The Negro in the United States; a selected bibliography Part 32

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1006 Daniel, Bradford, _ed._ Black, white, and gray; twenty-one points of view on the race question. New York, Sheed and Ward [1964] 308 p. E185.61.D26

1007 Dougla.s.s, Frederick. Three addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United States.

Was.h.i.+ngton, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1886. 68 p. E185.61.D734

1008 Drimmer, Melvin, _comp._ Black history; a reappraisal, edited with commentary by Melvin Drimmer. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1968. xx, 553 p. E185.D7 Essays which present the Negro's role in American history, each prefaced by an a.n.a.lysis of the historical events surrounding the period it covers.

Bibliography: p. [531]-538.

1009 DuBois, William E. B. Darkwater; voices from within the veil.

New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920. 276 p. [E183.5.D8]

[TR: E185.61.D83 1920]

Reprinted in part from various periodicals.

1010 DuBois, William E. B. The souls of black folk; essays and sketches. New York, Blue Heron Press, 1953. 264 p. illus.

E185.5.D81 1953 First printed in 1903.

1011 Ebony. White on black; the views of twenty-two white Americans on the Negro. Edited by Era Bell Thompson and Herbert Nipson, editors of Ebony magazine. Chicago, Johnson Pub. Co., 1963. 230 p. E185.6.E26

1012 Franklin, John H. Lincoln and public morality; an address delivered at the Chicago Historical Society on February 12, 1959. [Chicago] Chicago Historical Society, 1959. 24 p. JA79.F66

1013 Freedom of Information Conference, _8th, University of Missouri, 1965_. Race and the news media. Edited by Paul L. Fisher and Ralph Lowenstein. New York, Praeger [1967] 158 p. E185.61.F84 1965aa Papers and summaries of discussion sessions of the conference sponsored by the Freedom of Information Center of the University of Missouri and the Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith.

1014 Goldwin, Robert A., _comp._ Civil disobedience; five essays by Martin Luther King, Jr. [and others]. Edited by Robert A.

Goldwin. [Gambier, Ohio, Public Affairs Conference Center, Kenyon College, 1968] 1 v. (various pagings) JC328.G58 Bibliographical footnotes.

Contents.-Letter from the Birmingham city jail, by M. L. King, Jr.-The case against civil disobedience, by H. J.

Storing.-Reflections on civil disobedience and lawlessness, by P. Goodman.-Civil disobedience and beyond, by J. Farmer.-The American tradition of civil disobedience: a response to Henry David Th.o.r.eau, by H. V. Jaffa.

1015 Goldwin, Robert A., _ed._ 100 years of emanc.i.p.ation, essays by Harry V. Jaffa [and others]. Chicago, Rand McNally [1964] 217 p.

(Rand McNally public affairs series) E185.61.G62 1964a Bibliographical footnotes.

1016 Grimke, Francis J. Christianity and race prejudice; two discourses delivered in the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., May 29th, and June 5th, 1910. By the pastor Rev. Francis J. Grimke. [Was.h.i.+ngton, Press of W. E. Cobb, 1910] 29 p. E185.61.G87 BX9178.G764C6 no. 4

1017 Grimke, Francis J. Equality of rights for all citizens, black and white, alike. A discourse delivered in the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., Sunday, March 7th, 1909, by the pastor, Rev. Francis J. Grimke. [Was.h.i.+ngton, 1909] 19 p.


1018 Hill, Roy L. Rhetoric of racial revolt. Denver, Golden Bell Press, 1964. 378 p. E185.6.H52

1019 Howard University, _Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. Graduate School. Division of the Social Sciences_. The new Negro thirty years afterward; papers contributed to the sixteenth annual spring conference ...

April 20, 21, and 22, 1955. Edited by Rayford W. Logan, chairman, Eugene C. Holmes [and] G. Franklin Edwards.

Was.h.i.+ngton, Howard University Press, 1955 [i.e. 1956] 96 p.

E185.5.H73 1955a "Dedicated to the memory of Professor Alain Locke."

Includes bibliographies. "Bibliography of the writings of Alain Leroy Locke ... by Robert E. Martin": p. 89-96.

1020 Johnson, Lyndon B., _Pres. U.S._ The one huge wrong: President Lyndon Johnson speaking at Howard University in Was.h.i.+ngton on June 4, 1965, a.n.a.lysing the Negro problem; [linocut ill.u.s.trations by Paul Peter Piech]. Bushey (Herts.), Taurus Press [1968] [15] p. illus. E185.J63 "Two hundred and eighty [numbered] copies have been printed plus a 30 special bound edition. This is copy number 216."

