The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 34
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Having now seen so much of G.o.d both in the beginning and progresse of this his great Work, And his Hand having done so wondrous things for his People in their greatest extremities of danger, and having discovered and defeated the plots of Enemies, making them fall even by their own Counsels; These things wee resolve to keep still fixed in our hearts, and as memorials before our eyes, that remembring the Works of the Lord, and the Years of the Right Hand of the most High, wee may neither want matter of Praies and thanksgivings, nor experience to breed hope. Although the building of the House of the Lord in _England_ be not yet, after so long expectation, finished, and now also the work ceaseth, Yet wee doe from our hearts blesse the Lord for the laying of the Foundation, and for so much progresse as hath been made in the Work; Having still confidence in the Almighty, to whom nothing is impossible or too hard, that every Mountaine which doeth or shall stand in the way shall become a plaine, and that the Head-stone shall bee brought forth with shoutings of Joy, _Grace, Grace unto it._
Neverthelesse, we are also very sensible of the great and imminent dangers into which this Common Cause of Religion is now brought by the growing and spreading of most dangerous errours in _England_, to the obstructing & hindering of the begun Reformation, as namely (beside many others) Socinianisme, Arminianisme, Anabaptisme, Antinomianisme, Brownisme, Erastianisme, Independency, and that which is called (by abuse of the word) Liberty of Conscience, being indeed Liberty of Errour, Scandall, Schisme, heresie, dishonouring G.o.d, opposing the Truth, hindering Reformation; and seducing others; Whereunto we adde those Nullifidians, or men of no Religion, commonly called Seekers: Yea, wee cannot but look upon the Dangers of the true Reformed Religion in this Island, as greater now then before; Not onely for that those very principles & fundamentals of Faith which under Prelacy, yea, under Popery it self, were generally received as uncontroverted, are now by the Scepticisme of many Sectaries of this time either oppugned, or called in question; But also, because in stead of carrying on the Reformation towards perfection, that which hath beene already built is in part cast down, and in danger to be wholly overthrowne through the endeavours of Sectaries to comply with many of the Prelaticall and Malignant, and even the Popish party; and their joyning hand in hand, and casting in their lots, and interweaving their interests together in way of Combination, against the Covenant and Presbyteriall Government; Yea, the unclean spirit which was cast out, is about to enter againe with seven other spirits worse then himselfe, and so the latter end like to be worse then the beginning.
We are extremely sorry that we have cause to aggravate these evils from the crying sin of breach of Covenant, Whereof if we should hold our peace, yet according to the Word of the Lord; other Nations will say, and many among them do say, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this People? and what meaneth the heat of this great anger? And they answer one another, _Because they have forsaken the Covenant of the Lord their G.o.d._ We would not be understood as if we meant either to Justifie this Nation, or to charge such a sin upon all in that Nation. We know the Covenant hath been in divers particulars broken by many in both Kingdomes, the Lord pardon it, and accept a Sacrifice; And wee doe not doubt but there are many seven thousands in _England_ who have not onely kept themselves unspotted, and retained their integrity in that businesse, but doe also mourne and groane before the Lord for that sin of others. Yet we should but deny our own sence and betray the Truth, if we should not resent so great a sinne and danger, as is the breach of a solemne Covenant, sworn with hands lifted up to the most High G.o.d: Which breach however varnished over with some colourable and handsome pretexts, one whereof is the Liberty & Common Right of the free People of _England_, as once _Saul_ brake a Covenant with the Gibeonites, _In his Zeal to the Children of Israel and Iudah_: Yet G.o.d could not then, and cannot now be mocked; Yea, it is too apparent and undeniable, that among those who did take the Covenant of the three Kingdomes, as there are many who have given themselves to a detestable indifferency or neutralitie, so there is a Generation which hath made defection to the contrary Part; Persecuting as far as they could that true Reformed Religion, in Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline, and Government, which by the Covenant they ought to preserve against the common Enemies; hindering and resisting the Reformation and Uniformity, which by the Covenant ought to bee endeavoured; preserving and tolerating those cursed things which by the Covenant ought to be extirpate, especially Heresie and Schisme, encroaching upon, yea offering violence unto the Rights, Priviledges, and Authority of Magistracie, Protecting and a.s.sisting such as by the Covenant ought to have been brought to condigne triall and punishment, and persecuting those who by the Covenant ought to be a.s.sisted and defended; Endeavouring also a breach in stead of a firme Peace and Union between the Kingdomes: So that there is not any one Article of the Solemne League and Covenant which hath not been sinfully and dangerously violated before G.o.d, Angels, and Men. Now if a Covenant for the preservation and Reformation of Religion, the Maintenance and Defence of Liberties was justly thought a _fit and excellent mean_, not only to _strengthen and fortifie_ the Kingdomes against the common Enemie of the true Reformed Religion, publike Peace and Prosperity; But also _to acquire the favour of Almightie G.o.d towards the three Kingdomes, of England, Scotland, and Ireland,_ as is expressed in the Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the taking of the Covenant, dated _February 2. 1643_.
