A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry Part 2

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May 19th--Proceeded on our march to Dayton, where we arrived about the first of June--Gen. Hull had left this place and gone on to Urbana with the army, forty miles further.

June 3d--Arrived at Urbana, and joined Gen. Hull's army composed of three Regiments of Ohio militia volunteers, commanded by Colonels M'Arthur, Ca.s.s and Findley. Here we were received with a repet.i.tion of the honors shewn us at Cincinnati, and obtained a short respite from our long and fatiguing march from Indiana; having come the distance of nearly four hundred miles, with but one day's rest.

June 13th.--Col. M'Arthur's regiment of militia left the encampment and proceeded on the march for Detroit, with orders to build block-houses at the distance of every twenty miles, and to cut a road for the march of the army.

June 15th.--The army followed on the route of Col. M'Arthur;--the weather was extremely wet, and the new road had become a perfect slough nearly the whole distance to the River Scioto, which contributed greatly to r.e.t.a.r.d our progress,--having many waggons attached to the army, we were frequently obliged to halt and relieve them from the mire--We came up with M'Arthur's regiment at the Scioto, where they were just completing a large block-house. A militia sentinel was shot through the body while peaceably walking his post, by one of his comrades in the regiment, without any previous provocation being given by the deceased.

His punishment was as singular as his crime. A Court Martial found him guilty of murder, and he was sentenced to have both _ears cropped_, and both cheeks branded with the letter M. which was immediately put in execution.

June 17th.--Col. M'Arthur's regiment again went forward;--on the 20th the army followed. An extensive swamp we had to pa.s.s through, called the Black Swamp, rendered it impossible to carry our baggage on waggons; it was therefore found necessary to transfer the flour to pack-horses, which was put up in bags for the purpose. Much rain having previously fallen, we had to wade for whole days through mud and water, tormented in the extreme both night and day by the stings of the innumerable musquetos and knats. The water we drank could only be obtained from holes made by the pioneers in advance, or from places where trees had been torn up by the roots.

It was thought that the Indians might cause us some trouble on our march through this forest, and a temporary breast-work of felled trees was erected each day on encamping--however, we received no annoyance from any enemy, during our march to the Miami rapids, where we arrived on the 29th, and found Col. M'Arthur encamped on a beautiful plain on the bank of the river. On the opposite sh.o.r.e, we were told, was the famous spot where, on the 20th Aug. 1794, Gen. Wayne gained an important victory over a body of about 2000 Indians.

July 1--We crossed the river, and the 4th Regt. were mustered, when we marched a few miles through a small village and encamped. Here the General chartered a small schooner to take the sick and baggage, and hospital stores of the army to Detroit, with Lieut. Gooding of the 4th regiment, and lady, and the ladies of Lieuts. Bacon and Fuller, and two Sergeants, Jennison and Forbush, and about thirty privates.--These were all taken by the British brig Hunter, at the mouth of Detroit river, and which was the first notice these people had of the declaration of war.--The capture of this vessel was truly unfortunate in its consequences to the American army, as many papers of great importance, relative to our future operations, fell into the hands of the enemy, besides the private baggage of some of the officers of the army.

[Ill.u.s.tration: ANTHONY WAYNE]

Mrs. Bacon and Mrs. Fuller were sent to Detroit by a flag of truce immediately after the schooner was taken.--Mrs. Gooding preferred remaining at Malden, with her husband, who was then seriously indisposed.

July 2d--Proceeded on our march, and without any occurrence worthy of notice, arrived at the river Huron on the 4th, and threw a bridge of logs across for the pa.s.sage of the waggons. The Indians from Brownstown came to the river in considerable numbers, appearing very friendly--seeing many waggons cross the bridge; while the main body of the army were screened from their view by a piece of woods, they expressed their surprize that Gen. Hull should think of taking the Canadas, "with so many waggons and so few men!" and were very curious to examine some of the waggons, to ascertain if the army was not packed up within them. The army crossed the bridge and encamped. This day being the anniversary of American Independence, an extra gla.s.s of whiskey was issued to the troops on the occasion!

A little past sunset a rumor was spread in the camp, that an attack was intended on our army by a large force of British and Indians. In consequence we were called to arms, to which we stood by turns until day-break. No attack was made. We received our first information here of the declaration of War between the United States and Great-Britain.

