A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry Part 1

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A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry.

by Adam Walker.


When the Author of the succeeding pages had determined on recording the events and operations of the Regiment to which he belonged, it was far from his intention to give them publicity.--They were noted down for the amus.e.m.e.nt of his leisure hours and the perusal of his Friends, when he should return from the toils of the Camp and the fatigues of war;--to portray to the view of those Friends the various vicissitudes of fate attendant on the life of a Soldier.--But since his return, many who have perused the ma.n.u.script, have expressed their ardent desire to see it published, and to gratify their wishes, he has been induced to submit it to the press.--He indulges the hope that his simple narrative will fall into the hands of none but the candid and liberal, who affect not to despise the humble and unvarnished tale of the _Private Soldier_.



The 4th Regiment of U.S. Infantry was raised princ.i.p.ally in the year 1808--from the five N. England States, viz. Vermont, New-Hamps.h.i.+re, Ma.s.sachusetts, Rhode-Island and Connecticut, and consisted of between 8 & 900 men--under the command of Colonel John P. Boyd.--The regiment was not embodied until--

Ap. 29, 1811--When we received orders from Government to rendezvous at the Lazaretto Barracks on the Schuylkill, 5 miles below Philadelphia--Capt. Whitney's Company of U.S. Riflemen, then stationed at Newport, R.I. was also ordered to join the 4th regiment at this place.

May 24th--The whole regiment (except one Company under Capt. Rannie, which were detained at Marblehead) had arrived, and were immediately formed, consisting of about 600 of as n.o.ble fellows as ever trod the tented field; all in good health and fine spirits, and their discipline unrivaled;--nothing worthy of note took place while we remained here, which was but a few days, except the degrading situation in which Capt. Whitney of the Riflemen, had placed himself, while Commanding Officer, by descending to the level of a Musician, and with his own hands bestowing corporeal punishment upon the bare posteriors of two privates of his Company, in the face of the whole regiment on parade. Such conduct in a commander, merited and received the pointed scorn of every officer of the regiment.--The two men, who had heretofore been good soldiers, deserted within two hours after receiving their punishment--and a few days afterwards Capt. Whitney resigned a command he was totally unworthy of, and returned home.--Lieut. A. Hawkins, a fine officer, was afterwards appointed to the command of this Company.--We received our tents, camp, equipage, &c. and Col. Boyd and Lieut. Col. Miller, having arrived to take the command.--On the

3d. June--1811, we commenced our march for Pittsburgh;--Crowds of spectators from the city of Philadelphia came to witness our departure;--the day was extremely warm, and we were almost suffocated with heat and dust.--We marched five miles from the city, and encamped about 4 o'clock,--Many respectable citizens from Philadelphia accompanied us to our encampment.

I omit the particulars of our march through the State of Pennsylvania, as no event transpired, except what falls to the lot of all soldiers on long marches.--The country being extremely rough and mountainous, our shoulders pressed beneath the weight of our c.u.mbrous knapsacks, our feet swollen and blistered, and performing toilsome marches beneath a burning sun, amid clouds of dust, in the warmest season of the year, rendered our situation painful in the extreme, and at times almost insupportable.--A number of desertions took place on this march, in consequence of its having been whispered among the troops, that they were to be sent to New-Orleans,--and it is believed, had not Col. Miller given them to understand that no such thing was intended, one third at least, of the regiment would never have reached Pittsburgh;--however, placing unbounded confidence in the word and honor of Col. Miller, order was restored, and the fears of the men were calmed.

On the 10th June, we arrived at Carlisle, a handsome little town about 120 miles from Philadelphia, where we halted one day, to refresh and rest our wearied limbs.

