The Youth's Companion Part 19

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[Ill.u.s.tration (vine)]


43 Premiums at Cincinnati Exposition.

By Mail--Our Selection.

12 Roses, 12 Varieties . . . . . $1.00 12 Verbenas, 24 Varieties, . . . . 1.00 20 Basket Plants, 20 Varieties, . . 1.00 12 Carnations, 12 Varieties, . . . 1.00 12 Geraniums, 12 Varieties, . . . . 1.00 16 Tube Roses, flowering bulbs, . . 1.00 16 Gladiolas flowering bulbs, or . . 1.00 8 of each of the above two for . . . 1.00 10 Ferns, Different Sorts, . . . . 1.00 10 Begonias . . . . . . . . . 1.00 15 Choice Varieties of Hardy and Tender Annual Flower Seeds . . . . . . 50 25 Choice Varieties of Biennial and Per- ennial Flower Seeds . . . . . 1.00 Any 6 of the above Collections for . . 5.00 The best collection of fancy plants in the West.

Send for Catalogues, Free. 16 Green Houses Safe arrival Guaranteed and Satisfaction given in all case. B. P. Critch.e.l.l, 197 West 4th St., Cincinnati, O.

_Quality Unsurpa.s.sed._



Food for Flowers.

Send two ten cent pieces wrapped and enclosed in a letter for trial package sufficient for twenty plants for three mouths, including a little book on "How to make house Plants Bloom," by Professor Maynard, of the Ma.s.sachusetts Agricultural College. BOWKER FERTILIZER COMPANY, 43 Chatham Street, Boston; 3 Park Place, New York.


Strawberries, Raspberries, Asparagus, &c. Moore's New Seedling Strawberries; Moore's 1st Premium Cross-Bred Asparagus. Also, fine Medium Yorks.h.i.+re Swine. Send for Circular. JOHN B. MOORE, Concord, Ma.s.s.

Say where you saw this.

This publishers of _Farm and Fireside,_ Springfield, Ohio, give 1 year's subscription to their valuable and interesting paper, and send one dollar's worth of any kind of


by mail, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of one dollar. You can select exact seeds wanted, from catalogue of D.M. Ferry & Co., if you have not got it, be sure to send to us for their handsome 150 page catalogue, it is mailed free to all. And be convinced we furnish our subscribers with seeds at lower prices than they can buy elsewhere, and also give Farm and Fireside 1 year without additional cost. Farm and Fireside is a great favorite everywhere, suitable alike to the home circle in city, town, or country. The old, the young, and all are delighted with it.

LIBERAL SEED OFFERS,--We give Farm and Fireside 1 year, and 50 cents worth of Seeds, for 75 cents; $2.00 worth of Seeds, and F. & F. 1 year, for $1.50; $3.00 north of Seeds, and F. & F. 1 year, for $2. A club of 6 to one address, at price of 5.

SEED PREMIUMS.--To any one sending 4 subscribers, we give 50 cents worth of Seeds; for 7 subscribers we give $1 worth of Seeds; for 10 subscribers, $1.50 worth; for 12 subscribers, $2 worth; and for 15 subscribers, $3 worth of Seeds.

Liberal premiums and cash commission given to AGENTS.

SAMPLE COPIES, Premium List, and Catalogue of Seeds free to all. All Seeds are sent by mail, post-paid, direct from Seed House, at lowest catalogue prices, but address all orders to

FARM AND FIRESIDE, Springfield, Ohio.

The Youth's Companion Part 19

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