July 5th--At sunrise we proceeded on our march without interruption, and pa.s.sed through a small Indian village called Brownstown. The Indians appeared very friendly; some of their Chiefs came out and saluted the General with great cordiality. About 5 o'clock, P.M. we arrived within 3 miles of Detroit, at a place called Spring-Wells.

July 6th--Marched into the town of Detroit, and encamped. We continued here 5 or 6 days, making preparations to cross the river into Upper Canada. The troops were in much better health and spirits than was to be expected after the performance of so long and laborious a march; and all appeared anxious immediately to commence active operations against the enemy.

July 12--A little before day the troops were turned out with great silence and marched by detachments to the river, where we immediately embarked on board of boats prepared for the purpose, with m.u.f.fled oars, and a few minutes after day-break we all safely landed in Upper Canada.--We then marched a short distance down the river and formed our encampment directly opposite to Detroit,--when the American standard was hoisted, and the following Proclamation issued by Gen.


_Inhabitants of Canada!_

After thirty years of peace and prosperity, the United States have been driven to arms. The injuries and aggressions, the insults and indignities of Great Britain have once more left them no alternative but manly resistance or unconditional submission. The army under my command has invaded your country; the standard of the Union now waves upon the territory of Canada. To the peaceable unoffending inhabitants it brings neither danger nor difficulty. I come to find enemies, not to make them, I come to protect, not to injure you.

Separated by an extensive wilderness from Great Britain, you have no partic.i.p.ation in her councils, no interest in her conduct. You have felt her tyranny, you have seen her injustice. But I do not ask you to avenge the one or to redress the other. The United States are sufficiently powerful to afford every security consistent with their rights and your expectations. I tender you the invaluable blessing of civil, political and religious liberty, and their necessary result, individual and general prosperity; that liberty which gave decision to our councils, and energy to our conduct in a struggle for independence,--which conducted us safely and triumphantly through the stormy period of the revolution--that liberty which has raised us to an elevated rank among the nations of the world; and which offered us a greater measure of peace and security, of wealth and improvement, than ever fell to the lot of any people. In the name of my country, and the authority of government, I promise you protection to your persons, property and rights; remain at your homes; pursue your peaceful and customary avocations; raise not your hands against your brethren. Many of your fathers fought for the freedom and independence we now enjoy. Being children therefore of the same family with us and heirs to the same heritage, the arrival of an army of friends must be hailed by you with a cordial welcome. You will be emanc.i.p.ated from tyranny and oppression, and restored to the dignified station of freedom. Had I any doubt of eventual success, I might ask your a.s.sistance, but I do not, I come prepared for every contingency. I have a force which will look down all opposition, and that force is but the vanguard of a much greater--If, contrary to your own interest and the just expectation of my country, you should take part in the approaching contest, you will be considered as enemies, and the horrors and calamities of war will stalk before you.

If the barbarous and savage policy of Great Britain be pursued, and the savages are let loose to murder our citizens and butcher even women and children, _this war will be a war of extermination_.

The first stroke of a tomahawk--the first attempt with the scalping knife, will be the signal of an indiscriminate scene of desolation.

No white man found fighting by the side of an Indian will be taken prisoner--instant death will be his lot. If the dictates of reason, duty, justice and humanity cannot prevent the employment of a force which respects no rights, and knows no wrong, it will be prevented by a severe and relentless system of retaliation. I doubt not your courage and firmness--I will not doubt your attachment to liberty.

If you tender your services voluntarily, they will be accepted readily. The United States offer you peace, liberty and security.

Your choice lies between these and war, slavery and destruction.

Choose then, but choose wisely; and may He who knows the justice of our cause, and who holds in His hands the fate of nations, guide you to a result the most compatible with your rights and interests, your peace and happiness.

The troops considered this Proclamation as highly indicative of energetic measures; although the "_exterminating_" avowal was disapproved of by the advocates of humanity and generosity to a fallen enemy. The Canadians, who had fled from their homes on our entering Canada, or were doing duty in the service of the Crown at Fort Malden, returned to their dwellings, and sought protection from the American army; such was their confidence in the ability of Gen. Hull to afford them protection, that many of them had expressed their willingness to join our army whenever it should be ready to march against the enemy's post at Malden.