Surely then the Authors and chief Instruments of the breach of that Covenant, are to be looked upon as those who strengthen the hands of the common Enemie, and provoke the wrath of Almighty G.o.d against these Kingdomes. Yea, if this Covenant was the _Soveraigne and onely meanes of the recovery_ of these embroiled bleeding Kingdoms, as is expressed in the exhortation of the a.s.sembly of Divines to the taking of the Covenant, approved and ordered to be Printed by the House of Commons; The despising, refusing, and casting aside of that remedy, must needs render the disease much more desperate. And if by the Declaration of both Kingdomes joined in Arms, _Anno 1643._ such as would not take the Covenant, were declared _to be publike Enemies to their Religion and Countrey, and that they are to be censured and punished as professed Adversaries and Malignants._ Who seeth not now a strange falling away from these first Principles and Professions, among these who either magnifie and cry up, or at least connive at and comply with such as have not taken the Covenant, yea, are known Enemies to it, and cry down such as are most zealous for it?
In this case, while in the Neighbour Kingdom, the staves of Beauty and Bands, Covenant & Brother-hood are broken by many, the home of Malignants and Sectaries exalted, the best affected born down, Reformation ebbing, Heresie and Schisme flowing; It can hardly be marvelled at by any Person of prudence and discretion, if we be full of such feares and apprehensions as use to be in those who dwell near a House set on fire, or a Family infected, especially being taught by the sad experience of these Prelatical times, how easily a Gangrene in the one half of this Island may spread through the whole; Knowing also the inveterate and insatiable malice of the Enemies of this Cause and Covenant against this Church and Kingdome; which we cannot be ignorant of, unlesse we would shut our eyes & stop our ears.
Our present purpose leadeth us to touch somewhat of the proceedings of the Army in _England_ this Summer, so far as Religion is therein concerned; As we are confident, divers have gone a long with them in the simplicity of their hearts, & we presume not to judge the thoughts & intentions of any, it being G.o.ds owne prerogative, to bring to light the hidden things of darknes, and to make manifest the counsels of the hearts; So it cannot be denied, that upon these pa.s.sages and proceedings hath followed the interrupting of the so much longed for Reformation of Religion, of the setling of Presbyteriall government, and of the suppressing of heresies and dangerous errors, (which works the Parliament had taken in hand) the r.e.t.a.r.ding and delaying the relief of _Ireland_, the sowing of the seeds of another War in _England_, the strengthning of the hand of the Malignant & Episcopall party, the weakning and wounding both of Magistracy and Ministery: In all which, whether the Army bee blamelesse and innocent, from ministring occasion to so great evils, or whether there be not cause for them to repent and do the first works, and to practise more of that love, moderation, and meeknesse of Spirit, and of that zeal against Malignants and Prelaticall persons, which they have from the beginning professed, and the want whereof (when suspected in others) they did so much censure; or whether there be such a thing among them, as adjoyning with those against whom, and against whose with whom the Covenant was taken; We leave them in all these to the search and examination of their own consciences, that they may stand or fall unto G.o.d. For our part, we cannot conceive how the Proposals of that Army for setling of a Peace, do in point of Religion consist with the solemn League and Covenant, or with the Propositions of peace, formerly agreed upon by both Kingdomes; there being so considerable omission of divers materiall desires contained in those former Propositions, concerning the abolition of Prelacy; concerning the injoyning of the taking of the Covenant by all his Majesties Subjects, under such penalties as the Parliaments should agree upon; concerning the setling of Religion in _England_ and _Ireland_, according to the Covenant, in such manner as both Houses of Parliament shall agree on, after advice had with the a.s.sembly of Divines, concerning the setling of uniformity between the Churches of G.o.d in both Kingdomes, according to the Covenant, in such manner as shall be agreed on by both Houses of the Parliament of _England_, and by the Church, and Kingdome of _Scotland_, after advice had with the Divines of both Kingdomes; Also concerning an Act of Parliament to confirm the calling and sitting of the a.s.sembly of Divines: All which, with some other particulars concerning Religion, expressed in the former Propositions, if they should now be omitted in the setling of a Peace, the progresse already made, not only in the a.s.sembly of Divines, but in the Houses of Parliament, in setling Presbyteriall Government, with the Confession of Faith, yea the Directory of publike Wors.h.i.