The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 20

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AVERSION between married partners arises from spiritual cold, 236.

Whence arises aversion on the part of the husband towards the wife, 305.

Aversion between married partners arises from a disunion of souls and a disjunction of minds, 236.

BACK, the.--The sphere which issues forth from man him on the back and on the breast, lightly on the back, but more densely on the breast, 171, 224. The effect of this on married partners, who are of different minds and discordant affections. 171.

BALANCE.--Love truly conjugal is like a balance in which the inclinations for iterated marriages are made, 318. The mind is kept balancing to another marriage, according to the degree of love in which it was principled in the former marriage, 318.

BANK of roses, 8, 294.

BATS, in the spiritual world, are correspondences and consequent appearances of the thoughts of confirmators, 233.

BEARS signify those who read the Word in the natural sense, and see truths therein, without understanding, 193. Those who only read the Word, and imbibe thence nothing of doctrine, appear at a distance, in the spiritual world, like bears, 78.

BEASTS are born into natural loves, and thereby into sciences corresponding to them; still they do not know, think, understand, and relish any sciences, but are led through them by their loves, almost as blind persons are led through the streets by dogs, 134. Beasts are born into all the sciences of their loves, thus into all that concerns their nourishment, habitation, love of the s.e.x, and the education of their young, 133. Difference between man and beasts, 133, 134. Every beast corresponds to some quality, either good or evil, 76. Beasts in the spiritual world are representative, but in the natural world they are real, 133. Wild beasts in the spiritual world are correspondences, and thus representatives of the l.u.s.ts in which the spirits are, 79. The state of men compared with that of beasts, 151*. Men like beasts, found in the forests, 151*. Beast-men, 233.

BEAUTY.--The affection of wisdom is essential beauty, 56. Cause of beauty in the female s.e.x, 56. Women have a two-fold beauty, one natural, which is that of the face and the body, and the other spiritual, which is that of the love and manners, 330. Beauty in the spiritual world is the form of the love and manners, 330. Discussion on the beauty of woman, 330. Origin of that beauty, 382-384. Ineffable beauty of a wife in the third heaven, 42.

BEES.--Their wonderful instinct, 419.

BEHIND.--In the spiritual world, it is not allowed any one to stand behind another, and speak to him, 444.

BEINGS.--The desire to continue in its form is implanted by creation in all living beings, 361.

BENEVOLENCE is one of those virtues which have respect to life and enter into it, 164.

BETROTHINGS, of, 295-314. Reasons of betrothings, 301. By betrothing each party is prepared for conjugial love, 302. By betrothing, the mind of one is conjoined to the mind of the other, so as to effect a marriage of the spirit, previous to marriage, 303, 305. Of betrothings in heaven, 20; 21.

BIRDS in the spiritual world are representative forms, 76. Every bird corresponds to some good or bad quality, 76.

BIRDS OF PARADISE.--In heaven the forms under which the chaste delights of conjugial love are presented to the view, are birds of paradise, &c., 430. A pair of birds of paradise represent the middle region of conjugial love, 270.

BLESSEDNESS, 69, 180. Love receives its blessedness from communication by uses with others, 266. The infinity of all blessedness is in the Lord, 335.

BLESSING of marriages by the priests, 308

BLUE.--What the color blue signifies, 76.

BODY, the material, is composed of watery and earthy elements, and of aerial vapors thence arising, 192. The material body of man is overcharged with l.u.s.ts, which are in it as dregs that precipitate themselves to the bottom when the must of wine is clarified, 272. Such are the const.i.tuent substances of which the bodies of men in the world are composed, 272. The bodies of men viewed interiorly are merely forms of their minds exteriorly organized to effect the purposes of the soul, 310. See _Mind_. Every thing which is done in the body is from a spiritual origin, 220. All things which are done in the body by man flow in from his spirit, 310. Man when stripped of his body is in his internal affections, which his body had before concealed, 273. What is in the spirit as derived from the body does not long continue, but the love which is in the spirit and is derived from the body does continue, 162, 191. Marriages of the spirit ought to precede marriages of the body, 310.