The Indians also seemed willing to remain neutral rather than to take up the tomahawk against a force which to them appeared so formidable as that of the American army. The troops were in high spirits, and loudly expressed their anxious wish to be immediately led on against the enemy--instead of which, or taking any advantage of the favorable moment offered to strike the important blow, the services of all the carpenters, blacksmiths, and artificers of every kind were put in requisition; building gun carriages, scaling-ladders, and gundolas for the transportation of our heavy ordnance.--In short, the preparations which were making seemed to bespeak some grand and brilliant achievement, unparallelled in the annals of martial prowess.

July 14--Col. M'Arthur was detached with 150 men to the river Thames, where he captured a considerable quant.i.ty of provisions, blankets, arms and ammunition, while another party secured several hundred merino sheep at Belle Donne, the property of the Earl of Selkirk.

July 15--Col. Ca.s.s with a detachment of about 300 men, left the encampment to reconnoitre the enemy's advanced posts. They were found in possession of the bridge over Aux Canard river, five miles from Malden. A detachment of regular troops pa.s.sed the river to the south side at a ford about 5 miles above the bridge, thence down to the enemy, whom they attacked and drove from their position. The militia behaved in this affair with the greatest gallantry;--three times the British formed, and as often were compelled to retreat. The loss on our part was trifling. One prisoner was taken, and Col. Ca.s.s encamped during the night on the scene of action without molestation.

Frequent skirmis.h.i.+ng took place between other detachments which were sent to reconnoitre the enemy. In one of these rencontres we lost seven killed and eleven wounded. Such skirmis.h.i.+ng, marching and countermarching by detachments from the army, without obtaining any advantage over the enemy had become irksome to the troops and loud murmuring took place.

Sergeant Forbush, one of the prisoners confined at Malden, found means to have a letter conveyed to his Captain, (Burton) informing of the weak state of that post; it is even said the prisoners might at one time have taken it with ease, as all the force of the enemy had crossed the river to the American side, and left but a sergeant's guard at the fort.--It was further stated, at the time Col. Ca.s.s drove the British from their position at the river aux Canard, an immediate attack was expected upon the town and fort, and that preparations were made to secure the public property, and to make good their retreat in the event of an a.s.sault by our army.

July 21--A large schooner was taken possession of at Sandwich and towed up the river to Detroit, and men employed to fit her up for the service. A cartel arrived from Fort Michillimacinac with American prisoners, who had surrendered that post to the enemy without resistance.--They were ignorant of the declaration of war until they were made prisoners. Nothing further of consequence took place for eight or ten days. The vast preparations for an attack on Malden were still progressing with great industry. The militia from that place were daily coming in to join our standard, and it was expected an immediate attack upon that fort would now be made.

August 4--Major Van Horn, of Col. Findley's regiment was detached with 200 men to the river Raisin, for the purpose of escorting a quant.i.ty of provisions to the army, which were at that place under the charge of Capt. Brush. He was attacked in the woods of Brownstown by a large body of Indians while his men were partaking of a little refreshment.

So sudden and unexpected was the attack that it was impossible to form the men in line of battle, although every exertion was made by the officers for that purpose. In this defeat seven officers and ten privates were killed, and many more wounded--They retreated in great disorder, leaving part of their killed on the field.

Aug. 5.--Orders are at last issued by Gen. Hull for the army to be in readiness to take the field against the enemy; the first step for this purpose, was to _abandon_ our position in Upper Canada, and return to Detroit; which was accomplished on the night of the 6th, leaving a detachment, however, to garrison a small fort we had built during our stay at Sandwich: this also was shortly after set fire to and abandoned.

