The American Nations Part 17

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We have here two nations well indicated. The first the _Giaga_ or _s.h.a.guas_, indicate the Lunar tribe, the _Chia_ of the Muyzcas, and other South American tribes _Achaguas_ of Oronoc, the _Chaguays_ or _Changas_ of Peru, _Agaches_ or _Agaiz_ or Paraguay; but above all the _Cacha_ or _Xauxa_ antidiluvian people of Peru. While in the second we trace again the Amazons or Atlantes, one of their main African tribes being the _Amantes_ of Solin, another the _Baniabas_ of Ptolemy, both in Lybia. In America the progeny is found in the _Mayas_ of Yucatan, the _Maynas_ of East Peru, the _Mamayant_ of Brazil, the Mbayas of Chaco &c.

The important name of Cazic for kings begins to appear: it is evidently oriental, and its affinities will be shown in a note.(71) It is akin also to _Kachi_ sun, in the Eyeri dialect: the _Was.h.i.+l_ of the Nachez.

_23d Event._ MACHOCHA-EL was set by the sun to watch the caves, and many inhabitants of the caves were killed by the sun, if they came out in the day time; they could only come out at night to seek for food. (Dangleria)

This either alludes to the great heat of the sun in Africa and the tropics, or to a dependance of the Lunar or Cave men upon the Solar men.

_Machocha_ has some affinities in the South American tribes; _Machicuys_ of, _Machacalis_ of Brazil, _Chaehas_ of Perou, _Chanchones_ of Quixos &c.

_24th Event._ Some men having dared to come in the day time, were changed into stones by the sun; (_Ziba_ is stone): also _Machokael_ for allowing it.

This fable may allude to a war, between the _Zibas_ stony or strong men and the solar tribes. These _Zibas_ were probably the _Zipas_ or princes of the Muyzcas. In Perou there is also a fable of men changed to stones at the primitive city of Tiahuanaco, which merely means a war and change of dominion. The name of _Ziba_ for stone is primitive.-See the Note for affinities.(72)

_25th Event._ Another set of men, going to the to fish, were changed into _Joboses_ (myrobolan or plumb trees) by the sun.

This metamorphose is peculiar to these fables: although the Mexicans called the Olmecas, fruit-people or Zapotecas. The a.n.a.logies of _Jobos_ or _Kobos_ are found in _Coyba_ of Darien, Cuba or _Coaiba_, the _Mocobis_ of Chaco &c. Another war is probably meant by this, and the _Jobos_ are a people. Have they any reference with the _Jubas_ of Mauritania? who formed a divine and royal dynasty there. _Juba_ was also the Jove or G.o.d of the Lybians. Several nations of Central and Mexican America had trees for emblems.

_26th Event._ The dynasty of _Giona_ or _Hi-Auna_ begins to rule over the men of Caziba or royal caves in Cauta.

This family of rulers or Cazics became famous afterwards as we shall see, as leaders of tribes to America. We can easily perceive here the ancient Pelagian tribes of _Ionia_ and _Aones_. _Hi-Auna_ means _the-Aones_. It was this dynasty or people that sent colonies to America: Oviedo says this happened in the time of Hesper 12th king of Spain, about 750 years after the flood, or 1658 years B. C. He deems the settlers Hesperians or Cantabrians. The root is ONA solar name of Lybians.

_27th Event._ VAGONIANA a ruler of the _Hi-Auna_, went fis.h.i.+ng from the cave, and became a bird or nightingale; who crossed the sea, and settled the island _Mathinino_ (Martinico) with a people of women. _Dangleria_.

His wife in the sea gives him two sons which became jewels _Ziba_ and _Guanin_ marble and metal.

This is a positive voyage over the Atlantic. Whenever we meet tribes of birds, in ancient history, they always mean travellers and colonies, and often pa.s.sage over the sea in sailing boats, compared to birds. The first s.h.i.+ps of the Scandinavians and Europeans seen in North America, were called birds by the natives. V and B interchange in the Haytian language as in Greek; _Va-gon-iana_, thus means _Father-Solar-Iana_. His people are called women, because unwarlike fishermen, or the Amazon tribe. Martinico was the first island settled by them: it bears the name of _Matinino_ in Roman, and was thus called yet in 1492, Garcia mentions the 2 sons and jewels.(73)

_28th Event._ GUAGU-GIONA king of Caziba, sent _Jadruvaba_ out of the caves, to collect the holy herb _Digo_ in order to purify and wash the body; but he was changed by the sun into a singing bird _Giahuba-Bogiael_ (the-singer bird-divine), and never returns.

