A Treatise on Foreign Teas Part 3

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CASE VIII. _To the Proprietor of the_ SANATIVE TEA.

FOR a long time I was frequently afflicted with a nervous disorder in my head and stomach, was exceedingly ill and low spirited, and often confined to my bed; I had a variety of things prescribed for me by gentlemen of the faculty, but without effect, my disorder still returning; till your Sanative Tea was recommended to me: I resolved to try it, and it so much pleased me in taste and satisfaction of drinking, that I made it my constant morning and evening Tea, and continued it for some time, and quickly found my health better, my spirits good, and have now entirely got rid, by its means, of all my illness, and am in good health; therefore I am glad to send this information, in justice to the virtues of the Sanative Tea, recommending it to every one who may be afflicted with any such dreadful complaints I laboured under. I remain, Sir, your humble servant,

MARY SMYTH, Mistress of the School.

Blackfriars School, near Ludgate-Hill, Nov. 16, 1792.

CASE IX. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's_ SANATIVE TEA.

ABOUT twelve months ago, my daughter was afflicted with violent pains in her stomach, occasioned as was supposed, by drinking strong green tea for breakfast, without eating therewith--I had the a.s.sistance of several gentlemen of the faculty, but to no purpose; as her complaint grew worse almost daily; and it was the general opinion that she was in a decline. Anxious for the safety of my child, I tried many advertised medicines without success; till seeing in the County Chronicle the many cures performed by your Sanative Tea, I wrote to a Friend in London to procure me some of it; he readily acquiesced, and sent me a few packets of the Tea as a present: In a short time her complaint was much abated, and continuing the use of it a few weeks, she was restored to perfect health:--in justice to the merits of your Tea, you have my consent to make whatever use you please of this token of acknowledgement. I remain, Sir, your obliged humble servant,


Barsford, near Needham, Suffolk, March 10, 1793.

CASE X. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's_ SANATIVE TEA.

HAVING been afflicted with obstructions, attended with a continual cough and violent pains in my head and breast--I applied to many physicians and apothecaries, without finding relief, till I drank your Sanative Tea, which has entirely cured me. I think it my duty to send you this acknowledgement, in justice to you and the Public at large. I am, Sir, &c.


No. 63, St. John street, near the Green-Walk, Christ-church, Surry, March 18, 1793.

CASE XI. _To the Proprietor of the_ SANATIVE TEA.

BEING much afflicted with a slow fever, very nervous, and much subject to fits, a violent oppression at my stomach, and total loss of appet.i.te; I was continually taking physic of various descriptions, but found no relief. Having heard your Sanative Tea highly praised, I resolved to try it, and found myself in a short time much better. I have continued drinking it ever since, and at present enjoy so perfect a state of health, that I cannot sufficiently express my grat.i.tude for the benefit I have experienced. I therefore send you this, recommending it much to every person so afflicted with illness as I was, giving you full liberty to make this known as you may think proper. I am, &c.


Ormond-Place, Queen-square, Bloomsbury, March 24, 1793.

CASE XII. _To the Proprietor of the_ ENGLISH SANATIVE TEA.

HAVING had recourse to several medicines and prescriptions, for internal weakness and indigestion, without the desired effect, I was advised to make trial of your Sanative Tea, as a medicine. I accordingly furnished myself with two parcels, and found it very agreeable and pleasant; and in a short time I had the satisfaction of feeling the good effects of this pleasing and salutary medicine; and to confirm the services received from it, I am determined, for the future, to drink it instead of foreign teas, because I think it more grateful than any thing yet presented to the public as a stomatic; therefore in justice to your valuable discovery for the public good, you are welcome to communicate this information to the world at large; with the sincerest wishes for the general use of your excellent Tea. I am, Sir, &c.


No. 37, Baldwin's-gardens, Holborn, June 13, 1793

CASE XIII. _To the Proprietor of the_ SANATIVE TEA.

BEING very much afflicted with a violent head-ache for a great many years, I some time ago heard a great praise of the Sanative Tea; I tried it and thought it did me good, and by continuing the use of it, it has entirely taken away my old head-ache, and I find myself much better, and am now quite well. Indeed it has done me more good than I could expect, as the head-ache is particularly our family complaint. I likewise recommended it to my brother, James Robertson, of Bradfield, Ess.e.x, and it has had the same good effects on him. Also my sister, Mrs. s.h.i.+bley, of Battle-bridge, has experienced its salutary effects; therefore in justice to so excellent a thing, I send you this, hoping others troubled with a const.i.tutional head-ache, will make use of it. I am, Sir, your obedient servant,


No. 10, Great s.h.i.+re-lane, Temple-bar, June 26, 1793

CASE XIV. _To the Proprietor of the_ SANATIVE TEA.