BOND.--The internal or spiritual bond must keep the external or natural in its order and tenor, 320. Wives love the bonds of marriage if the men do, 217. Unless the external affections are influenced by internal, which conjoin minds, the bonds of wedlock are loosed in the house, 275.

BOOKS.--In heaven, as in the world, there are books, 207.

BORN, to be.--Man is born in total ignorance, 134. Every man by birth is merely corporeal, and from corporeal he becomes natural more and more interiorly, and thus rational, and at length spiritual, 59, 305, 447. He becomes rational in proportion as he loves intelligence, and spiritual if he loves wisdom, 94, 102. Man is not born into any knowledge, and if he does not receive instruction from others, is viler than a beast, 350.

Man is born without sciences, to the end that he may receive them all, and he is born into no love, to the intent that he may come into all love, 134. Every man is born for heaven and no one for h.e.l.l, and every one comes into heaven (by influence) from the Lord, and into h.e.l.l (by influence) from self, 350.

BREAST, the, of man signifies wisdom, 198. All things which by derivation from the soul and mind have their determination in the body, first flow into the bosom, 179. The breast is as it were a place of public a.s.sembly, and a royal council chamber, and the body is as a populous city around it, 179. The sphere of the man's life him more densely on the breast, but lightly on the back, 171, 224. See _Back_.

BRETHREN.--The Lord calls those brethren and sisters who are of his church, 120.

BRIDE.--The church in the Word is called the bride and wife, 117.

Clothing of a bride in heaven, 20.

BRIDEGROOM.--The Lord in the Word is called the bridegroom and husband, 117. Clothing of a bridegroom in heaven, 20.

BRIMSTONE signifies the love of what is false, 80. Lakes of fire and brimstone, 79, 80.

CABINET of antiquities in the spiritual world, 77.

CALF, a golden, signifies the pleasure of the flesh, 535.

CAP, a, signifies intelligence, 293. Turreted cap, 78.


CASTIGATION.--The spiritual purification of conjugial love may be compared with the purification of natural spirits effected by chemists, and named castigation, 145.

CATS.--Comparison concerning them, 512.

CAUSE.--See _End_. To speak from causes is the speech of wisdom, 75.

Causes of coldness, separations, and divorces in marriages, 234-260.

Causes of concubinage, 467-474.

CAUSES, the various, of legitimate separation, 253, 470.

CELEBRATION of the Lord from the Word, 81.

CELESTIAL.--In proportion as a man loves his wife he becomes celestial and internal, 77.

CELIBACY ought not to be preferred to marriage, 156. Chast.i.ty cannot be predicated of those who have renounced marriage by vows of perpetual celibacy, unless there be and remain in them the love of a life truly conjugial, 155. The sphere of perpetual celibacy infests the sphere of conjugial love, which is the very essential sphere of heaven, 54. Those who live in celibacy, if they are spiritual, are on the side of heaven, 54. Those who in the world have lived a single life, and have altogether alienated their minds from marriage, in case they be spiritual, remain single; but if natural, they become wh.o.r.emongers, 54. For those who in their single state have desired marriage, and have solicited it without success, if they are spiritual, blessed marriages are provided, but not until the; come into heaven, 54.

CENTRE of nature and of life, 380.


CEREBELLUM, the, is beneath the hinder part of the head, and is designed for love and the goods thereof, 444.

CEREBRUM, the, is beneath the anterior and upper part of the head, and is designed for wisdom and the truths thereof, 444.

CHANGE, the, of the state of life which takes place with men and with women by marriage, 184-206. By changes of the state of life are meant changes of quality as to the things appertaining to the understanding, and as to those appertaining to the will, 184. The changes which take place in man's internal principles are more perfectly continuous than those which take place in his external principles, 185. The changes which take place in internal principles are changes of the state of the will as to affections, and changes of the state of the understanding as to thoughts, 185. The changes of these two faculties are perpetual with man from infancy even to the end of his life, and afterwards to eternity, 185. These changes differ in the case of men and in the case of women, 187.

CHARGES of blame are made by a judge according to the law, 485.

Difference between predications, charges of blame, and imputations, 485.

CHARIOT, a, signifies the doctrine of truth, 76.

CHARITY is love, 10.

The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 20

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