The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 19

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ADULTERERS from a deliberate principle and from a non-deliberate principle, 432.

ADULTERY, by, is meant scortation opposite to marriage, 480. The horrible nature of adultery, 483. Spiritual adultery is the connection of evil and the false, 520. Adulteries are the complex of all evils, 356. Why h.e.l.l in the total is called adultery, 520. There are three genera of adulteries, simple, duplicate, and triplicate, 478, 484. There are four degrees of adulteries, according to which they have their predications, their charges of blame, and after death, their imputations, 485-499:--1st, Adulteries of ignorance, &c., 486, 487; 2d, adulteries of l.u.s.t, 488, 489; 3d, adulteries of the reason or understanding, &e., 490, 491; 4th, adulteries of the will, 492, 493. The distinction between adulteries of the will and those of the understanding, 490. The adultery of the reason is less grievous than the adultery of the will, 490.--Accessories of adultery and aggravations of it, 454. Adultery is the cause of divorce, 255. Representative of adultery in its business, 521.


_Obs._--This word signifies to impress with affection either good or bad.

AFFECTIONS which are merely derivations of the love, form the will, and make and compose it, 197. Every affection of love belongs to the will, for what a man loves, that he also wills, 196. Every affection has its delight, 272. Affections, with the thoughts thence derived, appertain to the mind, and sensations, with the pleasures thence derived, appertain to the body, 273. In the natural world, almost all are capable of being joined together as to external affections, but not as to internal affections, if these disagree and appear, 272. In the spiritual world all are conjoined as to internal affections, but not according to external, unless these act in unity with the internal, 273. The affections according to which wedlock is commonly contracted in the world, are external, 274; but in that case they are not influenced by internal affections, which conjoin minds, the bonds of wedlock are loosed in the house, 275. By internal affections are meant the mutual inclinations which influence the mind of each of the parties from heaven; whereas by external affections are meant the inclinations which influence the mind of each of the parties from the world, 277. The external affections by death follow the body, and are entombed with it, those only remaining which cohere with internal principles, 320. Women were created by the Lord affections of the wisdom of men, 56. Their affection of wisdom is essential beauty, 56. All the angels are affections of love in a human form, 42: the ruling affection itself s.h.i.+nes forth from their faces; and from their affection, and according to it, the kind and quality of their raiment is derived and determined, 42.

AFFLICTION, great, Matt. xxiv. 21, signifies the state of the church infested by evils and falses, 80.

AFFLUX, 293.

_Obs._--Afflux is that which flows _upon_ or _towards_, and remains generally in the external, without penetrating interiorly, _A.C._, n.

7955. Efflux is that which flows _from_, and is generally predicated of that which proceeds from below upwards. Influx is that which flows _into_, or which penetrates interiorly, provided it meets with no obstacle; it is generally used when speaking of that which comes from above, thus from heaven, that is, from the Lord through heaven.

AFRICANS more intelligent than the learned of Europe, 114.

AGE.--The common states of a man's life are called infancy, childhood, youth, manhood, and old age, 185. Unequal ages induce coldness in marriage, 250. In the heavens there is no inequality of age, all there are in one flower of youth, and continue therein to eternity, 250.

Golden age, 75. Silver age or period, 76. Copper age, 77. Iron age, 78.

Age of iron mixed with miry clay, 79. Age of gold, 42, 75; of silver, 76; of copper, 77; of iron, 78; of iron mixed with clay, 79. The ages of gold, silver, and copper are anterior to the time of which we have any historical records, 73. Men of the golden age knew and acknowledged that they were forms receptive of life from G.o.d, and that on this account wisdom was inscribed on their souls and hearts, and hence that they saw truth from the light of truth, and by truths perceived good from the delight of the love thereof, 153*. All those who lived in the silver age had intelligence grounded in spiritual truths, and thence in natural truths, 76.

AID, mutual, of husband and wife, 176.

ALACRITY is one of those moral virtues which have respect to life, and enter into it, 164.

ALCOHOL.--Wisdom purified may be compared with alcohol, which is a spirit highly rectified, 145.


ALPHA, the, and the Omega.--Why the Lord is so called, 326.

ALPHABET in the spiritual world, each letter of it is significative, 326.

AMBa.s.sADOR in the spiritual world discussing with two priests on the subject of human prudence, 354.

ANCIENTS.--Of marriages among the ancients, and the most ancient, 75, 77. The most ancient people in this world did not acknowledge any other wisdom than the wisdom of life; but the ancient people acknowledged the wisdom of reason as wisdom, 130. Precepts concerning marriages left by the ancient people to their posterity, 77. Angels are men; their form is the human form, 30. They appear to man when the eyes of his spirit are opened, 30. All the angels are affections of love in the human form, 42.