June 12, we again proceeded on our march, and arrived at the beautiful town of Pittsburgh on the 28th June, 1811.--At Pittsburgh we found excellent quarters, necessaries of all kinds, cheap and plenty;--the inhabitants were kind, generous and hospitable,--they knew how to commiserate, and were happy in relieving the sufferings of the soldier;--while we on our part were grateful for their favors, which we endeavored to merit by treating them with the respect due to good citizens. Our time here pa.s.sed very agreeably for two or three weeks, at the expiration of which, we received orders to descend the Ohio river to Newport, (Ken.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: GEN. W. H. HARRISON]

July 29th. The regiment embarked on board ten long keel boats; each boat being sufficiently large to contain one Company of men.--With our colors flying and drums beating, we left the sh.o.r.e in regular order, and commenced our pa.s.sage while the band, attached to the regiment, were chaunting our favorite ditty of _Yankee Doodle_, amidst the cheers and acclamations of the generous citizens of Pittsburgh, a.s.sembled at the place of our embarkation.--After a pa.s.sage of 4 days, without accident, we arrived at the little town of Marietta, where we had the pleasure of meeting with many of our hardy yankee brethren from N. England.--We tarried here over night, and early next morning we continued on our pa.s.sage, and on the 8th of August we all safely arrived at Newport, a small village, situated at the mouth of the Licking, which empties into the Ohio, and directly opposite to the town of Cincinnati in the state of Ohio. Here we were to remain until further orders; while Lieut. Hawkins was dispatched to Indiana to inform Governor Harrison of our arrival at Newport and to receive his commands.

The troops at this time were perfectly ignorant of their destination, or the real object our government had in view, in sending us at such a distance to the westward. Many were still fearful that we were to be sent to New-Orleans, and knowing the fate of former troops, that had been stationed there, who had been swept off by sickness, it created much uneasiness in the minds of New-England troops; and some few desertions took place.--We experienced some very warm sultry weather, and considerable fear was entertained by Col. Boyd for the health of the troops.--Capt. Welsh, an amiable officer, died and was buried with Masonic and Military honors.

Aug. 28th. Lieut. Hawkins returned with orders from Governor Harrison for the regiment to proceed with all possible dispatch to Vincennes, in the Indiana Territory, where the conduct of the Indians on the Wabash had become very alarming. The Governor had previously been authorised to employ the 4th regiment in his service, should circ.u.mstances make it necessary.

On the 31st. August we left Newport, and proceeded down the Ohio, without difficulty, until we arrived at the falls or rapids, when we were obliged to disembark and have the baggage taken from the boats and conveyed round by land to the foot of the rapids, while skilful pilots navigated our boats through this difficult pa.s.sage.

Governor Harrison was at this place, and accompanied by Col. Boyd, proceeded across the country to Vincennes, leaving the command of the regiment to Lt. Col. Miller, to continue their pa.s.sage by water.

Sept. 4th. Early in the morning we left the Rapids, and on the 9th, without any occurrence worthy of note, we arrived at the mouth of the Wabash, a distance of 1022 miles from Pittsburgh; but the most disagreeable and difficult task in our navigation was yet to be performed. We had now 160 miles to ascend the Wabash, the current of which is very rapid, and at this season of the year, was quite low and much interrupted by rocks and sand-bars. We were daily obliged to wade the river, and haul the boats after us over the rapids, which occasioned many of our men, on our arrival at Vincennes, to be disordered with that painful disease, the fever and ague. Every precaution possible was taken by the humane and generous Col. Miller to preserve the health of the regiment; himself waded the river, as well as every other officer; in many instances performing the duties of the common soldier, and a.s.sisting them to haul up the boats. At the close of each day we brought the boats to a convenient landing; placed our guard for the night, while those who had obtained an evening's respite from the toils of this tedious and laborious pa.s.sage, were suffered to regale their spirits over an extra gla.s.s of whiskey, bestowed by the liberality of our Commander. The utmost harmony and good humor prevailed--no contention--no murmuring--all cheerfully performed their duty.

