The American Nations Part 18

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This is all what can be collected on this second law-giver, and he is even blended with the next, except by name.

_46th Event._ Bohito III. or _Baio-habao_ (sea-lyre) comes next, introducing music, sacred instruments called after him, and probably the rites of the triple named G.o.d of the Hindu and Mayan trimurti: _Bugia_, _Aiba_ and _Bradama_: who became the Zemi of war, or perhaps led to a war.

This G.o.d with three names is evidently Vishnu, s.h.i.+ba and Brama of India: found in Yucatan as _Izona_, _Echuah_ and _Bacab_. See my dissertation in Atlantic Journal, on similar names of triple G.o.d all over America and the east. It does not follow that this wors.h.i.+p came direct from India; but it might come through the Pelagians, who had it as _Bram_, _Amen_ and _Vix_, inverted among the Ausonians, Oscans. The same about a G.o.d creator preserver and destroyer was prevalent in Asia, Iran, Thibet, Syria, Egypt, Greece, Etruria, and even the Canary islands. The Mayoriex came probably with Bohito III.

_47th Event._ Happy state of this civilized people, hardly knowing war, pa.s.sing the time in festivals, dancing, singing and making love: whence called the Fortunate islands, by the navigators that happened to go so far. They dwelt in wooden houses and had towns of 1000 houses.-Herrera.

This period is indicated by twenty authentic sources of ancient history, and the ancient traditions of Europe about the happy land of the west, Elisha or Elysium, Hesperides, Cocana of the Spaniards &c.: besides the happy state in which Hayti was found.-See the account of the ancient notions and communications with America, and the great Atlantis: the most explicit is found in Diodorus Siculus, as follows.

_48th Event._ The Phenicians driven by a storm, while going from Gades to Africa, discover the large island ATLANTIS, many days in the ocean west of Lybia. It was very fruitful, with mountains, large plains and navigable rivers; with many woods and fruits, fine valleys, plenty of wild beasts and fish. The air is mild and healthful; it is a residence fit for G.o.ds: the inhabitants are a strong and healthful people; they have many towns, with stately buildings, houses of pleasures, gardens, orchards &c.-Diod.

Book V.

The translators of Diodorus have blundered so far as to deem this island Madeira or the Canaries; which are small islands, without streams, and the first without inhabitants. It can only apply to Hayti, or even the continent of South America.

_49th Event._ _A black people_ came to Hayti from the south or south-east, who had darts of Guanin metal, and were called the Black Guaninis.

This tradition preserved by Herrera, Garcia and Charlevoix, indicates a colony of _Negroes_ or men painting black, from South America. They might be the black Negroes of Quarequa mentioned by Dangleria, or some other American Negro nation, of which there are many.-See my account of ancient Black Nations of America. Dangleria mentions two wild tribes of savages in Hayti towards 1500, one speechless! (which means they spoke a different language) probably a remain of the Caracols, another swift dwelling in caves, quite apart, seen in 1514 in Zauana of Guacarima.

_50th Event._ Navigations of the Haytians and Cubans, settlements of the Lucayas islands, Jamaica, and probably some parts of Florida: mutual trade with Cuba and the continent.

These colonial and trading voyages must have begun long before and have been continual. Columbus met individuals in Cuba who had visited Hayti, Jamaica and Yamaya, the Maya land or Yucatan. _Yucayas_ or Lucayans knew Cuba, Hayti and Florida, which was called _Cautio_ says Fulgar, quoted by Cardenas, who deems the Antilles peopled from hence, blending it with _Cauta_ the original seat of the Haytians. South America was once called _Guanin_, afterwards _Caribana_ when it was overspread by the Carib tribes. The Nachez appear to have come from Cuba. The c.u.manas knew Hayti and called it _Atsi_.

_51st Event._ The _Canibas_ (whence our Canibals) or the _Caribas_, (whence our Caraibes), a savage people, often feeding on human flesh, begin to spread to Guyana and South America; becoming bold navigators also, they send war parties and colonies to the peaceful islands of the Antilles, and even to Florida.

The Caribas evidently descended from the Galibis, and other akin nations of South America, did not originate in North America, as supposed by Bridgstock and a few others. Laborde who spent 20 years with them, and knew well their language, has published some of their traditions in 1704.

_Lon-quo_ was their original G.o.d, who made _Rac.u.mon_ their chief or leader to America, who leads there the tribes of snakes, men, Cabatos-trees and birds. The true name of the nation was _Cali_, those of the main were _Cali-nago_ or _Calibis_, of the islands _Cali-ponam_. Rochefort &c.-See my Carib Traditions.

_52d Event._ The Calibis of Guyana after long wars with _Alouague_ the kings of the _Aruacas_, send the general _Timani_ to conquer the Aruacas Islanders, _Cahiris_, _Eyeris_ &c. who leads the tribe of _Labouyous_ (va.s.sals) and conquer several islands, killing the men and keeping the women.-Rochefort &c.

