore, Pierre _Gripus and Hegio_ Grosart, A. B.

Groto, Luigi _Guardian_ Guarini, Alessandro Guarini, Battista Guerrini, O.

Guidubaldo I, _see_ Montefeltro, G.

Guidubaldo II, _see_ Rovere, G. della.

Gustavus Adolphus, _King of Sweden_

H., I.

Hall, Edward Hall, Joseph Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O.

Hardy, Thomas _Harmony of the Church_ _Harpelus' Complaint_ Harvey, Gabriel Harvey, Richard Harvey, Thomas _Havelok the Dane_ Hawes, Stephen Hazlewood, Joseph Hazlitt, W. C Heber, Richard _Hecatompathia_ Heliodorus Henneman, J. B.

Henrietta Maria _Henry VI_ Henry VIII, _King of England_ Henryson, Robert Henslowe, Philip _Heptameron_ Herbert, Sir Henry Herd, David Herford, C. H.

_Hermophus_ Herrick, Robert Hewlett, Maurice Heywood, John Heywood, Thomas Hiero of Syracuse _Histoire des satyres et nymphes de Diane_ Homer _Honour's Academy_ Horace Hortis, Attilio _Hospital of Lovers_ _House of Fame_ Howard, Douglas Howard, Sir Edward Hunt, Leigh _Hunting of Cupid_ _Hymen's Triumph_ _Hymn to Pan_ _Hymns in honour of Love and Beauty_

_Idea_ _Idropica_ _Idyllia_ (Ausonius) _Idyls_ (Theocritus) Immerito (_pseud._) Index, Congregation of the _Index Expurgatorius_ _Index Librorum Prohibitorum_ _Inedited Poetical Miscellany_ Ingegneri, Angelo _Inner Temple Masque_ Innocent VIII, _Pope_ _Intricati_ _Intrichi d' amore_ Intronati, academy at Siena _Iphis and Ianthe_ Isauro, Fileno di (_pseud._) _Isle of Dogs_ _Isle of Gulls_ _Ivychurch_

Jackson, Henry Jacobs, James James I, _King of England_ James, M. R.

James, William Jauregui, Juan de _Jealous Lovers_ Jeanne de Laval Jennaro, Pietro Jacopo de _John, King_ John of Bologna, _see_ Giovanni del Virgilio.

_Johnie Faa_ Johnson, Samuel Jones, Inigo Jones, John Jones, Richard Jones, Stephen Jonson, Benjamin _Jonsonus Verbius_ Julius Caesar _Jupiter and Io_ Jusserand, J. J.

Juvenal, 6.

K., E.

Ker, Robert (Earl of Roxburgh) Ker, W. P.

King, Edward Kipling, Rudyard Kirke, Edward Kirkman, Francis Klein, J. L.

Kluge, Friedrich _Knave in Grain_ Knevet, Ralph _Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter_ _Knight of the Burning Pestle_ Koeppel, Emil Kynder, Philip

_Lady of May_ _Lady Pecunia_ La Fayette, Comtesse de _Lagrime di San Pietro_ Laidler, Josephine Lamb, Charles _Lamentations of Amyntas_ _Lamenta di Cecco da Varlungo_ Landau, Marcus Lang, Andrew Langland, William Languet, Hubert Laud, William _Laune des Verliebten_ Laura Lauro, Cristoforo Lawes, Henry _Lawyer's Logic_ _Lear, King_ Lee, Elizabeth Lee, Honoria Lee, Margaret L.

Lee, S. L.

Lee, William Lee Priory Press Legacci dello Stricca, Piero Antonio Legge, Cantrell Leicester, Earl of _Leir, King_ _Lenore_ Leo X, _Pope_ L'Estrange, Sir Roger _Lettere memorabili_ _Licia_ _Ligurino_ _Lilia_ _Literaturblatt fur germanische und romanische Philologie_ _Lizie Baillie_ _Lizie Lindsay_ Lodge, Thomas _Lodovick Sforza_ Logan, W. H.