We have here a second voyage by sea in a bird, and a contention with a solar people, caused by a trading voyage to procure some American commodity: Indigo probably which is identic with _Digo_. _Jadru-vaba_ or the father of _Khadru_, must be a new colonist. _Khadru_ has hardly any a.n.a.logies in America; but _Giahuba_ in which he was changed has some. It appears a.n.a.lagous with the _Yaoy_ and _Shebaoy_ two _Aruac_ tribes of Guyana, and thus _Khadru_ might be the _Aruac_ themselves; same nation with the Haytians once, as the languages prove; although extending to and Patagonia. The name of _Aruac_ or _Aruagas_ was inexplicable: it may refer to this origin, or to the _Rocou_ the red paint used by them.

But _Aruac_ may also mean _Aluac_; akin to the _Labuyu_ of the Caribs their va.s.sals, and the _Aluez_ va.s.sals of the Nachez nation. Could they derive from the ALE angels of the east; here reduced to servitude by foes?

_29th Event._ GUAGU-GIONA irritated that Jadru-vaba does not return, leaves the cave of _Caziba_ in search of him, and went with men and women to the island Matinino, where the women were left, while the men went to the land of _Guanin_.

This is the third pa.s.sage of the Atlantic, unless that of _Vagoniana_ only mentioned by Dangleria and Garcia be the same; but they are likely to be successive tribes of Ionas. That all the women should be left in Martinico is a fable, meaning that the weakest or fis.h.i.+ng tribes settled there or in the islands; while the warriors went to the American continent, called _Guanin_, which has several meanings, land of Guanas or lizard men, or land of metals. It became afterwards the name of a peculiar metal formed by the natural or artificial amalgam of 18 parts gold, 6 silver, and 8 copper: and a tribe a.s.sumed the name. _Guana_ or _Guanos_ was the name of a large nation of South America; perhaps come from the _Guans_ of the Canary islands; but slightly related to the Aruacs by the languages: yet perhaps akin: it was spread east of the Andes, between the two tropics.(74)

_30th Event._ The children were left behind, because afraid to cross, and were crying after their mothers; but became changed into _Tona_ or opossums. Garcia says into _Toa_ or frogs.

There are no opossums in Hayti nor the small islands, nor in Africa. But they are plenty in South America, where the notion must have sprung. This fable and metamorphosis may imply a hidden meaning. The opossums are the only animals bearing their young in a pouch, as s.h.i.+ps bear men. Could not this indicate other s.h.i.+ps without sails, and thus no longer birds with wings?

TON is a remarkable word, since it is the root of _Nei-ton_ the Lybian neptunes or navigators. The twin TUN are the holy ancestors of the Chilians, _Tona-ca_ (flesh our) is the ancestor or Adam of some Mexican nations. The frogs were the emblem of the Muyzcas!

_31st Event._ GUABONITO a woman follows _Guaga-Giona_ to the bigland of _Guanin_ by swimming. He is well pleased with it, and calls her his own _Biberozi_ (wife-loving): but as she was diseased he puts her apart in a _Guanara_, where she heals, and he makes her queen.

A singular romantic fable, the disease of the woman is stated to be the syphilis! _Guabo-n'ito_ means fruit or Guava pear of man! The allegory implies another colony following _Guaga_, not by swimming; but with paddles or on rafts; probably a part of the lesser tribe of _Amaiuna_ or Amazons, so often called women in antiquity; although a powerful African people. All the women left in the islands might be of such a tribe, and since become the Mayas of Yucatan, Hayti &c., with the Manas or Manoas, the Amazons of South America.

_32d Event._ ANACACUGIA (flower of Cacao) brother of this wife or ally of _Guaga_, runs away from him on the back of a manati or seal, and goes back to the women of Matinino.

This implies a separation of tribes, one returning to the islands, where they probably formed the Cairi nation. The seal used for boats, is a third fable, found in Greece; boats are thus compared to birds, opossums and seals. Many American languages animate boats and s.h.i.+ps. This seal must mean a _Manati_, or sea cow; real seals not being found in the Antilles.

