The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 34
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SOLITARY, there is neither good nor solitary truth, but in all cases they are conjoined, 87.
SOLUTIONS and reparations by which every part of man, both interior and exterior, renews itself, 171.
SOMNAMBULISTS act from the impulse of a blind science, the understanding being asleep, 134.
SONS in the Word signify truths conceived in the spiritual man, and born in the natural, 120, 220. Those who are regenerated by the Lord are called in the Word sons of G.o.d, sons of the kingdom, 120.
SONS-IN-LAW, what, and daughters-in-law signify in the Word, 120.
SONGS in heaven, 17, 19. Heavenly songs are in reality sonorous affections, or affections expressed and modified by sounds, 55. Singing in heaven is an affection of the mind, which is let forth through the mouth as a tune, 155*. Affections are expressed by songs, as thoughts are by discourse, 55.
SOPHI.--The most ancient people did not acknowledge any other wisdom than the wisdom of life, and this was the wisdom of those who were formerly called _sophi_, 130.
SOUL, the, is the inmost principle of man, 101, 158, 206. It is not life, but the proximate receptacle of life from G.o.d, and thereby the habitation of G.o.d, 315. It is a form of all things relating to love, and of all things relating to wisdom, 315. It is a form from which the smallest thing cannot be taken away, and to which the smallest thing cannot be added, and it is the inmost of all the forms of the whole body, 315. Propagation of the soul, 220, 245. The soul of the offspring is from the father, and its clothing from the mother, 206, 288. The principle of truth in the soul is the origin of seed, in which is the soul of man, 220, 483. It is in a perfect human form, covered with substances from the purest principles of nature, whereof a body is formed in the womb of the mother, 183. The soul of man, and of every animal, from an implanted tendency to self-propagation, forms itself, clothes itself, and becomes seed, 220; because the soul is a spiritual substance, which is not a subject of extension but of impletion, and from which no part can be taken away, but the whole may be produced without any loss thereof, hence it is that it is as fully present in the smallest receptacles, which are seeds, as in its greatest receptacle, the body, 220. The soul of every man, by its origin, is celestial, wherefore it receives influx immediately from the Lord, 482. The soul and the mind are the man, since both const.i.tute the spirit which lives after death, and which is in a perfect human form, 260. The soul const.i.tutes the inmost principles not only of the head, but also of the body, 178. The soul and mind adjoin themselves closely to the flesh of the body, to operate and produce their effects, 178. A masculine soul, 220. How a feminine principle is produced from a male soul, 220. How a union of the souls of married partners is effected, 172. See _Mind, obs_.
s.p.a.cE.--Those things which, from their origin, are celestial and spiritual, are not in s.p.a.ce, but in the appearances of s.p.a.ce, 158. The soul of man being celestial, and his mind spiritual, are not in s.p.a.ce, 158.
SPANIARDS, 103, 104.
SPECIES.--Why the Creator has distinguished all things into genera, species, and discriminations, 479.
SPEECH, the, of wisdom is to speak from causes, 75. From the thought, which also is spiritual, speech flows, 220.
SPHERE.--All that which flows from a subject, and and surrounds it, is named a sphere, 386. From the Lord, by the spiritual sun, proceeds a sphere of heat and light, or of love and wisdom, to operate ends which are uses, 386. The universal sphere of generating and propagating the celestial things, which are of love; and the spiritual things, which are of wisdom, and thence the natural things, which are of offspring, proceeds from the Lord, and fills the universal heaven and the universal world, 355. The divine sphere which looks to the preservation of the universe in its created state by successive generations, is called the sphere of procreating, 386. The divine sphere which looks to the preservation of generations in their beginnings, and afterwards in their progressions, is called the sphere of protecting the things created, 386. There are several other divine spheres, which are named according to uses, as the sphere of defence of good and truth against evil and false, the sphere of reformation and regeneration, the sphere of innocence and peace, the sphere of mercy and grace, &c., 222, 386. But the universal of all is the conjugial sphere, because this is the supereminent sphere of conservation of the created universe, 222.
