Games and Play for School Morale Part 4

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Players form a large circle. Number off by twos. Number one steps in front of number two and kneels facing center of circle. Number two places finger tips on the head of one kneeling. One player stands alone in center. Number ones represent cities. At a given signal, number twos face left and run around the outside of the circle. Suddenly another signal is given, when all running stop and get safely behind one of the kneelers. The center player upon hearing the signal attempts to find a place. If he succeeds someone else is left without a place who, in turn, becomes center player.

Let the two circles exchange places and repeat the game.


The players are lined up in files.

The leader of each file has an Indian Club.

At the word "Go" all jump in half stride position and the club is pa.s.sed between the legs, each player pa.s.sing it on to the next until the end of the line has been reached.

The last pupil runs to the front and it back along the line again. When every player has been at the head of the line and the leader is in front again the race is over. The file finis.h.i.+ng first wins the race.

This game may be played with bean bags, medicine b.a.l.l.s or dumb bells.

Speed contest.


Players form a circle, placing right or left hand on the floor as the teacher indicates. Player who is "it" stands in the center. At a signal the players stand and move about promiscuously, the player who is "it"

attempting to tag one of the others before he gets his hand on the floor. If he succeeds, the one tagged becomes "it" and the game proceeds.

Off guard.


A leader is chosen who stands before cla.s.s and says "I went to the circus and saw a bear." The next child says, "I went to the circus and saw a bear and ----" naming another animal of his own choice. The next player repeats all that the previous players have said in exactly the same order, adding a third animal. Insist upon exact wording.

Concentrated attention.


Players stand as for gymnastics. Leader stands in front of cla.s.s and says "The Wind Blows East," upon which all turn to the east. If the leader says "The Wind Blows West" all turn to the west. The leader continues to give commands and each time the players turn in the direction in which the wind blows. Occasionally the command "The Wind Blows a Whirlwind" is given, whereupon all make a complete circle, returning to original position. Should the order "Whirlwind" be given by itself all remain still. Anyone caught moving at this point drops out of the game. The players standing longest become next leader.

Following directions.


Wind six hoops each with a standard color. Make six bean bags a corresponding color. This game is played by six files of equal number.

In front of each file station a player who holds the hoop in a vertical position and to his right, shoulder high. Two players, one for scorekeeper the other to return bean bags to the place from which they are to be thrown, stand a little to the back of player who is holding the hoop. Upon a given signal the first player in the file throws his bean bag, endeavoring to pa.s.s it through the hoop, in which event he scores one point for his line. The bean bag is returned to the second child in the file, who at the signal throws it through the hoop, if possible. The file scoring the greatest number of points wins.

Test of skill.


Divide room into two teams, each team holding a flag. Upon a given signal the first child in each team runs forward and makes a complete circuit of his team and upon returning gives his flag to the player behind him, who, upon receiving it, proceeds to make a circuit, giving his flag to the third player. The team finis.h.i.+ng first wins.



Players form a circle--one player stands in the center. A basketball is pa.s.sed quickly around the circle, moving in one direction only. The ball must not be thrown. If the center player succeeds in touching a player when holding the ball, he immediately exchanges places with him and the game continues.

Speed defiance.


A circle is drawn on the ground. The players stand shoulder to shoulder inside of the circle with arms folded, either on the chest or behind the back. At a signal, the game begins and consists of trying to push one's neighbor out of the circle with the shoulders. Players must not unfold arms. Anyone doing so or falling down is out of the game. The one who remains longest in the circle is king.

Strength test.


Draw a circle on the blackboard directly in front of each row. Supply the first child in each row with a piece of crayon. At a given signal the first child in each row stands to the right of his desk, runs lightly to the board, makes his mark in the circle and returns by the left, placing the chalk on the desk of the child behind him as he is seated.

The second player stands, runs, makes his mark in the circle, and, returning, places the chalk on the desk of the child behind him. The others proceed in like manner; the row finis.h.i.+ng first wins.

Each child must make his mark within the circle and upon returning sit erect, feet under the desk.



The players are divided into two groups--A and B. One group (A) performs some action representing an occupation, as sewing, picking flowers, driving nails, etc. The other side (B) must guess in a limited number of guesses what the motions represent. If it fails, one player from this group must go over to the other group. Then the A's have another chance. If the B's guess correctly they may select one from the "A" side and also have another chance to represent an occupation. The side having the most players at the end of the game wins.

After the A's have decided what they are to do they approach the B's and the following dialogue takes place:

A's. Here we come.

B's. Where from?

A's. New Orleans.

B's. What's your trade?

A's. Lemonade.

B's. How's it made?

Games and Play for School Morale Part 4

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