If the name was _Manati_, it has affinities with the _Ama-yuna_ or _Ama-Zons_ tribe. _Ma-ti-ni-no_ is in Haytian _great-mount-the-good_, while _Mana-ti_ is _moving mountain_. Has not _Anacacu_ a reference to the _Anakim_ of Asia, the _Cacus_ of Europe, and the _Tam-anacu_ of South America?

_33d Event._ HI-AUNA father of _Guago-giona_ comes with his son to the land of Guanin, and being the grandfather of all the tribes, they receive the names of _Hi-auna_; which is afterwards changed to children of Guanin.

_Hin Gua-ili Gua-nin_ (the-plural such-children such-Nin), and lastly the whole united nation is called _Guanini_.

The Aones came then also to America, and there was a confederacy of the tribes. _Gua-gu_, _Gua-go_ and _Gua-ga_, may be 3 spellings of a same name; but they might also be three successive and distinct tribes of _Giona_. _Gua-bonito_ in one instance is made another lord or tribe, instead of a wife of _Guago_.

_34th Event._ ALBEBORA and his son _Al-bebora-El_, were also Guanini lords or Cazics, who came with the _Giona_ tribe. This indicates again another nation. The name is remarkable, because it resembles _Albion_ and _Bora_, two primitive nations of the north, which settled England and the boreal regions, becoming the Hyper-Boreans of later times. Perhaps these Boras are identic with the _Aboras_ and _Aboris_ of ancient Italy, the mountaineers since called _Abori-genes_ by the Greeks.

_35th Event._ Another Guaga-giona II. or _Guaba-giona_ is mentioned afterwards, whose son became the _Guanini_ tribe.

_Guaba_ means both _the father_ and _the Guava pear_. The succession of these _Gionas_ is very obscure; but many are probably omitted, and the whole poetical records allude to the most famous of the dynasty or nation.

Guanini implies the Golden tribe.

_36th Event._ The settlement of the Guaninis in Hayti was from Matinino and the east; being exiled from Matinino, they are led by _Camo_ who begins the kingdom of _Cabonao_ in Hayti; they settle on the river _Bahaboni_, where they built their houses, and afterwards the great temple of _Camotzia_. They gave to the island the name of _Quisqueia_ or great universe; but afterwards _Hayti_, meaning land rough or hilly.


This important event is best given with those details by Dangleria: while Roman appears to mix it with the settlement of Guanin. Yet _Quisqueia_ was more probably the first name given to South America, rather than to Hayti: another name for which was _Bohio_ or habitations. _Camo_ or _Guamo_ means lord or master, _Tzia_ is temple. The exile of the Guaninis from the islands, must allude to another revolution and perhaps invasion. This _Camo_, was probably the same as the _Cami_ or _Coma_ of Cuba in later time, _Comayagua_ of Honduras; which a.s.similate the first civilized Haytians with the tribes of Central America. It might have happened that these _Camos_ were _Mayas_ and the ancestors of the _Mayo-riexes_. The history of the Mayas of Otolum, and Central America, will be connected with these annals hereafter; but much is left for conjecture.

_37th Event._ Other exiles of Matinino settle at the island _Cabini_ now Turtle island; and near it on the north sh.o.r.e of Hayti, from whence they spread through the island, which is called _Bouhi_ or _Bohio_, meaning full of towns.

Dangleria mentions this likewise. House and town or habitation, are synonymous in Haytian.

_38th Event._ They found some _Caracoles_ or _Taracolas_, crabs! or beastly men, dwelling in the island. The _Guaninis_ wanting women, took some Caracols beasts for wives, and made them suitable women, by was.h.i.+ng them, and giving them to eat the fruit _Inriri Cahuvial_. This was done by a _Vagoniana_ II. These Caracols had then survived the flood or come before the Guaninis, the name of the fruit that made them women, if explained, might elucidate this event; but the signification was not given; another version will suggest other important a.n.a.logies.(75)

_39th Event._ These Caracols deprived of their women, took other female beasts for wives (another tribe) and from this union most of the Haytians descended, becoming _Anaborias_ or va.s.sals of the Guaninis.

_Anaboria_ means flower or lizard of labor! these might be descended from _Albebora_. This name for bondsmen, boors or laborers, was widely spread in America, and has affinities all over the world, even with the Latin labor.(76)

_40th Event._ These first inhabitants of Hayti, fed on dates, bananas, cocos, fruits, nuts, herbs, yams, roots, onions, mushrooms: until taught the use of Cazabi or bread by _Boition_, with maize, cotton, mandioc &c.