This sphere fills the universe, and pervades all things from first to last, 222; thus from angels even to worms, 92. Why it is more universal than the sphere of heat and light which proceed from the sun, 222. In its origin, the conjugial sphere, flowing into the universe, is divine; in its progress in heaven with the angels, it is celestial and spiritual; with men it is natural; with beasts and birds, animal; with worms merely corporeal; with vegetables, it is void of life; and, moreover, in all its subjects it is varied according to their forms, 225. This sphere is received immediately by the female s.e.x, and mediately by the male, 225. The sphere of conjugial love is the very essential sphere of heaven, because it descends from the heavenly marriage of the Lord and the church, 54. Whereas there is a sphere of conjugial love, there is also a sphere opposite to it, which is called a sphere of adulterous love, 434. This sphere ascends from h.e.l.l, and the sphere of conjugial love descends from heaven, 435, 455. These spheres meet each other in each world, but do not conjoin, 436, 455. Between these two spheres there is equilibrium, and man is in it, 437, 455. Man can turn himself to whichever sphere he pleases; but so far as he turns himself to the one, so far he turns himself from the other, 438, 455. A sphere of love from the wife, and of understanding from the man, is continually flowing forth, and unites them, 321. A natural sphere is continually flowing forth, not only from man, but also from beasts--yea, from trees, fruits, flowers, and also from metals, 171. There flows forth--yea, overflows from every man (_h.o.m.o_)--a spiritual sphere, derived from the affections of his love, which him, and infuses itself into the natural sphere derived from the body, so that these two spheres are conjoined, 171. Every one, both man and woman, is encompa.s.sed by his own sphere of life, densely on the breast, and less densely on the back, 224.
SPIRE.--With whom the mind is closed from beneath, and sometimes twisted as a spire into the adverse principle, 203.
SPIRIT, the.--There are two principles which, in the beginning, with every man who from natural is made spiritual, are at strife together, which are commonly called the spirit and the flesh, 488. The love of marriage is of the spirit, and the love of adultery is of the flesh, 488. See _Flesh_.
SPIRITS.--See _Mind, obs_. By novitiate spirits are meant men newly deceased, who are called spirits because they are then spiritual men, 461. Who those are, who, after death, become corporeal spirits, 495.
SPIRITUAL--The difference between what is spiritual and natural is like that between prior and posterior, which bear no determinate proportion to each other, 326. Spiritual principles without natural, which are their const.i.tuent have no consistence, 52. Spiritual principles considered in themselves have relation to love and wisdom, 52. The things relating to the church, which are called spiritual things, reside in the inmost principles with man, 130. By the spiritual is meant he who loves spiritual things, and thereby is wise from the Lord, 281. A man (_h.o.m.o_) without religion is not spiritual, but remains natural, 149. To become spiritual is to be elevated out of the natural principle, that is, out of the light and heat of the world into the light and heat of heaven, 347. Man becomes spiritual in proportion as his rational principle begins to derive a soul from influx out of heaven, which is the case so far as it is affected and delighted with wisdom, 145.
SPIRITUALLY, to think, is to think abstractedly from s.p.a.ce and time, 328.
SPORTS of wisdom in the, heavens, 132. Literary sports, 207. Conjugial love in its origin is the sport of wisdom and love, 75, 183. Games and shows in the heavens, 17. The sixth sense in the female s.e.x is called in the heavens the sport of wisdom with its love, and of love with its wisdom, 155*.
SPRING.--In heaven the heat and light proceeding from the sun cause perpetual spring, 137. In heaven, with conjugial partners, there is spring in its perpetual conatus, 355. All who come into heaven return into their vernal youth, and into the powers appertaining to that age, 44.
STABLES signify instructions, 76.
STAGE entertainments. See _Actors_.
STATES.--The state of a man's life is his quality as to the understanding and the will, 184. The state of a man's life from infancy, even to the end of life, is continually changing, 185. The common states of a man's life are called infancy, childhood, youth, manhood, and old age, 185. No subsequent state of life is the same as a preceding one, 186. The last state is such as the successive order is, from which it is formed and exists, 313. What was the primeval state, which is called a state of integrity, 355. Of the state of married partners after death, 45-54. There are two states into which a man enters after death--an external and an internal state; he comes first into his external state, and afterwards into his internal, 47*.
STATUE, the, which Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream represented the ages of gold, silver, copper, and iron, 78.
STONES signify natural truths, and precious stones spiritual truths, 76.
STORE, abundant, 220, 221.
STOREHOUSE.--The conjugial principle of one man with one wife is the storehouse of human life, 457.
STORGE.--The love called _storge_ is the love of infants, 392. This love prevails equally with the evil and the good, and, in like manner, with tame and wild beasts; it is even in some cases stronger and more ardent with evil men, and also with wild beasts, 392. The innocence of infancy is the cause of the love called _storge_, 395. Spiritual storge, 211.
STUDY, what was the, of the men who lived in the silver age, 76. Study of sciences in the spiritual world, 207.
STUPIDITY of the age, 481.
SUBLIMATION.--The purification of conjugial love may be compared to the purification of natural spirits, as effected by chemists, and called sublimation, 145.
SUBJECT, every, receives influx according to its form, 86. All a man's affections and thoughts are in forms, and thence from forms, for forms are their subjects, 186. A subject without predicates is an ent.i.ty which has no existence in reason, 66. See _Substance_.
