John Woolman's Journal Part 14

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_On the Example of CHRIST_

As my Mind hath been brought into a Brotherly Feeling with the Poor, as to the Things of this Life, who are under Trials in regard to getting a Living in a Way answerable to the Purity of Truth; a Labour of Heart hath attended me, that their Way may not be made difficult through the Love of Money in those who are tried with plentiful Estates, but that they with Tenderness of Heart may sympathize with them.

It was the Saying of our blessed Redeemer, _Ye cannot serve G.o.d and Mammon_. There is a deep Feeling of the Way of Purity, a Way in which the Wisdom of the World hath no Part, but is opened by the Spirit of Truth, and is called _the Way of Holiness_; a Way in which the Traveller is employed in watching unto Prayer; and the outward Gain we get in this Journey is considered as a Trust committed to us, by him who formed and supports the World; and is the rightful Director of the Use and Application of the Product of it.

Now except the Mind be preserved chaste, there is no Safety for us; but in an Estrangement from true Resignation, the Spirit of the World casts up a Way, in which Gain is many Times attended to, and in which there is a selfish Application of outward Treasures.

How agreeable to the true Harmony of Society, is that Exhortation of the Apostle? _Look not every Man on his own Things, but every Man also on the Things of others. Let this Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus._

A Person in outward Prosperity may have the Power of obtaining Riches, but the same Mind being in him which is in Christ Jesus, he may feel a Tenderness of Heart towards those of low Degree; and instead of setting himself above them, may look upon it as an unmerited Favour, that his Way through Life is more easy than the Way of many others; may improve every Opportunity of leading forth out of those Customs which have entangled the Family; employ his Time in looking into the Wants of the poor Members, and hold forth such a perfect Example of Humiliation, that the pure Witness may be reached in many Minds; and the Way opened for a harmonious walking together.

Jesus Christ, in promoting the Happiness of others, was not deficient in looking for the Helpless, who lay in Obscurity, nor did he save any Thing to render himself honourable amongst Men, which might have been of more Use to the weak Members in his Father's Family; of whose Compa.s.sion towards us I may now speak a little. He who was perfectly happy in himself, moved with infinite Love, _took not upon him the Nature of Angels_, but our imperfect Natures, and therein wrestled with the Temptations which attend us in this Life; and being the Son of him who is greater than Earthly Princes, yet became a Companion to poor, sincere-hearted Men; and though he gave the clearest Evidence that Divine Power attended him, yet the most unfavourable Constructions were framed by a self-righteous People; those Miracles represented as the Effect of a diabolical Power, and Endeavours used to render him hateful, as having his Mission from the Prince of Darkness; nor did their Envy cease till they took him like a Criminal, and brought him to Trial.

Though some may affect to carry the Appearance of being unmoved at the Apprehension of Distress, our dear Redeemer, who was perfectly sincere, having the same human Nature which we have, and feeling, a little before he was apprehended, the Weight of that Work upon him, for which he came into the World, was _sorrowful even unto Death_; here the human Nature struggled to be excused from a Cup so bitter; but his Prayers centered in Resignation, _Not my Will but thine be done_. In this Conflict, so great was his Agony, that _Sweat like Drops of Blood fell from him to the Ground_.

Behold now, as foretold by the Prophet, he is in a judicial Manner _numbered with the Transgressors_! Behold him as some poor Man of no Reputation, standing before the High Priest and Elders, and before _Herod_ and _Pilate_, where Witnesses appear against him, and he mindful of the most gracious Design of his Coming, declineth to plead in his own Defence, _but as a Sheep that is dumb before the Shearer_, so under many Accusations, Revilings, and Buffetings, remained silent. And though he signified to _Peter_, that he had Access to Power sufficient to overthrow all their outward Forces; yet retaining a Resignation to suffer for the Sins of Mankind, he exerted not that Power, but permitted them to go on in their malicious Designs, and p.r.o.nounce him to be worthy of Death, even him who was perfect in Goodness; thus _in his Humiliation his Judgment was taken away_, and he, like some vile Criminal, _led as a Lamb to the Slaughter_. Under these heavy Trials (tho' poor unstable _Pilate_ was convinced of his Innocence, yet) the People generally looked upon him as a Deceiver, a Blasphemer, and the approaching Punishment as a just Judgment upon him; _They esteemed him smitten of G.o.d and afflicted._ So great had been the Surprize of his Disciples, at his being taken by armed Men, that they _forsook him, and fled_; thus they hid their Faces from him, he was despised, and by their Conduct it appeared as though _they esteemed him not_.