+p (though agreed upon by the a.s.semblies and Parliaments of both Kingdomes) shall bee but so much lost labour. But beside these omissions it may be justly doubted whether there be not in the Proposals of the Army, somewhat for Episcopocy, and against the Covenant; For wee cannot understand the eleventh Proposall, in any other sense, but that it supposeth the continuance of the Ecclesiastical office of Bishops or Prelats, as well as of any other Church Officers, and taketh no more from the Prelats, but coercive power or jurisdiction extending to civil penalties, which indeed belongeth to no Ecclesisticall Officers. In the twelfth Proposall, wee do not see, how it can avoid or shun the toleration of Popery, Superst.i.tion, Heresie, Schisme, Profannesse, or whatsoever works of darknesse shall be practised by such as dispise the publicke Wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d in the Church, & have the most unlawful and wicked meetings else where under a profession of Religious duties, exercises or ordinances. From the thirteenth Proposall, we can make no other result, but that in stead of enjoyning the taking of the Covenant, under such penalties as the Parliaments in their wisdome shall agree upon, the former ordinance of Parliament enjoyning the taking of it, is desired to be repealed: and then what may bee the danger of those that have taken, or shall take an oath of that kinde, not enjoyned nor ratified by authority, wee leave it to be judged by those who know best the Lawes of that Kingdome.
One thing more wee Cannot, that whereas in the Armies Declaration, or Representation to the Parliament, dated June 14 1647. they mention their Brethren of _Scotland_ as having proceeded in the vindication and defence of their just rights and liberties, much higher then that Army hath done; Wee are necessitated to say this much for clearing of these proceedings in this Nation reflected upon: They of this Church and Kingdom who joyned together and a.s.sociated themselves in this Cause, first by humble Pet.i.tions, and afterwards by Covenant, were so far from slighting or breaking that Covenant which was taken, that it was the special visible character by which the friends of the Cause were distinguished from the enemies thereof and they were so far from crying down the Ministery and Ecclesiasticall a.s.semblies, or from disobeying any Orders or Commands of Parliament, that a Generall a.s.sembly of the Church, and a Parliament, were two chief Heads of their Pet.i.tions and desires, at that time when they had neither; And when they had obtained a Generall a.s.sembly and Parliament, they chearfully submitted to both respectively.
And now the dangers of Religion in this Illand being so great, as there hath been lately a Solemne Humilitation throughout this Land, upon occasion of these great and growing dangers; so we cannot but still look upon them as matters of frequent Prayer and Humiliation to our selves, as well as our Brethren in _England_, there being much sin in both Kingdomes procuring all this evill, and justly deserving these, and heavier judgements. And as wee desire in the first place to be humbled for our own sins, and the sins of this Nation, so we trust, our Brethren will bee willing to be put in minde of the necessity of their Humiliation and Repentance for the Nationall sins of the Kingdome; which wee shall wish rather to be sadly considered by them, then expressed by us. One thing wee are confident of, that G.o.d hath had a speciall controversie against his People of old for the sin of a broken Covenant, and unwillingnesse to bee Reformed and Purged according to the Word of the Lord; and that till their sinnes were acknowledged and repented, his controversie did not take an end.
And here is the wisdome and patience of the Saints, to choose affliction rather then iniquity, to do duety in the worst of times, and to trust G.o.d with events and in so doing, to hope to the end and wait upon the Lord, untill hee plead their cause and execute judgement for them: So shall they bee more purified and not made blacker (as, alas, some are) but whiter in times of tryall.
