The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 35
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_26. August 1647. Postmeridiem._ Sess. 22.
_Approbation of the preceedings of the Commission of the preceeding a.s.sembly._
The General a.s.sembly after mature deliberation do ratifie and approve the whole Acts and Conclusions of the Commissionners of the preceeding a.s.sembly for publike affaires now tryed and examined; Declaring that they have proceeded therein with much zeal, wisdome, vigilance, and according to ther Commission.
_27. August 1647. Antemeridiem._ Sess. 23.
_Approbation of the Confession of Faith._
A Confession of Faith for the Kirks of G.o.d in the three Kingdomes, being the chiefest part of that Uniformity in Religion which by the solemne League and Covenant we are bound to endeavour; And there being accordingly a Confession of Faith agreed upon by the a.s.sembly of Divines sitting at _Westminster_, with the a.s.sistance of Commissioners from the Kirk of _Scotland_; Which Confession was sent from our Commissioners at _London_ to the Commissioners of the Kirk met at _Edinburgh_ in _January_ last, hath been in this a.s.sembly twice publikely read over, examined and considered; Copies thereof being also Printed, that it might be particularly perused by all the Members of this a.s.sembly, unto whom frequent intimation was publikely made, to put in their doubts and objections if they had any; And the said Confession being upon due examination thereof found by the a.s.sembly to bee most agreable to the Word of G.o.d, and in nothing contrary to the received Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline, and Government of this Kirk. And lastly, it being so necesary and so much longed for, That the said Confession be with all possible diligence and expedition approved and established in both Kingdoms, as a part of the intended Uniformity in Religion, and as a special means for the more effectual suppressing of the many dangerous errours and heresies of these times; The General a.s.sembly doth therefore after mature diliberation agree unto and approve the said Confession as to the truth of the matter (judging it to be most orthodox and grounded upon the Word of G.o.d) and also as to the point of Uniformity. Agreeing for our part that it be a common Confession of Faith for the three Kingdomes. The a.s.sembly doth also blesse the Lord; and thankfully acknowledge his great mercy, in that so excellent a Confession of Faith is prepared, and thus far agreed upon in both Kingdomes; which we look upon as a great strengthning of the true Reformed Religion against the common enemies thereof. But lest our intention and meaning be in some particulars misunderstood, It is hereby expresly Declared and Provided, that the not mentioning in this Confession the several sort of Ecclesiastical Officers and a.s.semblies, shall be no prejudice to the Truth of Christ in these particulars to be expressed fully in the Directory of Government. It is further Declared, that the a.s.sembly understandeth some parts of the second Article of the thirty one Chapter, only of Kirks not settled or const.i.tuted in point of Government, And that although in such Kirks, a Synod of Ministerrs and other fit persons may be called by the Magistrates authority and nomination without any other Call, to consult and advise with about matters of Religion; And although likewise the Ministers of Christ without delegation from their Churches, may of themselves, and by vertue of their Office meet together Synodically in such Kirks not yet const.i.tuted; Yet neither of these ought to be done in Kirks const.i.tuted and setled: It being always free to the Magistrate to advise with Synods of Ministers and ruling Elders meeting upon delegation from their Churches, either ordinarly, or being indicted by his Authority occasionally and _pro re nata_; It being also free to a.s.semble together Synodically, as well _pro re nata_, as at the ordinary times upon delegation from the Churches, by the intrinsical power received from Christ, as often as it is necessary for the good of the Church so to a.s.semble, in case the Magistrate to the detriment of the Church withhold or deny his consent, the necessity of occasionall a.s.semblies being first remonstrate unto him by humble supplication.
_Edinburgh 28. August 1647. Postmeridiem._ Sess. 25.
