A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages Volume I Part 24

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(On the next following folio is a similar letter addressed to the viguier and sous-viguier.)



[1] Johann. Saresberiens. Polycrat. lib. IV. cap. iii.--Honor. Augustod.

Summ. Glor. de Apost. cap. v., viii.--Innocent PP. III. Regest. de Negot. Rom. Imp. xviii.; Ejusd. Serm. de Sanctis vii.; Serm. de Diversis iii.--Eymerici Direct. Inquisit. Ed. Venet. 1607, p. 353.

[2] Gratiani P. I. Dist. LXII.--Concil Lateran. IV. c.

xxiii.-xxv.--Isambert, Anciennes Loix Francaises, I. 145.--P. Damiani Lib. I. Epist. ii.

[3] Innocent. PP. III. Regest. I. 261.--P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap.

cv.--Alex. PP. III. Epist. 395.--Caesar. Heisterb. Dial. Mirac. Dist. VI.

c. 5.--Concil. Rotomag. ann. 1050 c. 2.--Rodolphi Glabri Hist. Lib. v.

c. 5.--Guibert. Noviogent. de Vita sua Lib. III. c. 2.--Joann.

Saresberiens. Polycrat. Lib. VII. c. 19.--Hist. Monast. Andaginens. c.

81.--Ruperti Tuitens. Chron. S. Laurent. c. 28, 45.--Hist. Monast. S.

Laurent. Leodiens. Lib. v. c. 62, 121-3.--Chron. Cornel. Zantfliet ann.


A story very similar to that of Philip Augustus is told of the Chancellor of Roger of Sicily and three compet.i.tors for the see of Avellana--Joann. Saresberiens. ubi sup.

[4] P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap. x.x.xvi.--Chron. Turon. ann.

1097.--Ivon. Carnotens. Lib. I. Epp. lxvi., lxvii.

[5] Chron. Senonens. Lib. v. cap. xiii.-xv.--Chron. S. Trudon. Lib.

v.--Fulbert. Carnotens. Epist. 112.--Metzleri de Viris Ill.u.s.t. S.

Gallens. Lib. ii. cap. 28, 30, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60.--Martene Collect. Ampliss. I. 1188-9.--Vaissette, Hist. Gen.

de Languedoc. T. IV. p. 7 (Ed. 1742).--Gerhohi Reichersperg. Exposit. in Psalm lxiv. cap. 34.--Ejusd. Lib. de aedificio Dei cap. 5.--Caesar.

Heisterbac. Dial. Mirac. Dist. II. cap. 9.--Matt. Paris. Hist. Angl.

ann. 1196.--Rog. Hovedens. ann. 1197.--Benedicti Gesta Henrici II. ann 1188.--Baggiolini, Dolcino e i Patarini, p. 53 (Novara, 1838).--Martene Thesaur. II. 90-93, 99, 100, 150, 151, 192.

A clerical rhymer of the thirteenth century describes the prelates of the day--

"Episcopi cornuti conticuere muti; ad praedam sunt parati et indecenter coronati, pro virga ferunt lanceam pro infula galeam.

"sicut fortes incedunt et a Deo discedunt.

ut leones feroces et ut aquilae veloces, ut apri frendentes exacuere dentes."

Carmina Burana, p. 15 (Breslau. 1883).

[6] P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap. liv.--Pet. Blesens. Epist.

ccxl.--Caesar. Heisterb. Dial. Mirac. Dist. II. c. 27, 28; Dist. VI. c.

20.--Varior. ad Alex. PP. III. Epist. xxi. (Migne, Patrolog. CC.

1379).--Pet. Blesens. Tract. quales sunt P. II. IV.

[7] Innocent. PP. III. Regest. I. 277; XIV. 125; XVI. 63, 158.--II. 34; VII. 84.--III. 24; VII. 75, 76; VIII. 106; IX. 66; X. 68; XIII. 88; XV.

93. See also II. 236; VI. 216; X. 182, 194; XI. 142; XII. 24, 25; XV.

186, 235; XVI. 12.--Gollut, Republique Sequanoise (Ed. Duvernoy, Arbois, 1846, pp. 80, 1724).--La Porte du Theil (Academie des Inscriptions, Notices des MSS. III. 617 sqq.).--Opusc. Tripart.i.ti P. III. cap. iv.

(Fasciculi Rer. Expetendarum et Fugiendarum, II. 225, Ed. 1690).

In May, 1212, Legate Arnauld is addressed as Archbishop-elect of Narbonne (Innocent. PP. III. Regest. XV. 93, 101), but in the necrology of the Abbey of Saint-Just of Narbonne, Berenger, at his death, Aug. 11, 1213, is qualified as archbishop (Chron. de S. Just, Vaissette, Ed.