Sept. 19, 1811. After a fatiguing pa.s.sage of ten days through an unsettled country, which presented nothing to the view but a wild and dreary wilderness, our hearts were cheered by a prospect of the town of Vincennes. It was dark before we landed, and by the noise and confusion about us, we concluded the town to be overrun with troops. A rabble soon gathered about the boats and a.s.sisted in hauling them ash.o.r.e;--their whooping and yells, and their appearance caused us to doubt whether we had not actually landed among the savages themselves.

Many of these militia spoke the French language;--their dress was a short frock of Deer-skin, a belt around their bodies, with a tomahawk and scalping knife attached to it, and were nearly as dest.i.tute of discipline as the savages themselves. The militia from Kentucky, and a few companies of Indiana were decent soldiers; yet the large knife and hatchet which const.i.tuted a part of their equipment, with their dress, gave them rather a savage appearance. The hatchet, however, was found to be a very useful article on the march--they had no tents; but with their hatchets would in a short time form themselves a secure shelter from the weather, on encamping at night.

The Dragoons, commanded by Major Daviess, consisting of about 120 men, were well mounted and handsomely equipped, and composed of some of the most respectable citizens from Kentucky and Indiana.

The Indians who had been lurking about the town for a number of days suddenly disappeared, and on the

27th September.--The army was embodied, consisting of between ten and twelve hundred men; and under the immediate command of Gov. Harrison, we took up our line of march from Vincennes, being well furnished with arms, ammunition and provision, advancing with but little variation in the following

[Ill.u.s.tration: ORDER OF MARCH.

Mounted Riflemen.

* Waggons. *

o o o o o o * o o *

o o o o * o o *

o o o o o o * o Militia. o *

o o o o o o * o o *

o o o o * o o *

o o o o o o * o Militia. o *

o o o o o o * o o *

o o o o o o * o o *

4th Regt 4th Regt o o o o o o * o Orderly Music o *

o * * o o o o o o o * o General & Aids. o *

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Major Major

Dragoons under Maj. Daviess.

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In this manner we proceeded on our march by the taps of the drums at the head of each column, to prevent the lines distancing each other too far. It was customary each morning, an hour before day-break, to rouse the troops from their slumbers, with three solitary taps of the drums of each line, when they turned out and formed in front of their tents, which was the line of battle in case of an attack; in this manner they stood to their arms until the beating of the Reveille.--This precaution was deemed a very necessary one, knowing it to be the time that the Indians generally choose to make their attacks, as the troops sleep more sound, and the sentinels become wearied and sleepy, and consequently less vigilant.

Oct. 3. After a march of six days, through an uninhabited country, we arrived at a place on the banks of the Wabash, called Battelle des Illinois. Here we formed our encampment with the intention of tarrying a few weeks, to ascertain more correctly the disposition of the Prophet and his warriors. A Fort and Block-Houses were ordered to be built at this place, which gave sufficient employment to the militia.--

Some murmuring took place among them, being heartily sick of the camp, and desirous of returning to their homes. Many, indeed, threatened to leave us at all hazards, which caused the Governor much anxiety and trouble. He appeared not disposed to detain any man against his inclination; being endowed by nature with a heart as humane as brave; in his frequent addresses to the militia, his eloquence was formed to persuade; appeals were made to reason as well as feeling--and never were they made in vain--when the militia, unused to military restriction, threatened a desertion, his eloquence calmed their pa.s.sions, and hushed their discontented murmurings--and in a short time all became tranquil, and unanimity reigned throughout the army.

About this time many Indians came peaceably into camp, and held frequent Council, with the Governor; but all endeavors to effect an accommodation with the Prophet were vain--they still continued stubborn and refractory,--and would not listen to any terms of peace made them by the Governor. Their lurking Indians were nightly prowling about our encampment, and alarming the sentinels on their posts.--On the 20th Oct. in the evening, an Indian crept cautiously through the bushes, opposite one of the sentinels in the main guard and shot him through both thighs--the sentinel nearest to him, saw the flash of the rifle, and immediately presented his piece,--snapped it twice--both times it missed fire!--The Indian made his escape,--the camp was alarmed, and the troops called to arms. The Dragoons were instantly formed, and under the command of that gallant and spirited officer, Major Daviess, sallied out, and scoured the woods in the vicinity of the encampment; but no Indians could be found. The Dragoons in pa.s.sing the line of sentinels, were fired upon by mistake, the sentinels supposing them to be the enemy (it being very dark) but fortunately no one was injured.--We stood to our arms the whole of this night, while the Gov. and Col. Boyd were riding down the lines animating the troops to do their duty in case we were attacked.