SUBSISTENCE is perpetual existence, 86.
SUBSTANCE.--There is no substance without a form, an unformed substance not being any thing, 66. There is not any good or truth which is not in a substance as in its subject, 66. Every idea of man's, however sublimated, is substantial, that is, affixed to substance, 66. Material things derive their origin from things substantial, 207. In man, all the affections of love, and all the perceptions of wisdom, are rendered substantial, for substances are their subjects, 361. See _Form_.
SUBSTANTIAL.--The difference between what is substantial and what is material is like the difference between what is prior and what is posterior, 31. Spiritual things are substantial, 328. Spirits and angels are in substantial and not in materials, 328. Man after death is a substantial man, because this substantial man lay inwardly concealed in the natural or material man, 31. The substantial man sees the substantial man, as the material man sees the material man, 31. All things in the spiritual world are substantial and not material, whence it is that there are in their perfection in that world, all things which are in the natural world, and many things besides, 207. Every idea of man's, however sublimated, is substantial, that is, attached to substances, 66.
SUCCESSIVE.--There is a successive order and a simultaneous order, and there is an influx of successive order into simultaneous order, 314. See _Order_.
SUMMARY of the Lord's commandments, 340, 82.
SUN.--There is a sun of the spiritual world as there is a sun of the natural world, 380. The sun of the spiritual world proceeds immediately from the Lord, who is in the midst of it, 235. That sun is pure love 235, 380, 532. It appears fiery before the angels, altogether as the sun of our world appears before men, 235. It does not set nor rise, but stands constantly between the zenith and the horizon, that is, at the elevation of 45 degrees, 137. The spiritual sun is pure love, and the natural sun is pure fire, 182, 532. Whatever proceeds from the spiritual sun partakes of life, since it is pure love; whatever proceeds from the natural sun partakes nothing of life, since it is pure fire, 532. The spiritual sun is in the centre of the universe, and its operation, being without s.p.a.ce and time, is instant and present from first principles in last, 391. For what end the sun of the natural world was created, 235.
The fire of the natural sun exists from no other source than from the fire of the spiritual sun, which is divine love, 380.
SUPPERS.--In heaven, as in the world, there are suppers, 19.
SURVIVOR, 321.--See _Deceased_.
SWANS, in the spiritual world, signify conjugial love in the lowest region of the mind, 270.
SWEDENBORG.--He protests in truth that the memorable relations annexed to the chapters in this work are not fictions, but were truly done and seen; not seen in any state of the mind asleep, but in a state of full wakefulness, 1. That it had pleased the Lord to manifest Himself unto him, and send him to teach the things relating to the New Church, 1.
That the interiors of his mind and spirit were opened by the Lord, and that thence it was granted him to be in the spiritual world with angels, and at the same time in the natural world with men, 1, 39, 326. State of anxiety into which he fell when once he thought of the essence and omnipresence of G.o.d from eternity, that is, of G.o.d before the creation of the world, 328. The angels, as well as himself, did not know the differences between spiritual and natural, because there had never before been an opportunity of comparing them together by any person's existing at the same time in both worlds; and without such comparison and reference those differences were not ascertainable, 327. On a certain time, as he was wandering through the streets of a great city inquiring for a lodging, he entered a house inhabited by married partners of a different religion; the angels instantly accosted him, and told him they could not on that account remain with him there, 242. He had observed for twenty-five years continually, from an influx perceptible and sensible, that it is impossible to think a.n.a.lytically concerning any form of government, civil law, moral virtue, or any spiritual truth, unless the divine principle flows in from the Lord's wisdom through the spiritual world, 419. He declares, that having related a thousand particulars respecting departed spirits, he has never heard any one object, how can such be their lot when they are not yet risen from their sepulchres, the last judgment not being yet accomplished? 28.
SWEDES, 103, 112.
SWEETNESS.--In heaven, the chaste love of the s.e.x is called heavenly sweetness, 55.
SYMPATHIES.--In the spiritual world sympathies are not only felt, but also appear in the face, the discourse, and gesture, 273. With some married partners in the natural world, there is antipathy in internals, combined with apparent sympathy in their externals, 292. Sympathy derives its origin from the concordance of spiritual spheres, which emanate from subjects, 171.
TABERNACLE.--In heaven, the most ancient people dwell in tabernacles, because, whilst in the world, they lived in tabernacles, 75. Tabernacle of their wors.h.i.+p exactly similar to the tabernacle of which the form was showed to Moses on Mount Sinai, 75.
TABLES of wood and stone on which were the writings of the most ancient people, 77. Tablet with this inscription, "The covenant between Jehovah and the Heavens," 75.
The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 34
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