Aug. 8.--In consequence of the failure of the expedition under Major Van Horn, the 4th Regt. with a detachment from the militia, all under the command of Col. Miller, left Detroit about 3 o'clock P.M. and proceeded on our march to open the communication with Capt. Brush, who had fortified himself on the banks of the river Raisin. A little past sunset we arrived at the river De Coss, which we crossed, and encamped without tents.--Early next morning continued our march and about 12 o'clock our Cavalry were fired upon by some Indian scouts, who had stationed themselves behind an old log hut, and killed one and wounded another of the dragoons. The line of battle was instantly formed, and we advanced rapidly forward, for a considerable distance, but no enemy could be discovered.--We halted to refresh on an open field, where we tarried a short time, and again proceeded on our march.--At 3 o'clock, P.M. the vanguard, commanded by Capt. Snelling, was fired upon by an extensive line of British troops. Capt. Snelling maintained his position in a most gallant manner until the main body could be formed in line of battle, and advance to his relief; when the whole, excepting the rear guard was brought into action in a masterly style by our brave Commander.--The enemy were formed in an advantageous position behind a breast-work of felled trees; we had advanced but a few rods towards their works before a large body of Indians arose upon each flank of the British and poured a tremendous fire of rifles into our ranks; and in a moment dropped down behind their logs. We still continued on the advance, and could discover nothing but the smoke from their discharge until nearly upon them with the bayonet, which they perceived, before they had time to reload, and retreated to a second breast-work; but they, as well as the British, were driven from every place wherever they attempted to make a stand. The rout became general, and the pursuit continued for about two miles, to the village of Brownstown, where the British took to their boats, and the Indians to the woods.--Col. Miller had directed a charge to be made by the Cavalry, while the enemy were in full rout; which was not done, although Capt. Snelling offered himself to lead them on in person.

This cowardice of the Cavalry alone saved the enemy from destruction.

In the action an Indian had climbed into the top of a large tree, from which he discharged many arrows into our ranks, but was discovered by the soldiers, and brought down very suddenly. Another Indian who had been wounded, and lay in the woods unable to move from his place, had loaded his rifle and shot down a militia soldier, who was in search of some of his fallen comrades; a party near by heard the report of the rifle, came up and dispatched the Indian while in the act of reloading, for another victim who might pa.s.s in his way.--Our killed and wounded were collected before dark and brought to the camp; consisting of 18 killed and 58 wounded. The loss of the British and Indians were 100 killed, and nearly twice that number wounded. Many of them were picked up and brought into camp the same evening, and their wounds carefully attended to. The British were commanded in this action by Major Muir, and the Indians by Tec.u.mseh, Marpot and Walk-in-the-water. Their force consisted of three hundred Regulars and five hundred Indians, nearly one third greater than the American force under Col. Miller.

The only Officers of the 4th Regt. wounded, were Lieut. Larabee, a brave officer who lost an arm--and Lieut. George P. Peters, who commanded the late Capt. Wentworth's company.

Aug. 10.--Boats from Detroit arrived to take up the wounded. On their return they were fired upon by the British brig Hunter, and even after the wounded were transferred from the boats to waggons, this vessel took several positions to hara.s.s them on their return to Detroit.

Col. Miller had determined to push on to the river Raisin; for which purpose the troops were paraded in readiness to march; but the Col.

was suddenly attacked by a fit of the fever and ague, with which he had been partially afflicted from the time of his severe illness at Fort Harrison in Indiana. We therefore continued on the ground this day, expecting provisions from Detroit, but none arrived. We observed the British to be busy in crossing over troops from Malden a few miles below us, and concluded they intended an attack upon our encampment the following night. About sunset an express arrived in Camp from the General at Detroit, with a peremptory order for the troops to return that evening to the river De Coss. We were immediately formed and proceeded on our return. It having rained the whole of the day, and the night being extremely dark, it was with great difficulty we reached the river; being without tents we were wet to the skin; many lost their shoes in the mud and came on barefoot. About 2 o'clock the next morning we arrived at the river, and after partaking of some refreshment, which had been sent to this place, we spread our blankets, which were wet as well as the ground we lay upon; and notwithstanding our uncomfortable situation we slept soundly until day light.

Aug. 11.--Continued on our march, re-crossed the river De Coss, and arrived at Detroit about 12 o'clock.

Aug. 12.--The British had taken possession of the ground we had abandoned at Sandwich, and commenced throwing up their works; at which they continued without interruption until the 15th, working in open day. Our troops were also employed in erecting batteries on the bank of the river, opposite to those of the British.