Angels who are loves, and thence wisdoms, are called celestial, and with them conjugial love is celestial; angels who are wisdoms, and thence loves, are called spiritual, and similar thereto is their conjugial principle, 64. There are among the angels some of a simple, and some of a wise character, and it is the part of the wise to judge, when the simple, from their simplicity and ignorance, are doubtful about what is just, or through mistake wander from it, 207. Every angel has conjugial love with its virtue, ability, and delights, according to his application to the genuine use in which he is, 207. Every man has angels a.s.sociated to him from the Lord, and such is his conjunction with them, that if they were taken away, he would instantly fall to pieces, 404.

ANGER.--Why it is attributed to the Lord, 366.

ANIMALS.--Wonderful things conspicuous in the productions of animals, 416. Every animal is led by the love implanted in his science, as a blind person is led through the streets by a dog, 96. See _Beasts_.

ANIMUS.--By _animus_ is meant the affections, and thence the external inclinations, which are insinuated after birth by education, social intercourse, and consequent habits of life, 246.

_Obs._--These affections and inclinations const.i.tute a sort of inferior mind.

ANTIPATHY.--In the spiritual world, antipathies are not only felt, but also appear in the face, the discourse, and the gesture, 273. It is otherwise in the natural world, where antipathies may be concealed, 272.

Among certain married partners in the natural world, there is an antipathy in their internals, and an apparent sympathy in their externals, 292. Antipathy derives its origin from the opposition of spiritual spheres which emanate from subjects, 171.

ANTIQUITY.--Memorable things of antiquity seen in heaven amongst a nation that lived in the copper age, 77.

AORTA, 315.

APES.--Of those in h.e.l.l who appear like apes, 505.

APOCALYPSE.--A voice from heaven commanded Swedenborg to apply to the work begun in the Apocalypse, and finish it within two years, 522, 532.

APOPLEXY.--Permanent infirmity, arising from apoplexy, a cause of separation, 253, 470.

APPEARANCE.--s.p.a.ces in the spiritual world are appearances; distances, also, and presences are appearances, 158. The appearances of distances and presences there, are according to the proximities, relations.h.i.+ps, and affinities of love, 158. Those things which, from their origin, are celestial and spiritual, are not in s.p.a.ce, but in the appearances of s.p.a.ce, 158.

_Obs._--Those things which in the spiritual world are present to the sight of spirits and angels are called _appearances_; those things are called appearances, because, corresponding to the interiors of spirits and of angels, they vary according to the states of those interiors.

There are real appearances and appearances unreal; the unreal appearances are those which do not correspond to the interiors. See _Heaven and h.e.l.l_.

APPROPRIATION of evil how it is effected, 489.

ARCANA of wisdom respecting conjugial love; it is important that they should be discovered, 43. Arcana of conjugial love concealed with wives, 166, 155*, 293. Arcanum relative to conception, which takes place though the souls of two married partners be disjoined, 245. Arcanum respecting the actual habitation of every man in some society, either of heaven or h.e.l.l, 530. Arcana known to the ancients, and at this day lost, 220.

Arcana revealed, which exceed in excellence all the arcana heretofore revealed since the beginning of the church, 532. These arcana are yet reputed on earth as of no value, 533.

ARCHITECTONIC ART, the, is in its essential perfection in heaven, and hence are derived all the rules of that art in the world, 12.



ARMIES of the Lord Jehovah. Thus the most ancient people called themselves, 75.

ARTIFICERS in the spiritual world, 207: wonderful works which they execute there, 207.

AS FROM HIMSELF, 132, 134, 269, 340.

a.s.sAULT.--How love defends itself when a.s.saulted, 361.

a.s.sES.--Of those who, in the spiritual world, appear at a distance like heavily laden, 232. Blazing a.s.s upon which a pope was seated in h.e.l.l, 265.

a.s.sOCIATE, to.--All in the heavens are a.s.sociated according to affinities and relations.h.i.+ps of love, and have habitations accordingly, 50.

ASTRONOMY is one of those sciences by which an entrance is made into things rational, which are the ground of rational wisdom, 163.

ATHEISTS, who are in the glory of reputation arising from self-love, and thence in a high conceit of their own intelligence, enjoy a more sublime rationality than many others; the reason why, 269. Why the understanding of atheists, in spiritual light, appeared open beneath but closed above, 421.

ATHENAEUM, city of, in the spiritual world, 151*, 182, 207. Sports of the Athenaeides, 207. These games were spiritual exercises, 207.

ATMOSPHERES.--The world is distinguished into regions as to the atmospheres, the lowest of which is the watery, the next above is the aerial, and still higher is the etherial, above which there is also the highest, 188, The reason why the atmosphere appears of a golden color in the heaven in which the love of uses reigns, 266.

AURA.--Thus the superior atmosphere is named, 145. The aura is the continent of celestial light and heat, or of the wisdom and love in which the angels are principled, 145. See _Atmospheres_.

AUTh.o.r.eSSES, learned.--Examination of their writings in the spiritual world in their presence, 175.

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