The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 36

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The Generall a.s.sembly taking to their consideration, that in respect the great Work of Uniformity in Religion in all his Majesties Dominions is not yet perfected, (though by the Lords blessing there is a good progresse made in the same) there is a necessity of renewing the Commissions granted formerly for prosecuting and perfecting that great Work; Doe therefore renew the Power and Commission granted for the publike Affaires of the Kirk by the Generall a.s.smblies held in St. _Andrews_ 1642. and at _Edinburgh_ 1643. 1644. 1645. and 1646. unto the Persons following, _viz._ Masters, _Alexander, Samuel Douglas, Robert Knox, William Penman, James Guthrie, Robert Cuninghame, David Fletcher, Robert Lawder, Andrew Stevenson, Robert Davidson, David Calderwood, James Fleming, Robert Ker, James Fairlie, Oliver Colt, Patrick Sibbald, Andrew Ramsay, John Adamson, Robert Douglas, William Colvill, George Gillespe, Mungo Law, Andrew Fairfoul, George Lesly, Robert Lawrie, Alexander Spittle, Alexander d.i.c.kson, John Hay, Thomas Va.s.sie, Ephraim Melvill, Patick Scheill, Alexander Simmervail, George Bennet, Alexander Levingstoun, Robert Murray, Alexander Rollock, William Menzies, Alexander Ireland, John Friebairn, George Murray, Henrie Guthrie, William Justice, Robert Wright, Henrie Livingstoun, James Hammiltoun, George Gladstanes, Bernard Sanderson, Andrew Lawder, George Rutherfurd, John Levingston, George Hutheson, John Bell, Heugh Mackaile, John Nevey, Matthew Brisbane, John Hammiltoun, Allan Ferguson, David d.i.c.kson, Zachary Boyd, Robert Ramsay, Robert Bailie, James __ Nesmith, Francis Aird, Robert Birnie, Thomas Kirkaldie, Evan Cameron, Robert Blair, Coline Adam, George Hammiltoun, Samuel Rutherford, Alexander Colvill, John Ramsay, James Martein, William Levingstoun, Thomas Melvill, John Smith, Fredrick Carmichaell, Patrick Gillespie, Alexander Moncreif, John Duncan, James Sibbald, Walter Bruce, George Pittillo, Andrew Affleck, John Barclay, Thomas Peirson, William Rait, David Srachan, Andrew Cant, William Douglas, John Forbes, George Sharp, William Chalmer, Joseph Brodie, Alexander Simmer, Gillbert Anderson, William Smith_ Ministers; And _Archibald_ Marques of Argile, _John_ Earle of Crawford, _Alexander_ E. of Eglintoun, _William_ E. of Glencairne, _John_ E. of Ca.s.sils, _James_ E. of Home, _James_ E. of Tullibairdine, _Francis_ E. of Bukeleuch, _John_ E. of Lawderdaill, _William_ E. of Lothian, _James_ E. of Finlatour, _William_ E. of Lanerk, _James_ Earle of Callendar, _Archibald_ Lord Angus, _George_ L. Brichen, _John_ L. Yester, _John_ L. Balmerino, _James_ L. Cowper, _John_ Lord Bargenie, Sir _Archibald Johnstoun_ of Waristoun, Sir _John Hope_ of Craighall, _Arthur Areskine_ of Scotiscraig, _Alexander Fraser_ of Phillorth, _Frederick Lyon_ of Brigtoun, _James Mackdougall_ of Garthland, Sir _William c.o.c.kburne_ of Langton, Sir _Andrew Ker_ of Greinheid, Sir _Heugh Campbell_ of Cesnock, Sir _James Levingstoun_ of Kilsyth, Sir _Thomas Ruthven_ of _Freeland_, Sir _Gilbert Ramsay_ of Balmayne, _John Henderson_ of Fordell, _Walter Dundas_ younger of that ilk, Sir _William Scot_ younger of Harden, Sir _Lodovick Gordoun_, Master _George Winthame_ of Libertoun, _Alexander Levingstoun_ of Saltcoats, _John Birsbane_ of Bishoptoun, Sir _Robert Douglas_ of Tilliquhillie, _James Pringle_ of Torwoodlie, Sir _Iames Nicolsone_ of Colbrandspath, _William Ker_ of Newtoun, _William Forbes_ younger of Lesly, _John Kennedy_ of Carmucks, _Robert Arburthnot_ of Findowrie, _Alexander Brodie_ of Letham, Master _Robert Narne_ younger of Strathurd, Master _James Schoneir_ of Caskeberrie, _James Ruchheid, Lawrence Hendersone, James Stewart, David Douglas, John Jaffray, George Porterfield, John Semple, John Kennedy, William Glendinning_, Master _John Cowan, John Mill_ Elders: Giving unto them full Power and Commission, to doe all and every thing for prosecuting, advancing, perfecting, and bringing the said Work of Uniformity in Religion in all his Majesties Dominions to a happy conclusion, conform to the former Commissions granted by preceding a.s.semblies thereanent. And to that effect, Appoints them or any seventeene of them, whereof thirteene shall bee Ministers, to meet heer in this City in the afternoone at four hours, and thereafter upon the last Wednesdayes of November, February, and May next, and upon any other day, and in any other place they shall think fit. Renewing also to the Persons before named, the Power contained in the Act of the a.s.sembly 1643. int.i.tuled, _A reference to the Commission anent the Persons designed to repaire to the Kingdome of England_; As likewise the Power contained in the Act of a.s.semblie 1644. Sess. 6. for sending Ministers to the Armie. And further, in case Dilinquents have no constant residence in any one Presbyterie; Or if Presbyteries be negligent or overawed, in these cases, The a.s.semblie gives to the Persons before named, full power of censuring Complyers and Persons disaffected to the Covenant according to the Acts of a.s.semblie; Declaring always and Providing, that Ministers shall not bee deposed but in one of the Quarterly meetings of this Commission; With full power to them to treat and determine in the matters aforesaid, and in all other matters referred unto them by this a.s.semblie, as fully and freely as if the same were here particularly expressed, and with as ample power as any Commission of any former Generall a.s.semblies hath had, or been in use of before; They being alwayes for their whole proceedings countable to, and censurable by the next Generall a.s.sembly.