The period of this invasion is unknown; those who bring the Caribs from North America, make it much later of course; but it is likely to be an old event: although several invasions are probably meant and blended. The _Timanis_ and _Labouyous_ must have effected this. They adopted many customs and partly the religion of the conquered women. The following tradition belongs probably to the conquered Eyeris.

_53d Event._ Once when living wretched and on the spontaneous fruits of the earth, _Oubek-Eyeri_ (heaven man) a holy man drest all in white cotton, comes from heaven (_Oubek_ above). He first appears to a desolate old man _Boyez_, and teach him to build houses, to cultivate mandioc and make bread of it &c.

This must have been a priest or bohito of Hayti, who tried to civilize the Caribs: unless it refers to anterior traditions. He taught religion also, that good men would go after death to the happy islands of the west, and become _Chemin_ or _Icheiri_ Zemis; while bad men should become _Oumekoua_ wanderers at sea, and _Mabouyas_ devils.

_54th Event._ The Caribas in search of these fortunate islands go to Hayti and Cuba; but are repulsed, and settle in Florida, where they extended inland, becoming the tribes of _Cofachi_, _Matica_ and _Amana_. They dwell there a long while often at war with the Apalachis, who conquer them and incorporate at last.

See Brigstock for this fact, and the wars with the Apalachis; the details belong to the history of North America and the nations of Florida.

_55th Event._ Some expelled Caribs hearing by traders of Zigateo, steal some canos and run away to this island, one of the Lucayas; well received; but sent to Ayay (Santa Cruz) desert island, where they settle and increase. This happened towards 1150 of our era.

This positive fact begins the certain chronology of the Antilles; but Brigstock is quite wrong in deeming these fugitives, the ancestors of all the Carib and Galibis tribes as far as Brazil.

_56th Event._ Civil wars in Hayti, attempt of some kings to become independent from the _Bohitos_ government. The Cazic _Guamaretus_ despise his G.o.d or Zemi _Corochotum_, for which he is overcome in battle and his palace burnt. Dangleria.

This indicates probably a revolution, and attempt to overthrow the ancient religion, perhaps before 1150.

_57th Event._ CAZI-BAQUEL restores peace, and the wors.h.i.+p of the great G.o.d _Jocavaghama_, with the Zemi _Tarugavael_ found in the woods. Meantime the G.o.d JOCAVA prophecies by an oracle that the _Maguacochios_ (great people clothed) would come, with fire and thunder to destroy or enslave the rebellious Haytians. This was understood to apply to the Caribs, and Spaniards afterwards.(80)

_58th Event._ This great king BAQUEL, begins a dynasty, and has many successors _Gamanacoel_, _Guarionel_, _Guayaronel_, _Guavanenechin_, _Guavavo-conel_, _Caramarex_, _Guaramatex &c._, who are the chief kings of Hayti. _Guarionex_ was his successor when the Spaniards came.

The ancestors of Guarionex had been kings or cazics from time immemorial in the great kingdom and valley of Maguana, 180 miles long and 30 broad, running from east to west; having from east to west the provinces Can.o.bocoa, Hubabo, Cayaba, Maricoa, Bainoa. The river Bahuan runs through it, which is probably the same as Bahaboni, where settled the Guaninis.

They appear to have been at the head of the feodal system of Cazics and Tainos established in Hayti. All the other kings bearing them allegiance: and their dialect was the court language.

_59th Event._ The island becomes divided into 5 kingdoms, with many provinces each having a Cazic. They were 1. _Caizimu_ in the east with 11 provinces, Higuey was the first of them, 2. _Bainoa_ in the centre, the largest of all, belonging to the _Baquel_ dynasty, with 24 provinces, Maguana being the first of them, 3. _Guacarima_, the west end, with 12 provinces, Xaragua being the main, 4. _Hubaba_, a small kingdom with 3 provinces in the south mountains, 5. _Cotoy_ or _Cayabo_ in the mountains of the north, held by the _Mayoriex_ people, with 7 provinces, and the mountains Zibao.

Dangleria gives the names of all these provinces, but he has omitted the kingdom of _Marien_ in the north-west, he makes it only a province of Bainoa. Laet, Charlevoix and Munoz have given maps of old Hayti, with the situations of many, the rivers, towns, islands, mountains, lakes &c.; see my Ancient Geography of the Antilles.

_60th Event._ Meantime Cuba was also divided into 7 kingdoms, 1. _Mayzi_ or _Maiti_ opposite Hayti, 2. _Bayamo_ west of it, 3. _Cueyba_ in the centre, whence the name of _Cuba_, probably the head kingdom, 4.

_Camayegua_ or _Camaguey_ inhabited by a different people, famous tribe, probably _Comayaguas_ of Honduras, or Olmecas, 5. _Xagua_ near the middle, 6. _Macaca_ in the south opposite Jamaica, 7. _Haniguanica_ at the west end where are the high mountains _Uhima_.

