A Treatise on Foreign Teas Part 4

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I cannot with-hold my praise of your Sanative Tea, having received so much benefit by its efficacy; for having been a long time oppressed with a severe head-ache, and low spirits, and little or no appet.i.te, I was recommended to drink your tea, which, to my great surprise, very soon restored me to health; I therefore wish this to be made public for the good of others.


No. 18, Upper ground, Blackfriars-Bridge, Sept. 18, 1793.

CASE XXI. _To the Proprietor of the Sanative Tea._

Mrs. HAYDEN being much affected with an oppression at her stomach, very low spirits, and other complaints attending a nervous disorder, for a long time past, after taking various prescriptions of her doctors, without effect, she was persuaded to try your Sanative Tea, which proved most salutary, and she is now perfectly restored to health; and takes this method to recommend it to Ladies troubled with the same complaints.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant,


Knightsbridge, Sept. 19, 1793.

CASE XXII. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's_ TEA.

I was a considerable time much afflicted with a nervous fever and depression of spirits, till hearing of the efficacy of your Sanative Tea, in similar complaints, induced me to make trial of it--by which, in a few weeks, I was restored to perfect health. I am, SIR, your humble servant,


Aldersgate-street, Nov. 27, 1793.

CASE XXIII. _To the Proprietor of the Sanative Tea._

MY mother having been afflicted, for some time past, with a nervous complaint and a bad head-ache, she took several medicines without effect; till a lady of her acquaintance, recommended to her your Sanative Tea, and advised her to drink it, instead of green or bohea tea; which advice she followed; and as it relieved her of those complaints, I send you this, in order that the good qualities of this Tea may be known to those afflicted with similar complaints. I am, SIR,

Your obedient servant,

GEORGE QUIN, Hydrometer-maker.

No. 12, London-road, Sept. 19, 1793.

CASE XXIV. _To the Proprietor of the_ SANATIVE TEA.

SOME time ago being recommended to drink your Sanative Tea for a troublesome head-ache, and a nervous disorder in my stomach, I am so pleased with its good qualities, and efficacy, in removing those complaints, that I am induced to recommend it as a restorative in such cases.

I am, &c.


No. 3, Pilgrim-street, Ludgate-hill, Oct. 1, 1793.

CASE XXV. _To the Proprietor of the_ SANATIVE TEA.

MY business obliging me for many years to be concerned in spirituous liquors, and under the unavoidable necessity of drinking too much, I have suffered greatly from the ill effects of the same; till recommended to drink your Sanative Tea, which after a little time did me so much good, that I am induced to wish that every Person would drink the Tea who have suffered the same infirmities from the too frequent use of spirituous liquors. I therefore send you this, in hopes others may be benefited as I have been. I am, SIR, &c.


Guy Earl of Warwick, Upper Ground, Blackfriars-road, Oct. 7, 1793.

CASE XXVI. _To the Proprietor of the Sanative Tea._

ABOUT six weeks ago, I was attacked with a violent sore throat, and fever, being attended by my apothecary, and taking a number of medicines which he sent me, a physician was advised to be called in, but nothing they prescribed did me any good, and the doctor gave me up as entirely lost. I was then pressed by a relation to drink a quant.i.ty of the Sanative Tea, which I immediately did, and continued thro' the night; I found, after a long sleep, that I was much better: I therefore continued it for a day or two afterwards, and I was still better and better; and in the s.p.a.ce of three weeks, I found myself restored to perfect health. I therefore recommend it strongly to all who may be attacked in the same manner, and am most a.s.suredly convinced that the Sanative Tea contains many efficacious and excellent properties, from the great benefit I have so astonis.h.i.+ngly experienced by it. I am, SIR, &c.


No. 15, Clifford's-Inn, Oct. 8, 1793.

CASE XXVII. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's_ TEA.

YOUR Sanative Tea being recommended to me for a nervous disorder and a consumptive habit of body, with which I was afflicted a considerable time, I accordingly gave it a trial, and found myself in a short time so much better, that I continued to drink it regularly, and am now in exceeding good health. In grat.i.tude to so excellent a remedy, I send you this acknowledgement, and am, SIR, your humble servant,


Clifford's-Inn, Oct. 12, 1793.

CASE XXVIII. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's_ TEA.

FOR some years past, I have been afflicted with a nervous disorder, attended with a bad head-ache, and violent spasms in the stomach. I was for a long time attended by an apothecary, and took much medicine, till taking to drink the Sanative Tea, which I had heard was sold in Cornhill, it did me much good, and so pleased me in taste, that I continued the use of it, and am now quite well. You may as you think fit, make use of this my poor praise.

I am, SIR, your humble servant,


No. 2, Fountain-court, Cateaton-street, Oct. 14, 1793.

CASE XXIX. _To the Proprietor of the Sanative English_ TEA.

I was suddenly seized with a violent fever, and attended by a physician; but grew worse. My friends, on enquiry the next day, found me very bad; and so I remained the whole of that night; in the morning a neighboring gentlewoman stepped in, made me some of your Sanative Tea; which as she afterwards informed me, I drank greedily, and asked for more, which was given me. I then fell into a pleasing sleep, and on waking found myself so refreshed and well, that I am determined to drink it constantly. In grat.i.tude for the benefit I have experienced from your Tea, you may depend upon my recommendation and custom.

I am, SIR, your most humble servant,


White Lion-street, Pentonville, Islington, Oct. 16, 1793.

CASE x.x.x. _To the Proprietor of Dr._ SOLANDER'S TEA.

BEING afflicted with a violent head-ache, a considerable time, till hearing of the Sanative Tea having cured many persons of that complaint, I was induced to make trial of it, and accordingly sent for some, which I liked so well, that I continued to drink it every morning for breakfast; and I declare, since drinking that Tea and leaving off green tea, I have been entirely freed from my former complaint--If therefore this my acknowledgement of its efficacy should induce any of my s.e.x, who are so liable to that, so general a disorder, I don't doubt of its doing them as much service as I have experienced.

I am, SIR, your humble servant,


No. 1, Basing-lane, Nov. 21, 1793.

CASE x.x.xI. _To the Proprietor of the English Tea._

A Treatise on Foreign Teas Part 4

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