The Approach to Philosophy Part 26

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BENTHAM, J.: _Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation._ (Utilitarian.)

STEPHEN, L.: _Science of Ethics._ (Evolutionary and social.)


PLATO: _Theaetetus._ Translation by Jowett. (Exposition and criticism of Protagoras.)

BERKELEY: _Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous_; _Principles of Human Knowledge_.

HUME: _An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding._

SCHOPENHAUER: _The World as Will and Idea._ Translation by Haldane and Kemp.

MILL, J. S.: _An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy_, X-XIII.

CLIFFORD, W. K.: _Lectures and Essays: On the Nature of Things in Themselves._ (Panpsychism.)

DEUSSEN, PAUL: _Elements of Metaphysics._ Translation by Duff.

(Following Schopenhauer and Oriental philosophy.)

PAULSEN, FR.: _Introduction to Philosophy._ (Panpsychism.)

STRONG, C. A.: _Why the Mind Has a Body._ (Panpsychism.)

JAMES, WILLIAM: _Reflex Action and Theism_, in _The Will to Believe_.

(Morality and religion of individualism.)


PARMENIDES: _Fragments._ Arrangement and translation by Burnet or Fairbanks.

PLATO: _Republic_, Books VI and VII. Translations by Jowett and Vaughan.

_Symposium_, _Phaedrus_, _Phaedo_, _Philebus_. Translation by Jowett.

ARISTOTLE[437:A]: _Psychology._ Translations by Hammond and Wallace.

_Ethics._ Translation by Welldon.

SPINOZA: _Ethics_, especially Parts I and V. Translations by Elwes and Willis.

LEIBNIZ: _Monadology_, and Selections. Translation by Latta. _Discourse on Metaphysics._ Translation by Montgomery.

MARCUS AURELIUS: _Thoughts._ Translation by Long.

EPICTETUS: _Discourses._ Translation by Long.

CAIRD, EDWARD: _The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers._ (The central conceptions of Plato and Aristotle.)

JOACHIM: _A Study of the Ethics of Spinoza._


DESCARTES: _Meditations._ Translation by Veitch.

KANT: _Critique of Pure Reason._ Translation by Max Muller. _Critique of Practical Reason._ Translation by Abbott, in Kant's _Theory of Ethics_.

FICHTE[437:A]: _Science of Ethics._ Translation by Kroeger. _Popular Works: The Nature of the Scholar_; _The Vocation of Man_; _The Doctrine of Religion_. Translation by Smith.

SCHILLER: _aesthetic Letters, Essays, and Philosophical Letters._ Translation by Weiss. (Romanticism.)

HEGEL[437:A]: _Ethics._ Translation by Sterrett. _Logic._ Translation, with Introduction, by Wallace. _Philosophy of Mind._ Translation, with Introduction, by Wallace. _Philosophy of Religion._ Translation by Spiers and Sanderson. _Philosophy of Right._ Translation by Dyde.

GREEN, T. H.: _Prolegomena to Ethics._

EMERSON: _The Conduct of Life--Fate._ _Essays, First Series--The Over-Soul; Circles._ _Essays, Second Series--The Poet; Experience; Nature._ (The appreciation of life consistent with absolute idealism.)

WORDSWORTH: _Poems_, _pa.s.sim_.

COLERIDGE: _Aids to Reflection._ _The Friend._

ROYCE, J.: _Spirit of Modern Philosophy._ (Sympathetic exposition of Kant, Fichte, Romanticism, and Hegel.) _The Conception of G.o.d._ (The epistemological argument.) _The World and the Individual, First Series._ (Systematic development of absolute idealism; its moral and religious aspects.)

CAIRD, EDWARD: _The Critical Philosophy of Kant._ (Exposition and interpretation from stand-point of later idealism.)

EVERETT, C. C.: _Fichte's Science of Knowledge._

MCTAGGART, J. M. E.: _Studies in Hegelian Dialectic._ Studies in Hegelian Cosmology.


[434:A] For further contemporary writings on this topic, see foot-notes under -- 199, 200, 203.

[436:A] For histories of philosophy, see supplementary bibliography at end.

[437:A] The Metaphysics of Aristotle, Fichte, and Hegel must be found by the English reader mainly in the secondary sources.


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