Aug. 14.--A detachment of three hundred and fifty troops from M'Arthur's and Ca.s.s' regiments were ordered to the river Raisin to escort up the provisions which had so long remained there under the protection of Captain Brush. This was the _third_ detachment which had been sent on that service.

Aug. 15.--The enemy had completed their batteries, and about 10 o'clock, P.M. Gen. Brock, the British commander, sent over a flag of truce from Sandwich, with a summons for the surrender of the town and fort; stating that he could no longer restrain the fury of the savages, and should at 3 o'clock, commence a cannonade upon the place unless the summons was complied with. A prompt and spirited refusal was returned. At 4 o'clock their batteries were opened upon the town, from two 18 pounders and a howitzer. Their fire was briskly returned from our two batteries of three 24 pounders, and continued without interruption until dark. In the evening they commenced throwing sh.e.l.ls, and did not cease until 9 o'clock. No person was hurt, or but little damage done, except to a few buildings in the town.

Aug. 16.--At day light the firing recommenced upon the fort, where was stationed the 4th regiment. Not a gun was fired from this place in return. Five men were killed and wounded in the fort, where the Gen.

and some citizens from the town had repaired. At sunrise the Indians appeared in the woods back of the town, while the British were seen landing from the Queen Charlotte at Spring Wells, three miles below us. About 8 o'clock they began to move towards us in close column. It was now that we every moment expected the orders of the Gen. to march out and commence the battle which was to decide the fate of this army.--The long wished for moment had now arrived; the eyes of the soldiers of the 4th regiment were turned towards their brave Commander, Col. Miller, and seemed to express the ardent wishes of the men for _him_ to give the word and lead the way.

The militia were posted outside of the fort, behind a line of pickets.

Two 24 pounders loaded with grape shot were placed in a situation to sweep the advancing column of the enemy.

The British troops advanced with a regular step, and in fine order.

All was silent in the fort--"Not a discontent broke upon the ear--Not a look of cowardice met the eye." We listened in eager expectation, that each moment our ears would be saluted from the discharge of the 24 pounders. What was our surprise when we beheld the militia retreating towards the fort, and at the same time an American Officer on horseback riding towards the British column bearing a _white flag_, while another was placed on the parapet of the fort. A soldier attempted to knock it down with his musquet--an officer stepped up and commanded him to desist--"There sir," says the soldier, pointing to the American colors, then waving on the flag-staff--"_There is the flag I choose to fight under!_"--Such was the spirit which animated the whole body of the troops. A British officer rode up to the fort, and in thirty minutes afterwards a capitulation was signed. The Adjutant soon after came in and informed the troops that we must consider ourselves prisoners of war to His Britannic Majesty's forces under Gen. Brock.

Such curses and imprecations as were now uttered by the soldiers upon the head of our General, were perhaps never before made use in any army.--"_Treachery_"--"_We are sold_"--was the cry throughout.

We were ordered to pack up our effects as soon as possible. Some officers entered the loft of the store house, where they found a few articles of clothing, which was distributed among us. The militia had been crowded into the fort which now was nearly filled with troops, in great disorder.

At 12 o'clock the British marched in and took possession of the fort. We were then ordered to shoulder arms and march out in sections.--Pa.s.sing near the British, we observed the greater part of their troops to be Militia, having "_Canadian Militia_," stamped on the b.u.t.tons of their coats, which were _red_, and gave them the appearance of regulars.--Of the red coats there were 29 platoons, with 12 men to each, (348) and about the same number without uniforms.--We were marched into a field adjoining the fort, and stacked our arms--a British guard was immediately placed over them.

The colors of the 4th regiment were next brought out by the Adjutant and delivered into the hands of a British officer. On observing this the soldiers could not suppress their tears. These colors were a present to the regiment by some ladies in Boston, and had been borne victoriously on the banks of the Wabash, and the sh.o.r.es of Erie, and at last are obliged to be shamefully surrendered to Canadian Militia, in consequence of the _cowardly_, (if not treacherous) conduct of our General.

The absence of Cols. M'Arthur and Ca.s.s was greatly lamented--had they been present, doubtless an engagement would have taken place; but some how or other the plans of the Gen. seemed to be more wisely arranged for a surrender than a manly defence.

A Journal of Two Campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Infantry Part 2

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