Thus after a tedious course of negotiations, and fruitless endeavors to effect by fair means, a redress of our wrongs, and the patience of the Governor and of the army being nearly exhausted, it was determined to give them some _weightier_ reasons than had been heretofore offered, why peace should be concluded. Orders were therefore given for the army to be in readiness to march to the Prophet's town.

October 21.--We commenced our march from Fort _Harrison_, so called, in honor of our worthy Commander; Col. Miller, the officer so highly esteemed by the troops of our regiment was unfortunately detained at this place by sickness. After a few days of tedious marching, and having crossed the Wabash, we arrived at Vermillion river--Capt. Baen, who had been long absent from the command of his company, had a day or two previous, joined us on the march, and being the oldest Captain in Commission, was appointed, to act as Major, and headed the left column of the army. Having a number of sick who were unable to proceed farther, a small block-house was erected, for their accommodation, and a Sergeant's guard was left for their protection.

Nov. 1. We crossed the Vermillion river into the Indian possessions, at which time the weather became rainy and cold. Many Indians were discovered by our spies, lurking in the woods about us; supposed to be the scouts of the Prophet, watching our movements.--After marching about fourteen miles, we crossed a small creek, and encamped on a high open piece of land: still rainy and cold. An alarm was here given by one of the sentinels, who fired on a Horse, which had strayed out of Camp.

November 3, Continued on our march--came to an extensive level prairie, which took up the whole of this day in crossing--started up many deer, two of which we killed--also an animal called a prairie wolf. Nothing of importance transpired until--

November 6.--When our spies, who had ventured near the Indian village, returned, and informed the Governor we were within a few miles of the Prophet's town--We were ordered to throw off our knapsacks, and be in preparation for an attack. We advanced about 4 miles to the edge of a piece of woods, when we were ordered to break off by companies, and advance in single lines; keeping a convenient distance from each other to enable us to form a line of battle, should necessity require it;--this was frequently done in the course of our advance toward the town, in consequence of the unevenness of the land, and the appearance of many favorable places for the enemy to attack us. In this manner we advanced very cautiously, until we came in sight of the Indian village, when we halted. The Indians appeared much surprized and terrified at our sudden appearance before their town; we perceived them running in every direction about the village, apparently in great confusion; their object however, was to regain in season their different positions behind a breastwork of logs which encircled the town from the bank of the Wabash. A chief came out to the Governor, begging of him not to proceed to open hostilities; but to encamp with the troops for that night, and in the morning they solemnly promised to come into camp and hold a council, and they would agree to almost any terms the Governor might propose; expressing their earnest desire for peace without bloodshed--but the treacherous villains merely made this promise to gain sufficient time to put their infernal scheme in execution. The Governor enquired of the chief where a situation suitable for encamping might be found; being informed, he dispatched three or four officers to examine the ground, who returned with a favorable report of the place--which was a piece of narrow rising ground, covered with heavy timber, running some length into a marshy prairie, and about three quarters of a mile north-west of the town.

Here we encamped for the night, as near the form of a hollow square as the nature of the ground would admit. Being cool, cloudy weather, we built large fires in front of our tents, to dry our clothing, cook our provisions &c. The signal for the field officers to collect at the Governors marque was given; we were soon after ordered to lay with our cartridge boxes on, and our guns at our sides;--and in case of an attack, (as was always the order, while on the march,) each man stepped 5 paces in front of his tent, which formed the line of battle.

A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry Part 1

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