Lollio, Alberto Longus _Love Crowns the End_ _Love in its Ecstasy_ _Love-Sick Court_ _Love Tricks_ _Love's Changelings' Change_ _Love's Labour's Lost_ _Love's Labyrinth_ _Love's Metamorphosis_ _Love's Mistress_, 407.

_Love's Riddle_ _Loves Victory_ Loyse de Savoye Luca di Lorenzo Lucian Lucretius Lungo, Isidore del _Lusus Pastorales_ Luther, Martin Lydgate, John _Lycidas_ Lyly, John

Macaulay, Lord Machiavelli, Niccolo Machiavelli, Paolo Machin, Lewis Macr-Leone, F.

Madan, Falconer Mahaffy, J. P.

Maidment, James _Maid's Metamorphosis_ _Maid's Revenge_ Malacreta, Giovan Pietro _Man in the Moon_ Mancina, Faustina _Mandragola_ _Mangora_ Manso, Giovanni Battista Mantegna, Andrea Mantua.n.u.s Ma.n.u.scripts quoted:-- Bodleian:-- Ashmole Douce Rawl. Poet.

British Museum:-- Addit. 10,444 " 11,743 " 14,047 " 18,638 " 29,493 Egerton, 1994 Harl. 6924 " 7044 Lansd. 1171 Sloane, 836 " 857 Caius College, Cambridge Cambridge University Library Emmanuel College, Cambridge Trinity College, Cambridge Manwood, Sir Peter Manwood, Thomas Marchesa, Ca.s.sandra Margaret of Navarre Marini, Giovanbattista Marlowe, Christopher Marot, Clement Marsi, E., _see_ Epicuro de' Marsi.

Marston, John Martin Mar-prelate (_pseud._) Martino da Signa Mason, I. M.

Ma.s.son, David _Materialien zur Kunde des alteren Englischen Dramas_ _Mauriziano_ _May Lord_ Mazzi, Curzio Mazzoni, G.

McKerrow, R. B.

Medici, Eleonora de'

Medici, Ferdinando de' (Ferdinando I), _Grand Duke of Florence_ Medici, Giuliano de' (brother of Lorenzo) Medici, Giuliano de' (son of Lorenzo) Medici, Lorenzo de', _Il Magnifico_ _Melanthe_ _Meliboeus_ Menagio, Egidio _Menaphon_ Mendoza, Inigo de _Menina e moca_ Menzini, Benedetto Meres, Francis _Merry Wives of Windsor_ _Metamorphoses_ _Metellus_ Meung, Jean de Meyers, Ernest _Midsummer Night's Dream_ Milton, John Mirari, Alessandro _Mirrha_ _Mirror for Magistrates_ _Mirzia_ _Modern Language a.s.sociation of America, Publications of the_ _Modern Language Notes_ _Modern Language Quarterly_ _Modern Language Review_ Molza, Francesco Maria Montagu, Walter Montefeltro, Guidubaldo (Guidubaldo I), _Duke of Urbino_ Montemayor, Jorge de Moore, Thomas Moore, Sir Thomas Moorman, F. W.

Moraldi, Giannantonio _Moretum_ _Morte del Danese_ _Morte della Nencia_ Moschus _Mother Bombie_ _Mother Hubberd's Tale_ _Mourning Garment_ _Mucedorus_ Munday, Anthony _Muses' Elizium_ _Muses' Looking Gla.s.s_ Mussato, Albertino _Mutability_ _Mydas_

Nappi, Cesare _Narcissus_ _Narcissus' Change_ Nashe, Thomas Nemesia.n.u.s _Nencia da Barberino_ Nettles.h.i.+p, Henry _Never too Late_ _New English Dictionary_ Nichols, John Nicolas de Montreux _Nigella_ _Ninfa tiberina_ _Ninfale fiesolano_ Noci, Carlo Nores, Giasone de Norris of Rycote, Baron Northampton, Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Notker the German _Novelle de Novizi_ Numeria.n.u.s _Nuova Antologia_ _Nut-brown Maid_