But contrary to that Opinion, of his being smitten of G.o.d and afflicted, it was for our Sakes that _he was put to Grief_; _he was wounded for our Transgressions_; _he was bruised for our Iniquities_; and under the Weight of them manifesting the deepest Compa.s.sion for the Instruments of his Misery, laboured as their Advocate, and in the Deeps of Affliction, with an unconquerable Patience, cried out, _Father, forgive them, they know not what they do!_

Now this Mind being in us, which was in Christ Jesus, it removes from our Hearts the Desire of Superiority, Worldly Honour, or Greatness; a deep Attention is felt to the Divine Counsellor, and an ardent Engagement to promote, as far as we may be enabled, the Happiness of Mankind universally: This State, where every Motion from a selfish Spirit yieldeth to pure Love, I may, with Grat.i.tude to the Father of Mercies acknowledge, is often opened before me as a Pearl to dig after; attended with a living Concern, that amongst the many Nations and Families on the Earth, those who believe in the Messiah, that _he was manifested to destroy the Works of the Devil_, and thus to _take away the Sins of the World_, may experience the Will of our Heavenly Father, _may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven_. Strong are the Desires I often feel, that this Holy Profession may remain unpolluted, and the Believers in Christ may so abide in the pure inward Feeling of his Spirit, that the Wisdom from above may s.h.i.+ne forth in their Living, as a Light by which others may be instrumentally helped on their Way, in the true harmonious Walking.



Where the Treasures of pure Love are opened, and we obediently follow him who is the Light of Life, the Mind becomes chaste; and a Care is felt, that the Unction from the Holy One may be our Leader in every Undertaking.

In being crucified to the World, broken off from that Friends.h.i.+p which is Enmity with G.o.d, and dead to the Customs and Fas.h.i.+ons which have not their Foundation in the Truth; the Way is prepared to Lowliness in outward Living, and to a Disintanglement from those Snares which attends the Love of Money; and where the faithful Friends of Christ are so situated that Merchandize appears to be their Duty, they feel a Restraint from proceeding farther than he owns their Proceeding; being convinced that _we are not our own, but are bought with a Price, that none of us may live to ourselves, but to him who died for us_, 2 Cor. v.

15. Thus they are taught, not only to keep to a moderate Advance and Uprightness in their Dealings; but to consider the Tendency of their Proceeding; to do nothing which they know would operate against the Cause of universal Righteousness; and to keep continually in View the Spreading of the peaceable Kingdom of Christ amongst Mankind.

The Prophet _Isaiah_ spake of the gathered Church, in the Similitude of a City, where many being employed were all preserved in Purity; _They shall call them the Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord, and thou shalt be called sought out, a City not forsaken_, Isa. lxiii. 10. And the Apostle, after mentioning the Mystery of Christ's Sufferings, exhorts, _Be ye Holy in all Manner of Conversation_, 1 Pet. i. 15. There is a Conversation necessary in Trade; and there is a Conversation so foreign from the Nature of Christ's Kingdom, that it is represented in the Similitude of one Man pus.h.i.+ng another with a warlike Weapon; _There is that speaketh like the Piercings of a Sword_, Prov. xii. 18. Now in all our Concerns it is necessary that the Leading of the Spirit of Christ be humbly waited for, and faithfully followed, as the only Means of being preserved chaste as an Holy People, who _in all Things are circ.u.mspect_, Exod. xxiii. 13, that nothing we do may carry the Appearance of Approbation of the Works of Wickedness, make the Unrighteous more at Ease in Unrighteousness, or occasion the Injuries committed against the Oppressed to be more lightly looked over.

Where Morality is kept to, and supported by the Inhabitants of a Country, there is a certain Reproach attends those Individuals amongst them, who manifestly deviate therefrom. But where Iniquity is committed openly, and the Authors of it are not brought to Justice, nor put to Shame, their Hands grow strong. Thus the general Corruption of the _Jews_ shortly before their State was broke up by the _Chaldeans_, is described by their Boldness in Impiety; for as their Leaders were connected together in Wickedness they strengthened one another, and grew confident; _Were they ashamed when they had committed Abominations? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush_, Jer. vi. 15, on which Account the Lord thus expostulates with them, _What hath my Beloved to do in my House, seeing she hath wrought Lewdness with many, and the Holy Flesh is pa.s.sed from thee; when thou doest Evil, then thou rejoicest_, Jer. xi. 15.

