Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine Part 15

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THUS metamorphosed to a pretty boy, The judge proceeded in the black's employ.

Within a corner hidden, Argia lay, And heard what Anselm had been led to say.

The Moor howe'er was Manto, most renowned, Transformed, as oft the fairy we have found; She built the charming palace by her art,-- Now youthful features would to age impart.

AT length, as Anselm through a pa.s.sage came, He suddenly beheld his beauteous dame.

What! learned Anselm do I see, said she, In this disguise?--It surely cannot be; My eyes deceive me:--Anselm, grave and wise; Give such a lesson? I am all surprise.

'TIS doubtless he: oh, oh! our bald-pate sire; Amba.s.sador and judge, we must admire, To see your honour thus in masquerade:-- At your age, truly, suffer to be made A--modesty denies my tongue its powr's What!--you condemn to death for freaks like ours?

You, whom I've found *** you understand--for shame Your crimes are such as all must blush to name.

Though I may have a negro for gallant, And erred when Atis for me seemed to pant, His merit and the black's superior rank, Must lessen, if not quite excuse my prank.

Howe'er, old boy, you presently shall see, If any belle solicited should be, To grant indulgencies, with presents sweet, She will not straight capitulation beat; At least, if they be such as I have viewed:-- Moor, change to dog; immediately ensued The metamorphose that the fair required, The black'moor was again a dog admired.

Dance, fav'rite; instantly he skipped and played; And to the judge his pretty paw conveyed.

Spaniel, scatter gold; presently there fell Large sums of money, as the sound could tell.

Such strong temptation who can e'er evade?

The dog a present to your wife was made.

Then show me, if you can, upon the earth, A queen, a princess, of the highest birth, Who would not virtue presently concede, If such excuses for it she could plead; Particularly if the giver proved A handsome lad that elegantly moved.

I, TRULY, for the spaniel was exchanged; What you'd too much of, freely I arranged, To grant away, this jewel to obtain My value 's nothing great, you think, 'tis plain; And, surely, you'd have thought me very wrong, When such a prize I met, to haggle long.

'Twas he this palace raised; but I have done; Remember, since you've yet a course to run, Take care again how you command my death; In spite of your designs I draw my breath.

Though none but Atis with me had success, I now desire, he may Lucretia bless, And wish her to surrender up her charms, (Just like myself) to his extended arms.

If you approve, our peace at once is made: If not--while I've this dog I'm not afraid, But you defy: I dread not swords nor bowl; The little dog can warn me of the whole; The jealous he confounds; be that no more; Such folly hence determine to give o'er.

If you, to put restraints on women choose, You'll sooner far their fond affections lose.

THE whole our judge conceded;--could he less?

The secret of his recent change of dress Was promised to be kept: and that unknown, E'en cuckoldom again might there have flown.

OUR couple mutual compensation made, Then bade adieu to hill, and dale, and glade.

SOME critick asks the handsome palace' fate; I answer:--that, my friend, I shan't relate; It disappeared, no matter how nor when.

Why put such questions?--strict is not my pen.

The little dog, pray what of that became?

To serve the lover was his constant aim.

AND how was that?--You're troublesome my friend: The dog perhaps would more a.s.sistance lend; On new intrigues his master might be bent; With single conquest who was e'er content?

THE fav'rite spaniel oft was missing found; But when the little rogue had gone his round, He'd then return, as if from work relieved, To her who first his services received.

His fondness into fervent friends.h.i.+p grew; As such gay Atis visited anew; He often came, but Argia was sincere, And firmly to her vow would now adhere: Old Anselm too, had sworn, by heav'n above; No more to be suspicious of his love; And, if he ever page became again, To suffer punishment's severest pain.


HOWEVER exquisite we BEAUTY find, It satiates sense, and palls upon the mind: Brown bread as well as white must be for me; My motto ever is--VARIETY.

THAT brisk brunette, with languid, sleepy eye, Delights my fancy; Can you tell me why?

The reason 's plain enough:--she 's something new.

The other mistress, long within my view, Though lily fair, with seraph features blessed, No more emotion raises in my breast; Her heart a.s.sents, while mine reluctant proves; Whence this diversity that in us moves?

From hence it rises, to be plain and free, My motto ever is--VARIETY.

THE same in other words, I've often said; 'Tis right, at times, disguise with care to spread.

The maxim's good, and with it I agree: My motto ever is--VARIETY.

A CERTAIN spouse the same devise had got, Whose wife by all was thought a handsome lot.

His love, howe'er, was over very soon; It lasted only through the honeymoon; Possession had his pa.s.sion quite destroyed; In Hymen's bands too oft the lover 's cloyed.