_61st Event._ The island of Jamaica was divided in two kingdoms. Boriquen also Buchena or Burichina (D) now Porto-Rico, formed one, but had 26 Cazics in as many valleys, the high mountains of Guayamo being desert. The _Yucayas_ (white islands) now Bahama, were numberless, the largest being Amana, Zigateo, Bahama, Bimini, Sumana, Yuma, Guanahani, Saomoto, Abaco &c. The Cazics were much respected there, being also Bohitos or Behiques (priests) judges and stewards. Labor was in common and the daily food given from the public stores. Some islands were at war; but only used sticks in their quarrels. Yet all the islands formed a single kingdom, the great Cazic resided at Saomoto.

_62d Event._ The Caribas of Ayay having multiplied, spread again over the eastern islands: they are repulsed in Boriquen; but meeting their ancient tribes in _Curucueria_ now Guadeloupe: it becomes their chief island: whence they send war parties to 1000 miles off, even to the continent; and occupy _Galana_ now Marigalante, _Matinino_ or _Madinino_ now Martinique, _Liamaca_ now Antigua, _Liamuiga_ St. Christopher, _Bayaraco_ St. Vincent, _Bequia_ Grenada &c. called collectively _Caliaqua_ the islands of the Calibis.

_63d Event._ They molest the of Boriquen, where they are always repulsed, but often steal men and children to eat them.

_64th Event._ They a.s.sail the of Hayti, where they are much feared; signals by smoke are made when they appear. In Higuey and Caizimu, eastern regions of the island, the Haytians become warlike to defend themselves, and use poisoned arrows as they did. Elsewhere the Haytians used only darts, lances and macanas, peculiar wooden swords.

_65th Event._ The Caribs went as far as the of Cuba, and desolated the south the Cubans removing their towns inland. They were called Canibas and Canimas: and succeed in forming a settlement at Baracoa to the south-east.

_66th Event._ They were repulsed in their attempt against the warlike Jamaicans who used arrows; they do not appear to have molested the Yucayans, owing to their former alliance and gift of the island Ayay.

These events are chiefly collected from Columbus' own account, and personal narratives of his travels, with other retrospective hints by the Spanish writers. They will also afford the notices of the subsequent events.

_67th Event._ The population of all the Tainos in the Antilles was at least two millions; 1,200,000 in Hayti; 600,000 in Cuba; 100,000 in Boriquen; 60,000 in Jamaica; 40,000 in the Yucayas; besides the unknown Carib population.

This is the least calculation, at the Spanish arrival: others have swelled it to 6 millions, including all the West Indies. Las-Casas states that the Lucayas had 500,000, Jamaica and Boriquen 600,000.

_68th Event._ The domestic animals of these islands, were among beasts, Alco dogs, gochi-dogs, agutis, cavias, pecari hogs and manatis: turtles and guanas among reptiles: parrots, doves, partridges, fowls, ducks and red cranes among birds: remoras among fishes; and even cucuyos or fire flies used for lamps among insects.

Such were found either in one or all the islands; which were not therefore dest.i.tute of domestic animals, as commonly believed. Columbus found tame fowls at Cuba in 1492; which were probably the Powis fowls.

_69th Event._ Beroica was king of Jamaica (about the year 1420) he began a dynasty; his two successors were Bemberoica and _Abem-beroica_, meaning Beroica II., Beroica III.

Garcia states this fact; but in 1503 Columbus found Ameyro Cazic of the east, and Huarco of the west of Jamaica.

_70th Event._ The island Puta or Cahiri now Trinidad at the furthest east end of the Antilles was still inhabited by several Aruac tribes, Cahiris, Yaoy &c. which resisted the inroads of their constant foes the Galibis and Caribas.

_71st Event._ Between 1450 and 1480 Guaramatex was the greatest king and Cazic of Hayti, in Bainoa and Maguana.

_72d Event._ Cayacoa was king of Caizimu and Higuey in the east from about 1460 to 1494 when he died.

_73d Event._ About 1470 some Caribs settle in Samana, the east peninsula of Hayti; and two valiant brothers Caonabo and Manicatex, form themselves a small kingdom inland near to the Mayoriex nation, Mayo-banex their king admits them as allies. Caonabo conquers 3 provinces, Dahabon, Zibaho and Manababo. He was so much esteemed for his valor, that Anacoana the Venus of Hayti, sister of the king of Xaragua, becomes his wife soon after.(81)

_74th Event._ About 1475, Behechio is king of Guacarima in the west, till 1500. His capital was Xaragua. He became a conqueror of several provinces, as far as Neyba and Ozama rivers. He had 32 va.s.sal Cazics, and 30 wives, his favorite queen was Guanahata.

Dangleria calls him Beuchicus Anaca-choa, and says that as usual with great kings, he received many t.i.tles, being called s.h.i.+ning Copper, Bright Highness, and Rich Flood. These t.i.tles were really

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