Now the faithful Friends of Christ, who hunger and thirst after Righteousness, and inwardly breathe that his Kingdom may come on Earth as it is in Heaven, he teacheth them to be quick of Understanding in his Fear, and to be very attentive to the Means he may appoint for promoting pure Righteousness in the Earth; and as Shame is due to those whose works manifestly operate against the gracious Design of his Sufferings for us, a Care lives on their Minds that no wrong Customs however supported may bias their Judgments, but that they may humbly abide under the Cross, and be preserved in a Conduct which may not contribute to strengthen the Hands of the Wicked in their Wickedness, or to remove Shame from those to whom it is justly due. The Coming of that Day is precious, in which we experience the Truth of this Expression, _The Lord our Righteousness_, Jer. xiii. 6, and feel him to be _made unto us Wisdom and Sanctification_.

The Example of a righteous Man is often looked at with Attention. Where righteous Men join in Business, their Company gives Encouragement to others; and as one Grain of Incense deliberately offered to the Prince of this World, renders an Offering to G.o.d in that State unacceptable; and from those esteemed Leaders of the People may be injurious to the Weak; it requires deep Humility of Heart, to follow him faithfully, who alone gives sound Wisdom, and the Spirit of true Discerning; and O how necessary it is, to consider the Weight of a Holy Profession!

The Conduct of some formerly gave Occasion of Complaint against them; _Thou hast defiled thy Sanctuaries by the Mult.i.tude of thine Iniquities, by the Iniquity of thy Traffick_, Ezek. xxviii. 18, and in several Places it is charged against _Israel_, that they had polluted the Holy Name.

The Prophet _Isaiah_ represents inward Sanctification in the Similitude of being purged from that which is Fuel for Fire; and particularly describes the outward Fruits, brought forth by those who dwell in this inward Holiness; _They walk righteously, and speak uprightly._ By _walking_ he represents the Journey through Life, as a righteous Journey; and _by speaking uprightly_, seems to point at that which _Moses_ appears to have had in View, when he thus express'd himself; _Thou shall not follow a Mult.i.tude to do Evil, nor speak in a Cause to decline after many to wrest Judgment_, Exod. xxiii. 2.

He goes on to shew their Firmness in Equity; representing them as Persons superior to all the Arts of getting Money, which have not Righteousness for their Foundation; _They despise the Gain of Oppressions_: And further shews how careful they are that no Prospects of Gain may induce them to become partial in Judgment respecting an Injury; _They shake their Hands from holding Bribes._

Again, where any Interest is so connected with shedding Blood, that the Cry of innocent Blood goes also with it; he points out their Care to keep innocent Blood from crying against them, in the Similitude of a Man's stopping his Ears to prevent a Sound from entering his Head; _They stop their Ears from hearing Blood_: And where they know that Wickedness is committed, he points out with Care, that they do not by an unguarded Friends.h.i.+p with the Authors of it, appear like unconcerned Lookers on, but as People so deeply affected with Sorrow, that they cannot endure to stand by and behold it; this he represents in the Similitude of a Man _shutting his Eyes from seeing Evil_.

_Who amongst us shall dwell with devouring Fire? Who amongst us shall dwell with everlasting Burnings? He that walketh righteously and speaketh uprightly. He that despiseth the Gain of Oppressions, that shaketh his Hands from holding of Bribes, that stoppeth his Ears from hearing of Blood, and shutteth his Eyes from seeing Evil_, Isa. x.x.xiii.


He proceeds in the Spirit of Prophecy to shew how the Faithful, being supported under Temptations, would be preserved from that Defilement that there is in the Love of Money; that as they who in a reverent Waiting on G.o.d, feel their Strength renewed, are said to _mount upward_; so here their Preservation from the Snare of unrighteous Gain, is represented in the Likeness of a Man, borne up above all crafty, artful Means of getting the Advantage of another; _They shall dwell on high_; and points out the Stability and Firmness of their Condition; _His Place of Defence shall be the Munition of Rocks_; and that under all the outward Appearances of Loss, in denying himself of gainful Profits for Righteousness Sake, yet through the Care of him who provides for the Sparrows, he should have a Supply answerable to his infinite Wisdom; _Bread shall be given him, his Waters shall be sure_. And as our Saviour mentions the Sight of G.o.d to be attainable by _the Pure in Heart_, so here the Prophet pointed out, how in true Sanctification the Understanding is opened, to behold the peaceable harmonious Nature of his Kingdom; _thine Eyes shall see the King in his Beauty_: And that looking beyond all the Afflictions which attend the Righteous, to _a Habitation eternal in the Heavens_, they with an eye divinely open _shall behold the Land that is very far off_.