1021 Jones, LeRoi. Home; social essays. New York, Morrow, 1966. 252 p. [E185.6.J74] [TR: E185.6.B25 1966 Baraka, Imamu Amiri]

1022 King, Donald B., _and_ Charles W. Quick, _eds._ Legal aspects of the civil rights movement. With an introduction by James M.

Nabrit, Jr. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1965. 447 p.

[DLC-LL] [TR: KF4757.A5K5]

"Civil rights law of 1964": p. 333-375.

Bibliography: p. 431-446.

1023 King, Martin Luther. I have a dream; speech at the March on Was.h.i.+ngton. [n.p.] c1963. 6 p. E185.61.K53

1024 King, Martin Luther. The trumpet of conscience. New York, Harper & Row [1968, c1967] 78 p. (Ma.s.sey lectures, 1967) E185.97.K5 1968 Canadian ed. (Canadian Broadcasting Co.) has t.i.tle: _Conscience for Change._

1025 Lincoln, Charles Eric. Sounds of the struggle; persons and perspectives in civil rights. New York, Morrow, 1967. 252 p.

E185.615.L5 Includes bibliographical references.

1026 Little, Malcolm. Malcolm X speaks; selected speeches and statements. [Edited, with prefatory notes, by George Breitman]

New York, Merit Publishers, 1965. 242 p. illus., ports.


1027 Little, Malcolm. The speeches of Malcolm X at Harvard. Edited, with an introductory essay, by Archie Epps. New York, W. Morrow, 1968. 191 p. [E185.61.L59 1968] [TR: BP223.Z8L57 1968]

Bibliographical references included in "Footnotes" (p.


1028 Mack, Raymond W. Race, cla.s.s, and power. 2d ed. [New York]

American Book Co. [1968] 468 p. E184.A1M145 1968 Includes bibliographical references.

1029 Meier, August, _and_ Elliott M. Rudwick, _comps._ The making of black America; essays in Negro life & history. New York, Atheneum, 1969. xvi, 377, 507 p. (Studies in American Negro life) E185.M43 Includes bibliographical references.

Contents.-The origins of black Americans.-The black community in modern America.

1030 Miller, Kelly. Race adjustment [and] The everlasting stain. New York, Arno Press, 1968. 306, 352 p. (The American Negro, his history and literature) E185.M66 1968 Reprint of the 1908 ed. of _Race Adjustment_ and of the 1924 ed. of _The Everlasting Stain_.

1031 Murphy, Raymond J., _and_ Howard Elinson, _eds._ Problems & prospects of the Negro movement. Belmont, Calif., Wadsworth Pub.

Co. [1966] 440 p. illus., (Wadsworth continuing education series) E185.615.M8 Bibliography: p. 437-440. Includes bibliographical references.

1032 Nelson, Alice R. M. D., _ed._ Masterpieces of Negro eloquence; the best speeches delivered by the Negro from the days of slavery to the present time. New York, Bookery Pub. Co. [c1914]

512 p. port. PS663.N4N4 [TR: Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore]

1033 Pipes, William H. Death of an "Uncle Tom." New York, Carlton Press [1967] 118 p. (A Hearthstone book) E185.61.P6 Bibliographical footnotes.

1034 Redding, Jay Saunders. No day of triumph. With an introduction by Richard Wright. New York, Harper [1942] 342 p. E185.6.R42

1035 Rousseve, Ronald J. Discord in brown and white; nine essays on intergroup relations in the United States by a Negro American.

New York, Vantage Press [1961] 89 p. E185.61.R82 "Selected references": p. 87-89.

1036 Stone, Chuck. Tell it like it is. New York, Trident Press, 1967 [c1968] 211 p. E185.61.S872 1968

1037 Theobald, Robert. An alternative future for America; essays and speeches. Edited by Kendall College. [Chicago, Swallow Press, 1968] 186 p. illus. HN65.T44

1038 Truman, Harry S., _Pres. U.S._ Freedom and equality, addresses.

David S. Horton, editor. Columbia, University of Missouri Press [1960] 85 p. JC599.U5T7

1039 Was.h.i.+ngton, Booker T. Character building; being addresses delivered on Sunday evenings to the students of Tuskegee Inst.i.tute. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1902. 291 p. front.


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