Myths of Greece and Rome Part 31
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Hel'en. Daughter of Jupiter and Leda; wife of Menelaus; kidnapped by Paris, 310-312; kidnapped by Theseus, 260; Paris upbraided by, 320; return of, 335; AEneas wishes to slay, 361; significance, 394.
Hel'e-nus. King of Epirus, whose slave Andromache became after the death of Hector, 365.
He-li'a-des. Sisters of Phaeton; changed into trees, 87.
Hel'i-con. Mountain in Greece, sacred to Apollo and Muses, 90, 149.
He'li-os. Name of Apollo as G.o.d of the sun, 61, 72; significance, 386, 388, 395.
Hel'le. Daughter of Athamas and Nephele; drowned in the h.e.l.lespont, 265; significance, 391, 392, 397.
Hel'len. Son of Deucalion; ancestor of the h.e.l.lenes, 38.
Hel-le'nes. Name given to ancient Greeks, 38.
Hel'les-pont. Name given to the strait from h.e.l.le, 265; Leander swims across the, 111-117.
He-me'ra (Day). One of the first divinities, who rules with AEther (Light), 13, 17.
Heph-aes-ti'a. Festivals in honor of Hephaestus, or Vulcan, 148.
He-phaes'tus. Name given to Vulcan, G.o.d of the forge, 144; significance, 399.
He'ra, or He're. Name given to Juno, queen of heaven, and G.o.ddess of the atmosphere and of marriage, 51; significance, 385.
Her'a-cles. Same as Hercules; son of Jupiter and Alcmene, 216.
He-rae'um. Town dedicated to the service of Juno, 52.
Her'cu-les. Same as Heracles, G.o.d of all athletic games, 216-239; Prometheus delivered by, 28; Hades visited by, 65; Hesione delivered by, 152; Centaurs defeated by, 260; Argonautic expedition joined by, 266, 267; arrows of, 330; apparition of, 331; significance, 379, 389, 390, 393, 395.
Her'mes. Same as Mercury, messenger of the G.o.ds, 131; significance, 399.
Her-mi'o-ne. Same as Harmonia; daughter of Venus and Mars, 107.
He'ro. Maiden loved by Leander, who swam the h.e.l.lespont to visit her, 111-117.
He-si'o-ne. Daughter of Laomedon; rescued from sea monster by Hercules, 151, 152, 224.
Hes-pe'ri-a. Ancient name of Italy, so called by AEneas, 23, 364.
Hes-per'i-des. Daughters of Hesperus, guardians of golden apples, 226; significance, 390.
Hes'pe-rus. G.o.d of the West; father of the Hesperides, 72, 226.
Hes'ti-a. Same as Vesta, G.o.ddess of the family hearth, 198; significance, 399.
Him'e-rus. G.o.d of the desire of love; attendant in Venus' numerous train, 106.
Hip-po-cre'ne. Fountain created by Pegasus, 294.
Hip-po-da-mi'a. Wife of Pirithous; almost carried off by the Centaurs, 260.
Hip-pol'y-te. Queen of the Amazons, 223, 224; Theseus' wife, 259.
Hip-pol'y-tus. Son of Theseus and Hippolyte, 259; loved by Phaedra, 262.
Hip-pom'e-nes. Same as Milanion; lover of Atalanta, 278.
Hope. The good spirit in Pandora's box; an ancient deity, 33-35.
Ho'rae. Collective name of the seasons; Venus' attendants, 105.
Horn Gate. Gate leading from cave of Somnus to outer world, 210, 211.
Hours. Attendants of Apollo, 85; attendants of Venus, 105.
Hundred-handed, the. Same as Centimani, 18.
Hup'nos. Same as Somnus, G.o.d of sleep, 208.
Hy-a-cin'thus. Youth loved by Apollo and Zephyrus; changed to a flower, 67.
Hy'dra. Monster serpent slain by Hercules in the swamp of Lerna, 220, 221; significance, 400.
Hy-ge'ia. Daughter of AEsculapius; watched over health of man, 64.
Hy'las. Youth loved by Hercules; stolen by the water nymphs, 267.
Hy'men. G.o.d of marriage; attendant of Venus, 106.
Hy-met'tus. Mountain in Attica, 90.
Hyp-er-bo're-an Mountains. The mountains separating the land of the Hyperboreans from Thrace, 215.
Hyp-er-bo're-ans. People north of Ocea.n.u.s, a virtuous race, 16.
Hy-pe'ri-on. The t.i.tan who had charge of the sun chariot, 17, 20, 22.
Hyp-erm-nes'tra. Daughter of Danaus; saves her husband, 166.
I-ap'e-tus. One of the t.i.tans; father of Prometheus, 17, 25, 229.
I-a'pis. Leech consulted by AEneas; cures AEneas with Venus' aid, 376.
I-a'si-us. Same as Iasion; father of Atalanta, 275, 364.
Ic'a-rus. Son of Daedalus; fell into the Icarian Sea, 253-255.
I'da. Mountain in Crete, and near Troy also, 21, 320.
I'das. A mortal befriended by Neptune; elopes with Marpessa, 155.
Il'i-a. 1. One of the t.i.tanides; daughter of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 17. 2. Priestess of Vesta; wife of Mars; mother of Romulus and Remus, 140, 377.
Il'i-ad. Homer's epic poem on the Trojan war, 318, 321, 329.
Il'i-um. Same as Troy whence comes the Iliad's name, 317, 360, 363, 370.
In'a-chus. River G.o.d (father of Io), 134, 136.
Infernal Regions. Judges in the, 45; Orpheus visits, 76-79; Adonis visits, 108; Pluto's realm, 159; Proserpina's sojourn in, 194; AEneas visits, 370.