_He shall dwell on high, his Place of Defence shall be the Munition of Rocks, Bread shall be given him, his Waters shall be sure. Thine Eyes shall see the King in his Beauty; they shall behold the Land that is very far off_, Isa. x.x.xiii. 16.

I often remember, and to me the Subject is awful, that the great Judge of all the Earth doeth that which is right, and that he, _before whom the Nations are as the Drop of a Bucket_, is _no Respecter of Persons_.

Happy for them, who like the inspired Prophet, _in the Way of his Judgments wait for him_, Isa. xxvi. 8.

When we feel him to sit as a Refiner with Fire, and know a Resignedness wrought in us, to that which he appoints for us, his Blessing in a very low Estate, is found to be more precious than much outward Treasure in those Ways of Life, where the Leadings of his Spirit are not followed.

The Prophet in a Sight of a divine Work amongst many People, declared in the Name of the Lord, _I will gather all Nations and Tongues, and they shall come and see my Glory_, Isa. lxvi. 18. And again, _from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same, my Name shall be great amongst the_ Gentiles, _and in every Place Incense shall be offered to my Name, and a pure Offering_, Malachi i. 11.

Behold here how the Prophets had an inward Sense of the Spreading of the Kingdom of Christ; and how he was spoken of as one who should _take the Heathen for his Inheritance, and the utmost Parts of the Earth for his Possession_, Psal. ii. 8. That _he was given for a Light to the_ Gentiles; _and for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth_, Isa. xlix. 6.

When we meditate on this divine Work, as a Work of Ages; a Work that the Prophets felt long before Christ appeared visibly on Earth, and remember the bitter Agonies he endured when he _poured out his Soul unto Death_, that the Heathen Nations, as well as others, might come to the Knowledge of the Truth and be saved.

When we contemplate on this marvellous Work, as that which _the Angels desire to look into_, 1 Pet. i. 12. And behold People amongst whom this Light hath eminently broken forth, and who have received many Favours from the bountiful Hand of our Heavenly Father; not only indifferent with respect to publis.h.i.+ng the glad Tidings amongst the _Gentiles_, as yet sitting in Darkness and entangled with many Superst.i.tions; but aspiring after Wealth and worldly Honours, take hold of Means to obtain their Ends, tending to stir up Wrath and Indignation, and to beget an Abhorrence in them to the Name of _Christianity_. When these Things are weightily attended to, how mournful is the Subject?

It is worthy of Remembrance, that People in different Ages, deeply baptized into the Nature of that Work for which Christ suffered, have joyfully offered up their Liberty and Lives for the promoting of it in the Earth.

_Policarp_, who was reputed a Disciple of the Apostle _John_, having attained to great Age, was at length sentenced to die for his Religion; and being brought to the Fire, prayed nearly as follows, "Thou G.o.d and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom I have received the Knowledge of thee! O G.o.d of the Angels and Powers, and of every living Creature, and of all Sorts of just Men which live in thy Presence. I thank thee, that thou hast graciously vouchsafed this Day and this Hour to allot me a Portion among the Number of Martyrs, among the People of Christ, unto the Resurrection of everlasting Life; among whom I shall be received in thy Sight, this Day, as a fruitful and acceptable Sacrifice; wherefore for all this, I praise thee, I bless thee, I glorify thee through the everlasting High Priest, Jesus Christ, thy well-beloved Son; to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all Glory, World without End. _Amen._"

Bishop _Latimer_, when Sentence of Death by Fire was p.r.o.nounced against him, on Account of his Firmness in the Cause of Religion, he said, "I thank G.o.d most heartily, that he hath prolonged my Life to this End; that I may in this Case glorify him by this Kind of Death." _Fox's_ Acts and Mon. 936.

