Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine Part 14

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Besides the pilgrim has a dog, 'tis plain, Not all the wealth of China could obtain.

Yet to possess my lady for a night, Would to the master be supreme delight:

I SHOULD have mentioned, that our cunning spark; The dog would whisper (feigning some remark,) On which ten ducats tumbled at his feet; These Atis gave the maid, (O deed discreet;) Then fell a diamond: this our wily wight Took up, and smiling at the precious sight, Said he, what now I hold I beg you'll bear, To her you serve, so worthy of your care; Present my compliments, and to her say, I'm her devoted servant from to-day.

THU female quickly to her mistress went; Our charming little dog to represent: The various pow'rs displayed, and wonders done; Yet scarcely had she on the knight begun, And mentioned what he wished her to unfold, But Argia could her rage no longer hold; A fellow! to presume, cried she, to speak Of me with freedom!--I am not so weak, To listen to such infamy, not I A pilgrim too!--no, you may well rely, E'en were he Atis, it would be the same, To whom I now my cruel conduct blame: Such things he never would to me propose; Not e'en a monarch would the like disclose; I'm 'bove temptation, presents would not do:-- Not Plutus' stores, if offered to my view; A paltry pilgrim to presume indeed, To think that I would such a blackguard heed, Amba.s.sadress my rank! and to admit A fellow, only for the gallows fit!

THIS pilgrim, cried the maid, has got the means Not only belles to get, but even queens; Or beauteous G.o.ddesses he could obtain:-- He's worth a thousand Atis's 'tis plain.

Bur, said the wife, my husband made me vow.

What? cried the maid, you'd not bedeck his brow!

A pretty promise truly:--can you think, You less from this, than from the first, should shrink?

Who'll know the fact, or publish it around?

Consider well, how many might be found, Who, were they marked with spot upon the nose, When things had taken place that we suppose, Would not their heads so very lofty place, I'm well a.s.sured, but feel their own disgrace.

For such a thing, are we the worse a hair?

No, no, good lady, who presumes to swear, He can discern the lips which have been pressed, By those that never have the fact confessed, Must be possessed of penetrating eyes, Which pierce the sable veil of dark disguise.

This favour, whether you accord or not, 'Twill not a whit be less nor more a blot.

For whom, I pray, LOVE'S treasures would you h.o.a.rd?

For one, who never will a treat afford, Or what is much the same, has not the pow'r?

All he may want you'll give him in an hour, At his return; he's very weak and old, And, doubtless, ev'ry way is icy cold!

THE cunning girl such rhetorick displayed, That all she said, her mistress, having weighed, Began to doubt alone, and not deny The spaniel's art, and pilgrim's piercing eye: To her the master and his dog were led, To satisfy her mind while still in bed; For bright Aurora, from the wat'ry deep, Not more reluctantly arose from sleep.

OUR spark approached the dame with easy air, Which seemed the man of fas.h.i.+on to declare; His compliments were made with ev'ry grace, That minds most difficult could wish to trace.

THE fair was charmed, and with him quite content; You do not look, said she, like one who meant Saint James of Compostella soon to see, Though, doubtless, oft to saints you bend the knee.

TO entertain the smiling beauteous dame, The dog, by various tricks, confirmed his flame, To please the maid and mistress he'd in view: Too much for these of course he could not do; Though, for the husband, he would never move, The little fav'rite sought again to prove His wond'rous worth, and scattered o'er the ground, With sudden shake, among the servants round, Nice pearls, which they on strings arranged with care; And these the pilgrim offered to the fair: Gallantly fastened them around her arms, Admired their whiteness and extolled her charms: So well he managed, 'twas at length agreed, In what his heart desired he should succeed; The dog was bought: the belle bestowed a kiss, As earnest of the promised future bliss.

THE night arrived, when Atis fondly pressed, Within his arms, the lady thus caressed; Himself he suddenly became again, On which she scarcely could her joy contain:-- Th' amba.s.sador she more respect should show, Than favours on a pilgrim to bestow.

THE fair and spark so much admired the night; That others followed equal in delight; Each felt the same, for where's the perfect shade; That can conceal when joys like these pervade?

Expression strongly marks the youthful face, And all that are not blind the truth can trace.

Some months had pa.s.sed, when Anselm was dismissed; Of gifts and pardons, long appeared his list; A load of honours from the Pope he got:-- The CHURCH will these most lib'rally allot.

FROM his vicegerent quickly he received A good account, and friends his fears relieved; The servants never dropt a single word Of what had pa.s.sed, but all to please concurred.