More particularly, wee do desire that Presbyteriall Government may be setled and put in practice through out that Kingdom, according to the Word of G.o.d, and example of the best Reformed Churches: for without this wee know no other proper and effectuall remedy against the present dangers of Religion there, or for purging the Church from scandals, which are destructive either to sound Doctrine, or to G.o.dlinesse: And herein we are confident, the experience of all the Reformed Churches will bear witnesse with us. Nor do we doubt but in _England_ also, time and experience will more and more commend, not only the beautifull order, but the great utility, yea, necessity of this Government, and dispell all the clouds of aspersions and prejudices which it lieth under among such as know it not, who ought therefore to beware of speaking evill of the things they understand not. Yet we would not have our zeal for Presbyteriall Government mis-understood, as if it tended to any rigour or domineering over the flock, or to hinder and exclude that instructing in meeknesse them that oppose themselves, which the Apostolicall rule holds forth; or as if wee would have any such to bee intrusted with that Government, as are found not yet purged, either from their old profannesse, or from the Prelaticall principles and practices which were but to put a piece of new cloath unto an old garment, and so to make the rent worse; or to put new wine into old bottles, and so to lose both wine and bottles. Yea who knows whether this may not be one of the causes, (and not the least) why the present Reformation succeeds the worse, even because of so little repentance, either for the profannesse, or Prelaticall errours and corruptions of divers who have acted in it: Neverthelesse, the right hand of fellows.h.i.+p is to bee given to all such as bring forth fruits meet for repentance, whatsoever their former errours of failings were. And to our great joy, we understand that there are many learned, able, G.o.dly, and prudent ministers in that Kingdome, fit to be imployed in that government, together with such able and pious men, as are to be joyned with them in the capacity of ruling Elders. It shall be a part of our prayers, that the Lord of the Harvest may send forth many more labourers in that Kingdome, where the Harvest is so great and the Labourers so few proportionably; and in the meane while, that such as he hath already thrust out, may not be unemployed, as to the point of discipline and Government.
Nor lastly, doth our zeal for the Covenant and Presbyteriall Government abate or diminish any thing at all from our Loyalty and Duety to the Kings Majesty, although Incendiaries and Enemies spare not to reproach this Church and Kingdome with Disloyaltie: Yet such calumnies will easily be repudiate by all who will examine the whole course of the publike proceedings in this Nation, in reference to the King, and particularly the Declaration of the Parliament of this Kingdome, dated _January 16. 1647_.
Wherefore pa.s.sing all such calumnies, whiche cannot but be hatefull to G.o.d and good Men, wee do clearly and candidly professe, That the Covenant and Presbyteriall Government are so far from hindering or excluding our duety to the King, that it is thereby very much strengthened and supported; for our giving to G.o.d what is G.o.ds doth not hinder us, but help us, to give unto Caesar what is Caesars. And wee earnestly wish his Majesties Royall Heart may bee graciously inclined to the just desires of his good Subjects in both Kingdomes, and to that happy settlement of Truth and Peace, Religion and Righteousnesse, which may be as well for the establishment of his own Throne, as for the good of his people.
Now the Prince of Peace Himself, grant his afflicted People, tossed with tempests and not comforted, a safe and wel-grounded Peace, bring light out of the present darknesse, and order out of all these confusions, give unto all who are waiting for the consolation of Israel _good hope through grace, comfort their hearts, stablish them in every good word and work_, make his Cause to triumph at last over all opposition, and the enemies foot to slide in due time, and so put a new Song of praise in the mouths of his people. Amen.
_24. August 1647. Antemeridiem._ Sess. 19.
_Act for observing the Directions of the Generall a.s.sembly for Secret and Private Wors.h.i.+p, and mutuall edification, and censuring such as neglect Familie Wors.h.i.+p._
The General a.s.sembly, after mature deliberation, doth approve the following Rules and Directions, for cheris.h.i.+ng Piety and preventing Division and Schisme, and doth appoint Ministers and Ruling Elders in each Congregation to take speciall care that these directions be observed and followed; As likewise that Presbyteries and Provincial Synods enquire and make tryall whether the saids Directions bee duely observed in their bounds, and to reprove or censure (according to the quality of the offence) such as shall bee found to be reproveable or censurable therein.
And to the end that these Directions may not be rendred ineffectuall and unprofitable among some through the usuall neglect of the very substance of the duty of Family Wors.h.i.+p, The a.s.sembly doth further require and appoint Ministers and Ruling Elders, to make diligent search and enquiry in the Congregations committed to their charge respectively, whether there bee among them any Family or Families which use to neglect this necessary duty; And if any such Family be found, the head of that Family is to be first admonished privately to amend this fault; And in case of his continuing therein, he is to be gravely and sadly reproved by the Session.