_William Dewsbury_, who had suffered much for his Religion, in his last Sickness, encouraging his Friends to Faithfulness, made mention, like good old _Jacob_, of the Loving kindness of G.o.d to him in the Course of his Life, and that through the Power of Divine Love, he, for Christ's Sake, had joyfully entered Prisons. See Introduction to his Works.

I mention these as a few Examples, out of many of the powerful Operations of the Spirit of Christ, where People are fully devoted to it, and of the ardent Longings in their Minds for the Spreading of his Kingdom amongst Mankind. Now to those, in the present Age, who truly know Christ, and feel the Nature of his peaceable Government opened in their Understandings, how loud is that Call wherewith we are called to Faithfulness; that in following this pure Light of Life, we, _as Workers together with him_, may labour in that great Work for which he was offered as a Sacrifice on the Cross; and that his peaceable Doctrines may s.h.i.+ne through us in their real Harmony, at a Time when the Name of _Christianity_ is become hateful to many of the _Heathen_.

When _Gehazi_ had obtained Treasures which the Prophet under divine Direction had refused, and was returned from the Business; the Prophet troubled at his Conduct, queried if it was a Time thus to prepare for a specious Living.

_Is it a Time to receive Money and Garments, Men Servants and Maid Servants? The Leprosy therefore of_ Naaman _shall cleave to thee, and to thy Seed for ever_, 2 Kings v. 26. And O that we may lay to Heart the Condition of the present Time, and humbly follow his Counsel, who alone is able to prepare the Way for a true harmonious Walking amongst Mankind.



Such are the Perfections of our Heavenly Father, that in all the Dispensations of his Providence, it is our Duty, _in every Thing, to give Thanks_. Though from the first Settlement of this Part of _America_, he hath not extended his Judgments to the Degree of Famine, yet Worms at Times have come forth beyond numbering, and laid waste Fields of Grain and Gra.s.s, where they have appeared; another Kind, in great Mult.i.tudes, working out of Sight, in Gra.s.s Ground, have so eat the Roots, that the Surface, being loosened from the Soil beneath, might be taken off in great Sheets.

These Kind of devouring Creatures appearing seldom, and coming in such Mult.i.tudes, their Generation appears different from most other Reptiles, and by the Prophet were call'd _G.o.d's Army sent amongst the People_, Joel ii. 25.

There have been Tempests of Hail, which have very much destroyed the Grain where they extended. Through long Drought in Summer, Grain in some Places hath been less than half the usual Quant.i.ty;[1] and in the Continuance thereof, I have beheld with Attention, from Week to Week, how Dryness from the Top of the Earth, hath extended deeper and deeper, while the Corn and Plants have languished; and with Reverence my Mind hath been turned towards him, who being perfect in Goodness, in Wisdom and Power, doeth all Things right. And after long Drought, when the Sky hath grown dark with a Collection of Matter, and Clouds like Lakes of Water hung over our Heads, from whence the thirsty Land hath been soaked; I have at Times, with Awfulness, beheld the vehement Operation of Lightning, made sometimes to accompany these Blessings, as a Messenger from him who created all Things, to remind us of our Duty in a right Use of those Benefits, and give striking Admonitions, that we do not misapply those Gifts, in which an Almighty Power is exerted, in bestowing them upon us.

[Footnote 1: When Crops fail. I often feel a tender Care that the Case of poor Tenants may be mercifully considered.]

When I have considered that many of our Fellow Creatures suffer much in some Places, for want of the Necessaries of Life, whilst those who rule over them are too much given to Luxury, and divers Vanities; and behold the apparent Deviation from pure Wisdom amongst us, in the Use of the outward Gifts of G.o.d; those Marks of Famine have appeared like humbling Admonitions from him, that we might be instructed by gentle Chastis.e.m.e.nts, and might seriously consider our Ways; remembering that the outward Supply of Life is a Gift from our Heavenly Father, and no more venture to use, or apply his Gifts, in a Way contrary to pure Wisdom.

Should we continue to reject those merciful Admonitions, and use his Gifts at Home, contrary to the gracious Design of the Giver, or send them Abroad in a Way of Trade, which the Spirit of Truth doth not lead into; and should he whose Eyes are upon all our Ways, extend his Chastis.e.m.e.nts so far as to reduce us to much greater Distress than hath yet been felt by these Provinces; with what sorrow of Heart might we meditate on that Subject, _Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy G.o.d, when he led thee by the Way?

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