_Oberon_ Occleve, Thomas Octavia.n.u.s _Old-fas.h.i.+oned Love_ _Old Fortunatus_ _Old Law_ Oldmixon, John _Old Wives' Tale_ Ollenix du Mont-Sacre _Ombres_ _Omphale_ Ongaro, Antonio Oporinus, Joannes _Orfeo_ _Orlando furioso_ _Orlando innamorato_ _Orphei Tragoedia_ Orsini family _Osiers_ _Otranto, Castle of_ Ovid

P., G.

Paglia, Frances...o...b..lda.s.sare _Palladis Tamia_ Pallai delia Sabina, Biagio _Palmers Ode_ Palmerini, I.

_Pan his Syrinx_ _Pandosto_ _Pan's Anniversary_ _Pan's Pipe_ _Paradise Lost_ _Paradiso_ Parsons, Philip _Parthenia_ _Parthenophil and Parthenope_ Pasqualigo, Luigi (Alvisi) _Pa.s.sionate Pilgrim_ _Pa.s.sionate Shepherd_ _Pa.s.sionate Shepherd to his Love_ Paston, Edward Paston, Sir William _Pastor fido_ _Pastor fido_ (Guarini), English translations: 'Dymock,'

Sidnam Fanshawe Settle [Latin]

Grove, Clapperton _Pastor lobo_ _Pastor vedovo_ _Pastoral ending in a Tragedy_ _Pastores de Balue_ _Pastoureau crestien_ Patrizi, Francesco _Paul et Virginie_ Pausanias _Pazzia_ Peaps, William _Pearl_ Pearson, John Peele, George Pelliciari, Ercole Pembroke, Countess of _Pembroke's Arcadia, Countess of_, see _Arcadia_ (Sidney).

_Pembroke's Ivychurch, Countess of_, see _Ivychurch_.

_Penseroso_ _Pentimento amoroso_ Pepys, Samuel Percopo, Erasmo Percy Society Percy, Thomas Percy, William Perez, Alonzo _Perimedes the Blacksmith_ Perth, Earl of Perugino (Pietro Vespucci) _Pescatoria amorosa_ Pescetti, Orlando Pet.i.t de Julleville, L.

Petowe, Henry Petrarca, Francesco Petrarca, Gherardo Phanocles _Philaster_ Philetas _Phillida and Corin_ _Phillida and Corydon_ _Phillida flouts me_ Phillips, Edward _Phillis_ _Phillis of Scyros_, see _Filli di Sciro_.

Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius, _see_ Pius II.

Pico delia Mirandola, Giovanni _Piers Plowman_ Pigna, Giovanbattista _Pilgrim_ _Pinacoteca_ Pinturicchio, Bernardo Pio, Ercole Pius II, _Pope_ Plato _Podere_ _Poems Lyric and Pastoral_ _Poetical Diversions_ _Poetical Rhapsody_ _Poetics_ (Aristotle) _Poet's Willow_ _Poimenologia_ Poliziano (Angelo Ambrogini) Pollard, A. W.

_Pollio_ Polo, Gaspar Gil Polybius _Polyolbion_ Ponce, Bartolome Ponsonby, William Pontana, Accademia Pontano Pope, Alexander Porcacchi, Tommaso _Porta Pietatis_ _Primavera_ _Primelion_ _Prince d'Amour_ _Princesse de Cleves_ _Propugnatore_ _Prova amorosa_ Prynne, William Ptolemy Philadelphus Pulci, Bernardo Pulci, Luca Pulci, Luigi _Pulicane_ _Purgatorio_ _Purple Island_ Putea.n.u.s (Hendrik van der Putten) Puttenham, (George?) Pynson, Richard Pyper, John

_Quadriregio_ Quaritch, Bernard Quarles, Francis _Queen's Arcadia_ _Quetten und Forschungen_

R., J.

