The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 35

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TARTARUS, 75.--Shades of Tartarus, 75.

TARTARY.--The ante-Mosaic Word, at this day lost, is reserved only in Great Tartary, 77.

TASTE, sense of.--The love of self-nourishment, grounded in the love of imbibing goods, is the sense of tasting, and the delights proper to it are the various kinds of delicate foods, 210.

TEMPERANCE is one of those moral virtues which have respect to life and enter into it, 164.

TEMPLE, description of a, in heaven, 23. Temple of wisdom, where the causes of the beauty of the female s.e.x were discussed, 56.

TEMPORAL.--Idea of what is temporal in regard to marriages, effect that it produced on two married partners from heaven present with Swedenborg, 216.

THEATRES in the heavens, 17.--See _Actors_.

THING, every, created by the Lord is representative, 294.

THINK, to, spiritually is to think abstractedly from s.p.a.ce and time, and to think naturally is to think in conjunction with s.p.a.ce and time, 328.

To think and conclude from an interior and prior principle is to think and conclude from ends and causes to effects, but to think and conclude from an exterior or posterior principle, is to think and conclude from effects to causes and ends, 408. The spiritual man thinks of things incomprehensible and ineffable to the natural man, 326.

THOUGHT is the _existere_, or existence of a man's life, from the _esse_ or essence, which is love, 36. Spiritual thoughts, compared with natural, are thoughts of thoughts, 326. Spiritual thoughts are the beginnings and origins of natural thoughts, 320. Spiritual thought so far exceeds natural thought as to be respectively ineffable, 326.

THUNDER.--Clapping of the air like thunder is a correspondence and consequent appearance of the conflict and collision of arguments amongst spirits, 415.

TONES, discordant, brought into harmony, 243.

TOUCH, to.--This sense is common to all the other senses, and hence borrows somewhat from them, 210. It is the sense proper to conjugial love, 210. The love of knowing objects, grounded on the love of circ.u.mspection and self-preservation, is the sense of touching, and the gratifications proper to it are the various kinds of t.i.tillation, 210.

The innocence of parents and the innocence of children meet each other by the touch, especially of the hands, 396. See _Sense_.

TRADES.--In the spiritual world there are trades, 207.

TRANQUILLITY is in conjugial love, and relates to the mind, 180.

TRANSCRIBED, to be.--Whereas every man (_h.o.m.o_) by birth inclined to love himself, it was provided from creation, to prevent man's peris.h.i.+ng by self-love, and the conceit of his own intelligence, that that love of the man (_vir_) should be transcribed into the wife, 353, 88, 193, 293.

TRANSCRIPTION, the, of the good of one person into another is impossible, 525.

TREE, a, signifies man, 135. The tree of life signifies man living from G.o.d, or G.o.d living in man, 135. To eat of this tree signifies to receive eternal life, 135. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, signifies the belief that life for man is not G.o.d, but self, 135. By eating thereof signifies d.a.m.nation, 135.

TRINITY, the Divine, is in Jesus Christ, in whom dwells all the fulness of the G.o.dhead bodily, 24.

TRUTH.--What the understanding perceives and thinks is called truth, 490. Truth is the form of good, 198, 493. There is the truth of good, and from this the good of truth, or truth grounded in good, and good grounded in that truth; and in these two principles is implanted from creation an inclination to join themselves together into one, 88. The truth of good, or truth grounded in good, is male (or masculine), and the good of truth, or good grounded in truth, is female (or feminine), 61, 88. See _Good and Truth_.

TRUTH does not admit of reasonings, 481.

TRUTHS pertain to the understanding, 128.

TWO.--In every part of the body where there are not two, they are divided into two, 316.

TZIIM.--In h.e.l.l, the forms of birds, and under which the lascivious delights of adulterous love are presented to the view, are birds called tziim, 430.

ULCERS, 253.

ULTIMATE.--It is a universal law that things primary exist, subsist, and persist from things ultimate, 44. That the ultimate state is such as the successive order is, from which it is formed and exists, is a canon which, from its truth, must be acknowledged in the learned world, 313.

ULYSSES, companions of, changed into hogs, 521.

UNCHASt.i.tY, difference between, and what is not chaste, 139. Unchast.i.ty is entirely opposed to chast.i.ty, 139. There is a conjugial love which is not chaste, and yet is not unchast.i.ty, 139. The love opposite to conjugial love is essential unchast.i.ty, 139. If the renunciations of wh.o.r.edoms be not made from a principle of religion, unchast.i.ty lies inwardly concealed like corrupt matter in a wound only outwardly healed, 149.

UNCLEAN or FILTHY, every, principle of h.e.l.l is from adulterers, 500.

UNCLEANNESS, 252, 472.

UNDERSTANDING, the.--Man has understanding from heavenly light, 233. The understanding considered in itself is merely the ministering and serving principle of the will, 196. It is only the form of the will, 493. Man is capable of elevating his intellect above his natural loves, 96. See _Will and Understanding_.

UNION.--Spiritual union of two married partners is the actual adjunction of the soul and mind of the one to the soul and mind of the other, 321.