Another fact of Dangleria, very natural indicating the tropical food of old times.

_41st Event._ _Michetauri Guauana_, was the leader of the first colony to _Coaibai_ (death house) in the land of _Soraia_ (setting sun), and became the king of it. There the people are called _Goeiz_ (phantoms or ghosts) and go about by night; but are not dead people whose name is _Opia_.

_Coaibai_ is either Cuba or Coyba in Darien, or both. It became the paradise of the Haytians, placed in Cuba or further west, and a place of delight. The names and allusions are remarkable. They a.s.similate to those of the Greeks &c. about the fortunate islands of the west: those of the Orientals and Hebrews about the island _Elisha_, and the _Sheol_ or place of souls, the Hebrew Plutonic region. _Soraya_ for setting sun, is identic with _Surya_ of the Hindus: whence came _Syria_ the west, and even our word _sorrow_; while _Sol_ comes from Sheol. _Azil_ sun in Pelasgian, is akin to _Elisha_ whence our word Azylum! _Goeiz_ is akin to ghost, _Ghaib_ in Syrian, _Coyocop_ of the Nachez, _Goz_ of the Vilelas. _Opi_ has affinities every where. _Michetauri_ is perhaps a synonym of _Machi-tuyra_ great devil, _Guauana_ is such-Auna. Perhaps this fable alludes to an anterior event and the pa.s.sage to America of a former Hi-Auna.(77)

_42d Event._ AUMATEX a great Cazic marries the female Zemi _Guabanzex_, G.o.ddess of waters and wind, and she has two sons _Guatauva_ and _Pregonero_, who become male Zemis.

It is impossible to say if this event belongs to this time or to the cosmogony. I presume it is historical, alluding to new tribes, and perhaps foreign to Hayti. The names are difficult to explain, nor is it stated what these sons performed; but being sons of water and wind, they must have led colonies by sea elsewhere. They are perhaps the ancestors of the Guataios and the Puruays?(78)

_43d Event._ COROCORO the quadruped Zemi of the Caracols? was the ancestor of two lines of kings, _Guamorete_ and _Guatabanex_, who rule in Hayti.

His temple was in _Sacaba_, and his high-priest was called _Cavava-Niovava_. Cave father and our father.

This alludes to different tribes than the Guaninis: _Coro_ was a tribe in c.u.mana. Perhaps this is another version of the 10th Event, or a proper indication of the subsequent inst.i.tutions of the Caracol nation, when more civilized, and become the Mayorex.

_44th Event._ Arrival in Hayti, Cuba &c. of the first _Bohito_ (old man), a priest and legislator, called _Boition_ by Dangleria, meaning both _Priest-solar_ and Old _Ion_: he introduces agriculture and the use of bread, divides the nation into 3 castes, _Tainos_, or n.o.bles, _Bohitos_ or priests, _Anaborias_ or va.s.sals, and these last into tillers, hunters and fishermen. He becomes pontif, settles the religion; establis.h.i.+ng mysteries and oracles, the wors.h.i.+p of Zemis, and many other inst.i.tutions, holydays, festivals, religious dances, schools &c., declaring the land common to all, like the sun and water.

There are at least 3 Bohitos, that came to Hayti and Cuba, and civilized the people; but it is difficult to distinguish the deeds of each. They were probably priests leading more civilized colonies from the east or from America. Their name which is variously spelt or varies in dialects was also _Buhuti_, _Boitio_, _Bauti_, _Buhui_, _Boyeto_ &c., is akin to the _Boyez_, _Poyes_, _Piazes_, _Payes_ of South America, used by the Aruacs, Guaranis and Carib tribes, _Piaches_ of Tamanacs, _Bauti_ of Dabaiba, _Papas_ of Central America, _Bochica_ of Muyzcas; but the names of priests all over ancient eastern nations, have still more a.n.a.logies(79)-and therefore they came from the east. The civilization and religion introduced or improved by them is also oriental; it was more advanced than we are aware; since they had ample fields and orchards, roads and, schools in which they taught history, religion, medicine and useful arts. Of their astronomy nothing has been preserved, nor of their hieroglyphs.

_45th Event._ Bohito II. or _Buhui-tihu_ (old eminent) comes and improves still further the rites &c., becoming high-priest. He introduces medicines, charms, the use of cotton and cloth, burning of bodies instead of mummies as formerly, the holy herbs _Gueyo_ and _Zochen &c._

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