Raleigh, Walter Raleigh, Sir Walter _Rambler_ Ramsay, Allan Randolph, Thomas Rapin, Rene _Rapture_ Reid, J. S.

Reinolds, _see_ Reynolds.

Reissert, Oswald _Reliques of Ancient English Poetry_ Rene of Anjou Renier, R.

Rennert, H. A.

_Retrospective Review_ Reynolds, Henry Reynolds, John: Fellow of New College of Exeter author of _G.o.d's Revenge_ translator Reynolds, Sir John, Colonel _Rhodon and Iris_ Ribeiro, Bernardim _Rinaldo_ _Risposta al Malacreta_ _Robene and Makyne_ Robert of Sicily _Robin Hood and Little John_ _Robins et Marion_ Rodrigues de Lobo, Francisco Rollinson, Anthony _Roman de la Rose_ _Romeo and Juliet_ Rondinelli, Dionisio Ronsard, Pierre de _Rosalynde_ Rossi, Bartolommeo Rossi, Giovanni Vittorio Rossi, Vittorio Rota, Bernardino Rovere, Francesco Maria delia Rovere, Guidubaldo delia (Guidubaldo II), _Duke of Urbino_ Rowley, William Roxburghe Club Royden, Matthew _Royster Doyster_ Rozzi, Congrega dei Ruberto, Luigi _Rural Sports of the Nymph Oenone_ Russell, Lady Rutter, Joseph

S., E.

S., H.

J. (translater of the _Filli di Sciro_) S., J. (author of _Andromana_) Sa de Miranda, Francisco de Sabie, Francis Sacchetti, Franco Sackville, Edward _Sacrifizio_ (Beccari) _Sacrifizio_ (Intronati masque) _Sacrifizio pastorale_ _Sad Shepherd_ Sagredo, Giovanni Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de Saintsbury, George _Salices_ Salviati, Lionardo Samson, M. W.

Sand, George Sandys, J. E.

Sannazzaro, Jacopo Sansovino, F.

San vitale, Gualtiero Sappho Review_ Savio, Giovanni Schlegel, A. W. von Schonherr, J. G.

Schucking, L. L.

_Scilla's Metamorphosis_ Scott, Mary A.

Scott, Sir Walter _Scyros_, see _Filli di Sciro_ Seneca _Selva d' amore_ _Selva sin amor_, Pierantonio Serono, Orazio _Session of the Poets_ Settle, Elkanah Seward, Thomas Seyffert, Oskar _Sfortunato_ Sforza, Giovanni Sforza, Lodovico _Shadow of Sannazar_ Shakespeare, William Shakespeare Society Shepherd Tony _(pseud.)_ _Shepherd's Calendar_ _Shepherd's Complaint_ _Shepherd's Content_ _Shepherds' Holiday_ (Angel Day) _Shepherds' Holiday_ (Denny) _Shepherds' Holiday_ (Rutter) _Shepherd's Hunting_ _Shepherds' Masque_ _Shepherd's Ode_ _Shepherd's Oracle_ _Shepherd's Oracles_ _Shepherds' Paradise_ _Shepherd's Pipe_ _Shepherds' Sirena_ _Shepherd's Taies_ _Shepherd's Wife's Song_ Sherburne, Sir Edward Sherley, James _s.h.i.+p of Fools_ Shuckburgh, E. S.

_Sicelides_ Sidnam, Jonathan Sidney, Lady Sidney, Sir Philip _Siglo de Oro_ Signorelli, Luca Silesio, Mariano _Silva.n.u.s_ _Silver Age_ _Silvia_ (Fileno) _Silvia_ (Kynder) Sincerus, Actius, _see_ Sannazzaro, Jacopo.

_Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes_ _Sirena_, see _Shepherds' Sirena._ Skeat, W. W.

Skelton, John Smith, G. C. M.

Smith, Homer Smith, William, 124.

Solerti, Angelo Solisy Rivadeneira, Antonio de Sommer, H. O.

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