Conjugial love is the union of souls, 179, 480, 482. Union between two married partners in heaven is like that of the two tents in the breast, which are called the heart and the lungs, 75.

UNITY, the, of souls between two married partners in heaven is seen in their faces; the life of the husband is in the wife, and the life of the wife is in the husband--they are two bodies but one soul, 75.

UNIVERSALS.--Whoever knows universals may afterwards comprehend particulars, because the latter are in the former as parts in a whole, 261. Good and truth are the universals of creation, 84, 92. There are three universals of heaven and three universals of h.e.l.l, 261. A universal principle exists from, and consists of singulars, 388. If we take away singulars, a universal is a mere name, and is like somewhat superficial, which has no contents within, 388. A universal truth is acknowledged by every intelligent man, 60. Every universal truth is acknowledged as soon as it is heard, in consequence of the Lord's influx and at the same time of the confirmation of heaven, 62.

UNIVERSE.--The universe, with all its created subjects, is from the divine love, by the divine wisdom, or what is the same thing, from the divine good, by the divine truth, 87. All things which proceed from the Lord, or from the sun, which is from him, and in which he is, pervade the created universe, even to the last of all its principles, 389. All thing in the universe have relation to good and truth, 60. In every thing in the universe good is conjoined with truth, and truth with good, 60.

USE is essential good, 183, 77. Use is doing good from love by wisdom, 183. Creation can only be from divine love by divine wisdom, in divine use, 183. All things in the universe are procreated and formed from use, in use, and for use, 183. All use is from the Lord, and is effected by angels and men, as of themselves, 7. Uses are the bonds of society; there are as many bonds as there are uses, and the number of uses is infinite, 18. There are spiritual uses, such as regard love towards G.o.d, and love towards our neighbor, 18. There are moral and civil uses, such as regard the love of the society and state to which a man belongs, and of his fellow-citizens among whom he lives, 18. There are natural uses, which regard the love of the world and its necessities, 18: and there are corporeal uses, such as regard the love of self-preservation with a view to superior uses, 18. The delight of the love of uses is a heavenly delight, which enters into succeeding delights in their order, and according to the order of succession exalts them and makes them eternal, 18. Delights follow use, and are also communicated to man according to the love thereof, 68. The delight of being useful derives its essence from love, and its existence from wisdom, 5. This delight, originating in love and operating by wisdom, is the very soul and life of all heavenly joys, 5. Those who are only in natural and corporeal uses are satans, loving only the world and themselves, for the sake of the world; and those who are only in corporeal uses are devils, because they live to themselves alone, and to others only for the sake of themselves, 18.

Happiness is derived to every angel from the use he performs in his function, 6. The public good requires that every individual, being a member of the common body, should be an instrument of use in the society to which he belongs, 7. To such as faithfully perform uses, the Lord gives the love thereof, 7. So far as uses are done from the love thereof, so far that love increases, 266. The use of conjugial love is the most excellent of all uses, 183, 305. Conjugial love is according to the love of growing wise, for the sake of uses from the Lord, 183. How can any one know whether he performs uses from self-love, or from the love of uses? 266. Every one who believes in the Lord, and shuns evils as sins, performs uses from the Lord; but every one who neither believes in the Lord, nor shuns evils as sins, does uses from self, and for the sake of self, 266. All good uses in the heavens are splendid and refulgent, 266. Blessed lot of those who are desirous to have dominion from the love of uses, 266.

_Obs._--Use consists in fulfilling faithfully, sincerely, and carefully, the duties of our functions, _T.C.R._, 744. Those things are called _uses_ which, proceeding from the Lord, are by creation in order, _D.L.

and W_., 298.

USES of apparent love and friends.h.i.+p between married partners, for the sake of preserving order in domestic affairs, 271, and following, 283.

UTILITY of apparent love and apparent friends.h.i.+p between married partners, for the sake of preserving order in domestic affairs, 271, and following, 283.

VAPOR.--From reason it may be seen that the soul of man after death is not a mere vapor, 29.

VARIETY.--There is a perpetual variety, and there is not any thing the same with another thing, 524. Heaven consists of perpetual varieties, 524. Distinction between varieties and diversities, 324. See _Diversities_.

VEGETABLES.--Wonders in the productions of vegetables, 416.

VEIN.--There is a certain vein latent in the affection of the will of every angel which attracts his mind to the execution of some purpose, 6.

Vein of conjugial love, 44, 68, 183, 293, 313, 433, 482.

VENTRICLES of the brain, 315.

VERNAL, the, principle exists only where warmth is equally united to light, 137. With men (_homines_) there is a perpetual influx of vernal warmth from the Lord, it is otherwise with animals, 137. In heaven, where there is vernal warmth, there is love truly conjugial, 137.

VIOLATION of spiritual marriage, 515-520. Violation of spiritual marriage is violation of the Word, 516. Violation of the Word is adulteration of good, and falsification of truth, 517. This violation of the Word corresponds to scortations and adulteries, 518. By whom, in the Christian church, violation of the Word is committed, 519.

VIRGINITY.--Fate of those who have vowed perpetual virginity, 155, 460, 503.

The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love Part 35

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