Myths of Greece and Rome Part 30

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Drep'a-num. Land visited by AEneas, where Anchises died, 365.

Dry'a-des. Plant nymphs, supposed to watch over vegetation, 297.

Dry'o-pe. Princess changed into a tree, 298-300.

Dull'ness. Obscure deity put to flight by Minerva, 55, 57.

Earth. AEther and Hemera create the, 13; divisions of the, 15; realm of the, 25; the mother of all, 38; oath by the, 172; Antaeus, son of the, 228; significance, 398.

E'cho. Nymph who pined for love of Narcissus; changed to a voice, 118, 119; answers Cephalus, 71; mocks Ariadne, 179.

Egg. Earth hatched from a mythical, 15.

E'gypt. G.o.ds take refuge in, 24; Io takes refuge in, 136; Menelaus and Helen detained in, 336.

E-lec'tra. Daughter of Agamemnon; saves Orestes, 336.

El-eu-sin'i-a. Festivals at Eleusis, in honor of Ceres and Proserpina, 196.

E-leu'sis. City in Greece visited by Ceres during her search for Proserpina, 188, 196.

E'lis. Province of the Peloponnesus; Alpheus in, 193; Augeas, king of, 221; significance, 388.

El-pe'nor. Follower of Ulysses; dies in Island of AEaea, 350.

E-lys'i-an Fields. Abode of the blessed in Hades, 161, 163, 169; Cleobis and Biton conveyed to, 54; Adonis conveyed to, 110.

En-cel'a-dus. Giant defeated by Jupiter; buried under Mt. AEtna, 24.

En-dym'i-on. Youth loved by Diana, who carries him to a cave on Mt. Latmus, 96-98; significance, 388, 389, 396.

En'na. Plain in Sicily; favorite resort of Proserpina, 183.

E-ny'o. Name given to Bellona, G.o.ddess of war, 138.

E'os. Name given to Aurora, G.o.ddess of dawn, 72, 90; jealousy of, 70, 71; winds, offspring of, 213.

Ep'a-phus. Son of Jupiter and Io; founder of Memphis, 136.

Eph'e-sus. City in Asia Minor sacred to Diana, 101.

Eph-i-al'tes. Giant son of Neptune, 154; brother of Otus; imprisons Mars, 139; significance, 400.

E-pig'o-ni. Sons of the seven chiefs who besieged Thebes, 290.

Ep-i-me'theus (Afterthought). Son of Iapetus, 25; husband of Pandora, 28-34, 37.

E-pi'rus. Country visited by AEneas, who meets Andromache there, 365.

Er'a-to. One of the Muses; daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne, 90.

Er'e-bus. G.o.d of darkness, 13; marries his mother, Night, 13; progenitor of egg, 15; dethroned, 17.

E-rid'a-nus. River into which Phaeton fell from the sun chariot, 87; Hercules consults nymphs of, 226.

E-rin'ny-es. Collective name given to the Furies, 163; significance, 393.

E'ris. Same as Discordia, G.o.ddess of discord and strife, 138; apple cast by, 306.

Er-i-sich'thon. An unbeliever; punished by famine, 197.

E'ros. Same as Cupid, 107; child of Light and Day, 13; arrows of, 13, 112; egg produces, 15; causes man's creation, 25; man's life given by, 27.

Er-y-man'thus. Place where Hercules slew the wild boar, 221.

Er-y-the'a. Island home of Geryones; visited by Hercules, 226.

E-te'o-cles. Son of Oedipus and Jocasta, 285; reigns one year, 287; slain by his brother, 288.

E-thi-o'pi-a. Country visited by Bacchus, 176.

E-thi-o'pi-ans. Happy race of Africa, south of the river Ocea.n.u.s; visited by the G.o.ds, 16.

Eu-boe'an or Eu-bo'ic Sea. Sea where Hercules cast Lichas, 238.

Eu-mae'us. Swineherd visited by Ulysses on his return to Ithaca, 355, 357; Ulysses aided by, 358.

Eu-men'i-des. Collective name given to Furies, 163; forest sacred to, 286; significance, 393.

Eu-phros'y-ne. One of the three Graces or Charites; attendant of Venus, 105.

Eu-ro'pa. Daughter of Agenor; wife of Jupiter, 44-48, 59; mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, 45, 325; significance, 386.

Eu-ro'tas. River near Sparta, where Helen bathed, 310.

Eu'rus. East wind; son of AEolus and Aurora, 213-215.

Eu-ry'a-le. One of the three terrible Gorgons, 242.

Eu-ry'a-lus. Youth sent with Nisus to warn AEneas that his son was in danger, 374.

Eu-ry-cle'a. Nurse of Ulysses; recognizes him after twenty years' absence, 357; Penelope awakened by, 358.

Eu-ryd'i-ce. Wife of Orpheus, who seeks her in Hades, 75-80; significance, 387-389.

Eu-ryl'o-chus. Leader of Ulysses' men, 347; escaped Circe's spell, 349; Ulysses' men misled by, 353.

Eu-ryn'o-me. Wife of Jupiter; mother of the Graces, 105.

Eu-rys'theus. Hercules' taskmaster; appointed twelve labors, 218-229.

Eu'ry-tus. Iole's father; visited twice by Hercules, 235.

Eu-ter'pe. One of the Muses; presided over music, 88.