_Act for revising the Paraphrase of the Psalmes brought from_ England, _with a recommendation for Translating the other Scriptuall Songs in Meeter._
The General a.s.sembly having considered the report of the Committee, concerning the Paraphrase of the Psalmes sent from _England_: And finding that it is very necessary, that the said Paraphrase be yet revised; Therefore doth appoint Master _John Adamson_ to examine the first fourty Psalmes, Master _Thomas Craufurd_ the second fourty, Master _John Row_ the third fourty, and Master _John Nevey_ the last thirty Psalms of that Paraphrase; and in their Examination they shall not only observe what they think needs to be amended, but also to set downe their own essay for correcting thereof; And for this purpose recommends to them, to make use of the travels of _Rowallen_, Master _Zachary Boyd_, or of any other on that subject, but especially of our own Paraphrase, that what they find better in any of these Works may be chosen: and likewise they shall make use of the animadversions sent from Presbyteries, who for this cause are hereby desired to hasten their observations unto them; And they are to make report of their labours herein to the Commission of the a.s.sembly for publike affaires against their first meeting in _February_ next: And the Commission after revising thereof, shall send the same to Provincial a.s.semblies, to bee transmitted to Presbyteries, that by their further consideration, the matter may be fully prepared to the next a.s.sembly: And because some Psalmes in that Paraphrasie sent from _England_ are composed in verses which do not agree with the Common-tunes, Therefore it is also recommended that these Psalms be likewise turned in other verses which may agree to the Common-tunes, that is, having the first line of eight syllabs, and the second line of six, that so both versions being together, use may bee made of either of them in Congregations as shall bee found convenient: And the a.s.sembly doth further recommend, That M. _Zachary Boyd_ be at the paines to translate the other Scriptural Songs in meeter, and to report his travels also to the Commission of a.s.sembly, that after their Examination thereof, they may send the same to Presbyteries to be there considered untill the next Generall a.s.sembly.
_Act recommending the execution of the Act of Parliament at Perth, for uplifting pecuniall paines to bee imployed upon pious uses, and of all Acts of Parliament made against excommunicate Persons._
The Generall a.s.sembly doth seriously Recommend and Ordain That Presbyteries diligently endeavour, that the ninth Act of the Parliament holden at _Perth, Anno 1645._ Concerning the uplifting of pecunial paines to bee imployed upon pious uses, may bee put to due execution within their several bounds; And also that the Acts of Parliament against excommunicate Persons, especially the twentieth Act of Parliament in March last, be also carefully execute: And that they cause use all diligence to that effect, and account hereof shall be required in Provinciall and Generall a.s.semblies.
_Ult. August 1647. Antemeridiem._ Sess. 26.
_Act discharging the importing, venting or spreading of erronious Books or Papers._
The General a.s.sembly considering how the errours of Independency and Separation (have in our Neighbour Kingdome of _England_) spread as a Gangraen, and do daily eat as a Canker; In so much that exceeding many Errours. Heresies, Schismes, and Blaspemies, have issued therefrom, and sheltered thereby; And how possible it is, for the same evils to invade, and overspread this Kirk and Kingdome, (lying within the same Island) by the spreading of their erronious Books, Pamphlets, Lybels, and Letters, and by conversing with them that are infected with these errours, except the same bee timeously prevented; Doe therefore, in the Name of G.o.d, Inhibit and Discharge all Members of this Kirk and Kingdome, to converse with Persons tainted with such errours; Or to import, sell, spread, vent, or disperse such erronious Books or Papers: But that they beware of, and abstain from Books maintaineing Independencie or Separation, and from all Antinomian, Anabaptisticall, and other erronious Books, and Papers; Requiring all Ministers to warne their flocks against such Bookes in generall, and particularly such as are most plausible, insinuating, and dangerous: And to try carefully from time to time if any such Bookes be brought into this Countrey from _England_, or from byond Seas (which is especially recommended to Ministers on Sea Coasts, or Towns where any Stationers are) and if any shall be found, to present the same to the Presbyterie, that some course may be taken to hinder the dispersing thereof: And hereby all Presbyteries, and Synods, are ordained to try and Processe such as shall transgresse against the premisses or any part of the same. And the a.s.sembly also doth seriously recommend to Civill Magistrates, that they may be pleased to be a.s.sisting to Ministers and Presbyteries in execution of this Act, and to concurre with their authority in every thing to that effect.
_Act for debarring of Complyers in the first from Ecclesiastick office._
The Generall a.s.sembly Declares and Ordaines, That no Person who is guilty of Compliance in the first mentioned in the Act of the preceeding a.s.sembly, shall bee received in any Ecclesiasticall charge, untill the evidence of his repentance before the Presbyterie and Congregation be reported to the Synode to which he belongs, and to the Generall a.s.sembly, and their consent obtained for his bearing office. And if any such Person be already received unto the Elders.h.i.+p of any particular Congregation, yet he shall not be admitted to be a Member of any Presbyterie, Synode, or Generall a.s.semblie, untill (upon the evidence of his repentance) the consent and approbation of these judicatories respectively bee obtained thereto.