Privat, VIII. 218).

[8] P. Cantor. Verb, abbrev. cap. 71.--S. Bernardi Tract, de Mor. et Offic. Episc. c. vii. No. 25.--Gesta Treviror. Archiep. cap. 92.--Prutz, Malteser Urkunden und Registen, Munchen, 1883, p. 38.--Guillel. Nangiac.

Contin. ann. 1305.--Hist. Prior. Grandimont. (Martene Ampliss. Coll. VI.

122, 135-137).--Matt. Paris Hist. Angl. ann. 1245, 1248, 1250, 1252, 1255, 1256.--Hincmari Epist. x.x.xii. 20.--Hildeberti Cenoman. Epist. Lib.

ii. No. 41, 47.--S. Bernard. de Consideratione Lib. i. cap.

4.--Innocent. PP. III. Gesta xli.--Ejusd. Regest. I. 330; II. 265; v.

33, 34; X. 188.--Gregor. PP. IX. Bull. _Desiderantes plurimum_ (Potthast Regesta, I. 673).--Chron. Augustan, ann. 1260.--Stephani Tornacens.

Epist. 43.--Gualt. Mapes de Nugis Curialium Dist. II. cap. VII.

[9] Can. 43, Extra Lib. I. t.i.t. iii.--Petri Exoniens. Summula Exigendi Confessionis (Harduin. VII. 1126).--Concil. Herbipolens. ann. 1187 c.

37.--Concil. apud Campinac.u.m ann. 1238 c. 1, 2, 7.--Concil. apud Castrum Gonterii ann. 1253 can. unic.--C. Nugariolens. ann. 1290 c. 3.--C.

Avenionens. ann. 1326 c. 49; ann. 1337 c. 59.--C. Bituricens. ann. 1336 c. 5.--C. Vaurens. ann. 1368 c. 10, 11.--Lucii. PP. III. Epist.

252.--Innocent. PP. III. Regest. Lib. I. Epist. 235, 349, 405, 456, 536, 540; II. 29; III. 37; VI. 120, 233, 234; VII. 26; X. 15, 79, 93; XI.

144, 161, 275; XV. 218, 223; Supplem. 234.--Berger, Registre d'Innocent.

IV. pp. lxxvi-lxxvii., No. 2591, 3214, 3812, 4086.--Theiner Vet.

Monument. Hibern. et Scotor. No. 196, p. 75.--De Reiffenberg, Chron. de Ph. Mouskes, I. ccxxv.

When the comprehensive annual curse, known as the Bull in Caena Domini, came in fas.h.i.+on, falsifiers of papal letters were included in its anathemas, until the abrogation of the custom in 1773.

[10] Fascic. Rerum Expetendarum et Fugiendarum II. 7, 254-255 (Ed.


[11] P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap. 24.--Cf. Petri. Blesensis Epist. 23; Johann. Saresberiens. Polycrat. Lib. VII. cap. 21, Lib. VIII. cap. 17.

[12] Concil. Juliobonens. ann. 1080 c. 3, 5.--Concil. Bremens. ann.

1266.--Eadmer. Hist. Novor. Lib. IV.--Concil. Melfitan. ann. 1284 c.

5.--P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap. 24, 79.--Innocent. PP. III. Regest. X.

85; XII. 37.--Pet. Blesensis Epist. 209.

[13] Concil. Rotomag. ann. 1231 c. 48.--P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap.

23.--Innocent. PP. III. Regest. I. 376.--Chron. Andres. Monast.--Narrat.

Restaur. Abbat. S. Mart. Tornacens. cap. 113, 114.--Joann. Saresberiens.

Polycrat. Lib. v. cap. 15. Cf. Lib. VI. cap. 24.

[14] P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap. 86.

[15] Concil. Lemovicens. ann. 1031.--Concil. Avenionens. ann. 1209 c.

1.--Concil. Lateranens. ann. 1215 c. 10.--Millot, Hist. Litt. des Troubadours, II. 61.

[16] S. Bernard. Epistt. 271, 274, 276.--Can. 2, 3, Extra Lib. i. t.i.t.

xiii.--Thoma.s.sin, Discip. de l'eglise. P. IV. Lib. ii. cap.

38.--Gaufridi Vosiensis Chron. ann. 1181.--Concil. Turon. ann. 1231. c.

16.--Concil. Lugdun. ann. 1274 c. 12.--P. Cantor. Verb. abbrev. cap. 55, 60, 61.--Innocent. PP. III. Regest. XI. 142.--Even a pontiff such us Innocent III. was not above intruding his dependants upon the churches everywhere. His registers are full of such missives.

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