Eux'ine Sea. Same as Pontus Euxinus, or the Black Sea, 15.

E-van'der. King of Tuscans; ally of AEneas; father of Pallas, 374, 375.

E-ve'nus. Father of Marpessa; drowned himself in river of same name, 155; Hercules crosses, 234.

Fa'ma. Attendant of Jupiter, G.o.ddess of fame, 41.

Fates. Three sisters; also known as Moerae or Parcae, 165.

Fau'na. Wife of Faunus; a rural divinity of the Romans, 301.

Fau'nus. Rural divinity of the Romans; husband of Fauna, 301.

Flo'ra. G.o.ddess of flowers, 301, 303; wife of Zephyrus, 215, 301.

Flo-ra'li-a. Festivals in May in honor of Flora, 301.

Forethought. Name given to Prometheus, 25.

For-tu'na. 1. G.o.ddess of fortune; an attendant of Jupiter, 41. 2. G.o.ddess of plenty, 232.

Fo'rum. Chief place in Rome where public matters were discussed, 142.

Fu'ries. The Eumenides, or avenging deities, 163; Oedipus punished by, 286; Orestes pursued by, 336.

Gae'a. Same as Tellus and Terra, 13; wife of Ura.n.u.s, 15; reign of, 17; conspiracy of, 18; Typhoeus created by, 23; Enceladus created by, 24; Antaeus, son of, 227; Syrinx protected by, 300; significance, 396.

Gal-a-te'a. 1. Nymph loved by Polyphemus and Acis, 341-343. 2. Statue loved by Pygmalion, who prays Venus to give it life, 121.

Gan'y-mede. Trojan prince carried off by Jupiter to act as cup-bearer, 43.

Ge. Same as Gaea, Tellus, Terra, the Earth, 13.

Gem'i-ni. Same as Dioscuri; Castor and Pollux, 278.

Ge-ry'o-nes. Giant whose cattle are taken by Hercules, 226; significance, 401.

Glau'ce. Maiden loved by Jason; slain by Medea, 273; significance, 392.

Glau'cus. Fisherman changed to a sea G.o.d, 303, 304; lover of Scylla, 352, 353.

Golden Age. First age of the ancient world, when all was bliss, 35; Ja.n.u.s' reign, 205.

Gor'gons. Three sisters,--Euryale, Stheno, and Medusa, 242-246; AEgis decorated by head of one of, 58; significance, 401.

Grac'chi, The. Unborn souls of Roman heroes, seen by Anchises in Hades, 372.

Gra'ces. Same as Gratiae; the three attendants of Venus, 105.

Gra-di'vus. Name given to Mars when leader of armies, 143.

Grae'ae. Three sisters with but one eye and tooth among them, 243; significance, 391, 401.

Gra'ti-ae. Same as Graces, or Charites; Venus' attendants, 105.

Great Bear. Constellation formed by Callisto, 52.

Gre'ci-an. Mythology, 25; camp, 329.

Greece. Highest peak in, 37; alphabet introduced into, 48; nations of, 49; art in, 52; Cecrops comes to, 57; Pelops takes refuge in, 167; Paris visits, 310; war between Troy and, 314; Orestes' return to, 336; captives taken to, 361.

Greek Divinities, 39; Panathenaea, 60; fleet, 332.

Greeks. Departure of, 315; plague visits, 318; defeat of, 323, 324; return of, 335; Agamemnon, chief of, 336; attack Ciconians, 337; Polyphemus visited by, 343-346; Circe visited by, 347; a civilized nation, 380.

Gy'es. One of the three Centimani; son of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 18.

Ha'des. The Infernal Region, kingdom of Pluto, 159-170; Hercules' visit to, 65, 229, 230; Orpheus' visit to, 76-79; Adonis' visit to, 110; Psyche's visit to, 128; Mercury conducts souls to, 137, 317; Proserpina's visit to, 194, 195; Lara conducted to, 203; Theseus' visit to, 260; Pollux in, 279; Oedipus in, 286; Ulysses' visit to, 350; AEneas' visit to, 370.

Hae'mon. Son of Creon; lover of Antigone, 288.

Hal-cy'o-ne. Wife of Ceyx, King of Thessaly, 211, 212.

Hal-irr-ho'thi-us. Son of Neptune; slain by Mars, 139.

Ham-a-dry'a-des. Nymphs who lived and died with the trees they inhabited, 297, 298.

Har-mo'ni-a. Daughter of Mars and Venus, 107, 140; wife of Cadmus, 48; mother of Semele, 171.

Har'pies. Monsters, half woman, half bird; banished to Strophades Islands, 267; AEneas sees, 365; significance, 400.

Heav'en. Creation of, 15; realm of, 25; Atlas, supporter of, 244; significance, 384, 398.

He'be. G.o.ddess of youth; cup-bearer of the G.o.ds, 41; wife of Hercules, 238.

He'brus. River in which the Bacchantes cast Orpheus' remains, 80.

Hec'a-te. Name given to Proserpina as Queen of Hades, 195.

Hec'tor. Son of Priam; leader of Trojan army, 320-326; slain by Achilles, 328; Priam buries, 329; shade of, 360; widow of, 365.

Hec'u-ba. Wife of Priam; mother of Paris and Hector, 307, 310; Hector seen by, 328; captivity of, 361.

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