ONE, 'mong his valets, had a pretty wife; The master was himself quite full of life, And soon the charmer to his wishes drew, With which the husband discontented grew, And having caught them in the very fact, He rang his mate the changes for the act; Sad names he called her, howsoever just, A silly blockhead! thus to raise a dust, For what, in ev'ry town 's so common found; May we worse fortune never meet around!

HE made the paramour a grave harangue Don't others give, said he, the poignant pang; But ev'ry one allow to keep his own, As G.o.d and reason oft to man have shown, And recommended fully to observe; You from it surely have not cause to swerve; You cannot plead that you for beauty pine You've one at home who far surpa.s.ses mine; No longer give yourself such trouble, pray: You, to my help-mate, too much honour pay; Such marked attentions she can ne'er require Let each of us, alone his own admire.

To others' WELLs you never ought to go, While your's with sweets is found to overflow; I willingly appeal to connoisseurs; If heav'n had blessed me with such bliss as your's, That when I please, your lady I could take, I would not for a queen such charms forsake.

But since we can't prevent what now is known, I wish, good sir, contented with your own, (And 'tis, I hope, without offence I speak,) You'll favours from my wife no longer seek.

THE master, neither no nor yes replied, But orders gave, his man they should provide; For dinner ev'ry day, what pleased his taste, A pie of eels, which near him should be placed.

HIS appet.i.te at first was wond'rous great; Again, the second time, as much he ate; But when the third appeared, he felt disgust, And not another morsel down could thrust.

The valet fain would try a diff'rent dish; 'Twas not allowed;--you've got, said they, your wish; 'Tis pie alone; you like it best you know, And no objection you must dare to show.

I'M surfeited, cried he, 'tis far too much: Pie ev'ry day! and nothing else to touch!

Not e'en a roasted eel, or stewed, or fried!

Dry bread I'd rather you'd for me provide.

Of your's allow me some at any rate, Pies, (devil take them!) thoroughly I hate; They'll follow me to Paradise I fear, Or further yet;--Heav'n keep me from such cheer!

THEIR noisy mirth the master thither drew, Who much desired the frolick to pursue; My friend, said he, I greatly feel surprise, That you so soon are weary grown of pies; Have I not heard you frequently declare, Eel-pie 's of all, the most delicious fare?

Quite fickle, certainly, must be your taste; Can any thing in me so strange be traced?

When I exchange a food which you admire; You blame and say, I never ought to tire; You do the very same; in truth, my friend, No mark of folly 'tis, you may depend, In lord or squire, or citizen or clown, To change the bread that's white for bit of brown: With more experience, you'll with me agree,-- My motto ever is--VARIETY.

WHEN thus the master had himself expressed, The valet presently was less distressed; Some arguments, howe'er, at first he used; For, after all--are fully we excused, When we our pleasure solely have in view; Without regarding what's to others due?

I relish change; well, take it; but 'tis best, To gain the belles with love of gold possessed; And that appears to me the proper plan; In truth, our lover very soon began To practise this advice;--his voice and way Could angel-sweetness instantly convey.

HIS words were always gilt; (impressive tongue!) To gilded words will sure success belong.

In soft amours they're ev'ry thing 'tis plain The maxim 's certain, and our aim will gain; My meaning doubtless easily is seen; A hundred times repeated this has been Th' impression should be made so very deep, That I thereon can never silence keep; And this the constant burden of my song-- To gilded words will sure success belong.

THEY easily persuade the beauteous dame; Her dog, her maid, duenna, all the same; The husband sometimes too, and him we've shown 'Twas necessary here to gain alone; By golden eloquence his soul was lulled; Although from ancient orators not culled: Their books retained have nothing of the kind; Our jealous spouse indulgent grew we find.

He followed e'en, 'tis said, the other's plan-- And, thence his dishes to exchange began.

THE master and his fav'rite's freaks around; Continually the table-talk were found; He always thought the newest face the best: Where'er he could, each beauty he caressed; The wife, the widow, daughter, servant-maid, The nymph of field or town:--with all he played; And, while he breathed, the same would always be; His motto ever was--VARIETY.


SOME wit, handsome form and gen'rous mind; A triple engine prove in love we find; By these the strongest fortresses are gained E'en rocks 'gainst such can never be sustained.

If you've some talents, with a pleasing face, Your purse-strings open free, and you've the place.

At times, no doubt, without these things, success Attends the gay gallant, we must confess; But then, good sense should o'er his actions rule; At all events, he must not be a fool.

Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine Part 15

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