After which reproof, if he be found still to neglect Familie Wors.h.i.+p, Let him be for his obstinacy, in such an offence, suspended and debarred from the Lords Supper, as being justly esteemed unworthy to communicate therein till he amend.
_The Directions of the Generall a.s.sembly, for Secret and Private Wors.h.i.+p & mutuall edification, for cheris.h.i.+ng Piety, for maintaining Unitie, and avoiding Schisme and Division._
Besides the publike Wors.h.i.+p in Congregations, mercifully established in this Land, in great purity; It is expedient and necessary, that Secret Wors.h.i.+p of each person alone, and Private Wors.h.i.+p of Families be pressed and set up: That with Nationall Reformation the profession and power of G.o.dlinesse both Personall and Domestick bee advanced.
I. And first for Secret Wors.h.i.+p; It is most necessar, that every one apart and by themselves be given to Prayer and Meditation, The unspeakable benefit whereof is best known to them who are most exercised therein: This being the meane whereby in a special way communion with G.o.d is entertained, and right preparation for all other duties obtained; And therefore it becometh not onely Pastors, within their severall Charges, to presse Persons of all sorts to performe this dutie Morning and Evening, and at other occasions, but also it is inc.u.mbent to the head of every Family, to have a care that both themselves & all within their charge be daily diligent herein.
II. The ordinar duties comprehended under the exercise of Pietie, which should be in Families when they are conveened to that effect, are these: First, Prayer and Praises performed, with a speciall reference as well to the publike condition of the Kirk of G.o.d and this Kingdome, as to the present case of the Familie, and every member thereof. Next, Reading of Scriptures with Catechizing in a plaine way, that the understandings of the simpler may be the beter enabled to profit under the publike Ordinances, and they made more capable to understand the Scriptures when they are read? Together with G.o.dly conferences tending to the edification of all the members in the most holy faith: As also, admonition and rebuke upon just reasons from these who have Authority in the Familie.
III. As the Charge and Office of interpreting the holy Scriptures, is a part of the Ministeriall calling, which none (howsoever otherwise qualified) should take upon him in any place, but he that is duely called thereunto by G.o.d and his Kirk: So in every Familie where there is any that can read, The holy Scriptures should be read ordinarily to the Familie; And it is commendable that thereafter they confer, and by way of conference make some good use of what hath beene read and heard: As for example, if any sin be reproved in the Word read, use may bee made thereof, to make all the Familie circ.u.mspect and watchfull against the same; Or, if any judgement be threatned or mentioned to have beene inflicted in that Portion of Scripture which is read, use may bee made to make all the Familie fear, lest the same or a worse judgement befall them, unlesse they beware of the sin that procured it: And finally, if any duety be required, or comfort held forth in a promise, use may bee made to stirre up themselves to imploy Christ for strength to enable them for doing the commanded duty, and to apply the offered comfort; In all which the Master of the Familie is to have the chief hand, And any member of the Familie may propone ane question or doubt for resolution.
IV. The head of the Family is to take care that none of the Familie withdraw himself from any part of Familie Wors.h.i.+p: And seeing the ordinar performance of all the parts of Family wors.h.i.+p belongeth properly to the head of the Family, The Minister is to stirre up such as are lasie, and traine up such as are weak to a fitnesse for these exercises. It being alwayes free to persons of qualitie to entertain one approven by the Presbyterie for performing Familie Exercise; And in other families where the head of the Familie is unfit, that another constantly residing in the Familie approven by the Minister and Session, may be imployed in that service; Wherein the Minister and Session are to be countable to the Presbyterie. And if a Minister by divine providence bee brought to any Familie, It is requisite, that at no time he conveen a part of the Familie for Wors.h.i.+p secluding the rest; Except in singular cases, specially concerning these parties, which (in Christian prudence) need not, or ought not to bee imparted to others.
V. Let no Idler who hath no particular calling, or vagrant Person under pretence of a calling, be suffered to perform wors.h.i.+p in Families, to or for the same: Seeing persons tainted with errours or aiming at division, may be ready (after that manner) to creep into houses and lead captive silly and unstable souls.
VI. At Family Wors.h.i.+p a speciall care is to be had, that each Familie keep by themselves: Neither requiring, inviting, nor admitting persons from divers Families; Unlesse it be these who are lodged with them or at meal, or otherwise with them upon some lawfull occasion.