_Desires and Overtures from the Commissioners of Universities, and the a.s.semblies answer thereto._

1. The Commissioners of Universities represents to the a.s.sembly: First, That the Overtures of the a.s.sembly 1643. for the visitation of Schools and advancement of Learning are very much neglected.

_The a.s.sembly recommends to Synodes to take account of the observation of these Overtures._

2. That it were good to exhort all the Universities, to be careful to take account of all their Schollers on the Sabbathday of the Sermons, and of their lessons or the Catechisme.

_The a.s.sembly approves this Overture, and recommends accordingly._

3. That all the Universities bee exhorted to send their commissioners instructed with answers to the Overtures agreed upon by the Commissioners of Universities, and which from this meeting or their Commissioners shall bee communicate to them, and this to bee when their Commissioners come in Februar or March to the Commission of the Kirk.

_The a.s.semblie reccommends to Universities to bee carefull hereof._

4. That the Overtures concerning the providing of Bursars for Divinity be recommended to Presbyteries and Synodes, and that they report their diligence to the next a.s.sembly.

_The a.s.sembly allowes this Article, and recommends accordingly._

_Edinburgh 1. September 1647._ Sess. Ult.

_The a.s.semblies Letter to their Countreymen in_ Poleland, Swedland, Denmarke, _and_ Hungarie.

_Unto the Scots Merchants and others our Countrey People scattered in_ Poleland, Swedland, Denmark, _and_ Hungary; _The General a.s.sembly of the Kirk of_ Scotland _wisheth Grace Mercy & Peace from G.o.d our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ._

Although this Kirk of _Scotland_, whiles spoiled of her Liberties under the Prelatical tyrannie, had much difficultie and wrestling to preserve the true reformed Religion from being quite extinguished among ourselves; yet since the mighty & out-stretched arme of the Lord our G.o.d hath brought us out of that _Egypt_, and hath restored to us well const.i.tuted and free national Synods, It hath been our desire and endeavour to set forward the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and the purity of his Ordinances, not only throughout this Nation, but in other parts also so far as G.o.d gave us a call and opportunity and opened a way unto us. And among other things of this nature we have more particularly taken into our serious thoughts the sad and lamentable condition of many thousands of you our Country-men who are scattered abroad as sheepe having no shepherd, and are through the want of the meanes of knowledge grace and salvation, exposed to the greatest spirituall dangers, whether through ignorance or through manifold tentations to errors and false Religions, or through the occasions and snares of sinne.

