The Youth's Companion Part 18

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STAMPS! 400 well a.s.sorted Foreign Stamps, 25 cts.; 115, all different, worth 1 to 5 cts. each, 25 cts.; 50 varieties U. S., 20 cts.; a splendid STAMP ALb.u.m, gilt, flexible cover, 25 cts.; board cover, 45 cts. Stamps sent on approval to responsible parties who send references. Unused Postage Stamps taken. New Circular free. 2 Natal, 5c; 4 Peru, 10c; 6 Russia, 5c; 6 Sardinia, 5c; 3 Chili, 5c. JOSEPH BEIFELD, Chicago, Ill.

[Ill.u.s.tration (lame-back)]




This article is one which really possesses extraordinary merit. By consulting reliable physicians in your own locality, you will find that the above is true. It is far superior to the ordinary porous plaster, all the so-called electrical appliances, and to all external remedies whatever. It contains entirely new elements which cause it to relieve pain at once, strengthen and cure where other plasters will not even relieve. For Lameness and Weakness of the Back, diseased Kidneys, Lung and Chest difficulties, Rheumatism, Neglected Colds, Female Affections, and all local aches and pains, it is simply the best remedy ever devised. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 cents.


The most popular dentifrice of the day is SOZODONT. People prefer it because they have found by experience that it really does do what is claimed for it; that it is a genuine beautifier of the teeth, that it is, as its name SOZODONT signifies, a true preservative of them; that it imparts a pleasant aroma to the breath, and renders the gums rosy and healthfully firm. The favorite among dentifrices, therefore, is SOZODONT. Druggists all over the country say that the demand for it is immense.

[Ill.u.s.tration (high-wheeler)]

THE COLUMBIA BICYCLE, MADE BY THE POPE M'F'G CO., 85 Summer St., Boston, Ma.s.s.

Easy to learn to ride. An ordinary rider can go more miles in a day over common roads than a horse. Send 3ct stamp for price list and 24-page catalogue, with full information.



A new hardy Grape, combining the following desirable qualities: Hardiness, size, beauty, quality, productiveness and earliness. Send for Circular. JOHN B. MOORE, Concord, Ma.s.s. Say where you saw this.


Tells how to grow Flowers and Vegetables. Best Seeds ever Grown; fresh, reliable and pure; sure to grow. Large packets, low prices, liberal discounts. Illus'd Guide, 38 pp., free.

Address COLE & BRO., Seedsmen, Pella, Iowa.

NEW LIFE Geranium, scarlet and white-striped, 75 cents; 20 Verbenas, $1; 12 Ever-Blooming Roses, $1; 10 varieties Silver and Golden Geraniums, $1, by mail or express. I offer the largest, most reliable and most complete list of Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Garden and Flower Seed, Roses, etc., of any dealer in Vermont. Catalogue contains 100 pages, over 100 fine engravings, giving description and directions for planting and growing over 1500 varieties of seeds and plants mailed on receipt of 3-cent stamp. C. E. ALLEN, Florist and Seedsman, Brattleboro, VT. (Name this paper).


Originated by Levi Stockbridge, Professor of Agriculture in the Ma.s.sachusetts Agricultural College. They have been extensively used for six years. Send for a little book describing them, and giving directions for cultivating farm and garden crops. Every farmer, gardener, or cultivator of a kitchen garden, should send for a copy, _mailed free._ BOWKER FERTILIZER COMPANY, 43 Chatham Street, Boston; 3 Park Place, New York; and 21 North Water Street, Rochester, N. Y.

[Ill.u.s.tration (flower-basket)]


We sell all kinds of Flower and Vegetable Seeds at five cents per paper.

Our Half-Dime packets of choice seed are planted by thousands in all parts of America. Send for beautifully ill.u.s.trated Catalogue, free to all. New and Rare Bulbs and Plants, at extremely low prices. The following sent by mail, post-paid. Remit currency or postage stamps; 4 beautiful lilies, different sorts, named, 50 cts.; 9 Gladiolus, 9 splendid sorts, named 55 cts.; 12 choice mixed Gladiolus, 50 cts.; 12 Double Tube-roses, 80 cts. ALL FINE LARGE BULBS.


[Ill.u.s.tration (hand) B. K. Bliss & Sons Handbook for the Farm & Garden.

Catalogue of Garden, Field and Flower Seed Plants, Small Fruits and Garden Requisites. 34 Barclay St., New York, Established 1845.]

136 pages beautifully ill.u.s.trated, indispensable to all interested in gardening; mailed to all applicants enclosing 6 cents. Regular customers supplied free. _Mention the Companion._ Address B. K. BLISS & SONS, P.

O. Box 4129, 34 Barclay Street, New York.


The largest, handsomest, best hardy Red Raspberry, 3 inches round, very productive, carries well, and sells best in market. Sharpless and Crescent Seedlings the best Strawberries. Snyder Wallace and Taylor the hardiest and most prolific Blackberries; and other small fruits. Kaki, the most delicious j.a.pan fruit, as large and hardy as apples. Kieffer's Hybrid Seedling Pear, blight-proof, good quality, bears early and abundantly. Send for Catalogues. WM. PARRY, Cinnaminson, N. J.

[Ill.u.s.tration (crane)]

Reid's Floral Tribute.

The most beautiful and complete Seed and Bulb Catalogue published. 60 Exquisitely Colored Plates, _Engraved Cover in Gold._ Describes 1000 sorts _Flowers & Vegetables._ Price, 25 Cents. All ordering the book are registered and the price refunded on first order for Seeds, &c., to the amount of $1. Wm. H. REID, Rochester, N.Y. Name this paper.


Our Great Specialty is _growing_ and _distributing_ these Beautiful Roses. _We deliver_ Strong Pot Plants, suitable for _immediate_ bloom, _safety by mail_ at all post-offices. 5 Splendid Varieties, _your choice,_ all labelled, for $1; 12 for $2; 19 for $3; 26 for $4; 35 for $5; 75 for $10; 100 for $13. Send for our New Guide to Rose Culture--60 pages, elegantly ill.u.s.trated--and _choose_ from over Five hundred Finest Sorts. Address

THE DINGEE & CONARD CO., Rose Growers, West Grove, Chester Co., Pa.

The Youth's Companion Part 18

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