VII. Whatsoever hath been the effects and fruits of meetings of persons of divers Families in the times of corruption or trouble (in which cases many things are commendable, which otherwise are not tolerable), Yet when G.o.d hath blessed us with Peace and the purity of the Gospel, such meetings of persons of divers Families (except in the cases mentioned in these Directions) are to be disapproved, as tending to the hinderance of the Religious exercise of each Familie by it self, to the prejudice of the publike Ministery, to the renting of the Families of particular Congregations, and (in progresse of time) of the whole Kirk: besides many offences which may come thereby, to the hardning of the hearts of carnall men, and grief of the G.o.dly.
VIII. On the Lords Day, after every one of the Family apart, and the whole Family together have sought the Lord (in whose hands the preparation of mens hearts are) to fit them for the publicke Wors.h.i.+p, and to blesse to them the publike Ordinances; The Master of the Familie ought to take care that all within his charge repair to the publike Wors.h.i.+p, that he and they may joyne with the rest of the Congregation; And, the publike Wors.h.i.+p being finished, after prayer, he should take an account what they have heard, And thereafter to spend the rest of the time which they may spare, in Catechising and in spirituall conferences upon the Word of G.o.d; Or else (going apart) they ought to apply themselves to reading, meditation, and secret prayer, that they may confirme and increase their Communion with G.o.d; That so the profit which they found in the publike Ordinances may bee cherished and promoved, and they more edified unto eternall life.
IX. So many as can conceive prayer; ought to make use of that gift of G.o.d: Albeit these who are rude and weaker may begin at a set form of prayer; But so, as they bee not sluggish in stirring up in themselves (according to their daily necessities) the spirit of prayer, which is given to all the children of G.o.d in some measure. To which effect, they ought to bee the more fervent and frequent in secret prayer to G.o.d, for enabling of their hearts to conceive, and their tongues to expresse convenient desires to G.o.d for their Familie. And in the mean time, for their greater encouragement, let these materialls of prayer be meditated upon, and made use of, as followeth.
Let them confesse to G.o.d how unworthy they are to come in his presence, and unfit to wors.h.i.+p his Majesty; And therefore earnestly ask of G.o.d the spirit of prayer.
They are to confesse their sins, and the sins of the Family accusing, judging, and condemning themselves for them, till they bring their souls to some measure of true humiliation.
They are to pour out their souls to G.o.d, in the Name of Christ, by the spirit, for forgivinesse of sins, for Grace to repent, to believe, and to live soberly, righteously, and G.o.dly, and that they may serve G.o.d with joy and delight in walking before him.
They are to give thanks to G.o.d for his many mercies to his people, and to themselves, and especially for his love in Christ, and for the light of the Gospel.
They are to pray for such particular benefits, Spirituall and Temporall, as they stand in need of for the time, (whether it be Morning or Evening) as health or sicknesse, prosperitie or adversitie.
They ought to pray for the Kirk of Christ in general, for all the Reformed Kirks, and for this Kirk in particular, and for all that suffer for the Name of Christ for all our Superiours, The Kings Majesty, the Queene, and their Children, for the Magistrates, Ministers, and whole body of the Congregation whereof they are members, as well for their Neighbours absent in their lawfull affaires, as for those that are at home.
The prayer may be closed with an earnest desire, that G.o.d may be glorified in the comming of the Kingdome of his Son, and in the doing of his wil; And with a.s.surance that themselves are accepted, and what they have asked according to his will shall be done.
X. These exercises ought to be performed in great sinceritie without delay, laying aside all Exercises of worldly businesse or hinderances, Notwithstanding the mockings of Atheists, and profane men; In respect of the great mercies of G.o.d to this Land, and of his severe Corections wherewith lately he hath exercised us. And to this effect, persons of eminency (and all Elders of the Kirk) not onely ought to stir up themselves and their Families to diligence herein; But also to concurre effectually, that in all other Families, where they have Power and Charge, the said exercises be conscionably performed.
XI. Besides the ordinary duties in Families which are abovementioned, extraordinary duties both of humiliation and thanksgiving are to bee carefully performed in Families, when the Lord by extraordinary occasions (private or publike) calleth for them.