Wee have therefore thought it inc.u.mbent to us to put you in minde of the one thing necessary, while you are so carefull and troubled about the things of the world. And although we do not disallow your going abroad to follow any lawfull calling or way of lively hood, yet seeing it cannot profit a man although he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul, and seeing you have travelled so farre, and taken so much pains to get uncertain riches which cannot deliver in the day of the wrath of the Lord, and which men know not who shall inherit; We doe from our affection to the salvation of your immortall souls most earnestly beseech and warn you to cry after knowledge and lift up your voyce for understanding, seeking her as silver, and searching for her as for hid treasures, and so play the wise Merchants in purchasing the Pearl of Price, and in laying up a sure foundation for the time to come, by acquainting your souls with Jesus Christ, and by faith taking hold of him whose free grace is now offered and held out to sinners, excluding none among all the kindreds of the earth who will come unto him. G.o.d forbid that you should let slip the time and offers of grace, or neglect any warning of this kinde sent to you in the name of the Lord. We shall hope better things of you, and that knowing the acceptable time and the day of salvation will not alwayes last, but the Lord Jesus is to be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not G.o.d and obey not the Gospel, you will the rather bestirre your selves timely and with all diligence to seek the Lord while he may bee found, to endeavour that you may have among you the ordinary means of grace and salvation, to pray that G.o.d would give you Pastors according to his heart, who shall feede you with knowledge and understanding, to consult also and agree among your selves with consent of your Superiors under whom you live (whose favour and good will we trust will not be wanting to you in so good and necessary a work) for setting up the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d and Ecclesiasticall Discipline among you according to the form established and received in this your mother Kirk, and for a way of settled maintenance to Pastors and Teachers, Which if you do, our Commissioners appointed to meet from time to time in the intervall betwixt this and the next Nationall a.s.sembly, will bee ready (upon your desire made known to them) to provide some able and G.o.dly Ministers for you, as likewise to communicate to you our Directory for the publike wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d, and our form of Ecclesiastical Government and Discipline; together with the Confession of Faith and Catechisme.

And in the meane time we exhort you that you neglect not the Wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d in secret and in your families, and that ye continue stedfast in the Profession of that faith in which yee were baptised, and by a G.o.dly, righteous, and sober conversation adorn the Gospel; and with all, that distance of place make you not the lesse sensible of your Countries sufferings, both in respect of the just judgements of G.o.d for the sinnes of the land, and in respect of the malice of Enemies for the Common Cause & Covenant of the three Kingdoms, of which happie conjunction, notwithstanding we do not repent us, but by the grace of G.o.d shall continue faithful and steadfast therein.

This Letter wee have thought fit to bee Printed and published, that it may be with the greater ease and conveniency conveyed to the many several places of your habitation or traffique. Consider what we have said, and the Lord give you understanding in all things. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.

_Edinburgh, August 31. 1647._

Subscribed in name of the Generall a.s.sembly of the Kirk of Scotland

_Mr Robert Dougla.s.se_ Moderator.

_Act concerning the Hundred and eleven Propositions therein mentioned._

Being tender of so great an ingagement by Solemn Covenant, sincerely, really, and constantly to endeavour in our Place, and Callings, the preservation of the Reformed Religion in this Kirk of _Scotland_, in Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline, and Government, the Reformation of Religion in the Kingdomes of _England_, and _Ireland_, in Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline, and Government, according to the Word of G.o.d, and the example of the best Reformed Kirks, and to endeavour the nearest Conjunction and Uniformity in all these, together with the extirpation of Heresie, Schisme, and whatsoever shall bee found contrary to sound Doctrine: And considering withall that one of the speciall meanes which it becometh us in our Places and Callings to use in pursuance of these ends, is in zeal for the true Reformed Religion, to give our publike testimony against the dangerous Tenents of _Erastianisme_, _Independencie_, and which is falsely called _Liberty of Conscience_, which are not only contrary to sound Doctrine, but more speciall lets and hinderances, as well to the preservation of our own received Doctrine, Wors.h.i.+p, Discipline, and Government, as to the Work of Reformation and Uniformity in _England_ and _Ireland_. The Generall a.s.sembly (M2) upon these considerations, having heard publikely read the CXI following Propositions exhibited and tendered by some Brethren, who were appointed to prepare Articles or Propositions for the vindication of the Trueth in these particulars, Doth unanimously approve & agree unto these eight generall Heads of Doctrine therein contained and a.s.serted, _viz._ 1. That the Ministery of the Word and the Administration of the Sacraments of the New Testament, Baptisme and the Lords Supper, are standing Ordinances inst.i.tuted by G.o.d himself to continue in the Church to the end of the World. 2. That such as Administer the Word and Sacraments, ought to be duely called and ordained thereunto.