THE judge, both maid and servants, questioned much; But not a hint he got, their care was such.

Yet, as it often happens 'mong the FAIR, The devil entered on a sudden there; Such quarrels 'tween the maid and mistress rose, The former vowed she would the tale disclose.

Revenge induced her ev'ry thing to tell, Though she were implicated with the belle.

SO great the husband's rage, no words can speak: His fury somewhere he of course would wreak; But, since to paint it clearly would be vain-- You'll by the sequel judge his poignant pain.

A SERVANT Anselm ordered to convey His wife a note, who was, without delay, To come to town her honoured spouse to see; Extremely ill (for such he feigned to be.) As yet the lady in the country stayed; Her husband to and fro' his visits paid.

SAID he, remember, when upon the road, Conducting Argia from her lone abode, You must contrive her men to get away, And with her none but you presume to stay.-- A jade! she horns has planted on my brow: Her death shall be the consequence I vow.

WITH force a poinard in her bosom thrust; Watch well th' occasion:--die, I say, she must, The deed performed, escape; here's for you aid; The money take:--pursuit you can evade; As I request, proceed; then trust to me:-- You naught shall want wherever you may be.

TO seek fair Argia instantly he went; She, by her dog, was warned of his intent.

How these can warn? if asked, I shall reply, They grumble, bark, complain, or fawn, or sigh; Pull petticoat or gown, and snarl at all, Who happen in their way just then to fall; But few so dull as not to comprehend; Howe'er, this fav'rite whispered to his friend, The dangers that awaited her around; But go, said he, protection you have found; Confide in me:--I'll ev'ry ill prevent, For which the rascal hither has been sent.

As on they moved, a wood was in the way, Where robbers often waited for their prey; The villain whom the husband had employed, Sent forward those whose company annoyed, And would prevent his execrable plan; The last of horrid crimes.--disgrace to man!

No sooner had the wretch his orders told, But Argia vanished--none could her behold; The beauteous belle was quickly lost to view: A cloud, the fairy Manto o'er her threw.

THIS circ.u.mstance astonished much the wretch, Who ran to give our doating spouse a sketch Of what had pa.s.sed so strange upon the way; Old Anselm thither went without delay, When, marvellous to think! with great surprise, He saw a palace of extensive size, Erected where, an hour or two before, A hovel was not seen, nor e'en a door.

THE husband stood aghast!--admired the place, Not built for man, e'en G.o.ds 'twould not disgrace.

The rooms were gilt; the decorations fine; The gardens and the pleasure-grounds divine; Such rich magnificence was never seen; Superb the whole, a charming blessed demesne.

The entrance ev'ry way was open found; But not a person could be viewed around, Except a negro, hideous to behold, Who much resembled AEsop, famed of old.

OUR judge the negro for a porter took, Who was the house to clean and overlook; And taking him for such, the black addressed, With full belief the t.i.tle was the best, And that he greatly honoured him, 'twas plain (Of ev'ry colour men are proud and vain:) Said he, my friend, what G.o.d this palace owns?

Too much it seems for those of earthly thrones; No king, of consequence enough could be; The palace, cried the black, belongs to me.

THE judge was instantly upon his knees, The negro's pardon asked, and sought to please; I trust, said he, my lord, you'll overlook The fault I made: my ignorance mistook.

The universe has not so nice a spot; The world so beautiful a palace got!

DOST wish me, said the black, the house to give, For thee and thine therein at ease to live?

On one condition thou shalt have the place For thee I seriously intend the grace, If thou 'lt on me a day or two attend, As page of honour:--dost thou comprehend?

The custom know'st thou--better I'll expound; A cup-bearer with Jupiter is found, Thou'st heard no doubt.


What, Ganymede?


The same; And I'm that Jupiter of mighty fame; The chief supreme who rules above the skies; Be thou the lad with fascinating eyes, Though not so handsome, nor in truth so young.


You jest, my lord; to youth I don't belong; 'Tis very clear;--my judge's dress--my age!


I jest? thou dream'st.


My lord?


You won't engage?

Just as you will:--'tis all the same you'll find.


My lord! ... The learned judge himself resigned, The black's mysterious wishes to obey;-- Alas! curst presents, how they always weigh!

A PAGE the magistrate was quickly seen, In dress, in look, in age, in air, in mien; His hat became a cap; his beard alone Remained unchanged; the rest had wholly flown.

Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine Part 14

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