I'no. Same as Leucothea; second wife of Athamas; daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, 174, 265; significance, 392.
I'o. Maiden loved by Jupiter; changed into a heifer, 134-137; significance, 385, 396.
I-ob'a-tes. King of Lycia; recipient of the sealed letter carried by Bellerophon, 291-295.
I-o-la'us. Friend of Hercules; helped slay the Hydra, 220.
I-ol'cus. Kingdom of AEson and Jason; usurped by Pelias, 263.
I'o-le. Maiden loved by Hercules, 235, 236; significance, 390, 392.
I'on. Grandson of h.e.l.len; ancestor of Ionian race, 38.
I-o'ni-an Race. Race descended from Ion, grandson of h.e.l.len, 38.
I-o'ni-an Sea. Sea west of Greece, named after Io, 136, 137.
Iph-i-ge-ni'a. Daughter of Agamemnon; sacrificed to Diana, 315, 316; Orestes finds, 336.
I'ris (the Rainbow). Attendant of Juno, 52, 329, 374.
Iron Age. Fourth and last age previous to the Deluge, 36.
Isles of the Blest. Islands west of Ocea.n.u.s, inhabited by the virtuous dead, 16, 17; Ulysses searches for, 359.
Is'ma-rus. Town in Thrace, spoiled by Ulysses, 337.
Is-me'ne. Daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, 285; dies of grief, 290.
Isth'mi-an Games. Games held in honor of Neptune, at Corinth, every four years, 158.
It'a-ly. Saturn retires to, 23; Ceres returns to, 190; Ja.n.u.s, king of, 205.
Ith'a-ca. Ulysses' island kingdom, 214, 312, 337; Ulysses arrives in sight of, 346; Ulysses returns to, 354, 355; Telemachus returns to, 357; home of Penelope.
I-u'lus. AEneas' son; AEneas saves, 361; Cupid a.s.sumes form of, 367; stag wounded by, 373; brave defense by, 374.
Ivory Gate. Gate leading from cave of Somnus to outer world, 210, 211.
Ix-i'on. Criminal in Tartarus; bound to wheel of fire, 77, 169, 260; significance, 389.
Ja-nic'u-lum. City on the Tiber, founded by Ja.n.u.s, 205.
Ja'nus. G.o.d of all beginnings, of entrances, gates, etc., 205-207; opening of temple of, 373.
Ja'nus Quad'ri-fons. A square temple dedicated to Ja.n.u.s, 206.
Ja'son. Son of AEson; captured the golden fleece, 263-274; significance, 392, 393.
Jo-cas'ta. Wife of Laius, 280; marries Oedipus, her son, 285; commits suicide, 286; significance, 392, 393.
Jove. Same as Jupiter, 39; birth of, 20; day of, 207; Leda courted by, 311; decree of, 329.
Ju'no. Birth of, 22; flight of, 24; Jupiter's wife, 44; same as Hera, 51-54; jealousy of, 61, 62, 135-137, 171, 172, 174, 203, 216; Mars, son of, 138; Vulcan, son of, 144; t.i.tyus insults, 169; AEolus, servant of, 213; Hercules persecuted by, 216-218, 219, 224; Jason carries, 264; Jason aided by, 266, 267; contest of Minerva and Venus with, 306-308; Troy destroyed by, 362; AEneas persecuted by, 364, 365, 369, 373-375; significance, 385, 389, 400.
Ju'pi-ter. Birth of, 20; supremacy of, 21; giants defeated by, 22-24; kingdom divided by, 25; Prometheus punished by, 28; Mercury, messenger of, 31, 134; Deluge caused by, 36; same as Jove, 39-49; Juno courted by, 51; Minerva borne by, 55; Latona courted by, 61; AEsculapius slain by, 64; Amphion, son of, 80; Phaeton slain by, 87; Muses, daughters of, 88; Venus, daughter of, 103; Graces, daughters of, 105; Venus borrows thunderbolts of, 111; Mercury, son of, 131; Io courted by, 135, 136; Mars, son of, 138; Vulcan, son of, 144; thunderbolts of, 147, 155; Neptune exiled by, 151; Semele courted by, 171-174; Ceres, wife of, 183; Hercules, son of, 216, 218; games in honor of, 230, 239; Hercules saved by, 238; Danae courted by, 240, 241; Helen, daughter of, 260, 311; Bellerophon punished by, 295; Thetis loved by, 305, 306; Thetis seeks, 319; interference of, 320, 362, 375; Sarpedon, son of, 325; Apollo appeased by, 354; significance, 381, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 394, 396, 398-400.
Jus'tice. Same as Themis, 44; mother of seasons, 105.
Ju-tur'na. Sister and charioteer of Turnus, 376.
Ju-ven'tas. Same as Hebe, G.o.ddess of youth, 41.
Ka'kia. G.o.ddess of vice; tries to mislead Hercules, 218.
Lab'y-rinth. A maze in Crete, constructed by Daedalus for the Minotaur, 253-257.
Lac-e-dae-mo'ni-a. Province in Peloponnesus; capital Sparta, also name of Sparta, 312.
Lac-e-dae-mo'ni-ans. Inhabitants of Lacedaemonia, or Sparta, 212.
Lach'e-sis. One of the Fates; twists the thread of life, 165.
La'don. Dragon which guarded golden apples of Hesperides, 226.
La-er'tes. Father of Ulysses, 315, 345; Penelope weaves his shroud, 357.
Laes-try-go'ni-ans. Cannibals visited by Ulysses, 347.
La'ius. Father of Oedipus, 280; slain by him, 282; significance, 392-394.
Lam-pe'tia. One of the Heliades, 87; guards the cattle of the sun, 353, 354.
La-oc'o-on. Trojan priest; crushed to death by two serpents, 333-335.
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