3. That some Ecclesiasticall censures are proper and peculiar to be inflicted onely upon such as bear Office in the Kirk; Other censures are common and may bee inflicted both on Ministers and other Members of the Kirk. 4. That the censure of suspension from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, inflicted because of grosse ignorance, or because of a scandalous life and conversation, As likewise the censure of Excommunication or calling out of the Kirk flagitious or contumacious offenders, both the one censure and the other is warranteble by and grounded upon the Word of G.o.d, and is necessary (in respect of divine inst.i.tution) to be in the Kirk. 5.

That as the Rights, Power, and Authority of the Civill Magistrate are to bee maintained according to the Word of G.o.d, and the Confessions of the Faith of the Reformed Kirks; So it is no lesse true and certaine, that Jesus Christ, the onely Head and onely King of the Kirk, hath inst.i.tuted and appointed a Kirk Government distinct from the Civill Government or Magistracie. 6: That the Ecclesiastical Government is committed and intrusted by Christ to the a.s.semblies of the Kirk, made up of the Ministers of the Word and Ruling Elders. 7. That the lesser and inferiour Ecclesiasticall a.s.semblies, ought to bee subordinate and subject unto the greater and superiour a.s.semblies. 8. That notwithstanding hereof, the Civill Magistrate may and ought to suppresse by corporall or Civill punishments, such as by spreading Errour or Heresie, or by fomenting Schisme greatly dishonour G.o.d, dangerously hurt Religeon and disturbe the Peace of the Kirk. Which Heads of Doctrine (howsoever opposed by the authors and fomenters of the foresaid errours respectively) the Generall a.s.sembly doth firmely beleeve, own, maintaine, and commend unto others, as Solide, True, Orthodoxe, grounded upon the Word of G.o.d, consonant to the judgement both of the ancient and the best Reformed Kirk; And because this a.s.sembly (through the mult.i.tude of other necessary and pressing bussinesse) cannot now have so much leisure, as to examine and consider particularly the foresaid CXI. Propositions; Therefore, a more particular examination thereof is committed and referred to the Theologicall faculties in the four Universities of this Kingdome, and the judgement of each of these faculties concerning the same, is appointed to bee reported to the next Generall a.s.sembly. In the meane while, these Propositions shall bee Printed, both that Copies thereof may bee sent to Presbyteries, and that it may be free for any that pleaseth to peruse them, and to make known or send their judgement concerning the same to the said next a.s.sembly.

_Desires and Overtures presented from Presbyteries and Synods, with the a.s.semblies answer thereunto._

It is humbly presented to the a.s.sembly, that the children of many of the ordinary beggars want baptisme, Themselves also living in great vilenesse, and therefore desire that some remedie may be provided for these abuses.

_The a.s.sembly doth seriously recommend to Presbyteries to consider of the best remedies, and to report their opinions to the next a.s.sembly._

That all Students of Philosophie at their entry and at their Lawreation, bee holden to subscribe the League and Covenant and be urged thereto, and all other Persons as they come to age and discretion before their first receiving the Sacrament of the Lords Supper.

_The a.s.sembly approves this Overture._

Whereas divers Ministers want Mansses and Gleebs, and others have their Gleeb so divided in parcells, or lying so Farre from their Charges the Ministers are thereby much prejudged; We desire that this Generall a.s.sembly will recommend it to bee helped by the Parliament, or Committee for planting of Kirks, in the best manner that their Lords.h.i.+ps can advise.

Whereas divers Kirks were incommodiously united in corrupt times, we desire that the same be now dismembered and adjoyned to other Kirks, or erected in Kirks by themselves alone, and when the present inc.u.mbents agrees thereto, we desire the same to bee recommend to the Parliament and Committee for plantation of Kirks, Provided alwayes, that the present Ministers who have laboured and indured the heat of day, may enjoy the benefit of such parcells as are taken from them during their life.

_The a.s.sembly doth approve these two Articles, and Recommends to the Commissioners for publike Affaires to a.s.sist any interested in the particulars for prosecuting the same before the Honourable Estates of Parliament, or the Commission appointed by them for plantation of Kirks._

The Generall a.s.sembly, Doe yet againe recommend to Presbyteries and Provinciall a.s.semblies, to consider all matters formerly referred unto them by preceding a.s.semblies, and desires that their opinions concerning the same, be reported in writ to the next Generall a.s.sembly.

_It is this day appointed, that the next Generall a.s.sembly shall meet at_ Edinburgh _the second Wednesday of July 1648._

A. Ker.


Iuly 12. 1648. _Post meridiem,_ Sess. 1.

_The Letter from the Synod of Divines in_ England _to the Generall a.s.sembly._

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Part 36

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