_Act for pressing and furthering the plantation of Kirks._
The Generall a.s.sembly considering how the Work of Provision, Plantation, convenient Dividing, Dismembring, better uniting or enlarging of Parish Kirks is. .h.i.therto foreslowed, to the great prejudice of many Ministers, many good People, and hinderance of the Work of Reformation; Doth therefore Ordaine, That all Presbyteries have speciall care that the present opportunity bee diligently improved by all their Members, as need is, before the Commission for Plantation of Kirks, as they would not be found censurable for neglect. And that every Presbytery send in to the next Generall a.s.sembly the names of all their Parishes, with declaration which of them have Ministers, which not, what is the largenesse of the bounds, commodious or incommodious situation of each Parish Kirk, what is the number of Communicants, what Kirks are under Patrons, what not, who are the severall Patrons, what is the nature and quant.i.tie of the present provision, or possible ground of further provision for competent Maintence, where the same is not sufficiently provided already: As also, what Parishes are united or disunited or bettered already, and in what measure by the said Commission, that the Generall a.s.sembly being acquaint therewith, may doe accordingly both for censuring Neglecters, and finding out Overtures for better furtherance of the Work for time to come.
Moreover it is hereby Ordained, That the next ensuing Provinciall Synodes, crave account of the severall Presbyteries their diligence, And presse that they have it ready in writ to present to the Provinciall Synodes in April next to come, that so all may be in readinesse and the full account made at the next General a.s.sembly.
_Act for censuring absents from the Generall a.s.sembly._
The Generall a.s.sembly considering the absence of many Commissioners in this and other preceeding a.s.semblies, and that many of those present have gone from the a.s.sembly before the dissolving thereof: Therefore, for remedie hereof in time coming Doth Ordaine, that hereafter Every Commissioner from Presbyteries and Universities who shall be absent from the a.s.sembly without a reasonable excuse notified to the a.s.sembly, Or who being present shall goe from the a.s.sembly before the dissolving thereof without a licence, shall be suspended by the a.s.sembly untill the Provinciall Synode next thereafter following.
_Renovation of former Acts of a.s.sembly for Triall and Admission of Expectants to the Ministrie._
The Generall a.s.sembly, doth hereby renew and confirme all former Acts and Ordinances for triall and admission of Expectants to the Ministery; Especially the Articles thereanentt allowed by the Generall a.s.sembly 1596, and approven in the a.s.semblie at _Glasgow_ 1638. The thirteenth Article concerning the age of intrants to the Ministery and the twentie fourth Article concerning the triall of Expectants, Of an Act of the said a.s.sembly at _Glasgow_, Sess. 23 And the Act of the a.s.sembly at St _Andrews_ 1642. Sess. 7, concerning Lists for presentations from the King, and the trial of Expectants, &c. Ordaining Presbyteries to observe the same carefully in all time coming.
_Eodem die_, Sess. 28. _Postmeridiem._
_Renovation of the Commission for prosecuting the Treaty for Uniformity in_ England.
The Generall a.s.sembly, Taking to their consideration that the Treaty of Uniformity in Religion in all his Majesties Dominions is not yet perfected; Therefore, Renews the Power and Commission granted by preceeding a.s.semblies for prosecuting that Treaty, unto the Persons afternamed, _viz._ Master _Robert Douglas_ Master _Samuel Rutherford_, Master _Robert Baillie_, Master _George Gillespie_, Ministers: And _John_ Earle of Lauderdaill, _John_ Lord Balmerino, and Sir _Archibald Johnstoun_ of Waristoun Elders; Authorizing them with full Power to prosecute the said Treaty of Uniformity with the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of _England_, and the Reverend a.s.sembly of Divines there, or any Committees appointed by them: And to doe all and every thing which may advance, perfit, and bring that Treaty to an happy conclusion, conforme to the Commissions given thereanent.
_Renovation of the Commission for the publike affaires of the Kirk._
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