ABOUT two years ago, I was attacked with a nervous disorder in my head, which violently afflicted my whole frame. I had no rest, and oftentimes, for want of sleep, at intervals, lost my senses--being much troubled with frights and startings, the disorder increased, till most of my friends expected I should soon die. I took many things without benefit, till an acquaintance recommended me to use the Sanative Tea. I began to drink it in the night, being always very thirsty; I thought in two or three nights that I was easier; I therefore continued it, and not only drank it in the night, but used it constantly, and left off drinking India tea. I gradually got better, and am now quite recovered, having got rid of head-ache, startings, &c. I therefore wish to recommend it for its excellence to all my s.e.x; and beg you will accept of this, hoping it may be useful.

I am, Sir, your humble servant,


No. 24, Cross-street, St. George's-Fields, July 10, 1793.

CASE XV. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's Tea_.

INDUCED by a friend of mine to make use of your Tea, as an excellent medicine for the loss of appet.i.te, bad digestion, and great relaxation of the whole frame, with which I had been afflicted a long time, I have found more relief from it, than from any other medicine I have yet had recourse to, and am convinced it has qualities superior to any thing of the kind; and considering it as worthy of public attention, I give you my approbation of the services it has done me. I am, your humble servant,

JOHN MIDDLETON, Pencil-maker.

No. 11, Turnagain-lane, Snow-hill, July 19, 1793.

CASE XVI. _To the Proprietor of Dr._ SOLANDER's TEA.

HEARING of the virtues of your Tea, in nervous complaints and indigestions, and being among my friends much persuaded to try it, I soon found, by drinking it for breakfast, the good effects arising from it; your Sanative Tea having operated entirely to my wish, from its pleasing as well as its medicinal qualities. I continued to use it, at least once a day, and as a means of disclosing its virtues shall continue to recommend it in the circle of my acquaintance. Your humble servant,


No. 14, Lambeth-walk, Aug. 8, 1793.

CASE XVII. _To the Proprietor of the English Sanative_ TEA.

A Servant of mine having been in a continual state of pain, from what the doctors deemed a rheumatic complaint, for the s.p.a.ce of eight months, and appearing to be of a consumptive habit of body, attended with a total depression of spirits, a perpetual cough, and extreme weakness of limbs; which threatened her dissolution. Hearing frequently of the surprising efficacy of your Sanative Tea, I bought some for her, and the happy effects it has produced, urges me strongly to speak in its great praise; therefore, I send you this, hoping her case may be of service to make the virtues of your Sanative Tea, universally known.

I am, SIR, &c.


No. 3, Clarence-place, St. George's, Southwark, Aug. 20, 1793.

CASE XVIII. _To the Proprietor of the_ SANATIVE TEA.

BEING afflicted with a nervous head-ache, and trembling of the hands, lowness of spirits, and bad appet.i.te, a friend of mine wished very much I would drink the Sanative English Tea; which upon drinking, instead of other Tea for breakfast, I found myself much better, and am now quite well; my hands being perfectly steady, which is of great advantage to me, I being a writing stationer; besides my appet.i.te is good, and I feel myself in every respect so well, that I am persuaded I do good to the community, in begging you will make this publicly known. Yours, &c.

J. CLARKE No. 16, Newcastle-court, Butcher-row, Temple-bar, Sept. 6, 1793.

CASE XIX. _To the Proprietor of Dr._ SOLANDER'S SANATIVE TEA.

FOR many years I had been violently afflicted with acute pains in my head, a nervous disorder, and lowness of spirits, and took many medicines from apothecaries, but found no benefit; till lately a friend speaking very much in praise of the Sanative Tea; it induced me to drink it, instead of other tea; and I have found it so happily relieved me, that I am induced to send you this, to recommend it for such complaints, to all nervous people. I am, &c.


No. 62, South Audley-street, Grosvenor-square, Sept. 10, 1793.

CASE XX. _To the Proprietor of the._ SANATIVE TEA.

A Treatise on Foreign Teas Part 3

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