XII. Seeing the Word of G.o.d requireth, That wee should consider one another to provoke unto love and good works, Therefore, at all times, and specially in this time wherein profanitie abounds, and mockers walking after their own l.u.s.ts think it strange that others run not with them to the same excesse of riot, Every member of this Kirk ought to stir up themselves and one another to the duties of mutuall Edification, by instruction, admonition, rebuke, exhorting one another to manifest the Grace of G.o.d, in denying unG.o.dlinesse and worldly l.u.s.ts, and in living G.o.dly, soberly, and righteously in this present world, by comforting the the feeble minded, and praying with, or, for one another; Which duties respectively are to be performed upon speciall occasions offered by divine providence; As namely, when under any calamity, crosse, or great difficultie, counsel or comfort is sought, Or when an offender is to bee reclaimed by private admonition, and if that bee not effectuall, by joyning one or two more in the admonition, according to the rule of Christ; that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
XIII. And because it is not given to every one to speak a word in season to a wearied or distressed conscience, It is expedint, that a person (in that case) finding no ease after the use of all ordinary means private and publike, have their addresse to their own Pastour, or some experienced Christian, But, if the person troubled in conscience be of that condition, or of that s.e.x, that discretion, modestie of fear of scandall, requireth a G.o.dly grave and secret friend to be present with them in their said addresse, It is expedient that such a friend be present.
XIV. When persons of divers Families are brought together by divine providence, being abroad upon their particular Vocations, or any necessary occasions, As they would have the Lord their G.o.d with them whithersoever they go, they ought to walk with G.o.d, and not neglect the duties of Prayer and Thanksgiving, but take care that the same be performed by such as the company shall judge fittest: And that they likewise take heed that no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouth, but that which is good, to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.
The drift and scope of all these Directions is no other, but that upon the one part, the power and practice of G.o.dlinesse among all the Ministers and Members of this Kirk, according to their severall places and vocations, may be cherished and advanced, and all impietie and mocking of Religious Exercises suppressed; And upon the other part, that under the name and pretext of Religious Exercises; no such meetings or practices be allowed, as are apt to breed Error, Scandall, Schisme, contempt or mis-regard of the publike Ordinances and Ministers, or neglect of the duties of particular Callings, or such other evils as are the works not of the Spirit but of the Flesh, and are contrary to Truth and Peace.
_Act against such as withdraw themselves from the publike Wors.h.i.+p in their own Congregation._
Since it hath pleased G.o.d of his infinite goodnesse to blesse his Kirk within this Nation, with the riches of the Gospel, in giving to us his Ordinances in great purity, liberty, and withall, a comely and well-established order: The a.s.sembly, in the zeal of G.o.d, for preserving Order, Unitie and Peace in the Kirk, for maintaining the respect which is due to the Ordinances and Ministers of Jesus Christ, for preventing Schisme, noisome Errours, and all unlawfull Practices, which may follow on the Peoples withdrawing themselves from their own Congregations, Doth charge every Minister to bee diligent in fulfilling his Ministerie, to be holy and grave in his conversation, to be faithfull in Preaching, declaring the whole counsell of G.o.d, and as he hath occasion from the Text of Scripture to reprove the sins and errours, and presse the duties of the time; and in all those, to observe the rules prescribed by the Acts of a.s.sembly; wherein if he be negligent, he is to be censured by his own Presbytery. As also Ordains every Member in every Congregation to keep their own Paroch Kirk, to communicate there in the Word and Sacraments; And if any person or Persons shall hereafter usually absent themselves from their own Congregations, except in urgent cases made known to, and approven by the Presbytery, The Ministers of these Congregations whereto they resort, shall both in publike by Preching, and in private admonition, shew their dislike of their withdrawing from their own Minister; That in so doing, they may witnesse to all that heare them, their due care to Strengthen the hands of their fellow labourers in the work of the Lord, and their detestation of any thing that may tend to separation, or any of the abovementioned evils; Hereby their own Flock will be confirmed in their stedfastnesse, and the unstable spirits of others will be rectified.
Likeas the Minister of that Congregation from which they do withdraw, shall labour first by private admonition to reclaim them; And if any after private admonition given by their own Pastour do not amend, in that case the Pastour shall delate the foresaid persons to the Session, who shall cite and censure them as contemners of the comely order of the Kirk; And if the matter be not taken order with there, It is to bee brought to the Presbytery: For the better observing whereof, the Presbyteries at the Visitation of their severall Kirks, and Provincial a.s.semblies, in their censure of the several Presbyteries, shall enquire hereanent: Which inquirie and report shall be registrate in the Provincial Books, that their diligence may be seen in the General a.s.sembly.
The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 34
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